
Zefira | Cub | Mentions: Nyota, Asha, Zion - Pride swelled in Zefira's chest. The queen had just said she would be an amazing huntress! The cub nodded and moved away, taking a few gulps of cool water. "When are you going hunting? And can I come? I'll be really, really good, I promise!" Just then, a small furry shape burst through the grass and pounced onto Zion's tail. Asha! Zefira went to greet her friend. Zefira smiled and pounced onto Asha, still careful with the younger cub even if she was play fighting. " Sorry Zion. I guess you're just too old to play with us. After all, you seem much more interested in eating," she said teasingly. She turned her head at the sound of the grass swishing. Zefira squealed and jumped over to the side. "Hey, Kovit! I guess you woke up after ages. And I didn't miss you." Zefira sniffed slightly. Then she batted Kovit's side with her paw. "Okay, maybe a little. But only 'cause I want to see if you can finally catch me!" Zefira ran away and hid behind Zion. She crouched down and waited... Then she pounced onto Kovit, knocking him to the ground. "I got you! Asha, are you playing too?" Edited at January 11, 2024 11:56 AM by Moonlight wolf

Zion l Male l Pride Male l M: Callisto, Nyota, Zefira, Asha . Zion smiled as the cub landed on his tail. His kind gaze fell over the cub. "Asha, Zefira." He said, hus eyes looking to both cubs. "Since you girls are such great hunters, how about we put it to the ultimate test." He gabe a wink. "How about hunting each other, while we adults talk." He looked to both cubs. "Whoever wins gets an extra chunk of meat this afternoon." He added, hopefully making the cubs go play. He looked up to Callisto as hus name was called. He gave his head a slight dip, a respectful gesture. He quickly took a drink at the watering hole then turned and walked over to Callisto. He sat down, and said, "Yes King, what do you need?" He asked politely, itching to get out of camp.
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Calisto M | King | M: Zion (Dir) Nyota (Dir) Lionel, Hemlock (ind) Calisto cleared his throat as he looks to the young male, and then too the brother pair. "Take Hemlock and Lionel out on a border patrol, check the movement of the herds, see if they are venturing further out. The water hole is getting smaller, so we are in need of rationing the water. Since you three will be out in the sun, take an adequate drink before you all go." He ordered before standing up and rubbed his head against Nyota's neck and made his way to a large rock in the sun. Jumping up, he looks at Nyota and cuffs to her, his tail flicking up on the spot next to him. He needed to speak to her. They might as well discuss the future plans, and how they would ration the water. He knew by now, another King would attack any of the members taking the water, but he was a Just king... he saw everyone equal except to him and his queen, but he looked up to Nyota... Without strong lioness's his heavy paws could not take down the prey they do.

Nyota | Queen | Mentions: Calisto (direct) Nyota followed Calisto onto the warm rock, settling down next to him. "I suppose we should discuss how we plan to ration the water. And about a million other things we need to take care of." She said with a sigh. She looked around at her pride, their pride, with a smile proud of everyone that helped keep it together. She was mostly proud of Calisto, he was always so calm, and handled everything better than she ever would. He also put up with her shenanigans. Even if things were going somewhat smoothly now, she couldn't help but sag under the weight on her shoulders. Everyone in the pride relied on Calisto and her to make the right decisions and do the right things. She didn't want to admit it, but it was weighing on her, especially with the stress of the dry season.

Hemlock - Pride Male - M: Zion, Calisto, Lionel Hemlock chuckled a little at the younger male, 'We're going on patrol, its a noble thing to do, why would he stop us.' His words came out confidently and he smiled a toothy grin. As he was about to turn tail and lead the way he heard not only his name but also Lionels from a distance. He turned to see Calisto, the all mighty king, assign Zion to 'take' them on a patrol. Like he needed babysitting or something, he felt a small wound to his pride and ducked down to Lionel to mutter 'there goes our hang out time, whatever his highness says.' He made sure there wasn't any way Calisto could hear him, not feeling up to a fight that morning but rolled his eyes as he turned to Zion. He greeted the larger male with a friendly nod, he didn't have a problem with Zion but did hope he didn't think he had some kind of superiority over him just because Calisto said to 'take' Hemlock and his brother out. Why couldn't he just go with us not take us, Hemlock whined to himself in the safety of his own thoughts.

Zion l Male l Pride Male l M: Calisto, Nyota, Lionel, Hemlock . As Zion got his orders, his eyes scanned the camp, locking onto the brothers Hemlock and Lionel. Hemlock appeared to be disappointed, and Zion knew exactly how the young male felt. He dipped his head to Calisto and Nyota saying, "Yes your highness." And then walked over to the young brothers. "You two ready to go?" He asked. He eyed the two, knowing what they wanted. "I know Calisto said for me to take you, but I feel you are ready to lead Hemlock, Lionel." He said with a smile. "You two lead, and I'll follow." He said, with a gaze full of kindness. He didnt want to be the lion everybody hated, for he chose to be the one everyone loved. "Now, after you." He said, flicking his tail towards the entrance of camp, the grin still on his face.
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Spottedshade flicked her ears up as she saw lions gathering for patrol. Should I ask to come? She wanted to prove herself as a capable huntress, a useful asset to her pride. Then she shyed away. The patrol's already chosen. It'd be rude to interrupt. Still, she was interested in seeing what the rest of her pride was talking about. She walked over to the group and sat on its edge, ears pricked with interest.

Kovit|Cub| mentions: Zefira(dir) Asha(dir) Zion(dir) He yawned at zefira's words" Oh yeah?" As kovit was knocked to the ground by zefira he squealed with excitement and retaliation bouncing back to his paws and chasing her, his head held high eyes blazing with determination to catch her. Dry and dusty Dirt now covered his pelt with the few odd strands of grass. "Come on asha! Lets get her!" *he felt a pang of disappointment as zion left to his duties* "You can run but you cant hide!" He yowled playfully to the two despite it. (zion,zefira) Edited at January 14, 2024 11:34 PM by Noricai

Calisto Male | King | M: Nyota (Dir) "I know things have been hard love but we have made it this far because of your excellent leadership and mine. We will be ok." He said, reassuring his Queen with a lick behind her ear. He wanted to sit away from the pride so they could have some privacy and not spread any worry to the rest. He needed everyone to continue working together in harmony. If one goes bad, rest were sure to follow. Right now, they did not need that. "In terms of rationing... all nursing lioness's and cubs will get first laps as well as you. Hunters and Patrol get second. I will drink with the ones who stay in camp, they will be last. Three laps in the morning and two at night when it's cooler." He said to her... "Thoughts?" He asked. His attention then returns to the savannah, the heat waves making the distant scene dance in a scorching way. Calisto then looks to the food ration. The wildebeest carcass was nearly bones and some dried up scraps of meat. He may need to have Nyota organize a hunting party... Hmm, maybe at night when the sun is lower and its cooler. More game would be a bit more active then.

Spottedshade's ears strained to hear what the King and Queen were saying. She frowned. Are things so desperate now? We're rationing water? Worry coarsed through her veins. Dry seasons were always hard, but she couldn't remember one as hard as this.