
Ainarīkaz Dýrbiǫrn Male || Dream Dragon || Mentions: Maeleth, Tatsuya, Kyros He remained fixated upon the human before him, his eyes vacant and unexpressive. Staring, Ainarīkaz tapped his tail against the ground impatiently, as if he had somewhere better to be. Then again, anywhere was better than here. For a moment, his gaze broke, slithering onto Maeleth and the leech by her side. He had observed them for a few moments, his lips peeling back slightly upon seeing the necklace dangle between her claws. A pang of envy withered within him, intertwining itself with a feeling of disgust and nausea. Why was the human smiling? What were they conversing about? It was enough to make him sick, seeing that individual linger so close to her. "What?" He hissed, breaking his attention away from the illusion dragon and returning to the individual in front of him. He hadn't heard what he said, and frankly, he didn't care enough to ask. Ainarīkaz had believed himself to be saved, but unfortunately, the human had begun opening his mouth. Worse, he expelled words from that mouth. Several ones at that. Goodness, didn't he love to talk. Staring once more, the dream dragon made no move to respond. It came to the point that several minutes had passed without an utterance from Ainarīkaz, until at last, he lowered his head so that his eyes could meet the human's own. "To eat you isn't against any rule, though I have heard that it offers great misfortune. In my opinion, I think that the mental suffering would be worth it." Flicking his tongue, Ainarīkaz released a puff of smoke followed by an unimpressed grunt at the mention of being scratched. "If you touch me with your hand, you will be losing it," was all he uttered before raising his head away from the human, pausing a moment as he spoke his name. "Kyros," he repeated, animosity in his tone, "what a hideous name." Humans and their odd tongue. However did they come up with such appalling sounds? "Ainarīkaz Dýrbiǫrn," he had responded when asked for his own. "Though you may call me Ainarīkaz." All of this small talk, gah, it was torturous! "Walk," he suddenly demanded. Without so much as a further word of warning, he had turned, beginning to wander off. He needed Maeleth by his side if he were to continue, and so he set out to find her, expecting Kyros to follow.

= Ylva = Water Dragon = Female = Mentions: The others at the Ceremony (Ind.) Well, by now Ylva was feeling a little anxious. And hungry. And just a little bit lonely. The feelings had a miserable way of churning together and knawing at her belly like tiny crustaceans pinching at the minisule gaps between her scales. Not nearly enough to hurt, but irritating enough that she was starting to think excessively. Slightly more than she'd care to. It is important to note that Ylva was not extremely hungry. A dragon such as herself could happily last months without food to fill her belly but the simple primidoral desire for something to hunt or scavenge and eat would still remain. It was mental strength that could truly define a Dragon. In her case, a little forward planning would have been useful too - but there was no time for that now. Actually, whilst on the subject, she'd quite like to show her little Rider a thing or two about hunting. It was a sort-of tradition for her, to teach her undersea whale companions or the occasional younger Dragon how to hunt well in any turmoiltious undersea conditions. Or maybe they'd stick to oversea. Ylva didn't want to bet on her Rider's swimming skills. Or to drown them on the first try. The other Dragons were making progress with their own riders, judging from what she could see from her little perch. She'd decided she wouldn't introduce herself immediately, nor barge in on some conversation. Instead, she cocked her head curiously and directed her oceanic blue gaze back and forth. The sun danced across her scales and she closed her eyes for a moment, appreciating the sun but much preferring rain. Maybe the weather would turn soon and she'd clear her mind. It would be easier to focus on the connection then, not agressively tugging at her muscles. Maybe she'd find a Dragon similar to herself. There was that yearn for familiarity that often clawed her when she was far from the deepest oceans. Whilst a traveller along many coastlines, bays or achipelagos, she would never be far from those also surfing the currents, diving down deep below the waves. Perhaps not always Dragons quite like her, but at least creatures enjoying the beauty of her home and sharing in it. It wasn't uncommon for Dragons to dwell part-time below but for such a group so big and diverse, they were spread across the globe. She'd rarely see them. Even for a creature so magnificent and large, the distance between each was so incomprehensible at times. Such a massive and empty and vast space. She knew she wasn't really alone, nor was the oceans really empty, neither would she never find a life-long companion, but the ocean did that sometimes. It made you feel 'alone' just by the pure boundlessness of it. That was a concept she had been thinking on recently. In front of her stood a sea of people and Dragons all with minds and ideas of their own. One of them to be her Rider, and some hopefully bearers of a worthy friendship. But still there was that inevitable feeling. Loneliness. But with a gap waiting to be filled.

Desmodus Draculae Dark Dragon | Male | M: Juniper, Ostoria, Bagel ~ Desmodus continued to lay there with his head on Juniper's lap. He purred and watched as a human came over and started talking to each other. He grumbled and then closed his eyes until he smelled... Food?! He snatched the food straight from Juniper in a blur and quickly chomped it down. Pets and now treats? This human is awesome! ~ He purred even more before looking up and the other human and stood up to sniff her hands. Does she have any treats..? He sniffed her hands and then looked down at the other human and sniffed his hands, and then sniffed the other one's hands more. She smells like it more than he does... Was she the one who had the treat in the first place? He licked a crumb he saw on her hand and then looked at her. She had the treat first I think... Then I should give her some attention... He started to sniff her pockets looking for more delicious treats and smelled it. Okay. She had the treat first. She smells more like it than the other one. ~ He blinked at her with his bright red eyes, staring for what seemed like an eternity before purring at her and flicking his ears around. He licked her face, obviously getting slobber on her poor face and then he layed back down next to the other human, but right in front of her feet. She totally deserved that. Treats are better than pets. ~ He flicked his ears and then glanced in the direction of a dragon, who was standing on two legs behind a tree. He looked like a complete dummy to Desmodus. He examined the dragon before putting his head back down, but on Juniper's lap this time. ~ Then, he heard someone say something very loudly and then he opened his eyes and glared at the same dragon who was behind the tree. "What do you want..." He grumbled and gave the dragon a sharp glare, trying to scare it away. "I don't want the human. It's not my fault he came over and started barking orders at me. Also, I cannot deny being pet. Go away. Don't you know I bite?" He hissed and then stood up and shrunk away from the dragon, wrinklins his nose, and accidentally hit Ostoria in the face with one of his wings. ~ How dare he get close to me without permission? He glared and watched the dragon, who was obviously a light dragon, playing with the human's hair. His mother once told him that light dragons are stupid, but he didn't believe it and still doesn't. I guess I'll find out... Edited at January 9, 2023 04:30 PM by Fruit Lovers

Geneviève Caballero Dragon Rider | Female | 17 | Mentions : Belloán, Her Parents [NPC - Indirect ] , Other Riders & Dragons - Indirect A young woman watched the other students from a distance. A semblance of distaste on her face - she was envious. She hated how some had quickly found their companion and get here she was unbonded. She turned to the crowd, and she could make out the faces of her parents : both looked unimpressed, and her father particularly agitated. And it seems he was tapping at a watch to let her know she had a time crunch to be on. And she sighed exhausted, couldn't she for once do something that she wanted? She sent a mild scowl towards her father, he only wished she wasn't here because it was "unbecoming of a young lady to ride such a fearsome creature." To her it only means that her father wasn't brave enough to do such a thing himself. The coward, she scoffed internally. She then looked to the skies and frowned at the lack of dragons within them. Maybe this wasn't her year? Hopefully she'd have another chance at a different time. She hung her head low, and then that's when she felt something stir within her. It was a magnetic pull, faint but quickly growing. And she slowly looked up, and that's when she saw a massive dragon flying to join the masses. He was huge and appeared much older than the others, and her eyes widened in shock, had fate been kind to her after all? Had she really been paired with such a magnificent beast? And before she knew it, she was moving quicker than anticipated - her eyes glued to the dragon and her mouth slowly turning into a feral grin of excitement. He was glad she had worn sturdy boots, and she noted the way he moved away farther from others. And she made it a point to cautiously approach him. She stood a little distance away from the dragon. How she managed to get to him so quickly, she'd never know. But she would apologize to those she had pushed or bumped into to get to him later. This was her moment. And she looked at the dragon with a polite smile on her face, and she rummaged through her pockets to find the gift she had made for her dragon. It was a silly little gift in her opinion, she had sewn a little stuffed dragon, it was her way of guessing what her dragon would be. It was a orange and black thing, almost reminding one of a newt rather than a dragon. And she gave an embarrassed look saying. " I know it's a stupid gift, but it was a piece from when I was younger and wondered what my dragon would look like if I ever became a Rider. It may be a bit silly but I hope you like it. " she said to him with a determined look on her face, " My name is Geneviéve, and what would your name be?" She must've been a brave soul to approach such a behemoth alone, but she wasn't letting fear paralyze her today. She would make her mark. Edited at January 10, 2023 12:45 AM by Spellbound

Beollán Fire Dragon | Male | Mentions: Genevieve
Low rumbles of disapproval rolled from the large creature as he scanned the valley, looking just as much at the other dragons as he did the humans there. He hadn't been this near to another dragon, nor a human, in.. centuries. He was over half way to 800 years old at this point, and while he no longe rembered his exact age when he bonded with his original rider, he knew he was a bit over two hundred.
Saddness quickly swept over the male as he thought of his original rider, a fierce woman with a striking personality who bowed to none. She was as wild and as untamed as any dragon he had known. They'd been a fierce team, flying recklessly into battle, and celebrating their victories just as recklessly afterwards. They believed they were invincible. The arrow that had lodged itself through her chest proved otherwise. She had died 400 years ago, and the bright green eyes going dull olive as the life left her was just as vivid in his mind as it was the day it happened.
Movement approaching him caused steam to thickly billow from the vents up his snouth and the one on his forehead. Smoke aggressively streamed from his nostrils and from between his bared teeth as he locked his flaming gaze on the young woman and let out a menacing hiss. His lips pulled back to fully expose the stained teeth that were absolutely a threat to her life and he lifted one of his forelimbs as he did so, foot flexed as if prepared to strike out.
His stance was like that of a coiled snake, his hind feet firmly planted on the ground, his his body and neck taking on an S like shape. His eyes narrowed before he slowly, ever so slowly, shifted his weight before drawing himself closer and more to her eye level, which was a feat for a dragon of his size. He studied her for a silent moment before growling out a sneer and turning away from her suddenly and moving back away from her. He was not impressed. Then again, no one would have impressed him.
"I care not for your trinkets, girl," he ground out, flicking his tail in frustration, splintering the trunk of a tree with it. His claws tapped the grond as she stretched out and laid on his belly, though he kept an eye on her. "It's absolutely absurd that I am here right now, I should swallow you whole," he grumbled, though it was more to himself than anything.
The dragon gave little pause as she introduced herself, seemingly over the conversation she was attempting before it had even started. Still, he was a proud creature, and if she was going to speak to him, try as she might, she might as well know his name.
"Beollán," he abruptly answered, scratching at his neck idley as steam again rolled from the vents in his neck as heat pulsed from the scales of his hide. "That, and only that, is what you may call me, human," he snidely remarked, casting a look of something twisted between disgust and anger, it was obvious the male was simply irritated just being there. The presence of so many was only souring his mood further.
Still, Beo was also a dragon. A dragon who lived as a hermit, a recluse, for centuries. His hoard had withered over the years, and even such a small trinket would be a nice addition. "You may toss your gift to me, but do not expect one in return. I never wanted another rider, so keep your distance if you wish to keep your head on your shoulders, girl," he warned, though his voice this time around was more tired and hoarse, like all the years of his age were weighing him down.

Kyros Eros Dragon Rider | Male | 18 Years | Mentions: Ainarīkaz, Maeleth, Tatsuya Kyros really wanted to pull out all his hair with frustration when it began to dawn on him just how terrible this match seemed to be. Was destiny, or God, or the universe - or whatever it was that tied dragons to their riders - trying to have a good laugh right now? He sure felt like laughing, but not because he was happy, and a small laugh slipped out. It was an anxious chuckle and it expressed just about everything he was feeling right now. Man, had this dragon looked a lot more beautiful when it wasn't giving him death glares. He noticed the creepy dragon's golden yellow eyes following the female illusion dragon he seemed to be with. The man Kyros was looking at earlier, who had apparently bonded to the female, was smiling. In fact, the female looked like she would be smiling if dragons could. An arrow of despair shot into Kyros' heart. His was probably going to be the only bond where neither partner was totally in love with each other. And this would last for a very long time. Kyros scowled as his bonded dragon responded with an unnecessarily sharp tone. And he didn't miss the threat to eat him, he just hoped the male was more bark than bite. Man, if the male wasn't more bark than bite, Kyros had about a week to live at the max. He also rolled his hazel eyes at the insult to his name. It was a very good name, he thought. A wonderful name, actually. It was Ainarīkaz Dýrbiǫrn that was the stupid name of the pair. And Ainarīkaz was so unnecessarily long. Aina would be more appropriate. Kyros decided to call the surly dragon that in his head, and hopefully be able to call him that out loud without losing an appendage sometime in the future. "Walk" The order caught him off guard and had him placing his features in a fresh scowl as he shifted from a stand to a jog to catch up with Aina as the dark dragon took off after the illusion female and her bond. Kyros had a feeling he'd be getting to know the two soon enough with how closely the two dragons seemed to be bonded. Frustration began to form as Kyros began to form the idea that the other man had probably been filled in by his bond as to what was going on. The illusion dragon did look a lot more friendly. Wanting to compartmentalize what was going on, Kyros then mentally deemed his new found human companion "Pretty Boy" while the illusion dragoness got to be thought of as "Silver" because the man wasn't in the mood to be creative. "I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be partners, not some hierarchy," Kyros said to Aina with an eyeroll.

Pallas Venom Dragon | Female | Mentions: Ivala, Maji
Three toed feet shifted from foot to foot, her wings twitching as she scanned the crowd. Her eyes flitted over to the pretty fire dragon and she offered a chirp and dipped her head in response. She didn't think she needed to verbally acknowledge her, but she appreciated the other dragon's relaxed manner with her, especially since dragons were not well known for being tolerant of being crowded.
Slowly the female paced into the crowd, scooting humans and here and there to avoid stepping on them. She probably looked like an ostrich picking her way through tall grass, but she didn't care. It wasn't until she heard a dull thud that her attention whipped around to a young woman. She seemed to be picking herself up off the ground where it seemed she had planted face first.
'What a peculiar thing to do,' Pallas thought to herself, before realizing that annoying tug in her chest was physically causing her to walk forward. She quickly arrived at the young girl's side and cocked her head as she examined her.
"Are you alright, small one?" She asked gently, her wings twitching again, causing her to shift them around trying to get them more comfortable. "Were you trying to smell something on the ground? I find it's more affective to hold your nose away from the ground a few inches," she offered, her head cocking to the side as she spoke. Sure hadn't been sure if her placement on the ground was intentional or not, but she worried that if this girl, the one who was to be her rider, was clumsy, she might have an issue staying on.
She lifted a leg partially and lowered her muzzle to gnaw at an itchy spot on her leg before placing it back down and studying the girl. "I believe, small one, that you're to be my rider. I'm Pallas. What are you called?"

Ivala Fire Dragon | F | Mentions: Nina With so many people suddenly milling around her after her performance, Ivala felt slightly overwhelmed. She pulled her wings closer, though they were already as close as they would come to her body, in order to feel a slight bit of more security. Her eyes had wandered to the people closest to her in her mounting panic and Ivala was caught off guard as she an individual came straight up to her out of the corner of her eye rather than giving her a wide girth. Spines stood rigid and she released a low growl before she turned her head. The vivid red hair immediately calmed her as if it was a gentle flame in the middle of a black night. The growl turned to a sort of low crackly purr and she felt that familiar tug at her heart that she'd not felt moments ago due to her panic. Something clicked into place and Ivala wondered at how she'd never felt the cold hole within her that had just been filled. And another thing was that she could understand this human so well. Rather than catching phrases and words of the others, this human seemed to almost be talking to Ivala in her language. "Hello, and thank you," the dragoness said through the bond, a warmth to her words at the genuine pleasure she felt with the compliment. This was a strange experience, and what was even stranger was how easy and natural it seemed. The uncomfortable buzz of the crowd faded in the background as Ivala focused on the woman in front of her. Of course, the fiery hair stood out foremost, and Ivala found it rather suiting this woman had been bonded to a fire dragoness such as herself. The girl was dressed well, though perhaps a bit on the plainer side, and mostly simple jewelry adorned her. But the necklace, with its deep red color stood out. It was quite lovely, and the color was one that Ivala favored, probably because it was a color matching her own scales. The girl may have been on the smaller side for a human, but Ivala sensed a sort of wild excitement about her. The dragoness wasn't quite sure if she longed for an energetic rider. It would be a complimentary fit, so perhaps the dragoness hoped the girl was as she appeared. "I would gather from the current situation that you are my bond, and, I must say, I believe we should be a good team." The dragoness spoke with a seemingly intuitive fondness, hesitant as the feeling was, it felt right to her. "I'm Ivala - open to nicknames," she added with a feeling that could be only described as a small laugh, as she'd never received a nickname in all her years, "What might your name be?"

Murkburim Water Dragon | Male | Mentions: Kuno, Ylva [A Bit Ind.]
The wingless male stood in front of the tall human, studying him as he stood there. He listened as the male sputtered on his words at first, before answering the simple question that he had asked. A less than impressed looked came over the dragon's face, and he snorted softly. "I suppose you could be worse. You at least look like you can defend yourself," he commented dryly, though it wasn't necessarily meant as a true insult. It's just how he spoke.
The water dragon shook himself gently, the scraping sound of his scales rubbings together easily heard even in the bustling valley. "Kuno Mondo," he repeated finally, acknowledging what the human had said by repeating it back to him. "Humans have such strange names, but I supposed our names sound just as strange to you," he lowered himself to his haunches, peering down at the young man for a second.
"My name is Murkburim. One word, not two. Many refer to me simply as Murk though, which is an acceptable name for you to call me if you wish," he instructed as he glanced around at those near by, finding he wished he was back in his marshland home.
A glimmer of familiar scales caught the male's eyes and he craned his head trying to get a better look at the dragon. From here he couldn't tell if he knew them or not, but they seemed familiar. Perhaps it was a dragon who had passed through his home before.
"Are you good at swimming, Kuno Mondo?" The dragon asked, not even bothering to look in his direction as he did. After a few minutes of studying the other dragon he did lock his gaze back on his new rider and he tilted his head to the side. "If not, you're probably going to drown," he added dryly, his gravelly voice smoothing out a bit as he spoke more. Again, though, it wasn't Murk trying to be mean, but instead just being direct. He didn't know how to be any other way.

A subtle vibration rumbles through the valley...
A soft breeze blows through the valley, carrying with it the subtle smell of smoke and fire combined with the distant sound of screaming and the nearing sound of hooves. In a matter of second all the ambient noises of the valley comes to a halt, as if if it was holding it's breath to see what was about to happen.
On the crest of the hill, where the path leads into the valley, a singular rider on a horse comes to a stance. A soft whinny echoes into the valley as the horse rears onto it's hind legs. As if it were the command riders thunder passed the intial rider, swords and spears drawn as they rush into the valley, spilling into it like waves on sand. Behind the riders a barrage of arrows are fired into the air, aimed for the valley in hopes of causing damage to the dragons there. After all, downed dragons are easier to handle.
The first rider lifts his sword, calling out something in a foreign language before charging into the frey himself. Screams of pure terror fill the air as the first victims fall to the swords, their deaths breaking the crowd from their confused trance. Immediately bodies begin to race for safety, though none of them really know what that even means.
Blood seeps into the valley as the innocent are captured or killed, riders with their swords beginning to turn their focus on the dragons and riders. Spears are readied to be thrown, the dragons their targets, while the riders unleashing arrows focus more on them as well. They know their only chance is to get the dragons by the wings.
In the distance, smoke and flame can be seen painting the Kingdom. The distant screams fading as the ones in the valley rise. It's clear that today, the Kingdom of Ederia will fall. All the Dragons and their new riders can do is flee or die trying.
Will they make it out alive?
The Attack is Upon us. The Kingdom of Ederia is being bathed in fire and blood, a chorus of screams and dragon cries can be heard from everywhere as the once powerful Kingdom falls.
Those in the valley are some of the last ones attacked, and, with their inexperience, their ability to do anything to change the fate of today is none. If they stay and try to fight, they will die.
The dragons will need to get their riders, and get out as quickly as possible. They may defend themselves as they leave, but anything beyond that will make them a bigger target and they will be brought down. Those who haven't found their riders? They'll need to do so quickly, and escape even quicker.
Ian and Henry will need to focus on getting the new riders and dragons out of the valley, and leading them to safety. Being the most experienced riders, the others will take their lead. If they try and fight, the others will likely too. Which would spell disaster for all of them, and they're liable to all die.
It would be known by Ian and Henry, though, that there is an island off the coast of Ederia that is only reachable by land bridge during low tide. This island tends to be where the new teams meet after officially conducting their first rides with their dragons. So it is an option for them, as their attackers wouldn't be able to reach the island quickly by the time they reach the coast after following them.
Please PM if you have questions. :)
Edited at January 11, 2023 01:28 AM by Imperial Sands