
Abel/Teen;hunter/Mickey He put the good meat up for sale. Then turned to the elder and said "Good Morning!". Irma/Teen/Chomper She watched Lucas walk off, but quickley turned towards the elder and gave her a small kind smile.

Aislinn|14|Teen Beau returned, proudly carrying a chunk of meat in her jaws "Well done, lil thing" Ash beamed, she sighed. "Come'on we better be go'in" She said and led the way through the streets. Tracing the familiar path back home. Would her Mum cope while she was away? Ash knew she probaly would, but still a part of her worried.

Lucas/14/Teen He raced through the streets, pulling up Ash's house as quietly as he could. He saw Ash coming down the street and dismounted. Waiting for her so that he cojld give her the food.

Abel/teen hunter/mickey He got the meat hung and waited around. Hoping someone would by something. Irma/teen/chomper She got bored and started to walk around the village with Chomper now out of his tattoo form and following her.

Aislinn|14|Teen Ash spotted Lucas standing in front of her house and felt her face flush. What is wrong with you Ash? Stop it! "What are yo doing here" she asked as she came closer, "I assume it wasn't just for my amazing company"

Lucas/14/Teen He grinned and let Juno go into her tattoo form on his forearm. "I thought you could use an extra pair of hands, and some extra food." He said looking down and then looking at her, his face colouring up. He held out the bundle of food and nodded towards the door to her house.

Who had a crush on Irma again?))

Carlos. Who is currently out hunting at the coast and will meet the other teens there when they get there tonight (in rp)


Aislinn|14|Teen "Oh, wow, thanks" she stuttered, taking the bundle, Beau leaping off her shoulder and running around Juno and Lucas. Ash paused, unsure what to do, her feet tapped as they often did out of habit and she smiled at Lucas