
he nods "like half and half of human live and were-wolf live.." he said with a soft mummble smiling,he thought of everything the humans had he wold only miss the libery and some of the food, but the were-wolf live would be so much clamer to live in the forest do not have taxes and such

Jasper agreed. "It would be hard for me to go in town at night, due to me transforming every night. I can do a bit before the full transformation, but it- yeah whatever." Jasper responded, turning to look at the forest. It looked so peaceful, so free of responsibility. Maybe that could be him, someday. He closed his eyes. "Maybe if we moved into the forest, we'd encounter hunters. That wouldn't be fun, y'know."

he nods "but after getting a large pack..we could take down any human." he said as his ears twitch, he purrs and he sat down laying down, he couldnt imainge it a large family him sitting with the alpha him just having a big family and a large pack, it would be so cool

Jasper perks his ears again. "That is always possible, isn't it? How would we find other werewolves, though?" He could hear a quiet rustling in the bushes not too far away, but brushed it off as the wind. "Wait, I never realised. I didn't ask your name. I'm Jasper." Shortly after, he responded to another howl.

he nods "im yuki" he smiled and howls loudly "it would..but howling could help us find more wolves!" he said with a smart idea

Jasper joined in, imagining his howl spreading across the sky. As he howled, he focused more on his other senses. He could feel the cool wind brushing his fur, he could feel the warmth of Yuki next to him, he could feel the soft grass beneath his paws.

everything went around himself the wind going around his fur making him cold but a few of his fur saviing him from freezeing his fur covered him from freezing even thought he liked the warmth of anything just watching jasper made him so execited for a pack himself "so..uhm" Edited at April 10, 2022 10:52 AM by diavolo

Jasper stopped his howl, looking across the lake. "I should get home sometime soon. My parents will worry." With a quiet farewell, Jasper stood and trotted away. Yuki was nice. I should drop by the library tomorrow.

yuki nods and smiled as he statrted to go back to the libery trying to go to the shortest path he couldnt wait to see jasper again or if he could he ran as fast as possible his fur going with the wind

Before long, Jasper returned home. He walked up the stairs to his room, where he hung up his jacket and laid on his bed. Ohh, night please end soon. I'm getting tired of being a werewolf.