
Kai | Male | 3 yrs | Pack | Other | M: Open
Kai wakes up kinda slugish and tired and picked up a scent of loners. He kept himself low to the ground and slowly creeped towards the loners near by he jumped out scareing them He just sat there stareing takeing note they were both female one A german shepherd the other a border collie
He asked in a rough but gentle tone ' what are you ladies doing out here? your very close to my packs borders ' he'd sit down and scratch an itch by his ear then looked at the door knowing how to get food here he'd paw at the door tilt his head and look at the human who give him a tray of bread that was stale ' here you guy need this more then I do ' He'd got up and turned to leave and jumpped over a fence back into his pack's territory Edited at May 5, 2024 01:41 PM by The Shadows of Dawn

Valentina | F | Lone Dog | M: Trixie, Kai Valentina looked at the male being handed some bread, as quick as she could she grabbed a small peace that he had dropped and ran of a few streets back to her territory. She quickly ate it so no other animals took it and saw a shadow on the other side of the fence moving, she knew it was a male dog by the scent but she couldn't tell who because it was a new one. - Wait she could smell more! Was it a new pack that had moved in? She smelt a familiar scent but she couldn't tell who, she marked her territory as a warning and did a little patrol of the borders marking as she went. She came back to her den and crawled and went to sleep.

Kai | M | Pack: Other | M: Val &trixie Kai saw where she ran followed her her made sure to bring the bread to his pack and took his share of food and followed where the one Loner when when he get there he lightly nudged her and gave her his food
' Hey umm sorry I ran off so fast I'm Kai ' He tried his best to befriendly and not intimadting he was very sweet unlike other pack dogs he was differnt his scent smelled of other dog but not as much almost like he distanced hiself from them Edited at May 5, 2024 02:44 PM by The Shadows of Dawn

Valentina | F | Lone Dog | M: Kai Valentina woke up suddenly to a male, it was the same male from before. She got up quickly and with her tail up she growled, "What are you doing on my territory?! Did you even notice?!" She slowly moved towards him backing him up waiting for a response. What was he doing here?

Kai | M | Pack | M:Val " woah woah calm down miss I just followed you to give you this- " he'd lightly droped a small turkey for her he was trying to make friends with her "if you want me to leave I can " he lowers his head to say sorry for waking her up.

Valentina | F | Lone Dog | M: Kai She didn't expect him to be nice, she always had her guard up because of her past. "Oh uh thank you" She was surprised he gave her food and even more surprised that he followed her without her knowing, she kind of admired him for that. "No you can stay" She invited him to lay down with her and share the turkey. "What's your name?" she started of with a simple question hoping to find out if he knew what was happening on the other side of the fence.

Kai |M| Pack other| M:Val
" im Kai what is your name " He saw a raccoon trying take the turkey and let out a very low and deep growl. He would watch the raccon run off in the night " I have never really had a soft spot for raccoons " Kai noses around the dumpter and finds a nice and soft rug " Hey look at that a rug these make nice beds " Kai would lay down near her but far enough where she had her repected space

Valentina | F | Lone Dog | M: Kai "I am Valentina, are you alone or do you have a pack?" Valentina finished the turkey and got up to her den. She could still see him but he could only see her shadow and her face, trying not to fall asleep she waited for him to answer.

Rye |M|Pack Beta| M: Kai & Valentina He woke up with chills from the rain, it had seeped into his coat and belly turning it ashy and grey from the dirty street. Eventually he decided to move around as it helped warm himself up like a good distraction from the creeping cold. After some time of wandering the packs new main street he noticed only Kai had strayed away while everyone was still waking, curious and suspicious he followed the scent trail for about a quater mile before his ears perked at a distant growl. Keeping to the allyway shadows he peered around the corner of the bakery, his belly and neck held low to the ground as he took in the surroundings. . Just then he could cleary see Kai speaking with a loner with some distance between them, he couldn't reconize the she-dog but for some reason she sounded eerily familar to him. Rye shook the nostalgic feeling backing off from the two momentairly but the thought of him sharing precious food with some stranger?!' it egged him on in a way that angered him. His tail wagged once drooping to the side as he sat patiently just out of sight hoping to give Kai a shock when he passes by him unspuspectingly. Edited at May 5, 2024 05:29 PM by Noricai

Kai |M| Pack |M: Rye and Val
" thats a very beautiful name " Kai would spot Rye " Excuse me for a second Valentina " Kai walked slowly to Rye with his head high " need something Rye- " he really didn't want to cause trouble but he would fight if needed he never really liked when Rye would get up in his business Kai kept his stance tall and just gave a look of annoyance. " if you don't need anything go scout for food I already did my share of scouting I got 3 pounds of bread for the pack i don't see why Can't share my portion of my food with loners " Edited at May 5, 2024 05:54 PM by The Shadows of Dawn