
Faith | Female | 4 | General | M: Caoimhe - Faith woke up with a temporary blurring sight. She looked around and everyone was doing there own things, so she went off and thought that she should start a hunt. But her paw was still injured, and despite the fact that she loves hunting, she wasn't able to. But Faith didn't want that in her way, so she hid her sufferings and began walking to Caoimhe. - "Your Highness, may I be able to start a hunt with your permission?" Faith then waited for the Matriarch responds of her request. She then glanced at her paw and mumbled "I will be fine...Hopefully". Edited at April 26, 2022 03:46 PM by Forgotten Bones

Dijkstra- male heir Dijkstra sauntered out of the dentist and up to his mother. "Can I please go with the hunting party mother?" He asked with slight authority in his voice but not enough to try to up stage his mother. Just enough to make her proud so she was more likely to let him go. A slight breeze blew ruffling Dijkstra's fur and make it dance in the window. He inhaled deeply the smell of the forest calm and relaxing. Dijkstra shook his head so as to not wandering in thought. He kept his gaze focused on his mother waiting for her response. He prayed she would have and let him go and they could be off before his sister woke. Edited at April 27, 2022 10:50 PM by Cypress Road

Caoimhe~Matriarch Speaking to Djikstra and Faith - Caoimhe turned around to her general's voice. "Yes you can. Bring at least four others." She sternly said and turned back to surveying her pack just to hear Djukstra asking about hunting and did a small sigh. "Djikstra you may hunt, go with Faith though if she's okay with that.." I'm exhausted of this... Why did I have to become alpha... - Coconut~Fighter Speaking to Sagefire - Coconut noticed her start to walk and went to a gallop after her. "It's fine!" He said cheerfully. She's so awkward sometimes... I'd feel awful if I told her though. He noticed she started to sniff. "What's it smell like?" He asked questioning. Bears! He thought paranoid immediately that it was actually a bear. Agh your so dumb Coconut! He scolded himself. Edited at May 11, 2022 08:33 PM by Hope's Anthem

Faith | Female | 4 | General | M: Open! - - "Thank you" Faith said in honor- Faith then turned around to view her allies in the pack. Faith then jumped on top of a rock to get everyone's attention and spoke the words- "I have requested to start a hunt, and that request has been accepted! so I shall bring 4 hunters with me. If you would like to join in, then come and see me!" - - Faith then jumped off and when she did, the pain in her paw made her yelp. She then crunched up and sat down for a minute, waiting for the agony to begone.

Sagefire|4|F|warrior|M: Coconut Sagefire heard coconut ask what it smelled like and wondered the same thing. It can't be bears can it? Sagefire wasn't sure what to answer and simply said, "I'm not sure." Then she paused wondering if they should go check it out. "I think we might want to check it out, just in case." Sagefire if she was being honest didn't want to check it out, what if it was bears? What would they do then? Sighing Sagefire led the way, hoping she was wrong about the bears. Edited at May 14, 2022 10:45 AM by Firefox

Dijkstra Dijkstra thanked his mother and started to look for faith. He found her on the rock and was about to approach her when she jumped off. He then walked around the back of the rock to find Faith sitting there. "Faith?" Dijkstra asked gently. "My mother said I can go on the hunt to start learning if it was okay with you." He said with authority to show that he wasnt afraid. "I wont get in the way I promise." He told her a little excitedly.

Coconut~Fighter Sagefire ~ Coconut whimpered. "That's probably not the smartest idea!" He called after her. Bears. Please tell me it's not bears! I dont wanna get my legs torn off. He sighed walking after Sage.

Luna~ Luna looked over as she heard Faith call for hunters. She padded over and twitched her ear. "I'm up for a hunt" she said as she saw Druig glaring at her. She new just what the male was thinking, and she didn't like it one bit. A small shudder went through her before she sighed.

Faith | Female | 4 | General | M: Dijkstra | Luna - - As the torture slowly faded away, Faith noticed Dijkstra was about to approach her. When He did, Dijkstra asked Faith his question. Faith replied "Yes, of course you can" And to Faiths surprised, she turned around and saw Luna, who asked basically the same question. " Alright then!, but we need 2 more wolfs". Faith Glared around to try find more wolfs to join, And then she Began to search.