
Sierra-7 years-Hunter Speaking to Artermius and Sky - Sierra nodded. "Alright I'll go to a bush on the left side of where the herd will run, Artermius you direct the herd closer to my bush, Sky, you can startle them by running behind them growling and stuff. I'll kick a rock out or something as a signal where I am so you get them closer ok?" With that, she paddes through the bushes on the left side to get ready. ~ Storm-5 years-Fighter Speaking to Luna - Storm sighed and went back into his shady spot to groom himself. When will she be ready? Come on! Hurry up! He nibbled a fly off his paw. He saw Luna go out of her den and he stood up and padded over. Finally! "Luna?" He said. "May I speak with you?"

Sky~ Sky looked at Sierra before she nodded a bit. "I think I can do that" she replied as she started making her way towards a rock with a bush near it to wait for the signal to go. The gray female crouched and waited, licking her chops as she did so. ~~~ Luna~ Luna looked over as Storm made his way over, calling to her. "What is it Storm" she asked before she looked around, still wondering where the rest of the pack seemed to be. She knew Night took a few with him, and Sierra had hunters, but she wasnt sure who or how many.

Storm-5 years-Fighter Speaking to Luna - "I'd like to talk about the Lead Fighter..." Storm hesitated saying that. "He hasn't been doing his job lately. I didn't see him send out patrols at all." He said. "And you had to send out other hunters and fighters to do the patrols.." He said nervously hoping Luna wouldn't be mad. "May I challenge him or something? Or atleast take over for now?" I reallly don't know what to say to ask her this.

Luna~ Luna knew this was going to happen, though it was sooner than she had hoped. The white coated female bit back a growl, reminding herself that Leads were suppose to help out, and it was obvious, the current lead hunter wasnt doing his job. "You dont have to challenge him. You have the rank" she said. "I will make the announcement later."

Storm-5 years-Fighter Spoke to Luna - Storm looked around. "Alright, thank you, Alpha." He did a respectful half head bow to her and walked away back to his shady spot feeling kind of happy that he is Lead Fighter. It's my job now about the patrols, I feel kinda bad for bothering Luna about it though. Well the other one didn't do his job! Edited at December 13, 2021 12:13 PM by Isa's Pack

Inferus | Interactions: Luna As he left Rosemarie and Kayleron, Inferus heard Rosemarie's request and went to find Luna. I feel like a mother bird with all this running back and forth, doing things for other wolves, he thought. Oh well, this is what you signed up for when you told Gehenna you would stay. Speaking of which, where was Gehenna? Inferus hadn't seen him since their tense exchange by the mossy rock. Inferus shook his head. Gehenna'd come back soon. As Inferus approached the Alpha, he noticed someone else talking to her and waited repectfully a few tail-lengths away. He wasn't so far that he didn't hear the exchange, though. A new lead fighter? he wondered. Interesting. Once the other wolf left, Inferus approached Luna and dipped his head respectfully. "Alpha, if you have a moment, Rosemarie would like to speak with you," he said. Edited at December 13, 2021 12:55 PM by Eternal Calamity

Artermius||M:Sierra,Sky Artermius nodded and waited for the signal to begin. When he say it he raced at the herd, pinpoiting an older deer. He directed the whole herd toward's the two he-wolf's, keeping his sight's on the old stag. With a howl he split through the herd, seperating the old one from the rest of the herd. The old stag ran toward's Sky's hiding spot and Artermius only hoped that she would lead it to Sierra. He chased the rest of the herd off, taking down a young doe before turning around and dragging it back to where the old stag was. He lept in to help take it down. Ash||M: Luna. Ash sighed and left her cave, flicking his tail uneasily. He found a patch of shade and layed in it, watching the pack go about their job's. He licked his sore paw, wincing when he hit it with his snout. Rosemarie||Kayleron, Luna Rose gaped and nodded sadly. " Okay. " She gazed at the den entrance and waited for Luna. Edited at December 13, 2021 12:47 PM by Lest we Forget

Luna~ The alpha female lookedalmost tired as Inferus walked up to her, letting her know Rosemarie wanted to speak with her. Giving a small nod, Luna stayed where she was for a moment before she got up and headed towards the healer's den. "Yes Rosemarie" she said as she reached the den. ~~~ Sky~ Sky lowered herself a moment more before let let out a snarle, startling the stag back towards Sierra. She bared her teeth as she snapped at it's legs, hoping she would be sucessful in dodging any and all kicks the stag threw at her.

Rosemarie~ She breathed a sigh of relief. " I wanted to speak to you about- uh... Stepping down... " She looked away. " I can't keep the pack fed. " She whimpered. She looked at Luna with a small smile. " I can watch pup's, like the new one, or Frappe's when they come. " She said earnestly.

Sierra-7 years-Hunter Mentions Artermius and Sky - Sierra watched as Artermius flung out startling the deer and getting an old one towards Sky's hiding spot. Come on, come on! She thought. Yes! She saw sky startle it back her way. Bunching up her legs when it was near her, she sprang onto its back. I really hope I did this right. She bit it's shoulder struggling to stay on its back and pin it down, she lost her grip. She flung off its back but successfully clawed it's neck deeply. She hit the ground getting winded from hitting the hard ground. That deep bite in its shoulder will slow it down alot. She layed there trying to get her breath back. "Not part of the plan.." She muttered to herself. Go get it guys..