
(should we do a timeskip or???-) yui went inside the libery going up the stairs that lead to a doggy door which he was able to go threw in both forums he laid onto the large bed he laid on his back decidng he would just sleep in this forum

[Yeah, let's timeskip.] With a deep sigh, Jasper closed his eyes. Before long, he drowsed off. He had dreams about running in the forest, leading a large pack behind him.

he woke up in the mroing his ears twitched as he was a human again he sat crossing his legs he didnt feel like to man the shop today sitting up with a groan "...ugh..." he said as he stood up,remebering last night a bit

Jasper blinked awake, his body aching. He glanced at his hands, noting that he was human again. Jasper rolled out of bed, pulling on a black tunic and a pair of jeans. He never liked geting up in the morning, and after a full moon was worse. He paced downstairs and greeted his parents before grabbing a box of cereal out of the pantry. He thought about last night, remembering Yuki and the fact that he was going to the library later.

yuki started to brush his hair sometimes hes comb got messed and grabbed by his tangely hair he couldnt understand how other people did thhis getting his hair into a ponytail already dressed he headed downstairs holding a book and opens the libery as he sighs

After eating his fill of cereal, he mumbled a goodbye to his parents and walked outside. He hummed to himself, walking down the street and examining the plants and trees around him. He could see one of his neighbors working in his garden, planting beautiful marigolds. Everything was very colorful, with spring in full bloom. With a quiet breath, Jasper turned the corner and continued towards the library.

yuki started to clean up the libery taking care of the plants that showed of his parents as well as making sure the books were nice and orgznied he couldnt wait to see his friend

Jasper, upon coming up to the library, flipped up the collar on his jacket and snuck in. He slinked behind a bookself, looking around for Yuki. It would be hilarious if I scared him. Just gotta find him first- Jasper walked a lap around the building so far undetected, then stopped as he recognized Yuki's scent. He peeked around a bookshelf to see Yuki straightening books. He crept forward, trying to make his footsteps silent, then tapped Yuki's shoulder.

yuki jumped and yips loudly as he looed back as he pushes him away a bit from shock "oh golly molly!" he said in a biritsh accent as he looked as he was trying to claim down "you scared the hellbies out of me." he said panting

Jasper burst out laughing, taking a step back. "Got ya! Anyways, how are you doing? Can I help with something?" He grabbed a book from one of the shelves, turned it the right way, and put it back. "You need me to help put books back, perhaps?"