
Emrys ears twitched. He heard dagger talking to someone and dagger seemed to be in a bad mood. *best not to mess with him and try to intervene right now* he thought. Then he heard what sounded like someone pushing others. He turned his head to see whisp squeezing through the last of the group before sitting front and center and watching the alpha rock. He let out a little chuckle. *The kid has spirit ill give her that* he thought as he turned his attention back to the alpha rock himself.

(I made my competing male, here he is!) Drift padded back into camp, his daughter, Angel, on his tail. He smiled down at her, proud. She had made an excellent hunting trip this time with him there to help her. With his assistance, she had caught a rabbit and a crow, practically by herself. He turned to look around the camp as they entered, and blinked in surprise as he saw a crowd of wolves waiting at the base of the Alpha Rock. He noticed the other competing males gathered in a group close to the base of the rock, glancing around, and realized with a jolt that they were waiting for him. "Shoot!" He yelped, lunging forward. He skidded to a stop, turning to look at his pup. "I'll see you soon, go find Wisp!" He called back to her. My little Angel, He thought to himself as he watched her pad off to find the silver she-wolf, her small paws tapping on the floor. Turning back to the urgent task at hand, he ran over to the other males, his fur cool in the warm afternoon. He quickly stopped to avoid crashing into the other wolves and dipped his head respectfully before turning to stare up at the Alpha Rock in preperation. He was here now, the competition could start. Wisp watched Drift come running up, late as always. She shook her head with a laugh. He was always late. Feeling a warm bundle by her paws, Wisp glanced down and saw Angel, Drift's pup, sitting at her paws, trying to see what was happening. Wisp fondly touched her nose to the pups head. "Hey Angel." She said, gazing at the excited ginger and grey pup. Angel squeaked in response, ready for the competition to begin. Wisp chuckled before returning her attention to the five males by the rock, waiting for the Alpha to come and start the competition. (Are we ready to start? Sorry it took so long for me to finish with Drift, I've been sick. I'm ready whenever everyone else is!)

|Nītrīe| ... "I never requested a life story," Nītrīe replied in a bored voice as Dagger walked into the infinite crowd that surrounded the new alpha. She tried to keep her focus on Dagger, but her eyes instinctively drifted onto Willow. Nītrīe wasn't going to be the one who let her alpha die... again. Edited at March 21, 2023 10:59 PM by Not Debbie

Willow smiled as everyone gathered "now that everyone is here Holly will began to give the rules" willow said allowing Holly to take over. Holly smiled as she stood next to willow "I'm sure most of you know how this works by now, with all of the chatter but thare are rules the most important ones being, no sabotaging other competitors, and no killing each other, the first challenge will be tommarow. Most challenge will last a day, thare are 5 challenges to be had over the next 5 days" Holly explained

Emrys nodded to himself. He began taking mental notes. *a nice clean fight. I doubt viper will like that.* he thought stealing a glance at viper before his attention snapped back to willow and Holly. *I'll make sure to play fair. If I win it won't be by cheating*

Willow smiled as emrys spoke, "on the 5th day I will have chosen the top males 2 and they will complete just the two of them for the winer on the 5th day" willow said

|Dagger| ( ) Means he is thinking " " Talking (Calm down dagger. i gotta focus, its starting.) Dagger thought. (Even if there is something behind me, i will protect this clan, my first clan.) *Sigh* dagger moved to a less crowded place. (there were other males competing and they might have weopons attached to them. couldn't let them shove others and have the weopons accedentaly hurt others. Oh god why am i thinking so fast? ... I don't feel so good...) Dagger's head was pounding and throbbing, he felt like he was gonna pass out. "Ow.." Dagger blurted. (CRAP, everyone could hear that! Why am i so stupid?) he started feeling like he couldn't breathe and started to panic. He couldn't think! he made a quick desicion and decided to run out of there as fast as he could. He zoomed pass Nītrīe and Emrys without saying anything.

Vaper was excited. He saw Emrys looking at him he put his head down and gave a growl, warning Emrys that he should not be messed with. He turned his back to Willow where she stood majestically. She was beautiful.

|Dagger| (Why am i feeling this?!) Dagger kept thinking as he ran far into the forest. Right in the middle of his run, he slammed to the ground. This feeling was so painful, more painful then taking your own heart out of your body. His back was swelling up, pretty big. "I need to be over there! not here... but if im over there i would be the center of attention... i can't let the pups see this..." Dagger said to himself. "I hope help is on the way..." Dagger said again as pitch black wings started to bloom. He layed on the floor, waiting for someone to help.

Emrys listened to willow. His attention turned to dagger who looked like he was fighting someone before he let out a loud ow. Emrys watched the male take off. He started after the male when a growl from vaper stopped him in his tracks. He looked at vaper before shaking it off and taking after dagger. He found the make on the ground with black wings protruding out his back.