
Irma/teen/Chomper When she made it to town she walked over to a vendor where her Brother Abel was trying to sell his latest catches. "Any luck?" she asked standing next to the vindor. Abel/Teen;Hunter/Mickey When he made it to town, he went to his normal booth and hanged his catches on hooks for display. He waited and he saw his sister. She walked over and asked "Any luck?", "Not yet." he replied.

Rowan Driscoll | M | 18 | Sea Eagle | Warrior | Mentions: The group at the edge of the forest Rowan grinned, happy that Carlos had at least agreed to coming. He looked over curiously when he heard a voice from the branches, and Draven flew up to a tree and landed in it, revealing a young girl. Lucas seemed excited to see her, and Rowan couldn't help but smirk. "Little lovebirds..." he muttered under his breath as Draven flew back down to him. "Wouldn't you agree bud?" he asked, and Draven chirped. "Well, alright. I'll see you there! I'm gonna head there now." he said to Carlos before walking to the coast, Draven taking off and flying a few feet above and ahead of him. 'Finally, I thought we'd never get going....' he said. "Oh, stop complaining." he said, and the sea eagle didn't reply, but Rowan coul swore he saw him roll his eyes. "I'm trying to be more likeable, you know, like how you said I should be? This time last year, I knew maybe one or two people, but was still a loner, and overall still pretty angsty." he said. Again, no response. He sighed, apparently there was going to be no conversing with Draven for a bit. Hope Caddel | F | 18 | Black Panther | Mentions: Abel and Irma Hope watched the teen carefully. Once he was moving further along, she began to walk down the path. "You know, you don't have to be so adverse to socialization." Noctis chided. "Ha, coming from the panther who will attack animals just to get them out of his way." she bit back. "Not spirit animals, though. Just regular animals." he said casually. He strolled along beside her, amber/violet eyes glinting. "You know what I mean." she said. "I'm just saying you should try and talk to people every once in a while." he said, and she sighed, not figuring out a good way to argue that she shouldn't without him being able to argue back. She walked into the village and saw the teen there at the meat stall she usually went to to sell. She sighed, walking over and hanging up what she had to sell. A wild boar, a couple of squirrels, some cut up chunks of venison, and a grown buck. The venison, squirrels, and the boar she'd been able to bring herself, but the grown buck she'd had to have Noctis carry. She had the skin and antlers of the deer that she'd made the venison from. She hung up the boar and the squirrels, then hung up the grown buck with a bit of help from Noctis. She then handed the shop keeper the venison and the skin to put up for sale. She then realized there was a new voice, a girl. She turned and saw the catches the male had just put up. Not bad. She looked over at them curiously. "You should talk to them." Noctis said, and she sighed softly. "Fine." she said in a whisper to him. "You just come from the forest?" she asked, looking over at the boy curiously. She still wondered where he was that she hadn't figured out he was there.

Abel/Teen;hunter/mickey/mentions Hope Yeah, why" he asked real cheerfull and friendly. Irma/Teen/chomper/mentions Hope She looked at Hope, and reached down and petted Chomper. She pulled her sleeve up, and he jumped onto her arm as a tatoo.

Hope Caddel | F | 18 | Hunter | Black Panther | Mentions: Abel and Irma She visibly relaxed at how friendly the boy was. "Oh, just that I live in a home in the forest, small clearing by a river. Just didn't recognize you, so figured I'd say hello." she said simply. "Name's Hope, and that's Noctis." she said, gesturing to the panther who was slowly circling the two, before deciding they weren't a threat and sitting down beside them, happily flicking his tail. "And you are?" she added curiously. She noticed the way that the girl summoned her....alligator, she believed, into a tattoo on her arm. She personally put Noctis as a tattoo on her neck, going down to her shoulder. That is, if he let her. He was usually pretty picky about that and would do anything to get out of having to be a tattoo for a bit. He also would usually ignore her for a little while afterwards. She turned to look at the boy's catches as well. "Your catches aren't half bad either." she said with a slight smile. This was surprisingly comfortable for her once she came out of her shell a little. Noctis gave her his iconic I told you so look, to which she gave him a slight eyeroll.

Lucas / 14 /Teen/Juno/Mare Lucas watched as she jumped down, so elegantly, he thought. Then he dismounted from Juno and in a heartbeat her form was a tattoo on his forearm, a beautiful horse galloping down towards his wrist. He grinned and set off towards the village, soon arriving and spotting Hope, Irma and Abel. He ran over. "Hey guys! Do you want to come with me and Ash to the coast? Just for the weekend. I was gonna ask Rowan and Carlos too, but they are already at the coast so we will see them there." Edited at February 20, 2022 04:23 PM by Night Shade Pack

Aislinn|| Fox|| 14 Aislinn strolled behind Lucas, smiling. How was he so nice? Like... to everyone? Even her. Soon she had made it over to the group, her eyes analyzing the stall, just in case. She grinned at the others, pretending that her insides weren't squirming at being near so many people.

Hope Caddel | F | 18 | Hunter | Black Panther | Mentions: Lucas and Aislinn She looked over when she saw a couple new people approach. "Oh hey....um....Lucas, right? And....." she paused, not knowing the girl's name. She only knew Lucas from a few limited interactions with him in the forest while she was hunting. He was a friendly one, making it easy to talk to him for her at least. "Yeah, sure, I'd love to come to the coast. Nox here isn't fond of the water, but he should be fine for a few days." she said, then noticed the girl's nervousness and looked at Noctis, and then tapped her neck, and he leaped, becoming a tattoo on her neck and collarbone in midair. She hoped that made the girl a bit less nervous, the absence of a giant black panther. She looked over to the other

Aislinn|| Fox|| 14 "Ash" she beamed, grateful for the kind gesture, but to be honest it wasn't the animals she minded, it was the people, I mean she liked being around them but they still terrified her sometimes. Smiling she flicked her wrist and Beau appeared, eyes wide and excited, she ran around Ash's legs, before jumping up and attempting to balance on her shoulder

Carlos/14/Teen/Lauki/Lion Carlos quickly returned to the village, putting his meat in a stall to sell and then he followed Rowan, leaving Lucas and Ash behind. They headed for the coast, Lauki loping genty beside him as he ran to catch up with Rowan ahead.

Lucas/14/Teen "Great! Meet at the large oak tree just before sunset then." He grinned, looking at Beau and laughing. Then backing away from the group a bit he flicked his forearm slightly and Junolanded neatly beside him, tossing her head and whinnying happily in greeting to Beau, who she seemed to like. I can't wait to get to the coast! She snorted happily to Lucas. ((the tree is metioned in earlier posts))