
he smiled "its fine im just soorting 0u t the libery to prepare it" he said smiling as he puts the boook into the shefts as he didnt know what to do

Jasper smiled. "Can I help? I'll do anything you'd like." He came and walked back over to Yuki, scanning the bookshelf. There were a lot of old novels in this section that Jasper had read. He picked up one he recognized and flipped through it. "Ah, I've read this before. Have you?" He turned it in his hands and put it back on the shelf where it belonged.

he nods "ive read almost everything here." he said as he pets his head "i do need help on finding the were-wolf books." he said as quiet a bit

"Hm. Well, the best way to search for werewolf books is to look for other supernatural creatures. Once you're there-" he scanned the bookshelves, grabbing and dragging Yuki until he found what he wanted, "You can examine all the induvidual books for the one you need." He reached forward and pulled out a book titled The Guide of Mystical Creatures. "Voila. Creatures book." Edited at April 14, 2022 06:25 PM by Blankspace

he nods "i see..im moving all 200 of them to the front of the store only fact books to see if i any were-wolfs willl come in to see and check them out" he said in a happy tone "i could find a mate that way!" he said in a happy vvoice as his tail shows out and starts to wag

he nods "i see..im moving all 200 of them to the front of the store only fact books to see if i any were-wolfs willl come in to see and check them out" he said in a happy tone "i could find a mate that way!" he said in a happy vvoice as his tail shows out and starts to wag

Jasper had a quick thought flash through his head. "Well- if you move them to the.. front of the library, hunters and werewolf haters might- uh. Burn them? Plus, wouldn't it be a bit suspicious? A librarian that's usually gone on full moon putting werewolf books in an easily visible place."

he thinks "maybe hunters will think its just learning to protect themselves from were-wolves," he said as he looked at him as he thinks of ways his ears went down at the thought about he couldnt get a mate straight away

Jasper felt bad, seeing Yuki's dejected face. "Hey, don't worry about it, though. There's always a chance." Jasper cracked a small smile. "You aren't totally alone, though. I'm here." Jasper flicked Yuki's ear. "Just give it some time, I'm sure you'll find someone."

yuki ears flick around "right!" he said happily his tail moves shake fast as he giggles, finding a mate was his main protetory "if we start a pack together-" he said in a type voice then " hypotheory! who would be the alpha?" he asked