
Echo|Female|Fighter|M:Luna(Indirectly),Crystal(Indirectly) Echo sat and listened to luna's word's over and over in her head looking to where the beta crystal was at she was fine with being a fighter but if she could she would love to be beta and with what luna had just said she had a chance to be the beta.She lost herself in her thoughts not noticing when luna took two males with her one being Druig, and the other koda who she sorta had a crush on but she didn't want to admit cause she didn't know if he felt the same about her.She shook herself out of thought and looked around she wasn't called to do anything as she watched night pick who was going with him on patrol she had very few memories about night but she was sure that they weren't just pack mates they looked almost exactly alike but she couldn't put her paw on why.She stood and shook herself she needed something to do so she started walking,she would keep walking till she was either called for or something interrupted her.

Maximus/Max (is Loner) _________________________ Max fled from the pack territory disappointment filling him, though it wasn’t because of being rejected by the alpha nor seeing his old friend again and getting attacked, it was for a secret he had even kept from himself a beautiful she wolf he had been watching and that’s why he wanted to join. He’d be back once his wounds were healed and this time he wasn’t going to howl Abe was going to hide in the shadows hoping to catch her in patrols or hunts. Nuzha (is a hunter) _________________________ Judy’s bristled her fur at Luna a snarl escaping her throat before she nipped koda’s ear and headed off following the familiar scent of Max hiding in the shadows and staying downwind not making sure koda was following.

Inferus | Interactions: Ash, Luna, Delaney Inferus hadn't been paying attention to where he was going. He walked along the border, distracted and a little angry. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. Gehenna was still young; he didn't know how the world worked as well as Inferus did. After a moment more of walking, Inferus realized where he was and stopped. He should probably get back to camp... Inferus turned around and headed back in that direction. 'Maybe I should hunt,' he thought. It didn't take him long to kill a pair of fat rabbits. A third had escaped, but two was plenty for now. On his way back, Inferus heard a howl not too far off and paused. That hadn't sounded like a casual howl. Inferus, still carrying the rabbits, ran toward the sound. He arrived just after Luna did and say Ash and an unfamiliar wolf, who carried a different scent than the pack scent that Inferus was beginning to get used to. "What's going on?" he asked, dropping the rabbits.

Luna~ Luna looked over at Inferus. "We had two trespassers just now. Had to deal with them." She saw the rabbits he had and added on "Bring those to camp. Make sure Kayleron, Rosemarie and the pup eat" she said. It was the best way she could praise anyone right then with her anger. She turned to Ash. "What were you thinking of trying to take on a loner by yourself? You're not exactly in the best shape with your paw."

Ash~ Ash looked at Inferus. " They called me a stinking mutt. " He said, sneering. He turned to the Loner. " And they're quite feisty. " He shook his head. He listened to Luna praise Inferus and scowled. " Hey I- " He stepped back at the sudden disaproval. A sad frown creased his muzzle before he turned back to the Loner. with a cool tone he responded. " I wasn't trying to run into them. I alerted you didn't I? If your so upset why not just demote me. " He nibbled at his paw, which was throbbing. Yeah, it wasn't the best idea i've had. With a shake of his head he snarled at Delaney. " We don't have time for this drama. We have a Loner to dispose of, a pack to feed, and a pup to figure out. Let's just get it done. " He huffed, keeping an eye on Delaney. " We can deal with this later. "

Luna~ Luna gave Ash a warning growl. "I'm upset because you're already hurt and I don't need you taking longer to heal! Now get to camp and rest" she said before she turned to the loner. "And you get off my packs territory!" She snarled, her hackles raising, ready for a fight.

Ash~ Ash sighed and looked at her. " I can stay and- " He listened sadly before slinking off. He stopped not too far and shouted. " I'm here if you need me. " He said, padding back to camp. I shouldn't have to sit around and wait. I want more then that. I want to prove I still can be usefull. I want her to see what I can do for them all. He sighed and looked up, at the snowflake's that were gently falling. Winter's coming and I can't do anything. I'll be a lump of snow and ice. A snowflake landed on his muzzle and he licked it before it could melt. With another sigh he entered the camp and layed in the den, curling into a ball. He layed his head on his good paw and nibbled his toes.One day. One day...

Delaney-5 years-Loner Speaking to Luna - Delaney snarled at the alpha. "Why does territory matter so much greedy mite-pelt! Can't you all just share?! There is plenty of prey and clearly I haven't eaten in awile!" She turned around and flung dirt in the patrol's face and ran off into the trees but not leaving the pack territory. Ugh, greedy stupids. Can't just be nice and share land! She slunk into some bushes and hid there. ~ Storm-5 years-Fighter Mentions Ash - Storm woke up after an accidental nap. I didn't me to fall asleep! He nibbled some dirt off his paw. Luna still isn't back? I want to challenge that Lead Fighter soon! He looked at the sky and saw it was still day time. He stood up. I'm gonna go look for Ash. He padded out of the shade and let the sun warm his pelt and he padded away to go find Ash. ~ Sierra-7 years-Hunter Speaking to Sky and Artermius - Sierra looked at Sky. "No need to apologize." She looked away. "I lost the scent trail." She looked at Artermius. "Do any of you have ideas of other plans? You look like you do Artermius." She had a glint of amusement in her eyes. "Don't be trying to hide it." She caught the stale scent of deer again. "You got any Sky?" She padded after the scent and it started to get stronger and strong the more she went that way and it soon was fresh. She padded a little further and it revealed the herd. "Ok I need ideas now." She crouched in some bushes. Edited at December 11, 2021 11:00 AM by Isa's Pack

Luna~ The alpha female chased after Delaney. "You worthless trespasser! You think it's because of FOOD we protect our land?! No! We protect our land from pathetic rats like you who disrespect us!" She lunged at the lone female. "I don't care who you little rats think you are! You stay away from MY pack and MY territory!" ~~~~ Sky~ Sky shook her head. She wasnt much for creating plans for hunting so much as following them. She stiffened up when she heard Luna yelling in the distance and lowered her ears a bit. Edited at December 11, 2021 11:22 AM by saratank

Inferus | Interactions: Luna, Delaney, Ash Inferus nodded. "Yes, L- Alpha," he said, almost calling the Alpha by her given name. Nobody Inferus knew in the past had ever gone by a title before, but if he wanted to stick around, he'd have to get used to all these useless pack policies. Inferus picked up the rabbits and headed back to camp, giving Delaney one last glance before leaving the group behind. That could have been me, he thought. It was a good thing he had had the presence of mind to stay out of the territory until his brother came and got him. Before long, he heard paw steps behind him and paused, sniffing the air. Ash, he thought. One of the few pack members whose name he knew. Inferus waited for Ash to catch up and fell into step alongside him. "You alright?" Inferus asked. "You seem a little frustrated."