
_-Aalto-_ 19 | Male | Bi | Super Hearing | Sophmore - Aatlo watched with mild interest. He watched some struggle while others carried them with ease. He glanced down at the email on his phone looking over the room number over and over. While he had already brought his boxes earlier he hadn't paid much attenttion to anything else but the room number. But now it specified that he had a roommate. Brilliant. Scoffing he glanced at the numbered doors one by one until he came to his own. He watched the panel for a moment and furrowed his brows. Whatever. He slid the ketcard from his wallet and clicked it to the door. He watched a moment while the door unlocked itself before turning the handel and walking in, making sure the door shut behins him. He could spot the boxes easily, stacked on the counter of the kitchen. Aalto stepped up the the boxes, sliding tje keycard back into his wallet and placing both his phone into his pockets before taking the boxes to the bed h3 hsd designated as his own as it was closer to tje door

Hayden Guilbault | Male | Bi | Dark Magic | Freshman | M: Tyler, open. Hayden didn't carry his stuff up. Of course he didn't; his mother would have had a fit. She called herself "a sophisticated French woman" would be be respected. Of course, this was a hug lie. Mrs. Guilbault was the least sophisticated person he knew. However, she did have an exorbitant amount of money, and was considered very charitable, so he tolerated his mother's extravagant personality. Instead, the people who carried his bags up were some of her most trusted movers, and Hayden despised it. He knew he could have carried all his stuff up the stairs, and wished that he could have. After a near hour of arguing with the movers, his mother, and his estranged father, he managed to convince the movers to leave the stuff outside his door, and he'd move it into the room himself. After the movers left, he pushed the door open. It had definitely slipped his mind that he'd have a roommate, and he tossed his first bag of stuff down with a groan. "God. The flights of stairs in here are enough to make a man go home," he muttered, making a few more trips. The mere thought of another presence in the room hadn't even begun to cross his mind, and he finished bringing his stuff in. His mother had insisted on all new bed linens and the sort, and he pulled crisp sheets out of the package. Now fully engaged in the work, he moved quickly, sheets on the bed, blankets on the sheets. Clothes in the bureau, drawers closed. He paused as he opened the last box. This was the one he had actually packed himself, and it was full of all his most precious items. Hayden pulled them out one by one, each memento of special worth. The first thing that he pulled from the box was a picture. The frame was simple, and it showed a boy, of about high school age, grinning. This was Hayden's little brother, who he loved dearly, and missed greatly. Just then, he noticed that there was another boy in the room. "Oh. Hey, I'm Hayden. I guess we're roommates. Or...I'm in the wrong room." Edited at June 7, 2023 08:20 PM by The Tea Drinkers

~Enika~ 20 + Female + Bi + Telepathy + Second year - Mentions: Dylan - Enika paused as she came to a cross walk crowded with people. She sighed and tapped her earbuds, pressing play on the music she had been listening to earlier, then pulled out her phone from her shorts pockets. She held it up a bit and unlocked it with her face ID, then pulled up her text thread with Dylan before she began to type to him. "It's busy on the street and traffic sucks," She says over text message," You at the dorms yet? I'm on my way now. Just came from the gym.' Enika blinked and looked up as the crowd of people began to move around her when the little crosswalk man appeared on the electronic sign, and the countdown began. She followed along as if a fish in a swarm of others, slipping through cracks when she saw them and forced herself to the front of the slow group. Pattering down the crosswalk, she attempted to pick up the pace, but a sharp twinge of pain shot through her leg, slowing her down a bit. The woman hissed silently to herself and shook her head, then spotted the Cherry Dorms just up ahead. Home sweet home for the next year. Enika didn't find herself heading home except for Christmas (maybe). It was a far travel from the mountainous region to the west. She assumed she'd eventually have to appreaciate these dorms. She knew they were one of the best all on campus but it didn't beat sleeping in her own bed knowing she'd wake up to her father's cooking the next morning. The young woman cleared her throat and walked up the brick stairs, her hand gliding on the metal handrails as she made it to the top patio. There was a flat surface out front that had a few picnic tables, but not a whole lot of space since it faced the road. The building was massive with hundreds of windows, some of them open already with sounds of laughter coming from them. She pushed through the large glass doors, entering the massive entrance room. To the immediate right there was a welcome desk where students could get their room cards, though Enika had already gotten hers hours earlier. Further in the room were some tables and lounge chairs. At the far end of the wall were three boxed glass rooms with tables and chairs inside where students could go to study privately. They were sound proof and even had the technology to fog the glass for extra privacy. Past the welcome desk and before the glass boxes was a hallway that led to a huge laundry mat where all the students in the building could do their laundry. Opposite of that was the main floor kitchen. Enika let out a breath as she passed the posters welcoming in the students, turning to her left where two, heavy wood doors were, locked with a keypad. She used her keycard to unlock it and entered a new room. It was the floor level hallway with another set of tables for studying and one singular hallway that allowed easier access for students who needed it. Once again, she used her keycard to unlock the elevator and stepped aboard, glancing at her phone once again. Edited at June 5, 2023 06:58 PM by ScardeyKat

Katerina Marina Svetlana 20 | Female | Second Year | Telekinesis | M: Open . Another year in this shit hole of a school. . Katerina wasn't thrilled about the start of a new school year. In fact, she dreaded it. And it was only her second year. However, with how much her parents insisted on her attending college, she basically had no choice. Her only reason for even attending in the first place was simply to shut her pestering parents up about it. Katerina was seen loading the last of her luggage into her dorm. Truthfully, Katerina had no intention on caring to meet her roommates. She just hoped they weren't messy. Or annoying. Katerina would much rather sleep in a box than deal with obnoxious roommates. She sighed before making her way to her side of the dorm and unpacking her items. It took her damn near an hour just to unpack her clothes. That was enough to fire her out. She unpacked some personal belongings before setting the boxes nice and neat near her bed and standing up. Katerina was seen wearing black skinny jeans, a white cropped tank top with a cropped leather jacket, and her black converse. She rarely ever wears colors, as her closet doesn't range in any color lighter than a dark grey. . After spending some time debating on what she should do to kill time, Kat exited the dorms and crossed her arms, walking towards the seemingly busy town that surrounded the campus. She figured that she would get used to what kind of shops they have around here in case she has to make some important runs. Katerina's intense gaze roamed over coffee shops, clothing stores, gas stations, etc. She couldn't help but feel uncomfortable due to the mass amount of people that were out today. "Don't you all have somewhere to be?" Katerina muttered under her breath. She continued to walk down the street, feeling a slight chill run down her spine. After some time was spent roaming around, she decided to head back to the dorm to finish unpacking. Katerina slowly walked back in the direction she came from before reaching her dorm. She walked inside and sat on her bed, utterly bored. . (This is very short as I've been so busy this past week but I wanted to get something out)

Isa/ Female/ Freshman/ Teleportation/ M: Open Isa was walking to school. She didn't feel like waiting for the bus and she liked walking better. It was early in the morning, with the sun in the spot where it's not exactly sunrise but not really daytime either so there wasn't many people out. Isa was a bit exited about the new school but nervous too, she really only knew one person. She knew the name of her new room mate but not anything else. What would they be like? She hoped they wouldn't be very loud or obnoxious or talkative.

Tynal | 18 | Bio-Fem, Enby | Teleportation | Senior | Mentions; Aalto - Indirect, Direct, Kat K., Direct Tynal walks into the building where the dorms lived. Xey looked at the sign for xer room assignment. Xey sigh. Another year, another person I probably won't like as a roommate Wait, who is 'Aalto'? I guess I'll meet them soon. Tynal thinks, unhappy that xer roommate wasn't Kat. Xey open the door and walk into the dorm and look around; It was a roomy 2-bed dorm. Xer roommate had already unpacked. Great, they took the bed I would've chosen. Xey sigh, and take the other bed. Xey start to unpack, but hear a memorable honk. Kat. Tynal thinks, almost excited. Tynal stops unpacking and goes to greet Kat. When Tynal reaches the bottom floor, xey are cobbered by Kat. "Ty-It was terrible! I was stuck in my house without you for months!" Kat cries, hugging Tynal. "Good to see you, too." Tynal says, patting Kat's head. Kat's eyes started to water. "D-do you know the rooming assignments? Am I with you?" Tynal sighs and says, "No. I'm with someone named Aalto. Hope they aren't loud., at the very least." Kat K. | 20 | Demi, Bi | Teleportation | Sophomore | Mentions: Aalto, Direct, Tynal, Direct, Indirect. Katerina, direct, Indirect Kat starts to grump, and grabs some of her luggage. Man. I really wanted to be with Ty, and not that Aalto person. Kat thinks, rolling her luggage to the dorm building. Kat rolls her eyes and calls to Ty to hurry up. "I'm trying." Tynal's answer was quick. Kat looks back, and sees that Tynal was struggling with the rest of the luggage. Kat tries to be gentle, but she says, "C'mon Ty, I want to be the first one unpacked in my dorm! Let's go already!" Tynal's groan isn't readily audible, but xey nod, and hurry with the bags. When they arive with the stuff at Kat's dorm, someone else is already there, unpacked and feet swinging. "Excuse me?" Kat says, her accent poking out. "Who are you?" She doesn't see that Tynal snuck out. "Are you Katerina? And are you my roommate?" She asks, firing question after question. Tynal | 18 | Bio-Fem, Enby | Teleportation | Senior | Mentions; Aalto - Indirect, Direct, Kat K., Direct Tynal sighs. That was close. Xey think, relived to avoid the drama between the two roommates. Xey start unpacking again. Fist xey occupy the drawer on xer side of the room with clothes, then xey unpack the posters and pictures. One picture of Kat and xem on the top of the bed xey were sleeping in, and another on a poster board. Then, a Demon Slayer poster on the wall above the desk, and the desk was quickly filled with school books and art supplies. Then xey slump onto the bed and look at th glowing screen on xer phone. Kat. A frustrated Kat, at that. Xey open the messages. Kitty Kat: Where the fudge did you go?! Kitty Kat: I'm stuck with another girl named Kat. Kitty Kat: Help! Kitty Kat: I know you're there, Ty. Come hereeee- pleaseee I went back to my dorm to unpack, thats cool, and no, no and no :Tynal Xey clicks xer phone off after responding. If I didn't actually like her, I'd be pissed right now. Tynal thinks, grumpy after the long drive. Edited at June 6, 2023 03:30 PM by Howling on the cliff

Dylan | Senior | Male | Straight | SuperStrength | M: Enika Dylan tossed his stuff on his bed, not bothering to unpack. He was already heading out to chat with the the coaches of the football team. As the head of the team, he was understandably excited, but this year it meant even more. It was his last year at Clearwater, and as a senior, he considered it his duty to carry on the legacy that so many other guys had left behind, carrying the University to amazing ratings and some even getting signed to good teams. Just as he was almost to the offices, his phone buzzed, and he pulled it out of his hoodie pocket, hoping it would be fast. Or a junk number. Either way, he wasn't feeling picky. As long as it wasn't one of the annoying sophomore girls that he had dated and dumped the year before. To his utter relief, it was one of the sporty girls, whose presence he not only tolerated, but enjoyed. He was pretty sure that they'd worked out together before, or maybe just seen each other after late night games, when the teams came pouring off buses, exhausted and dirty. *Hey. I was at the dorms, but now I'm at the athletic offices. Whose your roommate? Thank god I got Talon again.* The text was quick and to the point, but friendly enough, at least in his opinion. Dylan was too hot already, probably from the sprints he'd been experimenting with earlier, and he pulled off his hoodie, an old baseball jersey what he was now sporting.

_-Aalto-_ 19 | Male | Bi | Super Hearing | Sophmore | M; Tynal (ind.) - Aalto sighed to himself, biting his lip. He watched, silent as his roommate walked in and started unpacking, rolling his eyes and turning back to his own side of the room. He didn't know how he could be missed, since it was the tiniest freaking room ever. But whatever. He wasn't about to introduce himself to someone who didn't care. He unpacked silentlt as well, taking his clothes out of the boxes and putting them in the drawer neatly. He could feel his phone buzzing in his pants pocket and rolled his eyes again. It was either his Aunties, or his friends back home. Either way he figured they could wait. Aalto eyed the person over on the other bed and furrowed his brows. Finishing his putting away of his clothes, he cleared his throat, moving onto the second box, the one filled with miscellaneous objects. He pulled out the Rugby poster and pastes it half-heartedly over his bed, moving on to clearing the box of his chargers and other things. He, after emptying the boxes, broke them both down and slid them under his bed, moving onto the box with his sheets in it. - _-Kai-_ 19 | Male | Demi | Teleportation | Senior | M; Open - Kai nodded to himself, watching the Golden Retreiver in his rearveiw mirror, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. He let out a breath and turned off the car, opening his car door and shutting it, before opening the backseat and letting out the Retreiver. The dog let out a yawn, but duitifully waited until Kai clipped her collar to the leash looped around his waist. She nosed Kai's side with a wet nose, lijely sensing his overall anxiety at being a senior This is my last year here He watched the entrance of the school for a moment longer, before moving behind to his trunk, listening to the click of dog nails on the pavement. Kai was glad he remembered the waist leash, it gave him two arms to carry things. Flipping a bag ober his shoulder he pulled out a suit case, befor stacking another bag on top of it. One with dog paws over it. He smiled down at her before moving toward the doors of the school. Upon entering he waved greeting to the guy at the front desk and bit his lip, trying to hide his amusement at all the freshmen bustling about. L Looking down at the phone in his hand he stood, looking at the room number suprised at the appearence of a roommate. Most people weren't thrilled about his service dog Edited at June 6, 2023 05:24 PM by La Push

~Enika~ 20 + Female + Bi + Telepathy + Second year - Mentions: Dylan (Directly) Kai (Indirect) - Enika ran her hand along her neck and her tense shoulders, then rotated her arms as she begun to feel sore from her workout. As she did, her phone buzzed in her pocket, drawing her attention to it. Though before the elevator doors shut, her eyes caught a glimpse of something golden and shaking. It took the young woman a moment to spot it was a dog, and a young man held onto it from a leash. Enika swore she remembered seeing him in a crowd or something last year. ‘Must be a Junior or something.’ She thought as the doors sealed themselves shut. She blinked and pressed the button on the elevator panel, then unlocked her phone and looked at the text message from Dylan. “So you got the scumbag again. Could be worse.” She typed with amusement,” I’m about to find out. Dropped my stuff earlier and didn’t see whoever it was.” Enika looked up as the elevator dung and the doors opened early, and at first she thought she’d pressed the wrong number, but it was just more people getting on the elevator. Enika slid off to the right as a rowdy bunch of freshmen climbed aboard, and she withheld a scoff in turn. Patiently, she waited until her floor and quickly hurried off, sighing as the door closed behind her. In front of her was a large glass window with more tables for eating and studying in front of it. Enika let out a breath, enjoying the elevated view of the town. It was nice. She then smiled and turned down another hallway, following the numbers until she got to her door. The young woman used her keycard to enter, finding her roommate hadn’t yet arrived. Guess they got stuck in traffic or something. Enika then ensured her items were neat and picked them up for her roommate before she plopped on the bed with a sigh, pulling out her phone once again. “Roommate still not here. If Talon hasn’t turned you to the darkside by then, do you want to get drinks later?” Enika finally texted. (Will get Talon out eventually lol) - - ~Talon~ 22 + Male + Pan +Teleportation + Senior - Mentions: Open - Talon glanced up at the mighty Cherry Dorms and sighed with a little smirk. He thought about taking a quick smoke before entering, but it was quite crowded outside anyways, and he didn’t want to smoke all over the new freshmen, so he let out a breath and strode up the front steps. ‘I suppose Dylan’s already run someplace else. It’ll give me some time to get my things in order.’ He thought privately. The young man struggled to get his suitcase up the steps, and by the time he got inside, he was breathing heavily and nearly wheezing. ‘Ugh. Maybe I need to take a break from smoking…’ he grunted as he towed his items across the lobby and to the elevators, using the keycard he held in his mouth to click it open. He squeezed inside, using his elbow to press the number of the floor he needed to reach. While sharing the elevator, Talon of course made some small talk, awkward small talk at that anyways, and when his floor came, he pulled his items out of the elevator with a massive huff, then towed them down the long stretch of hallway to his room. There, he awkwardly opened the door, peering in to see Dylan’s items had already been moved in. ‘Guess I gotta be more proactive too. Hm… meh.’ Talon grinned as he flicked the lights on and cracked his knuckles before getting to work. First, he went to the wardrobe and put away his clothes neatly and orderly. Next, he put his sheets on his bed and set away his computer, notebooks, pencils, and other stationary items on the desk below the elevated bed. By then, he was worn out and dearly out of breath, so he took a short break before continuing on. Next, he put away his toiletries, making sure everything was in order, and then he was finished. ‘Phew. That took WAY too long.’ He thought quietly. Talon put his hands on his hips with a soft yawn, glancing out the window at the street below. He wondered who he’d meet this year. He had to have the best year. What was waiting for him past this? His parents? No. He couldn’t go back. ‘Stop thinking like that! Live in the moment!’ Talon ran his fingers throat his red hair, then looked out the door behind him. ‘I wonder if I can find anyone to go to the lake with…’ Edited at June 6, 2023 08:47 PM by ScardeyKat

𓄿 _- Athena ( Quinn ) -_ 𓄿 19 - They/Them - freshman - Telekinesis - M: Isa (ind), Enika (ind), open - _- 𓄿 -_ - A bundle of nerves felt like an understatement at the moment. All the things that could go wrong or happen rushing through their mind and infection Quinn like a plague they supposed. Yes, they were dreading it especially the roommate part hoping their roomate was quiet they could deal with noise due to their little siblings but would prefer someone quiet, but oh well they could at least make friends with them maybe hopefully. As a new song played through their headphones they noticed how close they were nearing to it on the bus. They could see some of the school through the forest and having heard of it's beauty they couldn't wait to see it. As the seconds ticked closer they could feel how their hand tightened around their bag straps and tried to loosen their hands but nerves can get the better at times. As they turned a corner Quinn could see a absolute breathtaking university, the cabins looked beautiful from what they could see and the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. The people came far and wide they could see so many traveling in big groups hopefully they didn't get stuck in one is all they could hope. As the bus neared to a stop they grabbed there suitcase and two bags and hoped off. It looked even bigger on ground and Quinn was ready to just hop back on the bus and go home never to see this place again and go back home. Almost ready to accept that plan until one of the groups of freshman's like them hoped off the bus and pushed them forward. Plan failed. 'just breathe and you can get through this' they looked around taking a deep breathe while speeding up just a bit to hopefully get out of this crowd even for a few seconds seemed like beauty. Stopping for a few seconds away from the crowd they toke a real look at their surroundings taking it all in. Everything just seemed so beautiful at the moment maybe it was just their first time excitement but Quinn hoped this didn't get old and with all the nature stuff they could do this seemed awesome. Remembering how they only vaguely remembered how to get to their cabins they quickly re grouped with another big group coming their way to hopefully find the way to the dorms hoping this group of freshman? Quinn hoped we're going that way. They breathed a sigh of relief after walking up the brick stairs and seeing seeing a welcome desk quickly moving to that area to get their room card hoping to get this over and done with. - With their room card in hand and their headphones around their neck after pausing the music to get their room card, Quinn was ready to go or as ready as could be. They were still nervous about their roommate all they knew was the name Isa? They think it was or hoped it was Quinn didn't want to mess up on the first day and get their roommates name wrong maybe their roomate would introduce themselves that would be the better option hopefully or hopefully they were more quiet natured like themself. Grabbing our their key card after seeing the rooms they could only guess where for studying and the odd chairs laying around for relaxation. They walked up to some wooden doors they had seen others grab their room cards and walk through including someone with long chocolate brown hair that seemed like they knew the place so they could only trust them and the others that had done it hoping they knew what they were doing. They used their key card to unlock it and walked into a whole new room that seemed to also be used for studying or reading of some sort with tables around the place and a singular hallway with an elevator! Just what they needed. Quinn walked up to it and still holding their key card they used it to unlock it and hopped on. With no group of people coming on right now they breathed a sigh of relief and pressed the button they needed waiting to reach their room floor. As the doors opened early they quickly moved to let the others and and now they really hoped they got to their floor quickly. As the doors opened to their floor they hopped off and walked down the hallway to find their room number. - The closet Quinn got to it the more they were ready to turn around. They were not ready and hoped just slightly their roomate was not their yet while remembering what their mum told them to do in this situation keep calm and breathe. Quickly opening the door with the room card they sighed with relief with a roomate not here yet they could quickly unpack their stuff and go explore later on that was the plan.