
Uthyr Bachelor Stallion | No Herd | 4 Years | Mentions: None To say it had been a while since the bay had had contact with anyone would be a severe understatement. Since he'd been kicked out of his fathers herd at the ripe age of two years old, Uthyr had been following a similar line to the herd, used to the routine of it from his earlier years, and hoping for a moment of weakness where he could weed his way back into his natal group. While he'd not exactly hoped to take the herd from his father, even Uthyr knew he would never stand a chance, he'd hoped to become some kind of Lieutenant to his sire. Perhaps, if he'd gathered his own herd, he could even offer to merge them together, and offer himself as a lieutenant. Of course, there was the off chance that his father would simply take his mares and throw him out, and so, he'd found this strategy to be the one most likely for success. Now, one might ask why on Earth Uthyr even wanted to get back into his birth herd rather than finding mares of his own. After all, some of the mares were likely ones who had watched him grow up, and may be completely uninterested in aiding his instinctual quest to further his genetics. However, residing in the herd of his father would give him a form of protection that he didn't have by himself, and there would be some mares interested in passing on his genes, surely. Overall, the stallion had decided that finding a way to wriggle his way back into his fathers herd was his safest bet. He knew the herd had been in the valley for a good few months, and despite the fact that he had only been within it for a few days due to setbacks from a freak rockslide and how far he liked to trail behind the herd, the bay could feel something was off. There was a sense of unease in the air, and a distinct lack of the overbaring, defensive energy his father seemed to exude. While he knew keeping a distance from the herd was wise, he'd been circling the valley, or attempting to, in an attempt to get at least a glimpse of them, to see if his suspicions were correct, to see if the herd was missing the large, practically gigantic, figure of the dark bay.

Astronomy • 5 • Lone Mare • M: Luar (dir), Haloma (ind), Ouranos (ind) ~ The mare's eyes kept looking around them as the two horses continued walking along. She listened to the few birds chirping to each other, their calls were like small beautiful songs playing out in the valley. The trees danced as a slight breeze took them along. The breeze was quite pleasant at this time of day, it was hot and the cool air that brushed the two horse bodies was almost like a relief. ~ Luar had started picking up pace and Astronomy heard him call out to her, speaking of water. She stopped to be quiet and listen...there was the sound of fresh, rushing water. Maybe a stream of some sort? A river bed? The mare followed close behind the bachelor stallion as he went into a faster trotting gait. As they got closer to the sound Astronomy slowed into a walk, there was another scent in the air...another horse or horses were in this area. And they were going or they already were at the stream she and Luar were going to. ~ Astronomy called out to her mate, "Luar, we need to be cautious. We know nothing about the horses ahead, and if they are aggressive. We could take on a single horse but if there are more then we need to watch out,". The mare rose in her speed again, catching up so she was next to the brown and white stallion. The two needed the water at that stream desperately, they hadn't had a break in a while and they could fight for it if needed.

Oren || 1 Month || Colt || Plains Herd Foal || M: Kokoro, Tipper, Cicely (Ind) To say the young colt was nervous would be an understatement. Shaking in fear would be a lot more accurate. He despised interacting with those he considered strangers. Even if they were in the same herd. Even if he had grown up around them. To him, they were all dangerous – the yearlings most of all. All of them, not just the yearlings, were bigger, stronger, and, well, much more dangerous than him. If he wasn’t careful, they could easily flatten his petite form without so much a second thought. (Not that they would so deliberately, but if this morning wasn’t already a testament to his fear he doesn’t know what is). So, it was of no surprise that the palomino foal stumbled backwards as quickly as he could – ears remaining pinned as he did so – at the prospect of being touched by another. Specifically a yearling who he wanted nothing to do with. His mind screamed “stranger danger” to his limbs, willing them to continue their backwards momentum… but he also wanted nothing to do with that screaming whinny he had heard earlier. That left him with a difficult choice, in his mind anyway. Stay here with the yearling and foal that he was completely somewhat safe with, or brave the noise and run to a more trustworthy mare. However, the words that followed Kokoro’s motion gave him pause. Fight off the stallion? What stallion? Was that what had paused the noise? Is my dad finawwy home? Will I get to meet him?! Turning back to look where he once was – ears popping up in interest – he spies a familiar dark mare trotting away through the various bodies that had stopped to listen and watch. Yet, there was no one else. At least, no other horse that he could spy from his current position. Let alone a “new” stallion. But, surely – given the unfamiliar noise – there had to have been someone, right? However, taking into consideration both Cicely’s and Kokoro’s responses… he’s not sure he’d want to meet whoever that was. With a huff, the foal settles on staying near the two behind him – doing his best to ignore his overwhelming anxiety and shaking legs. He slowly walks his way over to the dark foal beside her, trusting him a smidge more than the much larger yearling. Extending a soft and quiet nicker of a greeting, he looks to the foal for a response. He had no clue what’d it be, but just hoped that it’d be something on the more… positive side of things.
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Haloma Lone Mare | No Herd | Mentions: Ouranos, Luar & Astronomy [Ind.]
The tired mare offered a grateful but weak smile as the darker stallion side stepped out of her way so she could continue on. This act alone made her relax a fraction just because he easily could have remained in her way, but he hadn't.
"No worries. My name is Haloma, yours?" She offered, shuffling forward as she moved. Haloma began to stiffly pass the stallion, though she was still from the contracting pain in her sides and not to much from his presence now. Her ears flicked at his question and she gently shook her head. "No, I'm not apart of that herd, I've been on my own for the better part of my pregnancy," she answered honestly pausing to nip at her sides.
Sweat glistened on her coat, her entire body twtiching as a painful contraction rolled through her body. She opened her mouth to say she would be fine and he could carry on his way, however, a near by nicker had her falling silently once more. Another horse? Her ears pinned against her head and she half groaned in pain and half sighed in frustration. Figures, why wouldn't I just have an uneventful birth? The words were thought to herself.
Her eyes shifted back to the dark stallion in front of her and she shifted her weight. "I don't.. I know I have no right to ask you. But will you stay? Stand guard? I fear I wont have the strength or energy to protect myself or my foals after this. I would be forever grateful," the mare winced as her entire body shuddered.
No longer having the time to wait for the stallion, she began to walk again. "If not, I understand," she called to him as she entered the grove where she could lay down in the grass, albeit far from comfortable.
________________ ~~~~~~~~~~_________________
After who knows how much time and a considerably amount of pain, the blue painted mare was laying in the grass of the grove she chose, completely exhausted from the birth of her foals. But they were here. They were alive, and seemingly healthy although they were a bit small.
Haloma's breaths came in heavily, her eyelids drooping with fatigue. However, she knew she couldn't sleep now. No, there were things she needed to do, foals, now, that needed to be cared for. So, she pulled her front legs up, and then tried to push to her feet with her hinds legs. Unfortunately, despite how she strained, her legs trembled and collapsed beneath her. She grunted and rolled half to her side so there was no risk of her coming down on the newly born foals.
Frustration appeared on her features, before it was replaced by determination and she pulled her front legs up again. Instead of trying to stand though, the mare dragged herself around, scooting basically so she was laid broadside towards her foals, but still able to reach them. Hopefully if she rested now, once they were able to stand she could too and she could nurse them for the first time. She knew the first time they'd nurse would be important for their immune health, so she was determined to be on her feet by then.
"Hello, my beautiful babies," she murmured softly, completely oblivious to the world around her as she began to clean and nudge her newly born foals.

Cicely Lead Mare | Plains Herd | Mentions: Vandal, The Herd [Ind.]
The mare was keeping her guard up as she searched around, not only looking for any sign of the stallion who had made himslef known to the herd, but also one other. Her ears flicked when a soft nicker, one barely audible to her but was for only her, directed her attention to a handsome, buckskin stallion as he approached her. Perking her ears up she blew out softly from her nose in greeting and reached out to gently nudge his nose, though careful not to touch to much so his scent wouldn't transfer.
"Good Morning," she crooned back, her rich vocals tones dulcet and smooth, "I slept as well as I could have with everything. Yourself?" She asked, concern easily seen in not only her eyes but her features in general. "I won't have long, they'll be expecting me to return soon," she said, a soft sigh expressed with her words.
"The wolves last night are a sign that soon, if Chex doesn't return, we will have to accept a new stallion," she frowned, knowing that it was rather of unfair of her to want her cake and eat it too. She was selfishly holding out for Chex to return to the herd, to his children, while simulataneously refusing to allow any other stallion near the herd all whilst she was secretly out gallavanting with another. If the herd knew, there could be riots.
"I fear stallions will become more bold soon, and eventually I won't be enough to deter them anymore," a partially defeatedness plagued her features and she took a step forward and leaned her head into his neck and chest, taking comfort in his solidity. Scent be damned, she would just make a feat of chasing him passed the herd so they had no reason to question.
The mare let herself lean into him, her strength momentarily leaving her so she sagged slightly forward and into him. For once she let her duties as Lead Mare, the worries and stress draining from her so she could, for just a fleeting moment, be just a mare.
"Why don't you meet me by the Southern Stream later? I'll tell Ursa I need to go on a walk to clear my head and decompress. She wont ask questions, and I know the herd likely wont question it. If they do, I'll have reasonable answers," she offered, lifting her head to glance at his face. She knew this moment would be over sooner than later, but all she wanted was to hold onto it for now.

Cale | Newborn | No herd | M: Haloma (d) Amity (d) At first it was all dark, and then, suddenly, there was light, nearly too bright to the newborn foal, and he blinked, pushing his sister's legs out of his way. The grass was soft against his short pelt, and he let out a soft nicker, trying to understand his surroundings, but everything was just too much at the moment. He closed his eyes, relaxing for a moment. A while later, he was ready to explore his new world, ready to be tough and do what needed to be done. And right now? That was find something to eat. Intuition told him to find his mama, and he turned to the mare, struggling to his spindly legs, and nosing at her. "Mama," he said softly. "I'm hungry." He realized his sister was going to need to eat too, and he quickly rousted her, forcing her to her feet, and he took a wobbly step, looking around the little glade they were in. Edited at May 14, 2023 07:40 AM by The Tea Drinkers

Vandal Stallion || 8 Yrs 2Mths || Bachelor || Mentions: Cely, Uthyr [ ind. ] ════════════╣ ⚜ ╠════════════ " I slept all well, considering. Had a lil yearling colt, certainly a fresh one, tried to sneak up on me, " Vandal snorted, "Left him with a bruise or two, but he'll be alright." Tilting his head slightly, he sighed gently as she spoke, " I understand." Vandal always thought that he would be a good Lead Stallion. He knew how things worked, he could always tell when a Storm was approaching or could always smell out the predators. He wouldn't be the greatest Leads of all time, but he'd sure try his best- and.. he'd always be able to spend time with Cely, rather than hiding on the sidelines. He cherished every meet they had, cherishing it like it would be their last. Ah, Chex. Vandal was quite curious as to where Chex was- if he were still alive, even. He thought about it, and it had been quite a while without Chex here, perhaps he didn't make it. A lone stallion is strong, and can hold his own, but they aren't invicible. But if he were still alive and kicking, he didn't have a doubt in his mind that Chex was doing everything he could to get back to his herd. With the herd that he had, with Cely by his side- what kind of Lead would he be if he weren't? There was slight guilt, a minor sliver of guilt residing within Vandal, it almost felt wrong to sneak around with the herd with their Lead Stallion gone and missing- but that feeling was overrun by his feelings toward Cely, he'd do almost about just anything for that mare. "I've kept a couple youngsters out of the way. I've certainly taken on worse," he couldn't help but glance to the horrendous scar that tore into his coat. "I'll do my very best to keep them all at bay, as I do intend to take Chex's place if he.. does not come back," he looked away for a moment. "But, regardless- believe me when I say that I will be there." He looked at her sincerely, "I know what Bachelors think and do. And I refuse to let any of them get to you," his eyes glanced over to the herd, "or your family." As Cely leaned into him, his posture relaxed and he placed his head gently over her neck. He couldn't even imagine what she was feeling, any other horse that would even dare to claim to know what she is experiencing or feeling would most certainly be an idiot. Vandal truly wished he could take her pain away, even for the slighest of moment to give her even the tiniest bit of relief. "It's alright to feel worn out Cel," he whispered, doing his best to comfort the mare. Feeling the mare pull back, he lifted his head up and off of her neck, taking a step back. As she offered meeting somewhere later, he replied almost instantly, "Say no more," he smiled. "Don't let me keep you- as much as I would love too," Vandal chuckled. "Stay safe, and if you ever need a moment to simply get away, I'll be there," he reassured. A comforting breeze blew by, whirling his mane and tail about. It was calm and nice, but it was carrying the scent of another equine, a Stallion. It was rather faint and it was barely noticeable but the fact that Vandal still noticed it meant that a Stallion was somewhere in the area. Whether it was close or not, he was not rather fond of it's reeking stench. As it caught his attention almost immediately, and his ears were perked forward, and he looked around calmly. He didn't say anything, but looked back at Cicely with a comforting look in his eyes. "I'll see you at the Stream," he bowed his head, "Until then." Edited at May 14, 2023 02:55 PM by Covidic

Chex Lead Stallion | Plains Herd | 8 Years | Mentions: Heizei The night had been long, somehow longer than all the other excrutiating nights the dark bay had been away from his herd. He'd spent the time standing, dipping in and out of sleep while watching over the younger colt with him. He'd refused to let himself sleep for too long, ears aching with the sound of the distant howl of wolves. They were close to the valley, he knew. He'd been travelling this area for years, and, even with their usual path now blocked, he knew he and his newfound yearling companion were getting closer. Soon, he'd be in the valley, and then there was just the matter of tracking down his herd once there, and making sure he was ready to fight any other stallions that had set their sights on his mares. "Almost there," he said to the colt, taking a few slow, deep breaths. Zei was a colt he knew he'd keep, regardless of how old he was. When he aged out, Chex would offer the bay a herd stallion or Lieutenant position. Not only had he begun to truly care of the colt, but he knew he'd have no trouble of challenges from Zei himself, and having another stallion with the herd would alleviate his anxieties about situations similar to his current one from happening again. When they got into the valley, he'd call, and if his herd was able to hear him, they'd call him back, and he'd find them. If not, it would narrow down the search to places the stallions booming voice couldn't have carried. Chex would find them eventually. He'd find them, greet his mares and his yearlings, and finally, finally, meet his newest children. He just had to get there first before a worse stallion did.

Aurelia || 3 years || Mare || Herd mare || M: Plains herd (ind) Feanor (ind) Oren. . Aurelia was stirred awake by the loud calls of the roan stallion. Curiousness pricked inside the chestnut mare before she shook it away. It would be unwise to approach a bachelor stallion. Looking around her, Aurelia hoped to find the form of Chex, knowing the herd and her son weren't safe without him. Seeing no sign of the brave stallion, Aurelia looked toward Oren. "Oren! Come here this instant! Do you want the bachelors to kill you?" The mare shrieked, quickly trotting up to her foal and nosing him further into the herd. . Ares ||Stallion|| 5 years|| bachelor stallion|| M: Plains herd (ind) Feanor (ind) . Ares walked through the valley, the sun beating down on his dark-colored frame. Like many other bachelors, he was following the plains herd, looking to take the position of lead stallion. The stallion's head quickly shot toward the whining stallion. "Great!" he muttered, knowing he would have to fight for this herd. Sizing up the roan stallion, Ares estimated it was about the same height as him but with a lot more muscle. Ares was skeptical. He knew he would be a little faster than the heavy-built stallion, but one good hit could cause Ares severe damage. The dark-colored stallion continued forward, heading close to the herd, and the stallion. Ares tensed to take action if the other bachelor wanted to fight.

Oarlock Plains Herd Friesian Mare || M: Cicely, Oren, Nadzeya, Jasper, Tipper, Herd (Ind) ~ Oarlock watched as their admirable lead mare approached the muscular red roan with a neigh. What an admirable mare! She was born to lead, wasn't she? Her mind said and she nodded, basically now having a conversation with herself. The mare had now approached the stallion, so Oarlock took her focus off, and began to scan the herd again. She saw Oren, Nadzeya, and Jasper so she assumed everyone was there to defend the foals. Where's Tipper? She thought, looking around before her eyes turned to the foal, and she relaxed. Okay, that's the third foal scan you've done, all of them are here. Stop now. ~ She sighed, looking towards the ground and grabbing a chunk of grass and chopping it up with her teeth, making it into small bits before she gulped it down, grabbing another and repeating. Then, she grabbed a chunk which happened to have a flower in it, and chewed it all up. Flowers may be beautiful, but they're delicious! She thought and grabbed another chunk after she swallowed the tasty, green grass. Why do horses eat grass? Oar suddenly wondered as she peered down at the grass before grabbing another chunk and swallowing. I mean. It's just some green stuff that grows from the ground. It's got no nutrients- or does it? She though as she swallowed her other chunk before grabbing another, and continuing. Oh well. It's delicious, so I really don't care, it's just what we horses need to eat. She thought, ending the random thoughts that came into her head as she continued to eat. She was hungry today. She closed her eyes as she continued to graze; they were beginning to burn. Why though? They just are I guess. She didn't sleep well.