
Nighingale/Alpha/ F/M: Wander, Sparrowhawk, Kira Open - I Salk closer. A young female falls behind almost immediately. I motion to Sparrow to go a head and I follow as close as I can. I smile. Hunting has always been my favorite. Now I am running through the field next to one of the best hunters. Edited at May 22, 2024 09:55 AM by Bobcat

Wander | Deputy | F | M: Nightingale, Sparrowhawk, Kira, Open - Wander bolted out of the brush a few seconds after Nightingale and Sparrowhawk. She ran towards the larger deer and nipped its shoulder. It ran off a bit, and she chased it farther, leading it into the thick forest.

Sparrowhawk/Male/Hunter He caught her signal, and his muscles flexed as he sprang for the deer, quickly sidestepping the bigger one as it kicked at his muzzle. He rolled instinctively, dodging out of Wander's way and locking his strong jaws tightly around the deer's leg, his silver eyes shining fiercely. He snarled, flicking his ears back to indicate that he was leaving the kill-bite to Night. He dodged a hoof aimed for his face, and gave a claw-strike in retaliation.

Kira|female|pup|mentor: nightingale|mention(s): nightingale, sparrowhawk,wander Kira did exactly what she was told hoping she did it right she would be worried she did it at wrong timing and did it all wrong so she'd seem worried but kept doing what she was told until the herd went to the others

Nighingale/Alpha/ F/M: Wander, Sparrowhawk, Kira, Open - I rush on the deer and tear at her side. I leap at my jaws close around the deer's neck. Blood fills my mouth and stings my eyes. Brusies apper on my hanchers and I hold on thight. The doe slowly sinks down and I can feel her life draining. I relise her neck and whisper a small thanks.

Kira|female|pup|mentor: nightingale|mention(s): nightingale, sparrowhawk,wander Kira would sit a bit far from the herd just letting the others do the rest as she didn't know what she had to do now she'd see an ladybug and watched it as she sat down she'd be interested in the ladybug

Wander | Deputy | F | M: Nightingale, Sparrowhawk, Kira, Open - Wander trotted out of the forest, glad to see that the hunt was succesful. She called Kira over. "Kira! They got the doe. Good job." She padded next to the small wolf as she neared Nightingale and Sparrowhawk. "Nice job, guys."

Kira|female|pup|mentor: nightingale|mention(s): nightingale, sparrowhawk,wander Kira stayed sat at the same spot waiting for when it was time to go back she'd look at the others and just watched them waiting for when they told her it was time to leave and go back as she was still sat down Edited at May 23, 2024 03:38 PM by Akitatheaki

Nighingale/Alpha/ F/M: Wander, Sparrowhawk, Kira, Open - I trot up to Kira. "Hey! Good job." I yip as I sit next to her. I watch the lady bug creep up a blade of grass. I lay down and watch my pack fuss over the deer.

Kira|female|pup|mentor: nightingale|mention(s): nightingale, sparrowhawk,wander Kira looked up at nightingale and said "Thank you" she'd look tired as she looked back at the ladybug pawing it the ladybug would jump on Kira's paw and Kira would jump hiding from the ladybug as she got scared she'd hide the other side of nightingale