
Artermius~ Artermius nuzzled her as she nuzzled him. He realized she must be hungry. " I'll be right back. " He said, scrambling to the food pile. He knew Luna wouldn't mind, not for his mate. He picked up a plump rabbit and ran back to her setting it down. " Well first we have to know what gender's they are. " He said with a wag of his tail.

Night|Male|Fighter|m:Fang,Kia Night haf been waiting in the bushes incase he needed to attack but he didnt he stayed where he was keeping his eyes on fang and kia untill he was certian that they were not going to get attacked he would stay hidden and with his dark coat he could do exactly that.(sorta writers block and a bit of still being confused) Echo|Female|Fighter(For now)|M:Luna Echo sat and looked at her alpha"I am sure i can handle it alpha i may not be as experianced at being a leader but i know the pack is a hand full and you already have a lot on your plate let me be beta please so i can help with the pack"She said what she said hoping luna would understand that she wants to look out for her alpha (writes block for her as well i dont know what else to put)

Inferus | Interactions: Luna(indirectly) By the time he got back to camp, Inferus had shoved most of his anguish for Gehenna aside. For a little while, Inferus had thought that there was nothing left for him now that he no longer had to watch out for Gehenna, but then he remembered that he was a member of the pack. There was still some purpose for him; he would learn how to be an effective pack member, even if it took him the rest of his life. It would be difficult, but he told himself he could do it. First, he needed to earn Luna's trust. Easier said than done, Inferus thought. But I will do it.

Luna~ Luna nodded to Echo. "Alright. But the moment you need to step down, you tell me" she said before she looked over, seeing the nee prey brought in. She would need to call a meeting for Echo and Storm's new ranks, and see who Rosemarie had in mind for lead hunter. ~~~ Fang~ Fang looked over at Night. "Do you want to keep patrolling and send Kia back. Or are we done" the dark male asked. He wanted to warn Luna as soon as possible.

Night|Male|Fighter|M:Fang,Kia Night looked at fang"we need to report to the alpha if she see's fit to have us come back out we will"Night started making his way back to the pack area keeping his ears perked listening for any commotion or trespassers he started picking his pace up and soon they were back at the pack area he seen echo by luna he wondered what she was doing but he shook it out of his head"Fang as you interacted with the loner you can report it to luna" Echo|Female|Beta|M:Luna,Other wolves around(Indirectly) Echo nodded softly"Yes alpha i will"She stood and shook her fur out looking around at the rest of the pack that was in the area seeing the prey get brought back she then say fang,night,and kai walking back fang looking angry and consurned and night looking well she couldnt say what he looked like and she didnt care she looked around for koda wondering where he was she wanted to see him even though she was afraid to tell him how she felt about him just seeing him made her happy.

Sierra-7 years-Hunter Speaking to Max - Sierra looked at the rose. "...Ok I will." She grabbed it. "Don't get caught by the pack." She turned around and ran off. (Writers block lol)

Fang/Luna~ Fang nodded to Night before he looked at Kia. He was going to say something else, but decided against it. Giving a sigh, the black and brown coated male headed towards the camp and saw Luna with Echo. *This is impotant* he told himself before he walked up. "Luna, I need to speak with you" he said. Luna looked at Echo. "I will be right back" the alpha female said before she motioned for Fang to follow her. Once they were just outside the camp, the two convirsed for a short time, Fang telling her about the loner who admitted to stalking the camp, causing Luna to get more furious the pack let this happen. *Now the pathetic mutts think we are weak* she thought as she did ber best to bite back a growl. She dismissed Fang before she howled, calling to the pack, knowing this would be the final meeting of the night.

Kia | Fighter | M: Fang, Night, Luna . The female watched as Fang trotted off towards Luna. She sighed knowing what he was going to tell her. Yet she wasn't mad. Kia gave a glance to Night and opened her mouth to speak when she heard Lina's howl. Perking her ears, Kia looked over to Luna and Fang before padding over to the Alpha. She sat before the female and awaited the other wolves. . Koda | Fighter | M: Luna, Kia . He rose to his paws as he heard a familiar howl. It was the Alpha Female. Koda perked his ears and rushed over to the Alpha, sitting beside Kia. He looked up at Luna, wondering what this meeting was going to be about.

Inferus | Interactions: Luna(indirectly), Kia, Koda Inferus' ears twitched as he heard the Alpha howl, and walked over to where others were beginning to gather. He sat down beside two other wolves who's names he didn't know and glanced up at Luna briefly before turning his attention to the two seated beside him. "Do either of you know what this is about?" he asked, keeping his voice low.

Storm-5 years-Fighter/Lead Fighter - - Storm heard Luna howl and perked his ears up so she knows he is listening to her. I'm guessing this is the meeting where I become full lead fighter... He looked up at Luna and saw Fang up there too but noticing her dismiss him. This might be interesting, I wonder if Fang might become beta or something. Posting for Sierra soon!