
Sedna Nurul Seelen New Rider | Male | Mentions: Open Indirectly Mentions: Kaia, K'issuk To say Sedna didn't want to be at the ceremony was the most severe of an understatement. He hadn't wanted to go the moment Kaia said that he would, all those years ago. But, of course, because Kaia had and because Kaia had been chosen, their parents had insisted that Sedna also try. And so, here he found himself, stuck in a valley full of strangers, watching the sky for both dangerous reptiles and the familiar water dragon his brother had bonded with. K'issuk was a sweet enough dragon, in his opinion, and Sedna had never held ill-will or anger towards her. Their parents were mainly the bearers of it, occasionally Kaia. If she appeared in the valley, Sedna figured he would be able to pick her out; her deep-sea look was more than recognizable, even among other water dragons, and he had grown used to her throughout her time being bonded with Kaia. The young man had no intentions of hoping for a dragon, he had no intentions of holding his breath as the mighty reptiles approached and praying that they choose him over someone else. No, he'd stay until the Choosing was done, make sure Kaia saw him so that he could vouch to their parents that Sedna had shown up, and then leave. With those intentions in mind, Sedna moved to the edge of the already growing crowd, hoping to avoid the worst of the crushing bodies. He knew how crowds could get, and, honestly, people on mass could be really stupid. He didn't want to be in the middle if violence broke out, whether it was between dragons, people, or dragons hurting people.

Sevo Archemoros Dark Dragon | Male | New Dragon | Mentions: Ahura [Ind.], Vedmak [Ind.], Open
An acrid scent, something reminiscent of death and rotting meat permeated the area before the figure of the dragon could even be seen moving through the woods. His almost gangly form shifted like a cat through the shadows, each step carefully placed as he veered throughout. Hollow sockets blindly looked towards the valley, his nose quivering as he took in the scents wafting through the air, the soft sounds of humans talking creating a muted roar in his ears.
They were so loud.
Was his initial thought, but he had to remember he was no longer in his dark, forested home where few dared venture. He snaked around, a soft chittering noise eminating from his jaws as he slowly moved to the edge of the forest. His jaws parted, that awful stench renewing as he inhaled and exhaled, tasting the different scents on the breeze as it caressed his exposed tongue. His rider was here, he could taste them.
Long tail lashed behind him as he skittered to the side, his head waving side to side as he narrowed down the specific direction his rider was in. From what he could tell, they were in the group, the mass of humans, who had entered the valley. He didn't want to risk stepping on them to try and reach his rider, so he thought he might try to place himsel where he might be in view and see who dared approach him.
Of course, there was one small problem with that. There was no way for Sevo to be sure the human would be able to see him where ever he chose to sit. Twitching his nose, his lips quivering as a low almost grumlbing woofing sound poured from him, he pushed so he sat on his hind legs like a meer cat, pusing his long neck and head high up into the air. His long hind legs and powerful tail balanced him as he sat and he stretched his wings out and anchored the ragged talons into the ground to keep himself from falling.
He could tell by the way his scales were crawling that he was out in the sun, it was something they always did whenever they came in contact with direct sunlight. The tingly sensation wasn't comfortable, nor was it painful, so he remained where he was for now. If needed, he would find a friendlier dragon to escort him into the masses to find his rider. Perhaps Vedmak, his companion, would arrive shortly and join him. He had ventured out on his own earlier, letting his friend come on his own terms. Being very blind, Sevo had wanted to be in the valley before anyone else so he could get a feel for the landscape first.

P A R K E R | A N D I E L Female - 16 Years - New Rider - Aither M - Gathering Group [Indirectly] Parker shifted her weight to her right foot where she stood, excitement thrumming through her veins as she stood by the door adorned with a simple wreath of red flowers. If not for the fact her parents had wanted to see her off before she went into the valley, she was sure she would have bolted out the door and been halfway there by now. The reason for how restless she currently was? Today would mark choosing day. She would not mark herself as an expert on the event, but from what little she understood from snippets she overheard from ladies gossiping together and little kids playing pretend, dragons would descend on the valley to find the partner they were destined for. Dragons. She had never seen the creatures in person before, but story's and rumors had been easy to come by because of the kingdom's unique bond and established academy with the beasts. It was not their grace she was entranced with however, well, not entirely. Really, it was because of the power they all possessed. Parker wasn't someone who wanted any for herself, but would die to see even a demonstration of what one could do. However, her first priority would be even getting there on time. If only her parents would hurry up. "Sorry dear, we're coming!" Her mother called from one of the rooms off from where the door was, the woman's head poking from around the corner with a tired but apologetic smile on her lips. Behind her, a man with a brown beard that barely went past his own chin and hard set black colored eyes walked over to his daughter and laid a hand on her shoulder. "Don't get lost," his expression hardened. "Don't cause too much trouble." Parker huffed, patting his hand with her own in reassurance. "I won't, I won't. Promise." Without another word, he nodded and stepped back. Just then, a shorter and slightly plump lady also entered the room, her hair tied into a messy bun and face set into a tired but kind expression. "You know the way to the valley, yes? You won't get too lost?" She asked, looking Parker over to make sure she looked at least somewhat presentable. "Like the back of my hand, don't worry." She smiled, then nodded. Gently pushing past her daughter to the door, the woman opened it and stood to the side. "Love you both!" Having gotten the implied go ahead by both her parents, quickly Parker departed and made her way towards the valley. The way was quite long but otherwise uneventful, and it was quite easy to know she was close with the excited chattering reverberating around the valley. A giant crowd of people had already formed, most of them middle or high class but a few low class people also amongst the gathering. By the sheer numbers, it was safe to say she wasn't late to the party and the brunette was quick to mingle. Parker stayed near the edges of the crowd, however. For however social that she was, getting squished was never worth meeting someone new. Especially if she accidentally got into some sort of shenanigans with another person. Parker scanned the valley excitedly, feeling the anticipation in her stomach rise. Any moment now. Even meeting one would be amazing, and while she had little to no expectations of being chosen by one of them, the experience would at least be cool. Edited at October 17, 2023 12:30 AM by Valravn

Ilithyia Fire Dragon | Female | Squad Leader's Dragon | Mentions: (directly) Nico Enveloped in the gentle caress of the morning sun, Dragon Valley appeared to be in a state of quiet anticipation, a hushed pause descending upon the terrain. The atmosphere resonated with a tangible vitality, as if the very forces of nature were attuned to the impending significance of the forthcoming moment. A feeling of expectation lingered in the air as more individuals congregated within the valley, their subdued conversations and soft-spoken exchanges punctuating the prevailing tranquility. There, in the soft clouds, soared a magnificent Fire dragon that looked like a sunset had spilled over her very form. Her scales, a harmonious blend of rich crimson and wine, glistened like a treasure trove of forgotten dreams. Ilithyia could taste the nervousness and excitement that pulsed through the air, her keen senses attuned to the emotions of those below. She soared lower, landing on a small cliff that perched just above the humans. She surveyed the tiny humans, their faces a mosaic of emotions, as they prepared for the day's momentous events. As she scanned the crowd, her sharp eyes missed nothing, but one figure remained conspicuously absent. Nico, her aloof rider, was nowhere in sight. Ilithyia stifled a growl, a puff of smoke escaping from her formidable jaws. It wouldn't be the first time that her antisocial companion showed up fashionably late, but today was too important to risk such tardiness. After all, he was the Squad Leader. Ilithyia yawned, stretching her jaws wide, her teeth gleaming in the morning light. Her bat-like wings were tucked in close as she settled down on the rocky ledge. She felt her own excitement clawing at her, a surge of anticipation that matched the energy of the humans below. Oh, how she loved this time of year! It was the most crucial day for both dragons and humans alike, a day when new bonds were formed. As she glanced at the other dragons in the valley, she couldn't help but notice the mixed emotions that swirled among her kind. For some, this day was met with bitterness, the painful reminder of previous riders lost, their bonds forever shattered. Others, much like herself, reveled in the opportunity to connect with a new human companion. Ilithyia remembered the day she and Nico had found each other, a memory etched in her consciousness as if it had happened only yesterday. The two could not have been any more different. Ilithyia was known for her spirited and vivacious personality, always had a sassy retort ready. In contrast, Nico was renowned for his stoicism and icy demeanor, a man of few words and elusive emotions. The two balanced each other nicely, both challenging and comforting. In a very cat-like manner, Ilithyia’s tail flicked with impatience. Her scarlet eyes were trained on a few larger dragons, and wondered what kind of bond they would be formed today. As she tapped into the unique bond that tied them together, she felt her thoughts and emotions reaching out to Nico. "I see we haven't been graced by your presence yet." she stated, her voice a gentle whisper in his thoughts, tinged with a playful, affectionate edge. Despite the perceived coldness of her rider, Ilithyia knew that beneath the surface, there was more to Nico than met the eye.

Skyler New Rider | Female | Mentions: (directly) Ahura Skyler held her father closely, knowing that he was the only family she had left. “Are you sure this is what you want?” His voice was gruff in her ear, and she could feel him trembling, trying to hold back tears. The unspoken fear between them hung heavily in the air; they both knew that if she saw him cry, she wouldn't be able to leave. Sky couldn't bring herself to speak, so she nodded in response, her face buried in her father's shoulder. She breathed in his familiar scent, a mixture of earthiness and worn leather, cherishing it as if it were a lifeline. Reluctantly, he pulled back, holding her at arm's length, his strong hands now showing the wear of time and hardship. The man she had known as tall and strong had aged, and his once-black hair was now streaked with silver, his graying beard a testament to the weight of the years. His moss-green eyes, which used to sparkle with life, had become vacant since the loss of Skyler's mother. It pained him to even look at her, for she was a spitting image of the woman he had loved and lost. They stood in the quiet, dimly lit room, a world of unspoken emotions hanging between them. It was a room filled with memories—of family dinners, laughter, and shared dreams—that now felt like distant echoes in time. He managed a weak smile, trying to mask his inner turmoil. "Remember, Sky, you're strong. You've got your mother's spirit. She'd be proud of the person you've become." Sky swallowed hard, her voice wavering as she responded, "I have your stubbornness and bravery too, Dad. I'll need it out there." Her father chuckled, a warm, bittersweet sound that hung in the air. "You've got the best of both of us, my dear. That's what's going to see you through." With a final, lingering hug, her father kissed her forehead. "Tame your beast, bring it home, bring yourself home. And remember, no matter where you go, this will always be your home. We'll be here, waiting for your return." Skyler nodded, feeling a mixture of determination and sadness, as she took her first steps towards the journey that lay ahead. She knew that her father's words would be a guiding light in the darkness, a reminder of the love and support that she carried with her, no matter how far she traveled. _____________ Skyler felt her blood hum with excitement as she stepped into Dragon Valley. More humans and dragons began to appear, dotting the sky and the ground below with vibrant colors and lively movements. The air was alive with a sense of anticipation, the atmosphere buzzing with the energy of the gathering crowd. Skyler ran a hand through her thick hair, trying to calm its appearance. Her honey-colored curls fell effortlessly in waves, ending past the middle of her back, catching the sunlight in a golden embrace. Her sapphire eyes gleamed with excitement, reflecting the boundless enthusiasm that danced within her. Nervousness was not something that Skyler often experienced; instead, she embraced the unknown with open arms. She has been looking forward to this moment since her mother first told her about it. She glanced around the area, her eyes wide with wonder, and a smile playing on her lips as she spotted Ahura. "Ahura!" she called, bounding over to her red-headed friend. “I can't believe you're here!” she exclaimed.

Aither Air Dragon | Male | New Dragon | Mentions: None As the sun's first light painted the sky with delicate shades of pink and gold, a grand figure soared gracefully through the heavens. Aither, adorned with silver scales delicately edged in a captivating cerulean blue, appeared as a regal presence against the morning canvas. Each powerful beat of his wings propelled him through the sky with a grace that seemed to defy the very laws of physics, leaving an awe-inspiring trail behind him. Aither's journey had led him to the threshold of Dragon Valley, a realm known for the bonding ceremony. However, the prospect of bonding with a human was less than ideal for him. He had been through this before, and every time it had ended in disappointment. He had never formed that deep connection with a human, and it hadn't bothered him. After all, he was younger than many of the other dragons and hadn't felt the desire to be tied down, responsible for a young human. Yet, this time was different. There was a sharp, nagging feeling within him, an unexplainable sensation that he couldn't ignore. As he descended towards Dragon Valley, he carried with him a sense of trepidation and curiosity, wondering if this time, against all his instincts, he might find the connection he had been unconsciously searching for. The closer Aither came to Dragon Valley, the more he felt that persistent tug at the core of his being. He couldn't ignore the sense of destiny that seemed to whisper in the breeze and echo in the distant calls of other dragons. The valley stretched out beneath him, a tapestry of lush forests, sparkling rivers, and meadows aglow with the hues of a new day. Humans and dragons were beginning to gather, a colorful mosaic of life and energy. The air was vibrant with excitement, a palpable undercurrent of anticipation that matched the drumming of Aither's heart. The sun's warm embrace kissed his scales as he descended further, and the nagging feeling that had stirred within him grew more pronounced. It was as if it had guided him to this moment, a juncture where his path might diverge from the one he had always known. He pondered the possibility of forming a connection with a human, a bond that could reshape his existence in ways he had never considered. Unable to contain his emotions any longer, the massive air dragon let out a resounding roar. It was a roar that echoed through the valley, a powerful declaration of his presence. As he descended, his thoughts entangled in the paradox of wanting to remain unbound yet sensing that something profound awaited him. As he landed on the outskirts of the valley, his golden eyes scanned the crowd, searching for a spot to watch from. He was not ready. Aither's thoughts were a whirlwind as he secured a spot under a shady tree. He couldn't ignore the pull that had brought him here, and now, as he stood in the valley, it only got stronger. As he settled beneath the tree, Aither observed the growing throng with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. The valley's inhabitants, both human and dragons, were preparing for the bonding ceremony, an event that held deep significance in their world. For many, it was a time of joy and celebration, a moment when new connections would be forged, and destinies intertwined. Aither, however, had always been hesitant about such ceremonies. He had never felt the desire to be bound to a human, and the prospect of being responsible for one had never held much appeal to him. He valued his independence and the freedom to explore the skies, unhindered by obligations. Aither's thoughts drifted, never settling on one actual thought. Being here and finally having a rider, wasn't something he was expecting.

H Y O G A Male - 210 Years - New Dragon [Ice] - Sedna Nurul Seelen M - Sevo Archemoros [indirectly], Aither [indirectly] Hyoga quietly snarled as he watched the bumbling mess of humans gathering within the valley, tail lashing violently behind him. He was frustrated to say the least. Frustrated with all the noise the gathering group of humans and dragons alike were making. Frustrated that the weather in this particular spot was too damn hot and making him feel all gross and sticky. Frustrated that if he went down even a little further, he would stick out like a sore thumb because of his white scales. Bound to attract attention. But most of all, he was frustrated at this constant pull at his chest, like urging him to stay. To find, despite all his resignations and disdain. The ice dragon wished he could deny knowing what the source of the pull was that even brought him here in the first place, but he and the dragons here knew fully well it was because of a human. Humans. Hyoga scoffed, tucking his wings close to his body as he scanned the crowd again with an icy glare. Humans were… weird creatures. Walking on two legs, constantly inventing nicknacks because they were inadequate to all other lifeforms in every other way, shape, and form, constantly needing some kind of social interaction with something else be it another human or weird… wolf things, and most of all wasting his time. A tail lash almost sent a few rocks tumbling down the cliff he managed to perch himself on top of. High enough so that he could pass as a weirdly shaped cloud if someone didn't stare hard enough, but close enough for Hyoga to be able to properly identify the different shapes of humans and individual trees. Honestly, what a noisy bunch. He hoped he didn't get anyone too chatty. Or needy. Heavens forbid a touchy feely kind of rider who constantly needed to hold his talon for emotional support. No. Nope. He already decided that if that happened, a lifetime of discomfort and feeling like a part of him was missing was worth it. For a second, he glanced upwards hoping to get a glimpse of any other dragons arriving, only to dismay when he couldn't see any new shadows or forms. The forest would be plenty inhabited with dragons sooner or later, and he didn't want to miss out on a power walk out of the woods to- nope, hold on. No violent thoughts. The ice dragon has gotten a glimpse of some sort of dark grey and green scaled dragon on the outskirts of the woods in the sun who seemed rather ominous and sent a slight chill up his spine, and the loud bellow another made was certainly hard to miss too though it remained to be seen who actually made it. He was not here alone, yet the area closest to the growing group of humans was empty. The clearing seemed almost like a stage, anticipation high and human eyes searching the skies thoroughly. Hyoga huffed. The dragon from earlier was in the sun right now, if only they'd turn their eyes down more. Better chance for him not to totally make a fool of himself or get uncomfortable. Hyoga grumbled something crossly under his breath. He didn't want to be the first to actually… draw some sort of big reaction, but he also dreaded waiting a decade and wanted to get this whole thing over with already. Ice take me, I'm actually doing this. With a final farewell to any form of dignity he may have had before this whole… choosing day shenanigans thing, the ice dragon decided to finally make his move and quickly shuffled closer to the cliff edge before allowing himself to tip just enough for him to start falling. Extending his wings out slowly, he let the wind try and knock him off course as he plummeted before suddenly flapping his wings with a few powerful thrusts to pull up at the last minute. Well, not entirely at the last minute. He was a good dragon or two up in the air still, but hey, the last thing he wanted to do was face plant into the ground. His shadow cast an impressive silhouette below him as he zoomed through the valley, closer to the group of people. It was not in his plan to mingle with them just yet. Simply to just let the people know they were here and watching. The ice dragon sailed easily past the group, a little above their heads as he pulled up to make sure his tail wouldn't accidentally whack one in the head, and felt the bond he was supposed to have to one of these people grow momentarily stronger before fading as he gained distance between himself and the humans. Hyoga circled a spot by the trees once, twice, before finally landing and tucking his wings close to him once again. At least here there would be more shade from the heat of the sun. From next to him, five dragons or so to his right, the eerie, chilling sensation got stronger as he glanced over at the dark grey scaled beast seemingly basking in the sun. Hyoga had half a mind to greet them, but ultimately just decided to keep to himself in case the dragon didn't want to talk. He turned his gaze back to the group, silently hoping he didn't gather too much of the people's interest as he shuffled a little uncomfortably. Waiting was hard. Edited at October 17, 2023 12:31 AM by Valravn

Genevieve Caballero New Rider | Female | Mentions: Ahura De Mevius [ind.] & Skylar [ind.] , Dragons & Other Riders " Do not disgrace the Caballero name, daughter. You come home successful or you don't come home at all. " came the stinging words of her mother just practically ringing in her ears. And she had to brush a stray curl - as if warding away such words from her self. And she gave a annoyed huff, it shouldn't matter what her mother thought. Oh, but how it did. Everything has to be meticulous and to plan - and poor Genevieve had ruined her mother's plan for her own life. Incomprehensible, the young girl though - a small scowl on her face, indication her thoughts were rather bothersome at the moment. But her face evened out slowly as she calmed herself. No use for such emotion when today was supposed to be joyous. The guard beside her looked bored and she couldn't help but be offended at this. She was the future Head Of The House and this was how her future security was treating her. It was reprehensible and she could feel a glare wash over her. And she purposefully stopped in her tracts, her boots firm in the dirt - and she watch as her "security" proceeded to walk a good distance before even noticing that she hadn't been following. And she crossed her arms at that newfound information, and she watched as this man had the gall to look annoyed with her. Such nerve, she inwardly hissed, her eyes narrowing in on him as he drew closer to her. He looked like he was opening his mouth to spout some lame excuse, but she saved him the trouble by fussing his hand as an interruption and a way to tell him to shut up without saying it. She was going to give him a mild talking to,!$76 when she saw the annoyed eye roll at her hand - that's when something snapped. "Servant," she said, putting emphasis on his place - his lowly station beneath her, "who am I?" She said, her voice dangerously low. "Genevieve Caballero." The servant replied lowly, barely even above a whisper, and to add - with a hint of irritation of his voice at her. And she gave a wry chuckle, before she using her full height and struck her palm against the face of the fool. "Wrong answer, try again - and I better not get a hint of irritation, unless it's my boot that you want to the face, next time." She hummed merrily, with the sweetest grin on her face. "Now who am I? It's such a simple question, honestly." She said with a bored and annoyed expression. "You, you are the Young Lady Genevievé Ophelia - Odette Caballero, Of The Noble House Caballero, Under The Crest Of The Honorable Griffin." The male had gritted out, seeming to lose the color in his face as he gritted his knuckles. It seemed being forced to say a thing angered him, and he could barely keep his composure. Such a lack of control. Then young woman rolled her own hazel eyes at the male, "Correct, now was it so hard to properly address me? Now may I ask why you find it so troublesome to guide a young noblewoman to the Ceremony without causing a fuss, just because you seem to despise my status above you. And mind you, my family is paying you well for your services. Is it because I'm a woman or you just loathe anyone that has authority over you - better yet, maybe it's both. " She simply scoffed as she watch him fumble for words . The sound of her boots crushing the earth could be heard as she stormed away from the irritating man. She would find her way to this infernal ceremony herself. And soon she did find herself at the Valley, and she noted that there were many noble children here - many she knew from the clandescent meetings of the upper class. One in particular stood out to her, Ahura De Mevius - the boy with the fire red curls and hair that swept past his shoulders and nearly past his waist. The boy who always seems to have sleep in his eyes, even when he doesn't mean too - yet, was a ridiculously good host. If you were anyone, you'd know how influential his family was - not mention how protective his father was of the boy and his sickly mother, so for the young man to be standing out and at this ceremony was interesting. The young woman then began to wonder, what other experiences would she run into while she was out here. It seemed that nothing was as it seemed out here - and she could only wonder what these dragons could bring for them. Edited at October 17, 2023 03:34 AM by Spellbound

Kavik Forger || New Rider || Dragon: Ananth || M: Medi (NPC), Ceremony Attendees (ind) What a shame that such a beautiful weapon had to be tarnished by a heavily gem-studded mess of a golden hilt and sheath. Kavik's scrutinizing gaze tore into the sword he held in his hand; the dragon-headed hilt glimmered as the dappled light pierced through the canopy of trees and hit the jewels that formed eyes, teeth, and scales. The cross guard was shaped like dragon wings, and the golden creature's tail curled into the beginnings of the blade itself, which had also been marred by the engraved lettering all down its side. Ugh; what a nightmare to behold. Of course, he had no say in its design; it had been a very specific custom request, and as long as Kavik -- or rather, the blacksmith he apprenticed for -- was paid, that was all that mattered.
Now to locate its owner. Kavik turned his eyes to the clearing he neared. The site of the ceremony was already getting crowded, and he could see some dragons beginning to show. Some of the massive creatures looked much less enthused than others, which contrasted greatly with the general feel of excitement and awe in the air around the human counterparts. Kavik released a soft grunt of disapproval before walking to the clearing, gilded scabbard in hand, and hunting down the rich prick that owed him money.
It didn't take long to locate His Lordly Assness Medi de' Antavyn Storvah. Despite the slightly older young man's average stature, those long, perfectly curled ebony locks dripping with teardrop diamond jewelry pieces were noticeable from a far distance. Medi's deep tan skin was decorated with some sort of gold paint as well, and his long robes -- more of a dress with a train, in Kavik's opinion -- bragged of his high status. His raucous voice grated against the blacksmith's ears, and the latter's hand tightened visibly on the sword he carried. As he drew nearer, Medi whipped around, gracing Kavik with his shockingly bright green gaze. Those uncanny eyes went straight to the sword, and he made grabby hands like a small toddler would as Kavik approached. Before the blacksmith could say anything, Medi latched onto the hilt and middle of the scabbard and crowed, "Ah! Barely in time for my ceremony!" Kavik released the sword after a short debate over whether or not he could get away with giving his customer a swift kick in the butt. Forcing his teeth to separate from their gritted position, he replied cooly, "The dragon sword that my lord requested. Maester Briggan added an extra six shillings onto your price for the one-day notice." Medi's face twisted into an irritated pout. "What? Fine, fine, tell the man to collect his payment in a fortnight." "...You don't have it with you?" It was more a statement then a question, and all formalities had been thrown out the window. Kavik looked down at the little lord, flexing slightly to keep himself from swatting away the twig of a man. Medi now took on a defensive appearance and huffed, "Well I have to be settled in to the dragon school, and my servants will be busy preparing my rooms there. So he will have to wait." Kavik had to really pause and fight the urge to remind the stuck up ninny that not everyone got picked and that Medi had been preparing to leave for the new rider school for... what... three years now? Maybe four? Instead, Kavik pinched the bridge of his nose and stated, "Titles and empty promises will not keep the Maester off your tail, my lord. He collects his dues." Before Medi could retort, and before Kavik could yeet him across the clearing to feed the dragons, he turned and walked back to the edge of the trees. Perhaps, if Medi were not picked, the payment would magically appear after all the dragons had gone. Kavik would just have to wait the ceremony out. He picked a good vantage point on top of a large boulder at the base of some of the older trees and observed the eager humans waiting for their bonds that may or may not come.

Nicodemus Brooks Dragon Rider | M | Squad Leader | Mentions: Gathering Group [Ind.], New Dragons [Ind.], Ilithiya [Dir.]
Cold features were pinched into a sour grimace as silvery eyes observed the coalescing group of hopeful teenagers. Several years before he had been among them himself, unsure if his life would remain the same monotonous dribble or if it would change completely into something unfathomable to him. He'd been one of the lucky ones that year to be chosen by the fire she-dragon he was now paired with.
He had doubted the Fate's plan for him when he realized the differences between him and his dragon, but it turned out the pair balanced one another out well. She helped soften the sharp edges he tended to approach most things with, and called him out when he was being unreasonable. Whereas he... well he wasn't sure what he did for the dragoness, but surely there was something.
Snorting softly to himself, he moved passed the mass of gathered youth, shooting them a barely disguised look of annoyance. His worn boots crunched lightly on the ground as he moved, his eyes catching a glimpse of the fiery female, and heading in her direction. His features only narrowed further into a scowl when her voice interrupted his thoughts, warm vocals playfully jesting at him.
'If they wanted someone who was going to be on time, they should have chosen someone else,' He remarked to Ilithiya, his hand lifting to rest on the hilt of his sword strapped to his waist. He wore a pretty simple outfit by his standards. A comortable pair of pants, albeit rather tight pants that hugged his masculine figure, and a loose fitting shirt tucked into the pants at the front. The sleeves ended at his elbows, and the ties of the shirt rested open on his chest. On his legs he also wore a pair of old riding boots, their originally black color faded to a charcoal grey which matched the color of the shirt he wore. His long hair was straight, like normal, the long locks of ebony brushed to perfection and flowing down his back. He did have a ribbon around his wrist that he could use to tie it up if needed, but for now he wore it down.
After a short hike and brief climb, Nicodemus reached Ilithiya and stood beside the dragonness, irritation on his features. "Any sign of Kaia or Lara yet?" He spoke of the two he had been told would be his mentors for his group, completely unaware that Lara had replaced by someone else. Turning to his dragon he reached up and gently tied the ribbon around on of her horns. He had chosen a ribbon that matched the female's scales, he liked to wear something subtle that matched her to show their partnership. Once he was done he rested a hand on her neck and peered down at the valley.
"I'll be curious to see what we have to work with this year," he grumbled, muscular arms crossing across his chest.