
Blu| Coonhound| Male| Stray| Mention: Open
Blu finally arrives at the park it was so beautiful here only if the sky wasn't so glumly cloudy. He looks for a place for shelter from the light rain as he walks around his paws were wet and he didn't like the smell of it. Soon he sees one and goes inside shaking his wet fur dry laying down near the entrance.

Ashanti | Saluki/Irish Wolfhound/ Belgian Malinois | Info | Stray | Mentions: Taco Ashanti almost missed the distinct dog scent due to the rain tilling up fresh scents. She turned her head looking in all directions for the cause of the smell. She narrowed her eyes annoyed that they had managed to remain undetected for so long. She thought the canine might be in the dip out of sight by the creek, so she padded that direction. She was working hard to guess where they were so she could approach them from an unexpected angle. She would prefer to assess the situation before she engaged. She hated that her fluffy fur was clinging to her making her look thin, weak, and scraggly, when she was actually doing quite fine. She padded around a tree and a few bushes trying to remain unseen. The wetness and rain helped disguise the usual sound of her paws on the mulch. She poked her head around the tree and noticed a mainly black dog sitting and scratching himself. She stared a little longer trying to figure out what mood he was in, what kind of temperament he had, and what business he had in her neck of the woods. "Who are you?" she finally decided to say something as she stepped out from behind the tree. Being much larger and taller than he was, she didn't want to look like she was hiding. She tried to muster all of the gracefulness she had, but it couldn't make up for how ragged and wet she looked. "What are you doing here? Actually, the second question is more important. You don't look like you belong here." She cautiously approached him, keeping her ears perked up for his potential companions. She was nervous that if he had friends they would avoid detection. He almost had. She maintained eye contact although she was also concentrating her focus on her periphery where she hoped she would notice any movement. She came close enough so she could get a better sniff of him. He was an odd looking little dog. She also managed to stay out of his reach.

Echo | Australian Cattle Dog | Info | Pet | Mentions: N/A The small blue heeler grabbed onto the frisbee, her pearly whites clamping down onto the flat red rubber KONG. She rushed back to her owner, her tiny nub wagging. She let go of the disc as Kylie grabbed it, "Okay, go!" She called out. A flash of indigo ran after the flying color of red through the park, barking and whining in anticipation to grab it. She jumped up, snapping onto the disc again, running back to Kylie, "That's a good girl, Echo." She grabbed the frisbee from Echo's mouth, petting her. Echo panted, ears shifted back gently as she flopped onto the damp grass. She looked up at the rain falling down on her as it cooled her off ever so slightly. Kylie was holding an umbrella in her other hand but wasn't using it. She brought it just in case. Echo stood back up, barking at Kylie to throw it again. Kylie chuckled, throwing it with a quick command to run around her legs before sending her off through the park. Echo's tiny legs rushed, her mouth gaping open as she tries her best to grab it. She jumped up once again, slamming onto the ground afterward. She whined for a split second before standing back up and trotting back to her person, who was laughing. The dog rolled her eyes, huffing as she plopped back down onto the grass, resting her head on her paws as she panted, the disc now sitting next to her.

Rhodes | Caucasian shepherd/Saint Bernard | Pet | Mentions: Open He knew the other dogs could see him from the sliding door, watching his sulking. Rhodes had been sulking for the past hour, maybe two. He'd huff and sigh, hoping his owners would just get the hint and allow him back outside. The light showers throughout the day had caused them to all but drag him back inside, unwilling to bathe him and deal with the double coat of fur themselves. They would deem it too messy to allow Rhodes to be happy and actually be a dog. He looked out the door again, seeing the other houses, some dogs walking around enjoying their days, and finally, the large towering lighthouse. One of his favorite things to see. Especially if it's a stormy night, watching the tower that seems forever unyielding and standing against the storm. He was heavily considering crying by the door, to get out and sneak off for a while and enjoy the cooler day. He'd be fine with being inside if the rain made it horribly humid, but today was too perfect to give up. Rhodes gave in, sitting up, leaning against the door and whining loudly, doing his best to annoy his owners into opening the door.

Kieran | GSD x Husky | Stray | Info | Mentions: Blu Even though he closed his eyes to sleep, they seemed to pop back open themselves. Annoyed, he tried again, desperate to miss out on the rain. However, something caught his nose. A small, but strong scent of another within his vicinity. He knew that going to a dog park that there would be other dogs, but in this weather? It seemed odd to find another. Unless it was another stray. Kieran weighed his options, knowing full well that all the run-ins he had with other strays wasn't exactly pleasant. However, if he kept to himself any longer, he felt like he might lose his head. Ears pricked up and icy eyes scanned what area he could see, wondering if the dog was in the park hiding.
A few moments of looking and nothing catching his eyes or ears, Kieran uncertainly flexed his paws. Should he go out to see? He didn't know how territorial this mysterious stranger could be, and Kieran really didn't want to lose his dry spot. Battling with himself internally for a few more minutes, he found himself slowly rising to his paws and taking a few cautious steps out of the tunnel. Looking around, he slipped out of the tunnel and looked around the park, still not seeing a soul. He trotted his way around the equipment, looking at every nook and cranny he could find yet; still no one. He was getting soaked the more he looked and he vigorously shook out his coat out of pure irritation. Licking his lips, he just about gave up when his eyes wandered to the entrance of the park. There, by the wall he could see spots. The dog had nearly camouflaged their way into the wall, the only indication of anything being there was the misplaced spots and slow breathing. His breath hitched at the sight, becoming more and more nervous at the fact that there was indeed, another. He wanted to bound up to them and spew out to his hearts content, but another part of him was anxious and wary. He tilted his head in concern, maybe they were hurt? Licking his lips again, Kieran wondered how he should even approach, or if he should. Standing there, eyes locked onto the other dog, Kieran gave up and decided that the worst that could happen is that they fight and Kieran has to find other shelter. Slowly and cautiously, he approached the other dog, not trying to be silent in his steps. He barked softly and stayed a good distance away, waiting for the stranger to make their first move. Edited at June 17, 2023 12:37 PM by Bayou

Blu| Coonhound| Info |Male | Stray| Mention: Kieran
Blu slowly opening up his eyes as he heard a soft bark looking up he sees another dog perhaps another stray? But Blu wasn't aggressive towards the stray dog. Lifting up his head looking at his eyes he finally speak. "I didn't know this was your shelter but if you want me to leave then I will go." He said in a calming voice before standing up revealing his coonhound color and his blue bandanna around his neck. Edited at June 17, 2023 11:54 PM by Musa

Echo | Australian Cattle Dog | Info | Pet | Mentions: (Indirect) Blu & Kieran As Kylie reached down to clip a leash onto Echo's Herm Sprenger Fursaver, the dog was sniffing around within the grass on the way back to the Traverse. She perked her ears towards what looked to be two strays, licking her nose. She tugged a little, whining for a split second as she remembered of her restraint. Kylie watched her, pulling her closer to her, "Now son, you be back home before dark." She said in a deeper voice, getting on a knee and pulling Echo close to her chest. The dog whined, licking her face and jumping up a little, "Just don't do anything stupid, okay girl? I'll leave the garage cracked." She whispered. Echo understood 'don't', 'stupid', and 'garage cracked' out of the entire conversation. Gosh was understanding humans hard. She wagged her tiny little nub as fast as she could as Kylie unclipped her lead, ruffling her fur up a little. Echo's red heart-shaped ID and circular silver rabies tags were barely hidden within her neck fluff, making it extremely obvious she was not one of them. Kylie got into the pearl Chevy and drove off, leaving the small canine to fend for herself momentarily. She slowly walked up to the strays, hiding behind a nearby bush and crawling her way closer. Honestly her noseiness got the best of her and she was hoping to watch a fight happen.

Hondo and Chase l Males l Dutch Shepherd l M: Blu, Kieren . Hondo and Chase were going towards the lighthouse, when they remembered the dog they had met in the alley. He seems nice, and now they were second guessing there actions. Three was always better than two. Chase nudged his brother and said, "Maybe we could use the coonhound on our side." He said. Hondo nodded and turned back the way they came. The scent was still there, but faint, even in the rain. It didnt take long to find him. Hondo's ears perked up. They were not the only dogs in the alley. Hondo saw a faint glimmer of an eye a little ways away. He draped his tail on Chase's shoulder, a sign the brothers use when there is something else nearby. Hondo barked at the coonhound, and then at the ither dog, anouncing their presence.
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Blu| Coonhound| Info |Male | Stray| Mention: Kieran, Hondo and Chase Blu's ears perked up hearing a familiar barking walking out from the shelter and sees the two Dutch Shepherds again that he saw before. He wagged his tail in a friendly way "Hello again Hondo and Chase I assume." He said in a gentle voice as he scratches a itch behind his ear before standing back up.
Edited at June 19, 2023 02:55 PM by Musa

Kieran | GSD x Husky | Stray | Info | Mentions: Blu, Hondo and Chase, Echo (mildly direct) The others' behaviour was surprisingly turbulent, not assertive at all. In fact, he even offered to leave. He stood up and Kieran took a step back, out of worry that he seemed too brash to the other. He could befriend this dog, finally have someone to talk to? Icy eyes swathed over the other dog, taking in his build and pelt colors. A few moments passed, before Kieran recognized his breed as a coonhound. Ears pricking up in amusement, Kieran opened his maw to explain to the other that he didn't mind his presence when two other dogs showed up. Immediately whipping his head as they barked at him, his heart jackhammered in his chest. The coonhound greeted back and Kieran just about screamed. He was going to get jumped? Were they going to kill him? Gritting his teeth, he took a few more steps back. Maybe he misjudged the coonhound? Was he calm or annoyed that Kieran had revealed himself? Kieran now regretted attempting to be friendly and wished he hadn't even left the damn tunnel. The coonhound spoke their names and Kieran dropped his tail uncertainly. Stop freaking out, stop freaking out, stop freaking out. They were friendly. Yeah? What if they already knew about him? What if they would see right through him and..and- Kieran's breathing became a bit labored, the dreadful rain making everything seem menacing. He backed up even more, nearing a bush that was looking rather tantalizing to use for cover. He turned to look at it, catching a small glimpse of eyes looking back at him. Jumping out of his skin, he bolted to the otherside of the playground, growing more and more skittish. Frantically, he looked around for anywhere to hide. Anywhere to run. His mouth dry and a pit of dread settled in his stomach as he realized that there was no where to go. He had cornered himself. His breath hitched in his chest and he was on the verge of tears. All muscles were tense and his paranoia grew. His thoughts wild, the only one that stuck was that they were going to kill him. The thought alone made him freeze out of fear. He was strong, but 4 dogs? Impossible. He wouldn't make it out alive even if he tried. Breathing haggard, Kieran finally found the will to move and his legs propelled him to the entrance, where he juked past the other shepherds. He ran and ran as fast as his legs could carry him. His surroundings blurred as he sprinted away. He was unsure where he was going, other than away; away from certain death. The sounds of the city seem to slur in his ears as the only prominent sound was the wind howling. He saw the ocean and realized that once his paws hit sand, that he had made it to the beach and that he was safe. He slowed to a stop and panted hard and heavy, regaining his breath. Then the thought of being followed plagued him, and he whipped around and frantically looked for any signs of the dogs. Rigid and alert, Kieran stood there for several minutes, too afraid to move and too afraid to make a noise. His throat was tight and it was hard to breathe. Kieran slowly calmed, reassessing the situation in his head. Slowly sitting, he hung his head in shame at himself. Edited at June 24, 2023 04:17 PM by Bayou