
Weather Cold Month August Time of Day Dawn

Sky | F | Omega | M: Ebony
" Sorry Ebony- " Sky gety distracked by a frog " ooo Look a frog " Sky jumped around she has not seen a frog sence the creek acident happen when Someone fell in injureing their leg Sky was just happy to see something else then a cat or a dog here " Ebony look A frog! " Sky looked so happy and her tail wagged vigorously to match it

Ebony | F | Other pack dog | M: Sky Ebony opened an eye and saw the frog. "Cool," she said, without much expression. "How did you even find that here?" There wasn't a pond or stream nearby, was there?
She shivered against the cold. Her short fur didn't do much against it.

Valentina | F | Lone Dog | M: Open Valentina flickered her eyes open to the sight of the first light in the sky. She slowly stood up her muscles were a bit stiff so she stretched her hind legs out and stood out of her little den. Her territory was quite quiet this morning, a bit to quiet. She walked over to a small little puddle that had formed, from last nights rain, she lapped up the dirty muddy water but she was used to it. She had a very dangerous idea, but she was curious so she walked over to the wall/fence that seperated her from the supposed new pack. She sniffed the ground next to it, yes there were some strange smells, also of a cat! She growled a bit but only if you were next to the wall/fence then you could hear her. She marked her territory after a few steps then again, she saw her tail out of the corner of her eye and pounced on it but yelped in pain, those dogs next door definetly heard that. "Stupid tail!" she shouted, she was mad now, she tried to walk of the anger and no one better talk to her because she was in a fighting mood now.

Scrap | F | Stray Cat | M: Valentina Scrap had mostly finished the rat last night, leaving a skeleton with ears, a tail, and a few other pieces of meat attached. Maybe she could leave her cardboard boxes and catch a pigeon? No, she didn't want to he greedy when she didn't know how the dog pack would affect the prey supply.
She stretched, her old bones creaking. She left the box. Bad weather again. She decided to go to the edges of her territory to renew the scent markers. She walked past the garbage can, pleased that scurrying sounds still echoed from it. She'd have a good supply of food for a while, at least.
She renewed the first scent marker. As she moved on to the second, she smelled a dog, closer than most of them. She was too far to see her, though. She decided to keep her distance. The last thing she needed was a dog encounter.

Solace | F | Alpha Female | M: Sky, Ebony - Solace nodded with understanding in her eyes as she heard the reasoning for Ebony still being awake. She decided to give a quick word to Sky about it as she may have disturbed others within the pack. "Sky, can you please make sure not to bark unless the majority of the pack is up and awake? It's just that not having enough sleep can effect productivity." Solace explained with patience within her tone of voice. "At least wait until the sun is quite high in the sky." She added in as she spoke.

Sky | F | Omega | Solace
" Oh sorry ma'am-...But look a Frog! " if their was and frog here then must be a pond,river or lake near A sorce of water and most likely more food! Sky look so happy to see the frog for who know what reason " Solace Can we keep it? " Sky tail waged

Kai | M | Pack other | M: Valentina,Solace,Sunchaser
Kai was near the fence And heard Valentina not knowin it was her the growl he ran to the sound growling back trying to defend his packs safety then he stoped as soon was he knew it was her " OH Sorry I thought- Never mind what are you doing here its not safe for you could of alerted the Alphas- " Kai didn't want Valentina to be in trouble " You need to go before they see you- " Edited at May 16, 2024 12:13 PM by The Shadows of Dawn

Ebony | F | Other pack dog | M: Sky "Keep... a frog?" Ebony raided a brow. "Don't dogs eat those?" Well, she probably wouldn't. It looked slimy.

Valentina | F | Lone Dog | M: Kai, Every pack dog. Valentina turned back at the sound of a dog, Kai."I don't give one, this is my territory and they'd be stupid to cross me, I've been here for ages." Valentina said with a hint of anger in her voice, she was not in the mood for that kind of socialization. She knew it was Kai, the bread dog, but she had just met him he wasn't in her safe book yet. She turned back around and decided to do her dangerous and stupid idea, meet the Alphas. She walked on the edge of the fence and she could feel Kais glare on her, she walked round a building disappearing from his view then about 5minutes later reapeared at the entrance, she didn't want to give the hole in the fence away. She noticed the weaker wolves at the entrance, most likely the omegas and casually walked in feeling the eyes of other dogs on her. She announced her presence by a loud, deep bark the lower ranks might be scared of her and back away but the higher ranks might be prepared to fight. She said and half shouted to he dogs closest, "Where's your Alphas?!" While she was waiting she had a quick sniff at the weakest members, she didn't want to fight just ask them what they were doing here and what their intentions were."