
Sandstorm jumped. "What, Huh? Oh, you, yeah sure, I'll go hunting. Anyone else coming?"

Persephone | Female | Sent away | Gold Pack |M: Sparrowhawk, Sandstorm, Luna "Alright!" I say, and walk over to the river. Luna was waiting there. Are we just gonna sit in silence or...? Ugh i never really liked hunting parties. I prefer going alone. I just need to kill something or I'll go insane. I drink some water from the river and sit next to Luna, waiting for Sparrow and Sand-whatever to come. I never really bothered to learn the pack members names, just the important ones; Aeikiarros, Sparrowhawk and Nighttingale. I swished my tail impatiently. Hurry up sparrow.

Skylark|Silver Pack|Alpha|M: Oriole, Wander I leave Wander to rest she needs it and I find Oriole walking through the woods and smile." Hey you wanna go on a hunt? If so meet me by the connecting rivers I wanna see if Sparrow and Night are starting patrols yet. You wanted to go fishing or hunting nows your chance." I chuckle and walk up to the river not to far away

Persephone | Female | Sent away | Gold Pack |M: Skylark, Sparrow, Luna I hear someone approaching the river, and turn to look at them, on the defensive. "Ugh. Silver pack" I mutter, glaring at them. Why wasn't sparrow hurrying? I tapped my paw impatiently. Luna was awfully quiet. I decide to chat with this newcommer. Sparrow would know the names of every pack member in the Silver pack. I don't. Who cares anyway. I give the wolf a nod of acknowledgment. "You hunting too?" I ask, my tone dry.

Skylark|Silver Pack|Alpha|M: Persephone, Oriole I smile at Persephone knowing the name by memory." Hey Name's Skylark. Yeah I'm hunting waiting for my friend to get here. How've you been Persephone?" I smile and sit down looking behind me to see if Oriole would be coming soon but I know he's probably off wandering trying to find a way here

Persephone | Female | Sent away | Gold Pack |M: Skylark how does he know my name...? I shake off that thought. There's been a few meetings between both packs, so I assume the Alpha's would know each other's pack members. "I've been great" I say, with a hint of sarcasm in my voice. I clear my throat "what about you" I fidget with my claws. I never really liked talking to others. I glance back to see if Sparrowhawk was coming, but there was no sign of him. Sandy probably got lost. Ha! That's five wolves now. See sparrow! I am making progress. I am applying myself! You don't have to worry anymore. I'm trying my hardest to be the wolf you want me to be. Even if it's really hard. I shake the thoughts away. Sparrow always tried to convince me to respect the others and learn they're names. I bring my attention back to Skylark. six wolves. My brain makes a mental note of how many names I've memorised so I can brag to Sparrow later. "How have you been, Skylark sir?" I say.

Nighingale/Gold/Alpha/ F/M: Sparrowhawk, Open - I watch my mate gather wolves for a hunting party. Persephone is a good choice. I need to see if she is willing to support her pack. I walk to a hollow tree and poke at it's roots. It push them aside to find the pack's supply of healing herbs. I pull them out to defrost and dry. We do not need them to rot on us. Especially you a sickness going around like wildfire. Edited at May 18, 2024 11:30 AM by Bobcat

Sparrowhawk/M/Pack Member/Gold Pack/M: Night, Open He nodded, and ran to the river, annoyed that he'd had to leave the patrol alone for so long getting enough wolves. He skidded to a stop at the river, and snarled as he spotted Skylark and a panting Oriole. Why were they here? He didn't like Silver Pack, even though they were technically not fighting right now. "Hello, Skylark." He said coldly, completely ignoring the blue-black juvenile glaring at him across the stream. He raised his eyebrow at Persephone. Why was she talking to the Silver Pack? Oriole/M/Sent Away/Silver Pack/M: Wander, Skylark, Open He followed Skylark easily, staying quiet so he seemed almost invisible. He noticed Skylark looking for him, and smirked. The alpha would never know. He padded out to stand next to his alpha, panting, just from running so hard to catch the mouse he now dropped at his feet. Prey was scarce now, so even if it was something like this gross furry mouse he had to catch it. He glared at Sparrowhawk as the grey male snarled at them. They hadn't even been doing anything! That guy was way too overprotective. Especially of his mate, the alpha. Soooo clingy. Edited at May 18, 2024 11:36 AM by Blade of Dreams

Skylark|Silver Pack|Alpha|M: Persephone, Oriole "We were just leaving. Let's go Oriole." I say and walk away at the sight of Sparrowhawk." Nice talking to you Persephone. I'm doing well." I say mockingly and walk off towards the woods ingnoring Sparrowhawk's greeting. I brush it off and pick up a scent of deer or maybe a rabbit.

Persephone | Female | Sent away | Gold Pack |M: Skylark, Sparrow, Luna,Oriole I let out a sigh of relief as Sparrowhawk makes his appearance at last. I gave him a look that said help me. "look who finally decided to show up. Let's head out" I say to sparrow, standing up. "pleasure to meet you, Skylark" I say, my tone dry once more. "looking forward to meeting you again" I walk away, followed by sparrow and luna.