|Wisp| Wisp squeaked as Vesper grabbed her wrist and pulled her behind him. "Wait a minute, I don't have a bathing suit!" she yelled at him, laughing. This was gonna be a fun afternoon. (Lol, poor you, having to respond to 3 different things XD)
I dont mind) Vesper let go of her wrist then shifted into his wolf form he then sat down waiting and looking at with a 'we can turn into wolves' look on his face. His tail swisher once as he waited for a response from her.
|Wisp| Wisp rolled her eyes in annoyence. She held up her broken wrist with a 'What about this?' look on her face. She grinned. "What, do you expect me to go swimming naked?" she asked teasingly, laughing at her own joke even though she knew it probably made Vesper a bit uncomfortable. "Now, let me go get a freaking bathing suit real quick," she said, turning to run back to her house.
Nira smiled "you busy?" She asked warmly as she looked into his eyes, the moonlight hitting her hair making it shimer, aswell as her wings which had a soft glow as the moonlight hit them
|Drift| Drift gazed at the woman for a moment before shaking his head, his strawberry-blond hair falling into his face. "Not technically, but I should help the pack," he said honestly, wanting to do everything he could to help the pack recover from the undprecedented dragon attack.
"Oh, I was wondering if you wanted to go on bit of a stroll and get to know each other better but i guess not" nira said in a vary sweet and tempting voice as she turned and started walking away but slowly
|Drift| Drift watched the girl start to walk away and stumbled forward slightly. "W-wait! I can go on a walk," he offered hastily, jogging to catch up to her.
(Oh god nira has taken over and ummm shes crazy ok) "Change your mind?" Nira said looking at him as he caught up to her)
(Lmfaoo) |Drift| Drift caught up to Nira and slowed to walk beside her. "I guess you could say that..." he muttered under his breath, avoiding looking at her. "So, why do you wanna go on a walk?" he asked, glancing at her, his green eyes shining in the starlight.
Nira smiled as they walked across the clearing to the tree line "I want to get to know you better, I want to get to know everyone better" nira explained in a warm voice