
"You are not fine once we get to flat ground and find a pretty big cave I am long to get a whole bunch of herbs to help you both with your injuries. They will have to be ones that travel easily thoigh so that might be diffuclt but not impossible." Why do they have to get hurt so much we gotta find some loners to help with getting resources and everything.

Sailo whined weakly. "I can help...... good with..... plants..." "Silence" A voice from across the way spoke loudly and clearly. It was obviously female, although the voices source could not be seen yet. A female wolf, a bit smaller than Sailo, ran forward. Her pelt was like Sailo's, but a much lighter shade. The female slowed in front of them, worry in her eyes. "What happened to her.. She wasn't in this bad of condition when she left.." The female nudged Sailo gently. "I'm here now.. It's going to be okay.."

"A pack of wolves ran afrter us and then they attacked all of us after that she rolled of the hill into the river and we had to get her out." He said to the stranger. Why would they want to help us are some kind of sister of Sailo or packmate that was told to leave to.

The female growled under her breath. "Who would do such a thing.. Wolves these days..." She nuzzled Sailo "Well I'm here now and I don't intend on leaving. If they want me back they'll have to come search for me" she dropped her head in a challenging way "And I don't intend to be found" Sailo nuzzled the female back weakly. "Thank you.... but... you.. didn't have to.." "Of course I did. We're inseparable"

"If I may ask how are you? You look like a sibling of Sailos but I don't know your name. Also I'm about to go for a trip to find some herbs and stuff for both Sailo and Mumdrs wounds so someone has to look after her so have fun bye."

"Correct, I am her sister. The name is Saiilo." The female bowed her head politely. "Mundr" the name slipped off of her tongue in an odd tone "Seems to have her for now. I can help you collect herbs. It's my specialty."

"First of all it is only Mundr for people who know him and are his friends second of all why are your names so similar? Also you can tell me on the way to get healing supplies you pack wolves don't know as much as us loners know about herbs."

Agmundr arrived back to the cave. Covered in dried blood of his and sailo. He hadn't bothered to wash it off aside from his missing eye he did. Seeing the newcomer he grunted before setting several rabbits to the side. "I heard you are Sailos sibling." He spoke.

"Pack wolf or not, I'm a local. I know the plants around here." She was clearly offended by that. She turned to Mundr as he walked in "Hello." she bowed her head "You heard right, I'm Siilo, and you must be,?"

"Well either way I don't know the area well so you lead the way after I talk to Agmundr over there." He was a little suspicious about this new wolf so he was gonna keep a eye on her but all that mattered right now is jacking sure they were both healed.