
Sihir Seer Dragon || 250 Years || Male || Mentions: Kristopher ━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━ His body lowered gradually, his stomach hovering so that it caressed the blades beneath him before ultimately giving in and sinking to the ground. With it, his head descended until it was upon the grassy floor, his eyes staring up at his rider. Blind and seeing alike, they gazed solemnly at Kristopher for an inordinate amount of time. "That would have been dreadful," he finally voiced, responding to the idea of the man before him failing to appear. "But I would wait for you nonetheless." Sihir would not truly allow such a thing to happen. Why, he would have ventured out to find Kristopher had he not surfaced, and was deeply satisfied when he emerged. While fascinating, it would have made for a treacherous journey wandering through town in search for him. He would have had to multitask, watching out for Kristopher whilst attempting not to step upon a house or family. The mere thought exhausted the dragon, who released a deepened sigh of displeasure. "Falling is a terrible way to go," he admitted when the topic of falling came up, "I read once that you can suffer internal bleeding." Raising his head, Sihir began to ramble. "Feet first is the best way to land, so I've heard. Though I don't know how one twists themselves into that position. Can humans do that? I'm not sure, but then again, you humans can bend your limbs at odd angles." A pause. "Even your elbows can fold around like nothing. It's eerie. I know I can't. I'm not very flexible, especially when falling, " Lowering his head once more onto the ground with a thud, Sihir continued. "Not that I've ever fallen. Actually, now that I recall, I did tumble down that cliff once.." Commenting once more, he pondered for a moment before side-eyeing Kristopher. "Mircea." He heard him say, to which Sihir, confusingly, cocked his head. "Gesundheit," he responded, before following his rider's gaze to a nearby individual. Was that sound a name? Oh, humans truly had odd titles for one another. Observing, the dragon furrowed his brows suddenly, muzzle wrinkling. "Why did that man attack that other man's hair?" He asked Kristopher. That wasn't in any book he read. Was that a new form of greeting? Perhaps he would have to try that on Syvne later. "Hm?" He mumbled, prying his gaze away and averting it onto his human, listening to his newly found confidence. Sihir himself was not entirely stressed, but he would be a liar if he said that he wasn't nervous at all. It was a natural reaction, one that he believed every dragon faced in this current moment. Anybody that claimed different would be fibbing. "I, too, believe that we will do well. In fact, we will do our best." Puffing out his chest, he rose his head once more, nodding along to his words of optimism. "You know, I refused to fly for a good portion of my life, but there is truly nothing like it once you're in the air." He paused. "Then again, it's not very satisfying during storms, or blizzards for that matter. Oh, blizzards are the worst. Absolutely awful things they are. Did I tell you about that one time a gust of wind threw me backwards at 140 miles per hour? Now that I think about it, it may have been a hurricane.." Mumbling moreso to himself, Sihir pondered for a good while, lost in his own thoughts for a few minutes before ultimately picking up on some sounds. Ears turning towards the crowd, he seemed to grow more alert. "I believe that we will be starting soon." He could hear the murmurs of the Elders, could see the Dragon Leaders conversing. "They look just about prepared to announce it. Shall we get ready?" Without waiting for a response, Sihir hoisted himself up, his body rising at once and casting a shadow with it. He was prepared. All he needed was to hear the orders and to ensure Kristopher was mounted safely. "Oh," he began, glancing down at the man, "and don't forget. Feet first."

Olivia Greybrew | F | 15 | Rider | Mentions: Agneya (Dir), Other Riders and Dragons (Ind) "Okay, deep breaths, Olivia. In. Out. In and out. In, and...what comes after that?" Olivia blinked as she walked along, ignoring the chatter of her family in favor of tugging at her bright orange sleeves. The girl had woken up long before the sun came into view, fixing and refixing her appearance until it had come to what she called 'decent enough.' Still, her nerves fired off rapidly as she focused on putting one foot in front of the other. The week had seemed so long, and yet it passed by almost in an instant. The girls' memory of the week was full of wonderfully, and equally terrifying, new experiences. It all went by so quickly. New faces and names to remember, a wealth of new information crammed into her brain, a lot of things needed for a successful first ride, they all poofed from her train of thought. She decided to focus on simpler things. The pleasant air promised good things to come, the tense excitement palpable. She was covered in the emotion of the day since early that morning. Her family had barged into her room without warning, fixing her hair and then dragging her towards her fate. As they walked, Olivia's feet began to drag. It wasn't that she disliked being a dragon rider, it was an honor for anyone to be chosen by such a beautiful creature. But, was it okay for her to accept it? The young girl was torn. Was her reasoning too selfish? Was simply wanting to explore a good enough reason? The thoughts gnawed on her until she'd unconsciously fallen behind. "Liv. What are you thinking about?" Olivia jumped at the sudden hand that placed itself on her shoulder. The kind eyes of the oldest Greybrew sibling shone down on Olivia, melting away some of her anxiety. "Nothing important, sister. I'm... excited! For the day! For today!" Olivia looked straight ahead, her body stiff as she continued forward. "Excited...right. Well, I hope in your 'excitement' you won't forget that your family will always be here to support you. No matter what happens. Okay?" The older woman bent down slightly, a huge and genuine grin spread across her features. The woman stood straight again, adjusting the smaller girls' hair ribbons before quickening her pace to match the other siblings. Olivia sped up as well, head bowed, and a small smile hidden from view. The main event stage came into view, and humans and dragons alike gathered to watch the historical event play out. As her family gave their final goodbyes and good lucks and headed toward the rest of the onlookers, Olivia could feel the anxiety begin to bubble towards the surface again. Squashing it down best she could, her eyes wandered across the open field. Most of the new riders, all of which she had yet to memorize, were already chatting amongst each other. She marveled at just how calm they appeared to be. Taking a deep breath, Olivia tried to emulate the calm looks she saw around her. Her eyes closed, nerves firing off in every direction. "You're fine, Olivia. It's just a test! One that could end in my demise, but a test nonetheless! In. Out. In and out. In, and.." Her thoughts stalled again as she opened her eyes. Amber eyes took in the sight of those enchanting, dark red scales. Walking over, the young girl could only say the first thing that came to mind. "Ms. Neya! I-I wanted to say that- thank you for. Just, well, I will strive to do my best." She looked up at the creature, extending a hand towards the handless dragon.

oops-Edited at September 13, 2022 10:56 PM by Determined_Wolf

Xevioso Storm Dragon | Male | 250 | Mentions: Micheal [Dir. & Ind.] , Other Riders and Dragons (Ind.) It seemed the dragon had been right to worry about his young rider. The spaced out look ; the response to his parents and confused blinking of the young man worried him. It made his blood boil to think that his parents had caused the boy to give such a reaction. And he lifted his head momentarily, sending the parents - no life givers, they weren't even worthy of calling Micheal their son, anyway - he sent them a menacing glare. And a sort of annoyed hiss-like click escaping his mouth. That was a noise he used when he didn't like someone or something - it was quite appropriate to say that Micheal's parents were on his top list of hated things and people now. And he wrapped his tail around his Rider with a fierce protectiveness - he wouldn't let anything bad happen to him, he'd lose a wing before he did that. And he was glad that his Rider was focused on him now and out of his head. The mind was a dangerous place ; one could get lost in their for a while, and even lose themselves in their own head. He looked at his rider patiently awaiting and answer, yet also guiding him to a good spot for them to take off. He was excited to show off his four wings to Micheal. Hopefully, the young boy didn't think them scary or odd - the extra wings were very useful as they helped him have accurate maneuvers and be very agile and graceful in the air. The first ride was going to be amazing! However he just had to make sure that his rider was alright before they went off. Because a good state of mind before doing something like this was very important. He couldn't let anything block Micheal's focus because it could harm him during the ride -and he was not letting that happen. He may be an asshole and a bit abrasive to others [besides Zehra, she's the exception] , but he was not going to bullshit this kid. Nor make him feel like he doesn't matter when he so obviously does, this was a special bond and he wasn't letting it go to waste. And hey, who knows it may make him have new friends among the dragons. But he was pulled out of his own thoughts when his rider responded. I...thank you for your concern. And no, Mircea didn't say anything wrong, it's just that...I notice he was wearing this ring on his finger. And, I...I don't think I liked that, for some reason. I don't know. And then seeing my parents in the crowd, that didn't help, I don't think. It's not any of my business if he likes someone or not, so I don't know why I acted like that. Oh. Oh? Ohhh? Now that was rather unexpected. From the sigh in his voice ; he could tell it was a sigh of longing. One pining for a love he thought he'd never know. Oh, this, this was priceless. He would have to gossip with Zehra later on. The thing with the Mircea kid was plain adorable, but the part about his parents was a bit concerning. Just what exactly had they done to this kid? He swore on whatever storm diety there was - if he found out they had hurt this kid in some manner, there would be hell to pay and he would be their executioner. He very much so didn't like the way he said that or the implications of it. He would address it but not push too hard for detail. However he gave a mischievous grin to the young boy. Oh? Someone put a ring on him. He said looking at Mircea. And he could see why someone would be attracted to the guy, what a lucky person. I'm not surprised though, he's pretty cute, don't you think? he said with a shit-eating smirk if a dragon could have one . He was absolutely teasing him through the mind-link. With those pretty golden eyes that make the sun jealous, pretty and silky looking jet black hair - one would think they hold the stars with how you could get lost in it, and not to mention I saw you staring at him during class that one time, and what exactly were you looking at mister. He teased before ruffling his hair, you my little Rider have been bitten by the green bug of jealousy. It just means you're jealous of whoever gave him that ring because you think it means he likes someone - or that someone has made him unavailable to you. Because you like him. Why not give him this pretty dagger you gave me, after all i have claws to slash with, and weren't you mumbling something about him liking daggers one day when you were studying? He gave a cheeky wink before giving him a serious look saying through the link, if you ever need me to get you away from your parents or make them disappear. Let me know. He was going to tease the boy more but it seemed it was time for the ride to begin. And he perked his head up at that and gave a devious grin saying, " Come on, Micheal - it's time to blast." And once his rider had successfully gotten on, he gave a spring and flapped his wings a couple times before making his ascent. Then he made his way to some clouds and leaned over a bit. "Hey kid, go ahead and touch your first cloud." Edited at September 13, 2022 11:25 PM by Spellbound

Agneya Fire Dragon | Female | 250 | Mentions : Olivia , Other Riders & Dragons The young female couldn't believe the time had finally arrived. It was time for her and her little darling to go on their first ride. The draconia watched as the little girl interacted with her rather large family and she could feel a warm sensation in her heart, she had siblings too so she knew the feeling of getting love and comfort from one's family. It was a good thing for the little girl, she was the youngest rider of the bunch and that definitely would be quite scary. It was very fundamental that she had a support system - especially at such a tender age such as this, and she was greatful to see how relieved and happy she was to see her family, some riders weren't so joyful. And it seems they knew the girl very well as they immediately addressed her fears and spoke to her of their support and pride for her choice. Agneya, just from a week knowing the little creature knew she was an overthinker and she was probably overthinking in that brain of hers and giving herself uneeded stress. She noted that even immediately after leaving her family the little girl seemed to be stressed. And she tilted her head a in amusement as the girl took in her appearance. The young draconia was a specimen to see - especially with her black scales upon her body. It was rather uncommon for her species but she gained the genes and it made her looks even more beautiful. She peered down at the girl who offered her a small hand, and she lowered her slender neck and placed her muzzle — rather gently, underneath the hand of the child — the hand was so small compared to her, so soft and so gentle — such innocence, such childlike wonder in those amber dipped eyes of hers. Agneya closed her eyes for a second and something akin to a cat purring rumbled softly through her, her scales slighting glowing a pretty yellowish-gold color - indicating her content. She was content — content to be here, with this little one as her rider. She would defend this child with her life and anyone who even thought of hurting or exploiting her childish naivety would find themselves in an early grave. Agneya didn't knew why she found herself so protective of a human — maybe, just maybe — it the wild coiled raven curls that fell around the child that had her cooing? Maybe it was that innocent, childish grin that she wanted to shield so much. Or the adorable gap in her teeth that is on full display whenever she smiled or had the inclination to giggle. The young female looked at her little rider with a warm and gentle expression — something that was very rare coming from her . But she knew her Rider needed it at this moment. She could practically hear the kid's brain going into overdrive. She wanted to chase away those doubts and fears. " You don't have have to call me Ms. " she said softly, her voice being a bit raspier than she liked but the warmth was there, " and you need to stop worrying little thing, you'll give yourself wrinkles. Not to mention being worrisome creature won't do you good on this Ride." She said softly and soothing, " relax, I have your back, darling. It's not all on you, it's on me too. We are a team, not just you." She said emphasizing that they were working together, "You are a now a future Rider. You earned your place here, so my dear — you see the others? They're excited to be here, aren't you? They may be nervous but they're smiling through it and you know their dragon is probably comforting them like I am to you. So listen to me closely." And she leaned down for emphasis, never taking her eyes off her Rider, " Hold your head up high, you are Olivia Greybrew — my rider. You fear nothing, why — because you have me by your side. Hold your head up with pride, " and she straightened herself elegantly, " you may be scared - that's normal, it's natural and good you have a healthy fear. But don't let it get to you and consume you. You are fine, you are ready, you worked hard - it's time to reap the benefits." And with that she gave a small gentle puff of smoke before offering her rider a leg up to get on her. And she made sure the girl was on her back before giving her a confident smile. Don't overthink this, I rely on you as much as you rely on me, so with that being said - let's go do our best and make some waves. Her warmth and care was evident as she spoke through their mind link - hoping it would bring some comfort. And with that she took off.
The First Ride Had Begun Edited at September 14, 2022 12:15 AM by Spellbound

Michael Evans - 17 - Male - Rider - Mentions: Xevioso, Mircea,
By the time Xevioso had finished his teasing speech, Michael's face was red.
Bright red, rather. The ruffling of his hair probably didn't help matters. And him being a pale skinned person, the blush was all the more obvious on his fair skin. He was fairly sure that even his neck was as red as his face, not to mention his ears; since his whole face felt like it was on fire. Neck included.
"I'm not jealous." He managed to mutter at some point during the whole thing. His voice quieter than normal to the point where he thought that the huge dragon couldn't hear him. It wasn't his business who Mircea liked or disliked, the line of thought slowly floated through his mind, then was gone as quick as a skittering cloud in the sky; but the thought was swiftly shoved back out of the forefront of his consciousness as part of his focus was on the dragon, part of it was on his burning face and neck. But that dagger idea sounded good.
When Xevioso got to the part about his parents, he winced, dropping his gaze to his feet, his mood darkening with the more serious air the dragon had gathered about him. But he was touched by it nonethless.
But those thoughts and emotions were swept aside at the prospect of the First Ride beginning. "Come on, Michael - it's time to blast."
Those words were accompanied by a devious grin, which abruptly reminded him that dragons tested their riders during the Ride; but even that thought didn't quell the rapidly rising excitement. He didn't manage to return the smile, though.
With a deep breath, he somehow got on the dragon. Even with Xevioso standing still, and with help of the saddle, he still felt like it was a bit tricky. Definitely something he'd have to get used to if he was to be a dragon rider. But at least he was sitting on him, gripping the saddle so tight that his knuckles were white; he resisted the urge to hunker down from where he was, purely from being so high up off the ground. Stirrings of instinctive fear fought with anticipation, excitement; but the excitement was winning.
Then, the creature under him spring forward, nearly pitching Michael off of him, being as he had begun to relax slightly. Now, his grip tightened, and his heart began beating fast, lowering himself to the saddle a little bit as he became aware that the spring and flapping wings were the prelimaries to actual flight.
Michael couldn't hold back the sharp intake of breath as they took off for real, the movement of the dragon in flight a motion that was foreign to him; but he could tell that it was not entirely unpleasant. The only hang-up at the moment was the height, by the time they were pretty high up; he had to nearly bury his face into the saddle, he was hunched down so far, still gripping the saddle like he would be blown or pitched off any moment.
Strange that the man who had gone climbing up tall trees and whatnot is afraid of the heights.
"Hey kid, go ahead and touch your first cloud."
At that, he lifted his head slightly, stiffening slightly as he felt Xevioso lean towards the clouds a bit. He almost wanted ask if he was kidding, but he could tell that he wasn't. With a deep breath, and with a lot of fighting against his instincts, he managed to get a hand to release its death grip on the saddle; and leaned over just slightly, his instinctual fear of the heights screaming at him to stay where he was and stay still. But fighting against that almost overpowering urge that was the main source of his fear in this situation, he extended his arm and let his hand touch the cloud.
It felt weird. Most people would have thought of clouds as light and fluffy, but this one at least, felt damp with water, but still parting easily. Not dense, but not entirely fluffy either. And with that, wonder began filling the cracks that the fear failed to reach. Then, hesitantly, he brought the arm back to himself and gripped onto the saddle with both hands again.
Now that he was feeling a bit more calmer. He began to appreciate the fact that he was flying.
Well, technically Xevioso was flying, and he was the one hitching a ride on his back. But still.
It was chillier up in the sky, was one of the first things Michael noticed as he began to relax a little. Not unbearable, but it was noticable, even in the milder weather. And the winds were faster, more wilder, rougher. Which made a lot of sense, seeing as where there was nothing to obstruct the wind currents in the clouds, well, naturally the wind level would be stronger than what he was used to on the ground. In a stormy day, he could see where the wind and cold could pose a serious threat to a human; luckily, this day seemed to be ideal for this event.
Slowly, tenatively, the young man straightened up a little, looking upwards, higher into the sky. Around to the sides, where the sky was only visible, and the stretch of the dragon's large winds and wait- He forgot his instinctual fear of heights as he twisted around in the saddle, eyes widening a bit. Xevioso had two sets of wings.
Wait, you have four wings? He asked over the mental link, then got back into the proper position, instead of twisted around a tad bit awkwardly. Even mentally, his excitement and awe leaked out. That is really cool!
And. It's really beautiful up here.
With that, he gathered up his bravery, and leaned slightly over, so that he could look at the land below while at this height. It was astonishing really, how things looked from above. It was not the highest Xevioso had been, and probably for himself, cloud-level was probably not the highest he'd ever be in the future. But for now, it was the highest he had been previously. And then returned to the usual angle he had been in. Damn, was the view beautiful
Edited at September 14, 2022 02:04 AM by the Wayne pack

Rhiannon Dark Dragon | 248 | Female | Mentions: Kavik, Mircea & Percival (ind.) , Sihir & Juniper (ind.) , Micheal & Zevioso (ind.) Time seems to fly when there are important matters at hand. It only been a week since she had meet her Rider and began prepping for the first ride. And now here she was - standing by her rider, with a saddle , waiting to begin. It was quite a thrilling thought to her, and she looked to the skies and it seems that today indeed would be a lovely day for flying. The chatter of the crowds of people coming to watch caught her attention - there were a lot of odd faces, yet she could catch the anticipation of the crowd to see the kids take off to the skies for the first time. She wondered if her rider had a family or some friends in the crowd to send him off - she hoped he did, as she thought it would be rather lonely for him if he didn't have that. However, if he didn't then she would he happy to have a send-off for him - after all he did mean a lot to her even if they had a short period of knowing each other. He seemed like a serious and devoted young man. And she could appreciate that about him - she did think he could loosen up just a little bit but other than that her Rider was perfect. And she was looking forward to taking to the skies with him and being his aids when the time called for it. He was tall and well-built, it would be a life if she said she didn't think he was well suited for riding. And he had a passionate look in his eyes. And she was excited to see what him and her would do in the future together as partners and she could just feel the excitement in her well over. Now she noticed her Rider was rather quiet and she hoped he wasn't getting nervous, if so she would be there to get him out of his head. She watched him with curious eyes as he looked at the saddle made for her. And she could feel a rumble of disapproval come over her - it was a simple black saddle, which would possibly be fine for other dragons, but her with scales that were already black? That was just plain ignorance. They could've at least made my saddle a semi-bright color or something to stand out against my scales, rather than blending in with them. It's rather annoying, but it'll have to do for now at least. She said through their link together. When he asked if there had been any instructions she shook her head saying, " Not as of yet. It seems everyone is just getting prepared and anticipating the Elders saying being." She responded to the young man. And she looked in the direction of what had his face in such a scrunched up manner - it was an amusing look. She noted a blonde kid flirting the hell out of some poor raven haired kid. Poor boy looked like he was going to pass out from from the flirting. This would be some interesting drama to tell Sihir, not to mention earlier when other boys had come to visit and things got awkward. She could feel herself growing amused at the fact her rider found the blonde boy flirting with the other kid so repulsive - and it made her wonder had he ever fallen in love. If so he would know what absolute fools boys can be when in love. While it is rather poor timing for the boy to be flirting with the other - I gotta give him credit for going for it. I mean I'd rather make a move sooner than later, after all that raven haired kid is a catch. And if I remember correctly, he's the son of a noble of some sort - so it makes sense. She said rather nonchalantly through their mindlink, hey - most folks don't have the balls to do such a thing so kids' got guts. And yeah, it seems perfect for a ride today- the weather is magnificent. This time her voice showing a little excitement. Thats when she heard the orders to begin. And she watched as some Riders began taking off. And she noted her good friend Sihir and his rider. " Oh dear god, please that that boy be safe - Sihir has absolutely no sense of direction." She muttered out loud as she watched Sihir and Kristopher take off to the skies. And she noted another pair of Riders ; a storm dragon and what was the kid? Michael she believed, they were beginning to fly too. And then a fire dragon and a rather small child began flying as well. Let's go Kavik. She said to her rider with a rather invested look. And she awaited him to mount her , and after he did so - she took off with quite a graceful start. And she had to flap a few times before letting the updrafts do their thing, and she began cruising rather smoothly, and then she made a higher ascent. She wanted to give the kid the full experience of riding. And so she began pumping her wings fo gain a bit more of speed and then she made a sharp right swerve - and then turned it into an arc that made itself into a rather gentler version of a loop. She hoped he was holding on tightly. She would catch him either way - but it was time to prove himself. Edited at September 14, 2022 08:28 AM by Spellbound

Mircea Rosenburg Dragon Rider / Noble | 17 | Male | Mentions: Percival, Zehra , Kristopher & Sihir (ind.) , Micheal & Xevioso (ind.) , Other Riders & Dragons (ind.) "Oh yes, I'm absolutely fine ⎯ Zehra." He strained out, rather embarrassed she had caught on him, but greatful she was concerned for him. That was an absolute lie To say that Mircea was trying to prevent himself from absolutely fainting would be completely accurate. He was so warm — gods why was he so easy to fluster, it's not that hard to take a compliment. But then again such waxy poetry as compliments would make any girl or man swoon. And, as if the words and compliments weren't enough it seemed Percival wanted to just make him flat out pass out. Because who gave him the right — the absolute audacity — to look that handsome when he deviously smirked. He swore he looked like one of Cupid's helpers ready to steal his heart. That absolute gremlin knew just what he was doing and had the nerve to play innocent. The ner— his thoughts were interrupted when the young man let go of his hair and instead opted to touched his cheeks. And at the contact he could feel the color rise in them even more — by the gods he probably looked like a tomato about now, or at least a dark red cherry. He could barely focus on what was being said around him - his focus was completely on Percival, and somehow he felt this was exactly what he wanted. And at the question — which he knew was very much so was rhetorical — he gave a soft scoff, before giving him a "very annoyed" expression - if you could even call it that at this point, if anything it would seem like him protesting or pouting instead of his embarrassed and sort of dazed feeling. " You. absolute. imp. " he rather said in a mix between breathlessness and trying hard not to swoon, and an annoyed hiss. He turned to glare as he continued,"You know just what yo— " but was followed by a mild eep as Percival decided to whisper — oh so close, to his crimson ears, the soft feeling of his lips and heat of his breath were so close, that it caused the young noble to be at an absolute loss of words. Oh yes, he was absolutely stunned. And then Percival had to give him that absolutely blinding smile of his. He had barely registered the contact of his nose to his cheek or the words he had just spoken , asking him if he had come down with a fever. And he had to slowly flutter his eyes in a rather dazed manner — he was now back on earth and not absolutely over the moon anymore, and no he did not just experience a panic. He was just overreacting, and being dramatic — that was just platonic teasing. Right . . . ? He couldn't even manage to get the words to respond to whether or not he had a fever or not and that saying something — he could only manage to give his friend an owlish look of embarrassment and confusion. And then he noticed the goofy grin and smile on his face - and for some reason he wanted to wipe if off his face, curse his stupid pretty face — his stupid sunshiny smile — and his damned golden locks that Apollo would be jealous of. Hell, was Percival the reincarnation of Apollo, because no damn mortal could be that smooth. But then his demeanor changed when Percival mentioned how his mother was very horrible and Mircea couldn't help agree. The young male slowly bobbing his head in agreement — "No, not even the Depths Of Hell are worthy of her, she's straight from Tartarus. " and he gave a scandalized gasp at saying he couldn't murder her, "and why not? She's an absolute witch of a woman — her and her disgusting strawberry cake, and then had the audacity to insult my baking when she can't even make nothing nearly on my level - and I just know she went to some crappy bakery to get the cake and fake like she made it. " he said in a rather heated tone, putting his hands on his chest for emphasis and one on his hips in a rather sassy manner, " And another thing! The nerve of her to dictate your life course and try and make you marry that absolute disgrace of a woman — has she no standards for her son, so what the other lady was a noblewoman - she had not an ounce of class about her — that pest couldn't even clean or sew to save her life , and then the way she was so disrespectful to her servants was appalling. The way she was always whining or complaining about something — Oh no, it's too hot! It's too cold! I feel light-headed! No, I don't want to go out today. " he said mimicking the woman, and he gave a slight bleh at the thought of her, " And then the clinging — She couldn't even stay away from you for five minutes, she was like a damned puppy following you around. It was so pathetic," he said scoffing, to anyone listening or with a brain — It would sound like the young boy was some sort of jealous lover and not liking the former competition. "— and then the nagging, oh how she always complained about me being around you. Like what was the big deal? She was such a dram— " His words were stopped when Percival called him, his precious piece, and then cupped his ears. And he could feel himself freeze — he nearly damn well melted at the gesture. Call him a cat but he was a sucker for physical affection like that — blame it on the daddy issues. He nearly forgot how to breath when he saw the glimmer of mischief those sapphire eyes of his — they were truly mesmerizing. And he could feel himself slowly begin to melt but then the hands were removed and he had a second mind to bite him for doing that, like who said he could stop. He gave a huff of disappointment, his cheeks puffing in annoyance, the crimson color still staining them. He then looked to see other riders with their dragons and such. What got to Mircea was the feeling of eyes on him — observing him, and saw that the young man was gazing upon him intently and he wondered what was going through his mind — he gave a confused look at Percival, a small frown forming, "Do I have something on my face, did my liner mess up?" He said a bit panicking as he touched his face softly - feeling the warmth of his cheeks from blushing so hard earlier. But he didn't expect the compliments to come from him. Nor the sincerity of the words he was speaking. He truly was at a loss for words - he had never been told that. His father was an honorable man but he could be quite . . . neglectful and harsh on him while his mother was rather . . . hard on him, expecting absolute perfection ; in everything. It was top of his class or nothing at all, he learned that the hard way when he came up second in his class and was forced to survive by his own devices - in his own home. He lost his monthly allowance that whole year and then was forced from the main house to a manor house all on his own with no one to come - he wasn't allowed to go to any parties or outings, unless it was for school or his work. And yes, he had to get a job to cover his expenses since his parents had control over his money. It was rather embarrassing, but he'd rather much earn his way than lounge like his mother. And what she thought was a punishment - made him ache for more freedom and so he had began deviaing a plan to get away from her. This school, was the first school he had chosen on his own and was of his choosing ⎯ he was lucky it was so prestigious, otherwise his mother would've had a fit instead of the cold, yet harsh words he got. She thought it was to continue the line of Dragon Riders within the family, while that it was somewhat true ⎯ he had his own plans. He has saved all his allowance money, his earnings from work, and any other money he received from gifts or birthdays ⎯ why? So he'll have enough to buy him an estate far, far away from his parents. And maybe have his own title, and who knows maybe one day they'll be bowing to him. But he knew he wanted a flower shop that also doubled as a bakery ⎯ it was a silly dream, really, but he held it so dearly to his heart. His mother had scoffed at him when he displayed interest in floristry and baking and other "feminine" traits as she called them, but she begrudgingly allowed it sense he was skilled in many other things. So to have someone give compliments on his achievements, looks, or intelligence ; that positive reinforcement he sorely lacks, was refreshing. "Thank you," he whispered ⎯ barely able to speak, because of this new feeling of, acceptance - sure this was something silly but it was a welcome change, " you'll never know how much those words mean to me, and no - you've never been wrong." And he said the last part with sincerity and a creeping smile on his face. But he was shocked when he was pulled in for⎯ what was this? He had wrapped his arms around him. This was rather new. He's received very few of this and it's been so long since he's had one - what were they called again? Oh right, a . . . hug? He hesitated to hug him back because he wasn't used to receiving them or giving them. So he opted to give the man an awkward pat on the head, and he could feel his cheeks ⎯ that had died down from previous embarrassment ⎯ become lightly flustered at the contact. But then he gave an annoyed scowl at him saying he'd smack him, and just for that he gave the male a smack to the back of his head after he had let go. " I wish you would." He hissed out quite firely, his hands on his hips leaning forward in an outrage , " I'll pummel you like I always did when we fenced or spared. And if you even think of doing that you'll get no baked goods from me." And he folded his arms and began muttering under his breath, "wish you would hit me. Send you to an early grave. Hmph ⎯ " He then was distracted when he saw his ex, and he had to send a furious glare towards the male while he only gave him a wave and blew a kiss. Mircea was going to be sick ⎯ if the disgust on his face didn't covey that, then the absolute fury in his eyes did. Why in everlasting hell did his mother bring him? But his angry eyes couldn't see his object of hate anymore because Percival ⎯ perceptive as usual, caught on and swiftly tried to pacify him. " That's right. I'm getting far away from them as possible , so far that they'll never find me again - unless it's an absolute miracle. And I don't even see why she brought him," he said with a tone of bitterness and malice that was only reserved for when he was absolutely done with someone, " he was always so crude, disgusting, he couldn't defend me if his life depended on it because he's shit with a sword, he can't dress for shit ⎯ I mean look at him, there is not a single coherent thought from those beady eyes." He said pointing to the man in annoyance, and he was dressed in the most eye revolting outfit one man could even think of ⎯ proving his point then and there," not to mention he's very . . . eccentric and not in a good way, always unsettled me and then he was very unnecessarily handsy." And he could feel an uncomfortable shiver run up his spine at the thought. Shaking his head he dusted the thoughts away. He didn't need them, he was going to become a Rider and have his own life. After walking away from his friend, he realized he didn't want to do this alone. And he sighed to himself, why was he like this. He noticed some Riders were already taking off including Micheal and Kristopher. And so he smiled at Zehra as she commented that they could've used the original spot. "On second thought Zehra ⎯ we can just take off after Aether and Percival. Let's go catch up with them." He gave a little jog back over to Percival and it seems he was talking to his dragon about preparing for flight. And so he patiently waited for them to finish. Before giving Percival a soft smile before addressing him. "Hey, I was wondering if me and Zehra could take off with you and Aether. I think it would be fun ⎯ and plus we can see who can get to the designated spot quicker, I'm pretty sure my girl is gonna blow you out the water." He says with a confident tone, a smirk spreading across his face. Before tilting his head with a predatory grin,"What do you say, Percival ⎯ up for a little competition?" He said with a rather cheeky grin.
And with that he went to Zehra, and mounted her ⎯ with just a tad bit of struggle. Go as fast as you want, go as high as you want, I want the full experience. I'm ready for out first official flight together. He spoke through his and Zehra's mindlink. And when she took off he was ready ⎯ ready for whatever was thrown their way.
Edited at September 14, 2022 04:50 PM by Spellbound

——— ●⧼ Rimfire ⧽●——— Storm Dragon || 202 Years || Male || M: Quill, Riders { ind. }, Dragons { ind. } ————————————————————— Smirking for a milisecond, Rimfire looked towards Quill as she spoke. "I appreciate the confidence." As his smirk faded, the dragon began to lift his body up, tucking his legs underneath him, slowly pushing himself to stand. His talons gripping into the earth beneath him, holding him still as he moved his weight around. "But, be warned. This is the first flight. This flight will determine whether you are fit to live or die. Don-" he stopped himself, and sighed to himself quietly. Well, it would be easier if she didn't see it coming. If she is worthy of being his rider, she'll know to hang on tight and not to die. He told himself that he wouldn't come swooping down to save her, but he knew he couldn't let her die... he'd just be seriously disappointed if that were to happen. Oh well.
Lifting his head, turning his focus away from Quill, his eyes fixated on a specific group of members, seeing as they were the elders, speaking quietly amongst one another. No, he didn't have super hearing, but as other dragons and riders began to get ready and take to the sky, he cleared his throat with a rough growl before he straightened himself out, stretching his legs before he stood in a proper manner. It was time. This was it. This was when the two of them would take each other to the skies, depending on themselves alone to survive this matter. Rimfire liked his rider, deep down he truly didn't want her to fail, and had a great feeling that she would not disappoint, but he of all dragons should know not to rely on hope. The saddle sat still and quiet upon his back. He shook his body as a whole, the saddle stood in place, refusing to shift from side to side, and Rimfire was pleased. The metal stirrups had clinked against his scales, shortly settling against his sides. Nice. Maybe.. maybe the girth was a tad tight, but in this case he didn't mind it. He wasn't happy about having a saddle on, let alone how much he'd have to wear a saddle throughout the rest of his life. It made him feel like a horse, and he ate horses. It wasn't the greatest of feelings, but he supposed he could get over it. But.. if Quill ever compared him to a horse, she'd sure enough be walking the rest of their journey together. Focusing back on his young rider, he spoke in a firm tone, a small growl could've possibly be heard between words. "I do sincerely hope you are ready." When he felt Quill's presence upon the saddle strapped to his back, he stood still for a moment, waiting to make sure whether or not she was properly in the saddle. He would ask, but it was rather pointless to do so, it's not that hard of getting into a saddle and she was capable of doing so without his questioning. So, he began walking, taking his first step with a rider sitting atop his back. It felt weird for a moment, feeling the weight of another living being on his back, he could feel the shifting of her weight as he walked, the tightening of the saddle, the warmth of the rider. It felt odd, but pleasant at the same time. Like a warm blanket, that wasn't too light but not to heavy in a way. Tightly to his sides, his wings were folded, preventing them from dragging on the ground. Due to their size, it was a hassle to let them drag beside him. As a hatchling, it did unfortunately take a few months to learn how to hold his wings properly beside him, but now he can barely feel his muscles working to do so anymore. It was just as easy as breathing. But, while folded, their appearance was quite small-looking, and wasn't exactly appeasing to the eye as they would be when they were expanded outward. But Rim didn't mind that, if anything, he loved the surprised look on other's faces once his large wings were extended outwards. Speaking of.. his wings began to grow outwards, growing in size and in length, soon reaching their full potential. The large set of wings had casted a shadow large than Rimfire himself, and the set of wings themselves appeared to be large than the dragon. Thankfully, it wasn't a "huge" difference, as he didn't look awkward with such large wings.. he almost looked like an absolute badass. And felt like one too. With an arch of his legs, his looking up to the sky above, Rimfire's wings thrusted him into the sky with a loud "whoosh" and the Dragon began flying in a vertical position.

Syvne Ice Dragon | Female | Mentions: Ana-Lucia, Other Riders & Dragons
Cold air misted up from the female's nostrils as she laid there, though the sharp angle of her narrowed eyes showed the female was on high alert. Her tail swayed back and forth, but her foul mood wasn't directed at her rider, so she kept her calm with her. In fact, her chest welled a bit in pride at the compliment the woman offered her and she snorted softly in agreement.
She listened quietly as the woman spoke and nodded gently, the gears in her head spinning as she thought. Finally she decided to ask a question she had been thinking for a while. "Does it bother you, or her, that only you were chosen by a dragon?" Syvne did not know what it was like to have family in the sense that humans experienced it. Once she was old enough she had departed from her parents and siblings and left them all behind, and had never looked back. She's gotten word about ten years ago that one of her siblings, a brother, had been slaughtered in a human trap, but she felt no sorrow, she did not mourn, she didn't even blink. She had no bond with her siblings, they, to her, were just other dragons. However, she could tell it was quite different, and that was just based on what she could see and smell.
Syvne shfited her weight a bit, but her head snapped up a bit when the Elders, the leaders of the Dragon riders, announced it was time to begin. Slowly she stood, stretching like a cat as she did, and let out a rumbling growl. Her wings shuffled a bit where they were tucked in, and she turned her head to peer at Ana-Lucia.
"It is time, Rider."
And then the dragon shifted her wing to allow the young woman access to her saddle so the two could begin. [Short, Sorry <3]