
Ryuu Male | Venom Dragon | Mentions: Rhyhor, Ian Indirectly: Juniper, Desmodus, General Others Rhyhor was tense, he could feel it. They weren't touching, but they were close enough that he could feel the shift in the air as the storm dragon's temper crackled to life. Ryuu swung his head around, looking for what could have caused it, and took in the mess that was the ceremony. It was messy most years, some dragons had much less complaints about eating humans than others did, and, of course, there were those that preferred their personal space and had it invaded. But, as he followed where Rhyhor's gaze was, he understood. The storm dragon had told him about Henry and Juniper, Henry's younger sibling. The person that Rhyhor was watching very closely, well, they matched the description of Juniper, and they were approaching the dark dragon. He tapped one of his tails against Rhyhor's own tail, shifting his wings. The dark dragon didn't look like it was being aggressive, but he couldn't exactly blame Rhyhor for being prepared. Some dragons could be unpredictable, just as people are unpredictable. Ryuu's attention was stolen when the bond tugged on his heart, and he swung his head around, searching the crowd for Ian. He found him easily, as if his human had a beacen attached to his face, and he watched the blond approach him. To be quite frank, Ian looked like shit, he looked like he hadn't slept that well and he definitely hadn't had the amount of coffee he normally drank in the morning. 'No one has died,' was his response to Ian's comment. 'Better than some ceremonies. Normally a dragon has eaten someone by now.' Ryuu followed Ian with his eyes as the man dropped to the ground, fully settling down beside him. One of his many tails curled up and in a loose circle around the blond, and he carefully avoided pricking his rider with the spikes on his tails. 'You look like shit.' He said after a few moments of silence. 'Didn't sleep well, I take it.' Phrased as a question, said as a statement, Ryuu already knew the answer. 'We'll have to make sure you sleep well tonight then,' the smirk was on the edge of his tone as he continued. 'You need all the beauty sleep you can get.'

Maji Molina Rider - Female - M: Murkburim(Ind), Rhyhor(Ind), Juniper(Ind), Henry(Ind), Pallas(Ind) ~ Maji slowly walked towards a crowd of people, nervous and excited at the same time. Her eyes were so big and almost looked anime as she watched dragons fly around and land near a lake. She watched the sky for a while before smiling, then looking back towards the crowd she was inching closer and closer to, that wiped her face of happiness, replacing it with a shy, nervous look. She inched closer and then noticed two people joking with each other, and shied away from them. She inched closer to the lake and saw a dragon emerge from the silver water holding a fish in his strong jaws before practically knawing on it, destroying it and turning it into mush. She then turned her gaze towards a dragon, who was obviously a storm dragon. She tried to change her face to a normal expression, but still couldn't stop the nervousness from spreading back across her face. Pictures of a giant crowd of stickmen appeared in her head with a large red X over them all. Maji liked friends, but not huge crowds of people shouting. It just made her feel awkward being near so many other people she didn't know. Suddenly, a golden flash caught her attention, making her look towards the direction of a large gold dragon. Pictures of the dragon appeared in her head with a question mark next to the picture make into Maji's head. It looked a lot like a utahraptor, and chirped like one too. A check appeared into her head, covering all the other pictures, basically meaning she liked the dragon. She watched the dragon for a bit before looking at a bat dragon, who was currently being pet by the same human she saw joking with someone before. She decided to be a bit brave, and inch closer the where the dragons were, but tripped, and fell straight on her head. It hurt. A big red X appeared in her head. She stood up slowly, rubbing the spot she hit her head, confused what made her trip. She looked down at the ground, noticing she tripped over herself, and got a bit embarrassed at the situation. Edited at January 3, 2023 09:49 PM by Fruit Lovers

(Ah, sorry I haven't posted xc) Ostoria Lowe Rider - Female - M: Group of kids (Indirectly), Dragons (Indirectly) Father (Directly) Desmodus (Directly) ~ Ostoria looked around the area where the group of kids was, she had gotten here a bit late but had no intent on missing out on anything. She smiled at the thought of...dragons. Mythical winged beasts her father had told her about. He had wanted to come along with her so awfully...he was sick though, terribly sick. He wouldn't have made it... Ostoria frowned at the thought of him, she wondered what he was doing right now...if he was okay. She shook the sad thought out of her head, this is what her father would have wanted for her. She herself was very excited about this new experience at the academy...dragons were still in her mind whenever she saw him. There was another girl petting the black fluffy dragon, the dragon she thought, ought to be male. Her father had told her how to know which genders were which, the dragons resembled a large bat-like creature. She wondered if this was the dragon they called Desmodus...? Ostoria walked over confidently to the girl and the bat-like dragon. "Hello there, my name is Ostoria." but of course, she was talking to the dragon. She held out her hand for the beast to smell, then she remembered she had snuck some jerky into her pocket when she herself had arrived. She brought her hand back to her pocket and it grasped around the hard meat. Ostoria put her hand in front of her, so the dragon could smell the meat. "Here boy, don't be afraid. I won't hurt you.".

Tatsuya I.-F. Montcrioux Dragon Rider | Male | Mentions: Maeleth & Ainarika [ind.] , Kyros [ind.] The young man was quite excited about being paired with this female dragon. She was very interesting, and he hoped that their bond would grow strong and that they would eventually become friends in the years to come. He also found it exhilarating that he also would be free from his parents, oh he couldn’t wait to see the look on their faces when he told them that he had been paired with a dragon. The anger of not being able to control them surely would make his mother have a heart attack. The young male was then distracted by the sound of a horrendous scream, and he looked to see that it was coming from the companion of his dragon. The male seemed to have an adverse reaction to finding his rider. He really couldn’t see the rider as his view was obstructed by his dragon. So, he cautiously made a move to get a view of the other person, and he could see he was male. And very tall compared to his smaller frame, his skin was darker in complexion, and he had strikingly blonde hair. All in all, he wasn’t that bad looking. He wondered what got the dragon in a twist about him, was he too tall for the dragon? Maybe too muscular? He then had to repress a giggle at the dragon not liking his rider based on looks. But what shocked him most was the compliment that he got from his dragon. He gave a soft smile saying, I am very pleased you like my gift. I hope to gift many more items to you in the future. And then he saw something amazing, it was an illusion of some sort, and it was full of keepsakes and very beautiful trinkets – he was particularly fond of the tree within the room. Just as he saw it, the illusion fleeted away from his mind. And that’s when it clicked, she was an Illusion Dragon, one of the rarer species of them. And he widened his eyes, in awe as he realized his luck and then he listened to her speak about her companion with such fondness and he sort of felt sort of envious about it. Of course. I wouldn’t expect anything less, you’ve known him for possibly decades, possibly centuries, while you’ve only known me for a few minutes. If I’m being honest, I envy your connection with him. He spoke through link, and then his voice grew softer a bit, but his pale violet eyes remained a bit dull, I never really had any friends like that, more like they only liked me for my family’s status and possible connections they could get, and I always ended up getting burned. So, I say keep your friend close, I’d never dream of breaking up something that precious. He then noted her reaction to her companion, and he had to admit what was going on was amusing to him. And he smiled at her mention of his name, and he nodded, Yes ma’am, I understand. And then he paused a bit saying, do I call you ma’am? Or how would you like for me to refer to you as? He was genuinely confused in this matter and was hoping to find a solution. He tilted his head a bit, his strawberry blond curls, shifting as he did so. The more peachy hue of his hair becoming more evident in the light. He now awaited her answer. Edited at January 5, 2023 10:52 AM by Spellbound

Juniper | Demi-boy (he/they) | 17 | Rider M: Desmodus + Ostoria (Dir), Rhyhor, Dragons, + Riders (Ind) As Juniper began to pet the dragon, the beautiful creature melted like butter into Juniper’s hands. A melody-like giggle escaped his lips, as he had to place a foot behind him in order to support the weight of the dragon as he peacefully leaned into him. The large, bat-like dragon lost all ferocity upon his favorite spot being pet and Juniper was just glad he had a chance to meet a dragon let alone pet one. Juniper was so enamored with the creature before him that Juniper entirely forgot their surroundings as the dragon became his only focused. The fantastical creature slowly laid down in the grass and Juniper followed, sitting down on the ground with his legs crossed as his smile only grew. Carefully dragging the head of the yawning dragon into his lap, Juniper could feel the rumbling of the purring fluff ball in his arms as he continued his actions. As the dragon yawned a second time, Juniper gasped with awe as they could see the dragon’s teeth and tongue which rolled out like a spool of thick yarn. “You have incredibly well-kept teeth…,” Juniper muttered softly, only stopping scratching the dragon with one hand to lift up the lips of the dragon’s maw to see the teeth yet again. “You must like a lot of fruit and cattle, huh?” Juniper thought for a moment before returning to using both of their hands for massaging the creature's ears. “Well, maybe if you don’t find your rider today, you can come visit my home and I can give you some real good things to snack on. Plus, I think you would love to meet Juje and Rhydor. Juje is very nice but she does not like to be touched unless it is on her ears and Rhydor can be a bit mean at first but he is super sweet and hates the small chick heater lamps and— Gosh, I am really rambling on at this point, aren’t I?” Juniper giggled softly to himself as he shook his head, his rambling instantly being stopped as he continued to play happily with the dragon’s ears. “Based on the size of your ears… you are a male right? Well, you have been such an amazing gentleman today! Whoever gets to have you is lucky to be your—” Juniper was interrupted by a girl, around his age, perhaps sixteen or maybe eighteen at most, who approached with shriveled up meat presented in her hands. It looked like jerky, but it was much less red than Juniper had normally seen jerky be so maybe it was not jerky? Well, whatever it was, it had a strong smell too that caused Juniper’s stomach to rumble as their mouth watered “Oh uh- Hello! My name is Juniper and hello!” Juniper replied, waving their hand enthusiastically as they smiled widely up at the woman. Pushing up their circular, gold-rimmed glasses, Juniper only smiled more as the woman presented the jerky to him. Juniper tilted his head with a giggle as the woman said that she ‘wouldn’t hurt him.’ “That’s a very strange introduction but thank you I suppose! Though, you look very thin— no offense of course— so if we were to wrestle, I don’t think you could hurt me very much. Thank you very much for the jerky though!” Juniper gladly took the jerky from the woman, breaking it in half and holding up one half to the dragon in his lap and eating the other half without realizing that the woman before them had meant to give the whole thing to the dragon. Juniper struggled to chew the jerky for a moment and smiled up at the woman when he laboriously swallowed it down. “This… has very little spicy! I have never had jerky without spice before… it tasted very good though so thank you very much!” Henry was wrong about people outside of the Valley even though Juniper was unaware of the fact that the woman before them had no intent of talking to them.

Beollán Fire Dragon | Male | Mentions: None
Dark wings stretched across the sky, their enormous span as clear signal of the beast's age. It wasn't unusual to see dragons of his size, no one really knew when or if dragons stopped growing. However, most dragons died in a fiery blaze of glory in someone else's battle usually, so most didn't reach the age it took to hold such a figure. Still, it was unusual to see such an older dragon out on the day when younger dragons would choos equally as young riders and bond with them to become the next team of Dragon Riders for the Kingdom. Beollan had been through it before, he wasn't keen on going through it again.
As disgruntled look was pasted on the male's face as he arced through the skies, flying at a leisurely pace, in no really hurry to arrive even remotely on time for this event. He had lost his original rider, he had loved her and after losing her he was content to live his life in solitude. If it were up to him he'd rather eat whoever dared tried to ride him instead of soar through the skies with them. The idea was blasphemous.
A deep hiss vibrated through the fire dragon's figure as he swooped around the valley bellow, wings tipping so he could see the expanse of the valley, while simultaneously not looking as large as he was. His eyes narrowed in distaste at the number of dragons he saw, many of them already speaking to what he presumed was their own humans, and a puff of smoke wafted from his jsaws, steam rising from the vents in his face.
He did not make any great, bellowing entrance, he did not swoop above their heads, threatening to graze their heads with his talons. Instead he circled the valley once, twice, three times before landing in the far back away from the rest. His wings lifted before he shook them and brought them to his sides. He moved fluidly across the ground, like a snake with legs, or more cat like, before coiling up in what was now his corner of the valley.

Ivala Fire Dragon | F | Mentions: Palla, Nina Noticing, out of the corner of her eye, a dragon approaching, Ivala turned cautiously toward it. The dragon chirped to announce its presence, which was a comfort to Ivala in the thoughtfulness of the action. By a glance, she decided it to be a venom dragoness, which was't so intimidating. Ivala noted the beautiful coloration and shine of the venom dragon's creamy golden body. "You're no trouble," Ivala said honestly, her body language relaxing a bit due to the obvious peaceful intentions. Most dragons she'd encountered were usually more rigid in the way they carried themselves and communicated, so she was also mildly surprised. She hadn't met many venom dragons, much less interacted with them. If this was the common temperament of a venom dragon, Ivala decided she liked the breed very much. Nodding slightly as she took a small step away from the venom dragoness, Ivala kept her eyes on the golden scaled dragon for a few moments in passing before returning her blazing gaze to the crowd of humans. She was once again nervous. She could definitely feel the tug towards the red head now, but she was too far away. Hesitantly, Ivala released a small chirp. Very small, and she knew nobody would have heard it, but she needed to work up to actually calling out, perhaps. She cave a nervous flap of her wings, shaking her head as if that would alleviate some of the building pressure of her anxiety. Before she could talk herself out of it, she gave a hissing roar. It was loud, somewhat shrill, and had a tone to it that would have clued anybody that knew anything about dragons that she was not entirely confident. However, it did the trick as she noticed humans around her looking nervous and taking a hint as they backed away.

Nina Rinell Tamborello Dragon Rider | Female | 17 Yrs | Mentions: Other Riders & Dragons, Ivala
For maybe the first time in her life, Nina felt a little overwhelmed. There were so many people, elbows grinding against one another as they tried to shuffle to the front, as if hoping it was their proximity that would get them chosen. As if they had any control over it.
Not only were there so many people, but the dragons hadn't taken long to make their presence known. They swooped in, landing with roars and elaborate scenes, some appeared out of the forest, an eerie reminder that they had been there and know one had known. Some of them seemed bad tempered, growling and snapping at each other or humans, one dragon seemingly defensive towards the human too close to it's counterpart. It all felt a little overwhelming, and she found herself scanning it all with intense curiosity.
At some point her eyes landed upon a beautiful, lanky dragon that had moved from where had he been by the wingless dragon near the water and up towards the ground of people. With the way she moved and the color of her scales, she looked like each little scale was made of flame itself, catching the light and dancing within it. Nina found herself staring at the dragon as she drew nearer, almost mesmerized by her appearance. Whoever got chosen by such a dragon was truly blessed.
Nina couldn't take her eyes off her, and decided that, even if this wasn't her dragon, she wanted to get a closer look. Pushing forward, dipping under and around people who were just as caught up in the moment as she was, she strategically moved closer to the dragon. She would have fought through the whole crowd to get a better look at the dragon, and once she was closer she wasn't disappointed.
Glancing at the bipedaled dragon who was looking through the crowd itself, she locked her attention back onto the one who had caught her eye. As she did, the dragon let out a shrill like roar that pulled the attention of the people around her. Pursing her lips, Nina forced her way through the last few lines of people and came out to stand in front of the dragon.
A little out of breath from shoving her way through the crowd, she panted as she greeted the dragon, her voice a bit whispy. "H-Hello," she only stuttered as she caught her breath and offered a faint smile to the dragonness. "You are absolutely beautiful," she blurted out, a soft blush coating her cheeks as she realized this was her first ever interaction with a dragon and she could be blowing it.

Henry | Male | 24 | Rider M: Rhydor, Ryuu, + Ian (Dir) Juniper, Riders, + Dragons (Ind) The day was bright and warm and it felt good to be back in the same valley that Henry’s journey began in. Even after leaving Juniper to go find Rhydor and, of course, Ian, Henry could not help but glance back and reminisce of his first meeting with his dragon and his admission to the Academy. The emotions of excitement and awe reawakened in him and bounced around inside him like excited puppies let loose into a room full of toys. These emotions took hold of him and hugged him close with a fuzzy feeling that brought a wide grin to his dopey and happy expression. Now that his little sibling was getting the chance to get the same feelings he felt, he just hoped Juniper could get a dragon unlike Falla whose heart was absolutely broken upon realizing that none of the dragons would bond with her. Thankfully, Rhydor was as amazing as always and helped Henry cheer Falla up, albeit in his usual stubborn and emotionally cut off way. As he scanned the crowd, he was sure Juniper was there, somewhere in the crowd of people, making friends and potentially meeting the dragon who could change Juniper’s life forever. Though Henry was optimistic, Henry was well aware of the fact that the fresh breeze could be filled with the scent of blood within an instant and any kid who had entered the valley had an understanding of the danger they placed themselves in. But Juniper was different. Juniper not only understood the danger but he had experienced what happens when one messes with the wrong dragon on the wrong day. Even still, Henry could not help but worry about his sibling. If Juniper does get a dragon, they are stuck with that dragon until one of them dies. All Henry knew about the dragon was that, whoever this dragon may be, they better treat Juniper well or they would be sorry. “Hey Rhydor?” Henry communicated through the bond that the two of them shared through their minds. “I am coming up to you now but keep an eye on Juniper for me until I get there.” The hike up to the platform was, sadly, not an easy one as Henry found himself a little out of breath after stepping over bushes, brush, and animals’ businesses. While walking through the forest up to the ledge where Rhydor, Ryuu, and Ian were, Henry struggled to believe Ian could have walked through the forest up such a slope like this. Maybe there was a path or something that Henry had just managed to miss, but Henry did not find one so he just assumed there was not one. As he walked up the slope, Henry stopped himself from panting softly and instantly smiled as he saw the stormy scales of his beloved dragon. “Rhydor!!” Henry called out excitedly before sprinting up the rest of the hill to meet up with his dragon before pausing briefly by his dragon as he caught his breath. “There you are! Man, I wish you could have seen Juniper. They were so happy to—” Henry paused as he looked up and saw Ryuu, smiling and waving at the dragon as Henry quickly feigned that he was not absolutely exhausted from his hike. “Oh, hey! Long time no see! Glad to see that the R an’ R gang is back together again!” Henry laughed softly at his own joke before sighing. Rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, Henry smiled shyly. “Anyways, I hope you’re doing pretty well Ryuu but have you happened to see your rider anywhere because I would really like to see—” As Henry finally decided to look a little past Ryuu, something that should have occurred to any sensible person, Henry’s eyes glimmered with childish excitement as he cut himself off with a loud gasp. “Ian!!!” With a smile that only grew at he stared motionlessly at a friend whom he had not seen in ages now, in a blur of motion, Henry charged forward at Ian like a stampeding bull and, in a swift, effortless motion, scooped Ian off his feet and he hugged him tightly and spun around with Ian in his arms like Ian was a weightless doll. “Oh my goodness fuc— freaking gracious! I have not seen you in so long!! I missed you so, so much!!” Henry placed Ian down on the ground as he placed his hands on Ian’s shoulders as he looked down at the man who reeked of coffee and looked like death cooled over. “I have not heard from you in so long! How have you been?? You look like you’ve shrunk, my friend! It’s— Ah!!” Henry no longer had the words to speak anymore as he just pulled his friend closely into his chest, unaware how he was squishing his friend in his pecs. “Man, it is so good to see you!”

Bagel | Light Dragon | Male | 81 years | M: Juniper, Desy, Ostoria (ind) Bagel hid in the darkness of the bottom of the lake for a while, his cheeks bubbled out as he held his breath. His scales transformed from a pale petal shade of embarrassment (particularly rosy on his face) to a discouraged, sickly orange. He needed air soon but what if they were all laughing at him? What if no one wanted to be his human because he was a foolish dragon? What if they—Bagel’s eyes suddenly grew wide. What was that? Was that a fin of something? He was too petrified to find out, and his eyes could only focus on that strange squiggling thing that waved in and out of a boulder. Where if there were sharks in the lake? He didn’t think sharks were green and wavy, but what if they were? What if he was going to get eaten? He needed to get out of there. Blurrp He had lost a precious bubble of air. He tightened his lips together but it only released more. A sudden panic flattened against his walls and the green flitting fin of a shark seemed to be getting closer. His eyes flickered from the surface to the shark and he realized that he’d rather take his chances up above. He tucked his arms and legs against his body and propelled himself up using his tail. His nose breached the surface first and heaved in great gauntlets of air into his lungs before he swam as quickly as possible to the edge of the lake. He flopped against the beach, one claw over his gasping chest, and shut his eyes as if he had been swimming for miles. The sun warmed his pearly scales now a vibrant green from the exhilaration. It had been a daring escape! He’d have to tell it to his human, all down to the very detail of the wave in the terrible shark’s fin. Yes, this story will defiantly make it into the newspapers. As he regained his breath, he remembered his fear of coming up to shore in the first place. The laughter. The rejection. The stares. Well button m’britches, he chuckled to himself, wot a funnae dragon I’s is! There tain none of that suchness here. An’ there’s plenty of humans too! To get a better view of his surroundings, he stood up on his hind legs with his head held high. What had he been thinking about? There were plenty of humans around, dragons too, but mainly humans. He scanned the area, searching for the one that just hit his Sense of Purpose well. Naturally, he knew that he couldn’t take a human that had a dragon already. Now, that wouldn’t be nice and—BINGO. Thump. Thump. Thump. Hearts covered his eyes and his heart fluttered like eyes as he locked in on his person. What hair was that? What an absolutely gorgeous color! As he tried to match the same shade with his scales, Bagel waddled over like a penguin to a thick maple tree to hide (badly) behind, forgetting that it was easier and stealthier to move on all four. He peered between the thick limbs as he assessed more of his true soulmate. How those strands swirl like the perfect Arby’s curly fries. Bagel played with his own hair, half-wishing that his mane had that perfect bounce. Maybe he kin teach me. He continued to observe, taking in the color of his polished wood skin and striking amethyst eyes. Hotdog, what a purdy human I got. He blinked. Was that…eardots? His eyes grew large and the bottoms were pushed up by his cheeks which were trying to make room for his excited grin. He quickly clapped his claws together and jiggled his shoulders and hips back and forth as a private celebration. This guy was his dream rider. Then Bagel noticed something—no! Someone—that ruined it all. There was a dragon. Another dragon. Dragon. Someone else beat him and had stolen the best, prettiest human in the entire world. And he knew this because he had already seen what the world could offer in the human department and the rest were ugly, pathetic, styleless shams who slumped their shoulders and never brushed their teeth. I bet this ‘un brushes his teeths, Bagel thought as he jealously sat behind his protective tree, watching the other dragon receive the love and affection of his person. He wrapped his now envy-ivy-green short arms around himself. He tightened his lips together in a pout and muttered, “y’were suppose t’be mine.” He sniffled when a new character popped seemingly out of nowhere, developing the scene further. There was a girl. She had meat. Maybe the human-stealer like ‘is yummies more than scritches, Bagel hoped and rose to his hind legs once more. Maybe he ’tis a poop-brain an’ make m’rid’r go ‘way! Then three thoughts killed his optimistic hope momentously, squishing it like an overweight elephant on a blueberry. What if he takes both of ‘em? Would he do that? Could he do that? Bagel narrowed his eyes. No. Not on the watch of the famous, globe-traveling, culture-gathering Bagel who fearlessly escaped the clutches of the second evilest cretan on the earth just a few minutes ago. He had never pickled a fight before but was prepared to do his worse. He rolled up his nonexistent sleeves and his scales burned a fiery, protective, burning red hue. He squared his shoulders as he awkwardly wobbled back and forth on his hind legs toward the evilest cretan in the entire universe. When he finally made it (took him about five minutes), he stood with his claws on his hips and prepared himself to spit out great gobs of words onto the creature before him. “Y’self-cent’rd beastie! Y-y’can’t take all o’ them!” Bagel shouted pointing a trembling claw at the dark dragon’s face. Was he doing this right? He wasn’t sure. “I-I wan’ this ‘un,” he touched his human’s hair and was immediately distracted. “Oo, it ‘tis springy!” Edited at January 8, 2023 10:07 PM by Argos