
Sparrowhawk/M/Pack Member/Gold Pack/M: Night, Open He shoved past Persephone, hating when someone else tried to lead the patrol that he was leading, but muttered a quick, "Sorry." He wished that he'd followed his instincts and just tackled Skylark. How dare the mutt ignore him?! He may not be the highest rank in the pack, but he was definitely high enough to be respected. He had fought his way to beta more than once, but stepped down for Night, his mate. They had started hating each other, fighting for alpha and beta for moons, before he realized that he loved her. Now, they were mates, and maybe even soon they would have pups. Oriole/M/Sent Away/Silver Pack/M: Wander, Skylark, Open He picked up the mouse, and sassily followed his alpha, trotting daintily along. He spotted a loose rock, and kicked it at Skylark, before pretending that he hadn't done anything. He was a very sneaky wolf, so Skylark wouldn't catch him. He asked, "Where are we hunting? And are we fishing, or are you scared of water like you are of butterflies?" Skylark wasn't actually scared of butterflies, but when Oriole threw one at him while he was sleeping he had squealed like a pup, and Oriole loved teasing him about it.

Persephone | Female | Sent away | Gold Pack |M: Sparrow, Luna, Sandstorm "sheesh. unnecessary much" I muttered. sparrow had always been proud and arrogant. whatever. I sniffed the air. my ears twitched, the only sounds i could hear were the loud paw steps of my hunting party, and Skylark walking away. how are we supposed to HUNT if the hunting party is being so LOUD? do they know nothing about STEALTH? I slow my pace so that I am walking behind the others. If I'm at the back of the party, I can sneak away easily. I reason with myslef. This is so boring! I want to kill something already. I sniff the air again. Deer? the scent was faint, but it was deffinetly there. I notice sparrow's head turns in the same dirrection. he knows it too. I'll get it before him. I sneak into the shadows and run silently towards the smell. It got stronger and stronger the faster I ran. I slowed down and peeked over a bush. There she was! I grinned, and cricled her, waiting for an opening to strike. Then... I pounce! I rib her throat with my claws and kill her instantly. She tried to throw me off, but dropped dead under my paws. Victory for Persephone! I drag her by the legs towards the river, where I had last seen the others.

Sparrowhawk/M/Pack Member/Gold Pack/M: Night, Open He heard her, but ignored her. She was always slightly annoying. He smelled a faint trace of deer, and heard a rustle. Persephone. She must be trying to get the deer. He had also scented something, though, very faint, but very good. Cow. The big black and white spotted things that the humans had on the farms far away, which sometimes escaped the moving trucks and were released into wolf territory, where they could be hunted and eaten. He followed the scent, his long nose to the ground.

Luna had gone off away from the group and had just now returned. "I found some elk." She whispered. "This way."

Nighingale/Gold/Alpha/ F/M: Hunting patrol, Open - I yawn and stare at the sky. My paw flits to a leaf on the verge of flight. I wonder what the patrol will bring back. Deer? Elk? Mole? I lay down and rest my head on my paws. I need to speak to Skylark. If this patrol returns with not much prey, we might have to solidify the plan. The lie. I do not want to send my packmates away, but if I must, I will. Edited at May 18, 2024 05:20 PM by Bobcat

Wander | F | Sent Away | Silver Pack | M: Oriole, Skylark - Wander stayed behind as her mate left. He had seem anxious. Like there was something he was keeping from her. She shook her pelt and walked outside. Though it was warmer, the breeze made the air cold.

Mirai/F/Sent Away/Silver Pack/M: Wander, Kayla Mirai comes out of her den being a little sleepy. Next to her is her adoptive mother, Kayla, who, on the other hand, looked invigorated and ready to start her day. They both walk through the Silver pack's camp, looking for something to do, well... just the oldest of them. Mirai has a very peculiar gait, since her right front leg is in a somewhat uncomfortable position due to a deformity in her elbow, but she is used to it. Both she and Kayla wonder where Oriole is, since they usually see him bothering other wolves in the pack at those early hours. The young she-wolf sees Wander in the distance coming out of a den and goes towards her. "Hello Wander! How are you? Have you seen Oriole?" Edited at May 18, 2024 06:00 PM by Northwest Wind Pack

Luna came back from the successful hunt and was currently helping drag the elk.

Sparrowhawk/M/Pack Member/Gold Pack He decided that, for today, they couldn't catch the cow. A deer and an elk were amazing catches though! They could eat for weeks with this! He grinned as he helped drag the prey along, so happy and with his nose so full of the smell of prey that he didn't even notice when a dark shape appeared before them, looming out of the bushes. It was a bear! He shouted a warning, snarling at the bear, and threw himself in front of Persephone as the bear swiped at them. He felt his breath disappear as the bear's long claws hooked his side and threw him into a tree, making him cough and writhe with pain. Through a haze, he watched the fight continue without him, his eyes widening with horror as the bear stomped all over their prey, making quite sure that they would never be able to eat more than a few crumbs. Then, he blacked out, with the horrible knowledge that their prey was gone.

Persephone | Female | Sent away | Gold Pack |M: Sparrow, Luna, Sandstorm (hunting party) I yelp with surprise and jump away quickly, before the bear slashes at me. I push sandstorm and luna away from the bear and closer to sparrow. I mind filled with worry about him. "Go check if he's alright!" I yell, I see them hesitate "NOW" I run towards the bear, it slashes and growls, but i manage to dodge it. "HEY FUR BRAIN!" I growl and run as far from camp as I can. The bear growls and runs after me. Guess I didn't think that far ahead. I'll work on that. I note to myself. I spot and opening inbetween two trees. The bear couldn't possibly fit through that! Aha! I skip to a stop and run towards the trees. The bear growls and follows me. I run faster, but the bear is as fast as me. AAARGH THIS WAS A BAD IDEA! I jump aside as the bear tries to bite. I manage to jump between the trees, and the bear runs into it, full speed. I turn to see if I suceeded. The bear was now stuck. "Take that for hurting MY friends!" I taunt it by being just out of reach. The bear reached out and slashes at me. I yelp and duck, but its sharp claws manage to catch on my face, and I see blood drip on the floor. "FINE. I've had my fun! Tata~" I jump on it's head and scratch it's eye. "See! Now we're matching!" I laugh and run back to the others. A sharp and intense pain radiated through my skull, but i ignored it. I run over to sparrow. He was unconsious. "help me carry him back to camp! Forget about the prey, we'll catch something back! BE USEFUL FOR ONCE" I snap at them, and yank sparrow's paws.