
Nyota | Queen | Mentions: Calisto (direct) "I think that will work." She said, responding to Calisto's ideas about the rationing. "I'm not trying to be stuck up or anything, but we can let the cubs and other lionesses have the water first. I'll drink when you do." She said. Nyota didn't want Calisto to think she was saying that because of her pride, she just wants what is best for everyone, and the nursing lionesses and cubs deserve the water more than she does. "Should i organize a patrol? Or should we wait?" Nyota asked, noticing the less than satisfactory prey. (when i reffered to pride i meant her 'pride' not as in the actual pride if that makes sense)

Lionel | M | Cub | Mentions: Hemlock, Zion, Calisto Lionel was shocked when Zion offered to let him and Hemlock lead the patrol. He stared at Zion for a second before he slowly took a few steps forward. He took a small drink from the water hole like Calisto said. He then padded back over to Hemlock. " You ready?" He whispers quietly so hopefully only Hemlock can hear. He looks at Zion then to the open savahna. He had only been on a few hunts and patrols to observe what to do. He never went anywhere with such a small group though.
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Hemlock - Pride Male - M: Zion, Lionel Hemlock didn't like Calisto putting someone in charge of him, he was a full grown lion if a little short. But as he scanned the hot savannah, the heat traveling through the air in waves, he took a deep breath. Zion was not to blame, he didn't want to hold a grudge. Hemlock stooped down to talk to Lionel, not shispering this time but just speaking, 'Why don't you lead the way little bro, we can go where ever you want,' he said puffing up his chest, his tan-brown mane shining, but disheveled. He stood at attention smiling mischeviously at the cub excited for the adventure and hoping the young lion was too.

Kima | Pride Male | Mentions: Kima awoke with a jolt. He looked around the den, realizing he was one of the last ones to wake up. He quickly scrambled to his paws, making his way out. He noticed most of the pride was up by now, most of them over by the watering hole. The brown grass swayed in the hot wind, and Kima sighed, knowing it was going to be another scorching day. He made his way over to where the King and Queen were sitting, and after waiting for them to finished their conversation, dipped his head. "I am very sorry, Your Majesty, I seemed to have overslept." He said, avoiding eye contact with the two. "Is there anything you would like me to do? Hunting patrol, watch the cubs, anything?" He asked, waiting for a response. (Let's act like I totally didn't forget about him)

Calisto Male | King | M: SpottedShade (Dir) Nyota (Dir) Kima (Dir) As he watched, he noticed Spottedshade's head was angled as her ears seem to twitch, or angle towards them. Seemingly like she was trying to focus on their conversation. He noticed the male in front of him, and hope he didn't take this the wrong way but Calisto quickly let's out a grunt of a roar as he does a small jerk lunge. A warning to the lioness, "Mind your ears Spottedshade." He growls, tail lashing. Backing off, his eyes remained focused before softly blinking and looking down to the male, Kima. "Um, I was going to ask Nyota about starting a hunting party. The carcass is getting a bit... low on options."

Acacia | F | Pride Lioness | M: Those who are awake - Acacia opened her eyes, realising that the sun had already risen. She quickly got up, shaking ot her pelt. Acacia headed out of the den, allowing her eyes to adjust to the sudden change in lighting. She partially blamed her pregnancy for why she had gotten up so late in the morning. She was fairly visably pregnant at this stage, only having a month or so left to go. Acacia didn't want to admit it but she may end up having to take a back-seat in the patrols fairly soon. She went over to the watering hole to get a drink, noticing how low the water was. She was concerned about if there would be enough to last the pride through the dry season. Hopefully they'd get a surprise burst of rain soon but, that would be a miracle.

Lionel | M | Cub | Mentions: Hemlock, Zion Lionel nods to Hemlock and starts head off throught the tall grasses. He looks around at the sky and fields. The heat absorbed by the ground warms his paws. He stumbles over a branch on the ground and almost falls but he catches himself. He eventually gets bored of leading and falls back to walk besides Hemlock. He glances over at Zion a few paces behind them. Lionel wants to start a conversation with them but has no idea what to say. Edited at January 14, 2024 07:36 PM by TheCuteHuskyPack
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Spottedshade | F | Pride Lionness | Mention: Calisto "I'm sorry, my king." Spottedhsade shrunk back, tail low. Now I've done it! She walked away from the group, ears drooping, and settled back near the place where she was grooming herself earlier, but this time somewhere a bit more hidden by grass. She frantically groomed her shoulder with quick laps of her tongue to calm herself. It's not so bad, she soothed herself. I'll get a chance to prove myself. The king can't be mad forever. And then she was frustrated with herself for getting so worried over something as small as that. It was only a small reprimand. What she should be focusing on was the water supply, but she couldn't think of anything to help that situation, at least not until she cleared her head some more.

Zion l Pride Male l M: Lionel, Hemlock . Zion padded behind the two youngsters, staying a few tail lengths back and scent mariing the borders. His darkish mane ruffled through the steady and rare breeze, bringing him the scents of both antelope, buffalo, and the strong scent of hyenas. He gained on the Lionel and Hemlock, and asked the two. "Whats going on?" He said, walking directly behind Lionel, a soft tine in his voice.
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Nyota | Queen | Mentions: The pride (dir), Calisto (dir) Nyota nodded at Caliso. "I'll get something set up right now." She said. "Could everyone who is awake please gathered over here!" Nyota raised her voice to the lions could hear her. "I'll have Spottedshade, Acacia and myself will go on a hunt. Zion and Hemlock are patroling the territory right now. Everyone is dismissed." Nyota stood up, "I'll be back soon." She said to Calisto as she made her way over to Spottedshade and Acacia.