
Stella ( Unnamed )~Tiris Stella sat and gazed down. " I have no name. But I would love to be friend's. " She said with a squeak.

Tiris-1 years and Five Months-Trainee Speaking to Stella [Unnamed] - Tiris looked at the tiny pup. "Then what do I call you?"

Stella ( Unnamed. )~Tiris Stella shrugged, looking back to the den Luna stayed in. " Pup. " SHe muttered.

Tiris-1 years and Five Months-Trainee Speaking to Stella [Unnamed] - Tiris looked at her. "I cant just call you pup! That sounds mean to call you that!" He said sounding shocked a little bit.

Stella~Tiris Stella gazed up at him. " It better then mutt. " She said clearly. " Unless you have a better idea. " She said, looking at where Luna was.

Gehenna | Interactions: Delaney As Gehenna reached the border of the territory, he hesitated. One more step, and he would be gone. Luna had made it clear that he wouldn't be welcome back. For a moment, he questioned whether he made the right choice or not. Too late to turn back now, he thought,stepping across the border. He could barely remember the last time he had been out this far. It had been when he was travelling with Inferus. I hope he decides to follow me, he thought wishfully. Before long, Gehenna caught an unfamiliar scent. He paused, alarmed, but he didn't run. Probably one of those loners, he thought. Gehenna looked around, but couldn't see anyone. "Who's there?" he called out into the trees.

Sky~ Sky waited for Arterimus and Sierra before she gave a startled yelping snarl. A few elk had started running her way and nearly ran the female over before she made any noise. They scrambled away from her as she watched them run. ~~~ Aria/Niro~ Aria was wondering about, not knowing this territory. She tilted her head and wagged her talk before she continuted on her way. The young female had no idea she was being stalked as she reached a small flat area. Sitting down, she wondered to go next. Before she knew it, she felt weight on her before pain ripped into her shoulder. The young female let out a pained yelp as she tried to see who was attacking her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a pitch black figure with blood red eyes as her own eyes went wide with fear. As quickly as the figure attacked, a few elk came running towards them, one kicking the black figure in the shoulder, knocking him off of Aria. The young female took off, her shoulder bleeding along with her haunches as she tried to find a place to now hide.

Artermius~ Artermius leaned down to help Sierra. " Let's head back to camp. " He took on part of the old stag and put it on his back. He looked at Sky gesturing to the younger doe. He startes walking to camp, the heavy stag on his back.

Maximus/Max (is Loner) _________________________ Max took one last look at kai before sprinting off only to bump into aria "im sorry, wait what happened to your shoulder? Theres only one wolf who can make a wound like that." Alarm showed in Max's eyes as he looked ariund waiting for niro to appear. "you should come with me so i can bandage that wound" he said to the she wolf waiting for her reply

Aria~ Aria stumbled when she felt something bump into her. She gave another startled scream before she was shaking. She looked at the larger male before her as she was crouched down low. Her ears were pinned back in a scared way as she took a step back, heistant to follow him, but his kinder sounding voice relaxed her and she got ready to follow him.