
Violet Violet's face brightened, she will be learning how to become a healer! "I would love to start early!" Violet said, "How can I start?"

Cosmo Cosmo looked up at Arctic, he had finished his prey and he was laying in the shade. "Hey, do you need something?" He asked. He could sense the sudden shyness and he could almost feel the butterflies in her stomach. It made him flush, he hoped this wouldn't be awkward.

Ava-Medic-[Violet] Ava laughed at Violet's excitement and said "How about helping me get the dry herbs out of the fresh ones?" Ava thought After that we could check on the elders since it is getting late. Ava smiled at Violet and then remembered being told about Alligator protecting some of the others during a bear attack. Ava then said "Actually i need you to get Alligator please i just remembered i need to look at him to make sure he isn't injuried."

Luna~ Luna followed Fusion, her eyes narrowed. She gave a low growl as she now smelled the humans as well. Her blue eyes scanned the area before she spotted movement. "Fusion" she said, motioning over to where she saw the movement. She knew it was too large to be a rabbit. While her leg was still sore, she had needed to come out here and look for herself. Before the alpha female knew it, she heard loud cracks. "RUN!" She turned and bolted, not knowing if Fusion was behind her. As the only alpha and only heir from her parents, she couldnt risk turning around to see if the elder was following.

Violet Violet nodded at Ava, "I think I saw him a few minutes ago." She walked outside of the den, stepping into the sunlight again. Violet spotted Alligator across camp, he seemed to be laying down, when Violet got closer, she noticed that he was curled up around Angel. Violet cringed, "Can't you guys do this somewhere else?" The two wolves looked up, embarrsed. Violet snickered, "Alligator, Ava needs to check your wounds, she told me to get you." Alligator got up a bit too quick and stumbled. Violet coughed to hide a laugh.

Alligator He huffed and walked back to the healers den with sleepy eyes. He flicked his tail and waited for ava. He was sad that he had to leave angel.

Ava-Medic-(Violet and Alligator) Ava saw Alligator come in and said "Why did t you come earlier?" Ava walked up to Alligator and motion him to lay down on his side. She hoped it was nothing serious so that she could continue with the other things need. Ava waited for Alligator to lay down. Ava turned to Violet and said "I'm gonna show you how to deal with a wound like this." ~~~~~~~~~~ Fusion-Elder-(Luna) Fusion noticed a human pointing his gun at Luna which made Fusion jump in front of the bullets path. Fusion had been shot close to his heart but was able to make it to safety with Luna before collapsing. Fusion said "I'm sorry Luna....You are the only alpha we have I need to take it."

Alligator He laid down and winced. He said "I was here ealier i just got bored and wanted to ask angel something so i left" he huffed and curled his tail close. He looked at violet and thought (huh new healer apprince) he then laid his head down and waited.

Chinook || Beta || M: Scouts, Ava (Ind), Distant Gunfire, Kirik He looked over as the scouting group returned, triumph written all over their countenances. Oh, good. Chinook dipped his head in greeting as Duchess approached him and allowed her to deliver her information uninterrupted. Some of the tenseness in his muscles ebbed away as she made note of not only potential denning areas but also herbs. They would need those soon enough; Ava would be thrilled. "Well done, all of you," he praised. "Luna will appreciate this. If one of you would find Ava and let her know the locations of the herbs, she may want to investigate them soon, whether or not we relocate there. I will find Luna." He turned away from them and the hair on his back stood up as a crack echoed through the trees. Oh, crap. He knew the sound well; ill news was on the horizon. Of course it would occur as soon as a sliver of hope had appeared. Chinook whipped back around and called, "Kirik! Follow the sound; if you can get close enough safely, I need to know as many details on the area as you can find. Don't hold time too long." Kirik || Scout || M: Chinook, Luna, Fusion Her body stiffened in alarm at the sudden change in the beta's tone and she wasted no time in hastily accepting the order. She ran through the trees, taking the long way around, and came up to an area rank with human scents. Her body tingled as her powers activated; the trees stilled and the hunter's steps slowed to a low thud.... thud.... snap..... Turning her head, she pinpointed the hunter's location and began surveying the area around them. She made note of the direction the boot tracks were coming from, the way the hunter was going, the smells, the sounds. It was then that the scent of blood wafted lazily on the slowed air, and Kirik lurched forward to revert herself back to a regular passage of time. She crept away and followed the scent slowly, staying low to the ground and out of sight. As it got stronger, she could smell Luna and Fusion, and her heart skipped a beat. Kirik sped up, then, until she finally reached the two of them. The female grimaced at Fusion's state and looked to the exhausted alpha. She blurted, "The hunter is a fair distance away still, but he will be here soon enough I am sure. What do you need me to do?" Her mind was already spinning with thoughts of how to hide Fusion's blood trail, how to get a healer out here, how to get Luna back quickly and safely without leaving more evidence for the hunters to follow,...

Duches~ [Chinook, Open!] Duches bowed her head to Chinook before she heard a gunshot. She perked her ears and her mouth dropped.*Who could they be hunting, no one should be out at this time?* Duches was confused and did not think the hunters would be so close so soon. She stood up waiting for something to happen. She looked at Chinook hoping for an answer. - Duches thought she would tell Ava about the herbs after this situation was over. Would they have to move camps already? or would they be able to stay in this camp for a little longer? Only time will tell now, the wolves can't do anything to scare away the humans. They would just shoot them when in sight.