
Nighingale/Gold/Alpha/ F/M: Hunting patrol, Open - I can feel something is wrong in the pack. I shove the herbs away and lift my nose. Bear. I shudder at the last bear's memory. I slowly follow the scent until I notice a new one. The worst scent I have ever smelled. Wolf blood. Tangy and sharp. I rush towards the scent with a renewed vigor. I can see the victim. My mate. My Sparrowhawk. I growl at Persephone. "What did you do?"

Sparrowhawk/M/Pack Member/Gold Pack He choked, spitting blood, and looked up, right into his mate's face. She was snarling something, and her ears were flat against her head, but his ears were ringing and he couldn't hear. "What-what happened?" He asked, his voice weak. He wondered where the bear had gone. He remembered everything clearly, now, but if the bear was still near... he attempted to get up, but his knees buckled and he fell back down, whining. His ears were clearing, slowly.

Persephone | Female | Sent away | Gold Pack |M: Sparrow, Luna, Sandstorm, Night I was outraged. I growled as blood dripped down my face. My eye stung. Had it gone blind? I stepped a little closer to her. "WHAT DID I DO? DO YOU EVEN STOP TO THINK BEFORE ACUSING SOMEONE? I'M THE REASOM HE ISN'T DEAD. The bear would've killed him if i hadn't stepped in." I turn to Luna and Sandy. "Take him to the healers. We're done here." I glare at nighttingale and stalk over to the river, leaving a trail of blood behind me. Why did she think i would hurt my friend? She's out of her mind, that nighttingale.

Nighingale/Gold/Alpha/ F/M: Hunting patrol, Open - I twitch. "Alright, maybe I am a little over protective. I saw Sparrow covered in blood. All reason fled. Sorry I acted out." I helped Sparrow stad and supported him with my shoulder. "Let's get you back, before I become an unpopular leader." I say. I watch Persephone storm away, her face bloody. I wimper at my foolishness. I put my mate in front of my pack. What kind of leader am I? A corrupt one? No, just one who needs a splash of water in her face and a reset button.

Sparrowhawk/M/Pack Member/Gold Pack He heard Persephone's angry answer clearly, and half agreed with her. But then she snarled at his mate. That wasn't okay; Night was his love, and the alpha! And he probably would've done the same thing if he was in Night's situation! His ears flattened, and he gave a deep snarl at her retreating back. "Ow. Are you okay, Night?" He turned his head to examine his injuries, and swallowed hard. Three long gashes going up his flank, and from the pain he estimated a third going over his right eye. Thankfully not too bad though.

Persephone | Female | Sent away | Gold Pack |M: Open I wash the blood off of my face. It stings. Stupid fur brained bear. I curse as my eye starts throbbing. Ya HAD to go and slash my face didn't ya? I wash sparrowhawk's blood stains out of my fur, and cleaned my claws. At least that thing got what it deserved. HA! She's going to have to live half blind like me. Feather brained nitwit. Shee messed with the wrong pack. I shake the water out of my ears, and drink a little more water. I laughed at the thought of nighttingale. She thinks me THAT pathetic? If I wanted him dead, I wouldn't bring him back to camp. I sharpen my claws on a rock and look at my refecting in the river. The bear had left a deep wound over the left side of my face. The pain has subsided, but the gash looked worse than it felt. Meh, I'll be fine. I glance back at camp to see if sparrow was okay. He seemed to be on his feet. Good. This day can't possibly get any worse. I growl to myself and stalk away to the healers den. Maybe they won't notice if I borrow some stuff to put on my face? I should get there before sparrow and this good for nothing mate arrive. I think, and peek inside to see if anyone was there.

Wander | F | Sent Away | Silver Pack | M: Oriole, Myria - Wander nodded Myria.Yes, I've seen him. He was up just before I was. He and Skylark went hunting a while ago. They'd still be out in the forest." She sat down and smoothed down her shoulder fur.

Luna hurried to the hurt pack members and froze I horror. "What happened?" She whispered. Luna went to grab prey for the hurt pack members.

Nighingale/Gold/Alpha/ F/M: Hunting patrol, Open - I sigh. "Doofus. I wasn't anywhere near the bear. Let's get some cobwebs on that." I help him limp into the and to the herb stach. "But l am a little worried. I should tell the pack about the herb." I say after making sure no one is within ear shot. "It might take a away a large piece of there trust in me."

Sparrowhawk/M/Pack Member/Gold Pack "I was talking about emotionally. I know that look, you're feeling guilty for yelling at Persephone. And what herb?" He said, leaning on a wall and trying not to drip blood on the ground. He angled his handsome snout toward her, adding, "And don't even think about lying, love." He was a bit worried though. Something that would break the pack's trust? That wasn't like her. What was she thinking about?