
Storm-5 years-Lead Fighter - - Storm looked at the sky pitch black. I wanna sleep under my tree tonight.. He looked at the sky. One day I-I hope to be an Alpha once atleast.. He set his head onto the floor sighing, he drifted into sleep under the ink black sky. ~ Tiris-1 years and Five Months-Trainee Mentions Stella - Tiris looked at the sky. Been a long day today! He bounced into his den he had and settled in his nest [If he has a den but I don't know]. He yawned. I'll see that pup tommorow maybe! I like talking with her. She's kinda cute! So tiny and her black fur is so cute! He fell asleep after awile of sitting in his nest. ~ Sierra-7 years-Lead Hunter [I think] - - Sierr watched the sun fully set. Today will be a restless night.. She leaped onto a large rock at the edge of the camp and staired up at the sky. She remembered when she was told the stars were wolves that died. Maybe my brother is up there... I killed him pretty much though. Maybe if I didn't run he would've still been here.. Of course he wouldn't be he was like six years old when I was born! But still.. I could've had a longer time with him and more memories. I miss him. A tear came out of each out and she wiped her face with her paw. Stop crying your too old for that! She growled at herself in her mind. Reilownett.. I miss you! Please forgive me for all my mistakes! And for pretty much killing you by running away while you got mauled by two bears. I miss you and that will never change even when I'm OLD! One more tear came out of both her eyes and she closed them looking down. She sighed giving up on not crying and let more drip out onto the stone and she looked out of the camp so no one could really see. ~ Delaney-5 years-Loner Speaking to Gehenna Sorry for late response Delaney looked at Gehenna. "Alright then where are we going?" She padded up to him snapping back into focus. "Maybe we should find shelter..? It's pretty dark out now- clearly." She looked at the void black sky with stars sprayed out across it. I really wish to kill something right now. She thought still infuriated by the pack chasing her away. Edited at December 28, 2021 06:42 PM by Isa's Pack

Gehenna | Interactions: Delaney Gehenna glanced back at Delaney, then up at the sky. "Yeah, let's find somewhere to sleep," he agreed, a little hesitant to call it a night already. I've barely made it past the borders! he thought. With a sigh, he began looking around and found a relatively large patch of soft grass. "We can sleep here, if you want," Gehenna said, laying down on one edge of the patch. Gehenna didn't know if he was going to be able to fall asleep; he felt so restless. He rolled over onto his back and looked up at the stars. He missed Inferus. Maybe it had been a mistake to leave without his brother. Well, he couldn't go back now, not unless he wanted to be torn apart by the Alpha. Gehenna rolled back over and curled up. "Goodnight," muttered.

MORNING~ Luna~ Luna was out of her den early, sitting near the camp entrance. She looked more tired than the day before as she twitched her ear. The day before was more eventful than what she really wanted it to be. The alpha female looked towards the others as she saw Fang and Druig walking out of their dens. Sky was still asleep, as was Arya and Lyra. She shook her head as she hoped the hunting and patrolling would be dealt with quickly.

Ash,Stella,Rosemarie,Artermius. ( So Sorry! ) Ash and Rose sighed before looking at the little pup. " Let's get you a name. " She said gently. The fluffy pup wiggled and danced, still wary of the crowd. " L-Luna will give it right? " She asked. Her eye's twinkled and danced at the idea of being acknowleged. She spun and sat down with a thump. " I want her to give me my name. " She squealed. Rose sighed and glanced at Ash, who was standing near Luna protectively. " We'll see, I think Ash has another Idea. " She giggled slightly. Atermius glanced back at Arya and ran over. " What's wrong? " He asked, noticing her discomfort. Everyone sighed and layed down for the night. Edited at January 7, 2022 09:57 AM by Revenge Full Of Lust

Night|Echo|M,F|Fighter,Beta|M:Both open Echo streched as she walked out of her den this was her first day of being the beta she knew she could handle it she also just wanted to help her alpha female as she knew how stressed she was.Night made his way to the fighter den entrance he looked around for anyother fighters he would have a patrol out as soon as he found tow other wolves to go with him he knew he wouldnt take kai unless he needed to.

Inferus | Interactions: Echo Inferus lifted his head, yawning as he stood up. He waited a moment for his eyes to adjust to the light, then made his way back to camp. He didn't feel terribly well rested, but then again, he never did. As he entered the camp, he spotted several other wolves, but he walked to the nearest. What was her name again...? That's right, Echo. The new Beta. Inferus approached her and dipped his head. "Good morning," he greeted. "Are you organizing patrols?"

Artermius~ Artermius woke up and yawned, ready to get Arya a snack or two. Stretching his back leg's he padded into the hare ground's, snapping two hare's neck's at once. He carried the clean killed hare's to his mate, a grin on his face. " Morning Arya. " He said, nudging her gently. He placed the hare's down and nuzzled each of the pup's. Ash,Stella(Unnamed),Rosemarie Ash yawned, looking down at the bundle of fur sleeping beside him, her little chest rising and falling. He smiled gently and rose to stretch his leg's, padding outside, his injured leg not bothering him so far. Perhaps the rest had helped. He thought happily. He headed to the healer's den to get it checked out. "Morning Rosemarie,Kayleron. " He said with a dip of his head. Rosemarie rose to her feet, her eye's rather shalow that morning. " Morning Ash. " She said with a yawn. Ash wanted to ask Luna a question or two later and hoped this would pass quickly.

Echo|Female|Beta|M:Inferus Echo looked at the male inferus as he walked up to her asking her about patrol's "Yes i will be"Echo looked around and spotted night as she keeps looking around she looks back at inferus"I will have partols out if you want to find two others to go with you to one side of the teritory and i will have someone else go to the other side.

Inferus | Mentions: Echo, Night Inferus nodded. "Alright," he said. "I'll get right to it." Inferus turned and trotted off, hesitating slightly. He still didn't know the names of most of the wolves in the pack. In fact, he wasn't sure he was the most qualified for this kind of job at all. Well, you decided to join the pack, you need to get used to their ways, he thought. Just don't call anyone by name. Inferus found another wolf near the entrance to one of the dens, but he couldn't remember his name. Still, he approached them anyway. "Hey there," he greeted. "I was told by Echo to find two wolves besides myself to go on patrol. Do you want to come?"

Luna~ The white coated female listened to the pack before she heard Echo and shook her head. "Echo, patrols are to be sent out by the leads. Not you" she called before she waited, ready to head what her new beta had to say. ~~~ Arya~ Arya slowly stirred and looked up at her mate. "Morning already" she asked as she stretched, careful to not disturb the pups as best she could. She gave a small yawn before she smelled the hare he had caught for her. "Thank you Artermius" she said. ~~~ Aria~ Aria looked around as she wondered what to do. She was still very sore from the attack the day before, and was nervous that mean rouge was still around. Her eyes scanned the area before she went to go look for some water.