
Valeria Mikhailova | F | 14 | Thylacine | No Mentions ~ Vera meandered through the tranquil forest, her eyes scanning the lush surroundings as she plucked dandelions from the earth. A soft hum escaped her lips, filling the air with a soothing melody. The small clearing she stumbled upon was a sanctuary of peace, bathed in the comforting embrace of the sun's rays. The vibrant flora that enveloped her seemed to sway in perfect harmony with the gentle breeze. - With utmost care, Vera delicately plucked another dandelion, her gaze fixated on its delicate petals. She meticulously examined it, ensuring no unwelcome insects or critters had sought refuge within its golden allure. Satisfied with her inspection, she brought the flower to her maw, relishing in the anticipation of its sweet nectar. The taste was a delightful symphony of flavors, a delectable treat for her senses. - Perched upon a small rock, Vera luxuriated in the sun's tender caress. The worries and troubles that had burdened her for the past month seemed to fade into the background as she embraced the serenity of the present moment. With each breath she took, happiness filled her lungs, washing away the remnants of the past. The forest whispered its ancient wisdom to Vera, its secrets carried on the gentle breeze. She felt an indescribable connection to nature, as if she were an integral part of something greater. The rustling leaves and the melodious chirping of birds created a symphony that resonated deep within her soul. In this tranquil haven, she discovered solace and contentment. - Vera closed her eyes, allowing the sun's warmth to permeate her very being. She released the burdens that had weighed her down, surrendering them to the ethereal realm. The past month had been fraught with hardships and heartache, but in this moment, she chose to focus on the present, on the exquisite beauty that enveloped her.

Fawn || F || 22 || White-Tail Deer || M: Elara, Sasha ~ Groaning faintly as light filtered through the branches above her, blinking at the green leaves waving in the breeze. The plastic window abover her bed was likely her favorite part of her tent, aside from being raised into the trees. Sitting up with a sigh Fawn pulled her currtain aside, gaze sweeping the camp. They'd managed to find this little piece of paradise, and she hoped that it would last this time. The younger ones deserved some quiet and normalcy for a change. . Rising from the fur that covered her bed Fawn went through her to-do list for the day, pulling on her worn boots and favorite sage jacket. Brushing her hair out and pushing it over her shoulders, she grabbed her bag before exiting her tent. A short set of make-shift stairs and a short walk brought her to the center, smiling as her gaze landed on the two women who'd risen just as early. "Good Morning" she voiced with a small wave. . She hesitated noticing it looked like food stores were getting low, grabbing a small handful of berries and cheese. Giving a nod to Sasha she spoke, "we're going to need a hunt patrol soon huh? Want me to check your traps when I go on patrol?" Fawn glanced at Elara breifly gadging her thoughts of the idea, the woman was the one picked to patrol with her this morning. Pausing as her gaze swept the camp, wondering if anyone else was awake yet while she munched on the small breakfast. .~. .~[][][]~.|.~[][][]~. .~. Zana || F || 24 || Samoyed || M: Open ~ Sunlight filtering through the top of her tent pulled her from her slumber, grumbling she rose from her furry bed. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes Zana's eyes blinked against the bright light. Sighing softly as she listened to the gentle breeze and the soft chirping of the morning birds, relishing the calm and serenity. How long had it been since she'd heard the sounds of the city? She still couldn't believe they'd found this place. While she knew they'd never truely be safe until they crossed the boarder, Zana cherished their current home. . Grabbing her brsuh from nearby she brushed her mess of hair, pulling it into a thick braid before rising to her feet. Pulling on a pair of jeans and her old boots Zana caught the faint sounds of other's stirring nearby, sighing roughly she pulled on her leather jacket before pushing through the flap of her tent. Blocking the sun with a hand as she blinked to adjust to the bright light, Zana squinted looking over the camp. She could see a group gathering in the center of camp, frowning faintly she deemed they could wait a few moments longer. . Turning to the small water basin beside her tent Zana splashed some water over her face before cupping her hands together, gathering a small bit of water to drink. She braced a hand on the rim with a frown, perhaps she was just uneasy was her lack of expierence not constantly on the run. Her reflection stared back at her almost accusingly causing the woman to grunt and brush the water's surface. She just wasn't used to the peace that's all, she'll adjust soon enough. Although that did bring up other potental problems, what if she gets so comfortable she's not able to help when something bad happenes? She shook her head, curse these thoughts that keep her up at night.

Cyro cracked open a eye, he groaned sitting up, he looked around the small clearing he had found, not far from the camp, he heard faint voices coming from the main camp, Cyro felt a dead weight on his chest which drew his attention to the white barn owl sitting on his chest, "Morning Maybell" Maybell chirped and tilted her head, revealing a long worm in her mouth, "uh.. thanks Maybell, but pass, you eat that" he said, standing up, shaking off the bird. Cyro smiled and listened to what he called 'the morning birds' he yawned and stretched out his body, Cyro walked into the main camp, seeing some others awake, Cyro approached Sasha, "Morning" he said gruffly, taking a portion in his hands, breaking off some cheese for Maybell, who flew after him and land on one of his horns, gripping it tightly, Cyro was greatful for the unusually strong neck he was gifted to hold the weight of the bird, he always thought it came from the Bull in him. Cyro looked over at Fawn, "I am coming with you" he claimed, walking away to get ready, Cyro was known for being stubborn and pretty much impossible to reason with. Cyro himself didn't mind the title, but it would help if others weren't so skiddish around him. Cyros long bull tail whipped along the ground, Cyro watched it make long trails in the dirt he smiled, he feared nothing in the forest, only guns (and he stubbornly ammits dogs too) Cyro tossed his head, letting his shining mature horns to shine in the morning sun. Cyro sat down in the grass, where he was sleeping earlier, Maybell ruffled his feathers, hopping to sit on his shoulder, pecking at some of his crackers and berries. Cyro sighed, "won't you stop stealing my food? You eat grubs for damn sake!"

Xúnî Female || Greater False Vampire Bat, Abnormal || Protector || Pet: Kucheka (Hermit Crab) || M: (Dir) Kucheka. (Dir/Ind) None. (Ind) None. -[~|~]- Xúnî used her claws as she dug a hole in the ground, being especially careful to not hurt any of the isopods or springtails underneath. Her pet, Kucheka, was relaxing nearby, watching her dig up the ground, using his claws to hold a worm and munch on it. He looked very satisfied that she was definitely work for him. Xúnî made an amused chuckle and purring sound as she watched her cute little crab munch away at the worm she had just dug up for him. "Why can't you do this yourself?" Xúnî smiled at him before returning her gaze to the hole. Two worms were wiggling around and she didn't even notice them. She carefully grabbed the gross and wiggly muscle-like creatures and carried them over to Kucheka, who'd just finished his first worm. A gleeful sound came from the hermit crab at the sight of more worms. His large claw assisted him in grabbing the squirming worms that he considers food. Scooping them up in his claws, he began munching on the creatures, his happy eyes glimmering because of the bright morning sunlight. An isopod was wiggling around by Kucheka's feet, but luckily for that creature, hermit crabs never really eat isopods. Xúnî could hear some others awakening in the camp. She hadn't ventured as deep in the forest as she thought she had. Most others probably knew that Kucheka was her pet, and wouldn't try to hurt him, but she's always been extra careful in camp with him. She turned her gaze back to her crab, which not to her surprise, had no worms anymore. "You eat way too fast, Kucheka." She turned to the dirt hole before scooping the dirt that flung outside the hole when she was digging to cover it back up. Whenever she covered holes up, she always cups her hands in a way that helps her shove the dirt back in. Filling holes up was always faster than digging them. When she finished filling the hole in the ground, her gaze swiveled back to Kucheka. She reached her dirt-covered arm towards the hermit crab, which caused him to leap out of his sitting position to crawl into the palm of her hand. "You're so cute." She purred, watching the crab to slide deeper inside his shell, his eyes still glimmering as if he was super happy. "Let's get you back to your pond now that the humidity is leaving the air." Xúnî began to get to her feet, her wings beginning to spread open. She grabbed the tree she was sitting right next to with her empty hand, using her arm to help haul herself up the tree. Her feet helped her shove herself up, while her arm just helped her grip the tree and haul herself up. When Xúnî was high enough up in the tree, she leaped off. Her wings caught the wind and acted as a parachute for a split-second before they began to flap intensely. She gripped Kucheka tightly so he wouldn't fall and get hurt while she is flying. She bursted through the tree's canopy, but she made sure that she wouldn't be too high up to the point where she could be spotted easily. Xúnî watched Kucheka slightly poke his face out of his shell before ducking back inside, completely unbothered that he was now flying. She never had to fly for that long because of how close the pond was to her normal digging location. She was already descending down back to the ground. Xúnî landed next to the pond. It was a very small pond, probably holding only about a hundred gallons of water in it. It was completely safe for Kucheka to live in. She always checks for dangerous fish in the pond every time she comes to get Kucheka. She stuck her hand that held the hermit crab in the water, allowing him to swim away in the pond. He stuck himself out of his shell and began to swim away into the pond. "Bye, Kucheka! See you tonight!" Then, she stood up and began to walk back to the camp where her and some other abnormals lived.

Sasha | F | 25 | Maine coon | Mentions: Elara (dir), Fawn (dir), Cryo (indir) As the camp began to stir to her call to breakfast, Sasha felt a stir of happiness within in, she enjoyed providing for them. She especially loved taking care of the young ones and teaching them how to survive. As Elara approached Sasha to grab her share, the abnormal gave her a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I better than usual, thank you”, brushing of the fact that she’d barely sleep normally. Sasha’s hand made it way back to her hair, “and it’s never a problem to get food out. Everyone’s got to eat”. Sasha looked up at the now blue sky and felt the heat on her face for a second. The feline in her yearned to roll out in a patch of warmth and nap, but the approach of more of her camp mates distracted her from those thoughts, thankfully. It was Fawn. “Morning Fawn, I would appreciate that. I’m thinking of taking some of the older Teens out next time I set them so I can teach them how. Oh ! Talking of the teens I do believe Ember would benefit from maybe coming with you on patrol? She’s not really left camp since she joined-“ Sasha broke off as Cryo approached and started talking to Fawn. Leaning back on her heels, she rested her bottom on the floor and pulled her knees up to her chin, while grabbing her own portion of dried meat and berries.

Sasha | F | 25 | Maine coon | Mentions: Elara (dir), Fawn (dir), Cryo (indir) As the camp began to stir to her call to breakfast, Sasha felt a stir of happiness within in, she enjoyed providing for them. She especially loved taking care of the young ones and teaching them how to survive. As Elara approached Sasha to grab her share, the abnormal gave her a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I better than usual, thank you”, brushing of the fact that she’d barely sleep normally. Sasha’s hand made it way back to her hair, “and it’s never a problem to get food out. Everyone’s got to eat”. Sasha looked up at the now blue sky and felt the heat on her face for a second. The feline in her yearned to roll out in a patch of warmth and nap, but the approach of more of her camp mates distracted her from those thoughts, thankfully. It was Fawn. “Morning Fawn, I would appreciate that. I’m thinking of taking some of the older Teens out next time I set them so I can teach them how. Oh ! Talking of the teens I do believe Ember would benefit from maybe coming with you on patrol? She’s not really left camp since she joined-“ Sasha broke off as Cryo approached and started talking to Fawn. Leaning back on her heels, she rested her bottom on the floor and pulled her knees up to her chin, while grabbing her own portion of dried meat and berries.

Alessandra 'Sandy' | F | 15 | Dragon | M: Esprit - Alessandra had woken up a short while ago. She was currently washing her face in the river with some soap they had stolen from a market a while back. The teenager frowned, noticing that they where slowly but surely running out of it. She got up, going over to a fresh spring that was running out of some rocks and filling her hands with water before drinking it. You had to make do with whatever you could find while living in the wild. It was better than being killed, sure, but it also wasn't as nice as the house she used to live in. Sandy wiped her mouth with her arm, standing up straight with a large stretch. She glanced around the area for a moment before heading over to the grass to sit down. - Alessandra noticed Beast, Esprit's cat, going in her direction. She made a 'pspspsp' noise towards the cat, holding out her hand for it to sniff. "What're you doing over here?" She questioned the cat curiously, even though she knew that it could not respond. "Is Whisp also around here?" The cat simply turned away, ignoring Sandy's words and trotting over to the river for a drink. "Typical cat." She huffed. "You guys never show any respect to people." Alessandra then noticed Esprit coming over in her direction. "Good morning!" She greeted with a small smile on her face and a wave so her friend knew where she was. "Are you following Beast over to here?" She questioned. Sandy glanced over at the cat, who had now finally finished taking a drink. "You should also probably get some water." She commented, "You don't want to be getting dehydrated, especially when living in the woods" In Alessandra's opinion, living in the woods with just the two of them was the best thing at the moment. It was a lot safer than living with others, or hiding between humans. They where less likely to be found, just how she liked it.

Esprit 'Whisp' | F | 14 | Cat | Mentions: Alessandra - Esprit nodded at Sandy. "Sure." Whisp went to the water's edge and bent down, cupping her hands and scooping up some water. It was fresh and cold. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. "So, Sandy where will we head to next?" Esprit scooped up Beast in her arms while still waiting for her friend to answer. "And cats do show respect, you just have to earn it," she finished with a little hmph. A small smile crept across Whisp's face. A rare sight nowadays. - Esprit sat down next to Alessandra. She gently stroked Beast surprisingly soft ginger fur as she studied a ladybug crawling across a single stalk of grass. Whisp glanced around. "Do we have any food?" Whisp asked. "I'm starving and Beast is the only one who can eat. I swear he's probably eaten 10 mice already." She laughed quietly. Now that she was with another person she felt way safer than by herself. It was a nice way to live. Just the 2 of them, easier to survive. Beast meowed loudly. Okay, the three of them, she thought with another tiny smile to herself.

Anwen | M | 19 | Mentions - Valeria Anwen would be looking around the camp hoping to see anything fun to do. He flicked his owl wings and would smile at the sun. He chuckled and with his sharp eyesight. He spotted a few people but didn't know who to talk to. So he just sat under a tree and would wrap his wings around him with a yawn. If he was needed he would know. After a moment he opened his eyes and would get up now bored. He would wander for a moment before seeing Valeria in wonder. - He then grinned in mischief as he opened his wings. He flew above them making no sound as he flew. One of his feathers fell down on top of their head. He then dove past them hoping to scare them. He landed in a roll and would roll into a tree. With a loud thud he stopped and groaned in pain. He was upside down against the tree as he slowly opened his eyes. He was still grinning but with a little pain in his back. He would get up rubbing his back with a wince. He chuckled and said "Sorry about that... " He would have some leaves and twigs in his hair from his crash. He felt them and shook them out of his hair with a chuckle. Edited at November 17, 2023 06:02 PM by raveneclipse

Valeria Mikhailova | F | 14 | Thylacine | M: Anwen ~ Her tail flicked, ready to strike at the person who had startled her. But as she looked at the fallen object, she relaxed and let her tail unwind. "And who are you?" she asked, plucking a few stray twigs from his wings. "Were you trying to startle me?" Intrigued, she stepped back from the fallen bird to get a closer look. Judging by its enormous wingspan, she estimated it to be around 7 or 7.5 meters long. It was truly remarkable. Despite her awkward appearance, a genuine smile appeared on her face. She was excited to meet this individual. She couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and anticipation. This encounter had the potential to be truly extraordinary. - As she observed the unfamiliar person in front of her, she couldn't help but notice the unique qualities that set them apart from anyone she had ever encountered. The mere presence of this person ignited a deep curiosity within her. She eagerly looked forward to learning more about them and the world they came from. With each passing moment, her enthusiasm grew and her smile widened. It was a rare moment for her to experience such genuine happiness, and she cherished every second of it. Standing there, taking in the sight of the magnificent wings spread out before her, she couldn't help but be in awe of the sheer beauty and grandeur of it all. The wings seemed to tell their own story, a tale of freedom and adventure that she longed to be a part of. She imagined the sensation of soaring through the sky, carried by those majestic wings, and a deep longing washed over her. But for now, she found comfort in simply standing there, savoring the presence of this extraordinary individual. - She understood that this encounter was a rare gift, one that she would treasure for the rest of her life. And as she looked into the stranger's eyes, she saw a reflection of her own excitement and curiosity.