
Sliver-Elder-[Angel,Alligator] Sliver stood up and walked up to Alligator. She gave him a lick and said "Thank you." She then whispered in his ear "My daughter seems to like you a lot." Sliver then backed up and laid down next to Angel again.

Alligator He smiled and said "No problem" he wagged his tail at the news that angel maybe likes him back. He looked at angel with a soft smile.

Fusion-Elder-[Luna] Fusion looked at Luna and said "They made many mistakes as we all do." Fusion looked around then said "Well your father was always the trouble maker and your mother too. They were the only two out of the trainees that gave their teachers a hard time." He chuckled and then said "I remember when your mother came to me and father telling me that one of them liked each other." Fusion was happy to think of the memory.

Angel~Hunter~(Alligator,Silver) Angel blushed hard at his words. Had he really said he wanted to be her mate? *Does he actually feel the same way as me?* She wondered. "Alligator I-" She tried to get her words to form but struggled. "D-do you really feel that way?" She managed to ask trying to hide her hopeful excitement.

Sliver-Elder-[Angel and Alligator/Open!] Sliver stood up and said "I will leave you two love brids alone~." Sliver walked away leaving Angel and Alligator alone. She smiled at the thought and figured she would go find Durig. Edited at May 2, 2022 06:28 PM by Nikki Afton

Alligator "Why would i say that if i didnt mean it" he said then licked her nose. He smiled and cuddle her tried and still in pain. "cute..." he said when she tried to hide her excitement.

Luna~ Luna laid down as she flicked her ear, bug flying around her ear. "Were they really trouble makers" she asked. It sounded odd to hear of them in such a way. Everyone else seemed to hold them on a high and mighty alpha rock that Luna feared she would never reach. Of course she couldnt voice her concerns to anyone as she felt it would make her look weak.

Fusion-Elder-[Luna] Fusion looked at her and said "They were for a time but so is everyone when you don't mature fast." Fusion didn't like how they had died. He said "Really the were only trouble makers for about a couple of months into being trainees so mostly everyone overlooked it." Fusion countined to say "I won't forget how much fun i had with them though."

Luna~ Luna seemed to fidgit a bit before she looked up at the elder. "If you dont mind me asking, which one was the born alpha? They never told me, and neither has anyone else" she said with a small sigh. She remembered her parents being rather young when they had her too. Younger than most wolves it seemed.

Bandit~ [Night, Voltage] Bandit sat up and simply said, "Sure". Bandit could use a drink of water anyhow. he had not drunk anything in a while. Bandit got up and headed toward the river nearby, with Night behind him. The smell of another wolf was nearby so he was cautious and slowed his pace to warn Night. Once Bandit had reached the river, with Night, he bent his head down a gulped down some water. Sabre~ [Flame, open!] Sabre had finished his fish and scooted the bones off to the side to be buried later. He sensed the sun was lowering into the sky. Sabre yawned, with a belly full and a hard few hours of fishing he was about beat for the day. "Well, not as good as rabbits but it'll do." Sabre sighed as he laid down on his side. He huffed as he had not laid on his side in a while, he was also sore from fishing since he had not done anything like that in a long time.