
Kaiser | Male | Healer Apprentice | Lunar Mentions: Xola(dir.), Akilina(ind.), Open . The apprentice was wide awake and ready to do what the Healer might ask of him. Many wondered how he was so energetic this early in the morning. While others wondered why he wants to be a healer in the first place. Kaiser has heard some whispers about how, as a male, he should want to become a warrior instead, which would make him more useful. However, Kaiser knew to block out the negativity. His passion is helping others and that's exactly what he's going to do. Besides, the wolves won't be murmuring when they have a wound and they need Kaiser to treat it. The male walked over to the sleeping adult female. Her charcoal pelt rustling as she was in a deep slumber. Kaiser pushed her head with his nose in an attempt to wake her up. . "Xola! Wake up. We have to get herbs...or something." Kaiser said as his nudging became more aggressive. When that didn't work he tried to use all his might to push her over with his body. But he wasn't nearly as strong enough. "Xola!" Kaiser said once more. Many didn't know how Xola puts up with Kaiser, he didn't know either. However, Kaiser felt a special connection with Xola. She acted as almost a mother like figure towards him. It was long before Kaiser gave up trying to wake the female up. He sat down next to her and looked around. Hopefully he'd spot his best friend, Akilina. Him and Akilina are pretty much litter mates. He'd do anything for her. Though some has concluded that there is romance involved between the two, which isn't the case. Kaiser couldn't see her as anything more than a friend. Besides, he adores their friendship and wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that.

Xola || Female || Lunar Pack || Healer || M: Kaiser, Ghost (Ind), Keefe (Ind), Lunar Pack (Ind) It was early morning when the night pelted wolf arose from her slumber – when the sun had yet to peek its head over the horizon and the stars were beginning to fade from sight. Not completely gone, but certainly retreating from the impending light. None besides her had begun to stir, and she could not blame them. Getting up at this hour was no laughing matter. But being the healer put a lot of responsibility on her shoulders and led to early mornings on most days. And today was no different. With a gentle sigh, she moves to stand – stretching out her short form with great effort. Once content, she begins to trod slowly around camp. Her striking eyes survey the area as she moves, looking for anything out of the ordinary. An injured wolf, perhaps. Maybe an intruder? Unlikely but still not impossible. A great relief washed over her when she determined that everything was in order. When it came to wolves, at least. Now that she was certain that nothing was wrong and all was safe, Xola turned back to where she once resided and walked past the (almost certainly) previously warm spot. Beyond it were her stocks of herbs – bundles of dandelions, piles of goldenrod, and even the occasional rosemary – all stacked together or strewn about on the ground. No order to them what-so-ever due to the previous day’s usage. This disarray bugged her slightly, seeing as it prevented her from knowing what the pack could and couldn’t use for the up and coming months. She never understood how this managed to happen every single day, honestly. She generally chalked it up to her own “method of madness.” But, no matter. It at least gave her something to do at this hour when she had no patients to care for. Begrudgingly, the petite female leaned down to grasp some of the plants within her maw and placed them to the side. Using her snout and paws, she sorted through the pile and divided the herbs into piles of their own kind. Goldenrod to the left, poppy seeds above the lavender, yarrow to the right and just below the rosemary, so on and so forth. Thanks to the gathering her and Kaiser had done the previous days, the sorting took quite some time. An hour or two at most. Maybe longer. Not that she minded. Sorting through the herbs was a pleasant task – much better than hunting or fighting and causing harm to another. Just the thought of this sent a deadly chill down her spine. Eventually, when all was sorted in their respective piles, Xola could finally take note of what the pack needed for the coming months. Lavender and peppermint were quite lacking, much to her dismay. She could always use their scent to drown out the blood that typically came with her job. They were completely out of basil, too. She scolded herself for letting the stock get that low. That was incredibly unprofessional of her. Her ears flick back at the thought. She was glad her apprentice was not with her at this moment in time. This was a horrible example to present. When satisfied with her finished product, the healer pads back to her now freezing resting spot and moves to gently lay down. Resting her head on paws, she makes an attempt to get at least an hour’s worth of sleep before duty called once more. Maybe two if she was lucky. Sadly, sleep did not come easy to the female at first as she laid there, staring up at the sky and watching as the night slowly faded into day – mesmerized by the colors that always seemed to impress. The information gathered from her late night chores kept chanting in the back of her mind, becoming more of a lullaby than anything the longer it swirled within her thoughts. But she manages to drift back into a deep slumber after yet another hour of precious time wasted. The next time she awoke, it was to the sound of a familiar, pestering voice and gentle-turned aggressive nudging that had broken through the soft grasp of her dreamless sleep. Flickering her bleary eyes open (but keeping them mostly closed), she glances to her side and spots her very own apprentice. It seemed as though he were making an attempt to get her moving for the day. Amusement sparked in her chest at his harsh attempt in moving her, slightly surprised that did not manage such a task. She was a rather light wolf, afterall. It didn’t take much to get her moving. Deciding to play a game with the young male, she shuts her eyes once more and continues to act as though she is deep in slumber. Though, if she were honest, she did feel its gentle lull make an effort to drag her back into its hold. But she resisted. As tired as she may be, she had to properly get up for the day. Noticing that the male had finally let up in his goal and had taken residence by her, she begins to move. As slowly and quietly as possible, the healer sits up beside the young male. She studies him for a moment’s time, as to see whether or not he had taken notice of her methodical shifting. Determining that he had not, she moves the rest of the way up… then proceeds to flop on top of him, turning the fluffy male into her own personal cushion. “Good morning to you too, Kaiser,” the night-pelted wolf said as silent as an owl, “You ready for the day? If so, go ahead and make your way towards the rest of the pack. We’ll be gathering some herbs today, but we must wait until after the alpha’s speak.” Xola slides off of the male as she speaks, padding her way towards the middle of the camp to sit. When she came to her preferred spot, the charcoal wolf eyed all of her pack mates thoroughly – checking for any immediate signs of illness or injury. She had to catch everything as early as possible. If she didn’t, it could spell disaster. She starts her survey with the alphas, since they were the most important members of the pack. Ghost was the first to be spotted. Nothing seemed wrong, so she moved on to Keefe… The charcoal female would never admit how her gaze had lingered on him longer than it had on any other wolf. Even after she assured herself that he was in perfect health, her honey-amber eyes kept locked on his form. Finally, with much embarrassment, she tore her eyes from him and continued her scan to keep herself busy as she waited for the alphas’ call. Edited at May 10, 2023 11:57 PM by High Hills Pack
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Makoa | F | Lunar | Hunter | Cleo, Ghost, Keefe, Kaiser. Makoa stood up in the humid and warm sun, her fur was a bit damp but didn’t mind. Her eyes wandered around the camp, she saw her brother standing in front of his alpha’s. She didn't hear why he was near the alpha, but she had guessed that it was a mission of some sort. With her confusion still in place, she left the place and went up near the clearing. Her ears perked up as her eyes scanned the area.
She figured that she could wait for Valda and go hunting with her, it was a tough choice. Either hunt now or wait? The voice in her head spoke as she decided what actions to do. She smacked her lips together. Her warm breath hit the green grass in front of her, waiting for her to decide.
She decided to go back, it isn’t worth the energy now. It’s best to wait for a higher chance. She shook her head in disappointment, how come my brother gets to hunt a rabbit and not hesitate to do it all by himself? She would think that Cleo would clearly know that if he failed to catch the rabbit, it would just be a waste of energy. Plus he isn’t even on the hunting team, she growled at the thought as she arrived back at camp.
She went into the middle where the rock and little pebbles hit her paws. She looked around and saw the alpha’s den. I wonder when the alphas will assign patrols? The thought raced through her head but cleared it. Although she wanted to do something productive.
“Hey little brother.” Mokoa walked up to her kin as he got up. “Brought fresh kill I see?” Makoa at this point, was just teasing him. He shook his head as if he knew where this conversation was going. “Sister, I just saw an opportunity and got it. Now we have a fresh kill. I might even go take it to Kaiser if the alpha doesn’t want it.” Makoa did like the idea, but she figured that Kaiser was foraging for herbs.
“Have you gotten any requests from the alphas?” Cleo shook his head as he glanced over at the den where his alpha’s slept. He was a bit disappointed that they weren’t sending out patrols or anything. “I would rather wait for Keefe and Ghost to assign, rather than me. But if they aren’t coming out soon then I may just do that.” Mokoa nodded in reply, she had always looked up to her little brother.
Their relationship was neutral within the pack and would often act like they were never born from the same mothers. They were a bit feisty and will often bicker a bit but that’s siblings being siblings. They would do things for each other and would tell one another if something is wrong. Mokoa respects her little brother and vice versa. Edited at May 11, 2023 08:51 AM by HazelDragonlove

Akilina | Female | Lunar | Apprentice | Kaiser, Xola (ind.)
Akilina awoke blearily. The warm morning meant that sun was shining on her light pelt. God I feel sorry for dark coloured wolves. She stretched extensively in her den, and to her annoyance, she got her bushy tail stuck in the hollowed out bush above her head which cocooned her nest. She wrestled with the bush and then trotted outside her den. The young female looked around the camp, instantly thinking of Kaiser. I hope he's alright with Xola. She mused, though she knew he would be fine. Aki sometimes worried about Kaiser with the older female Medic, but she knew how much he enjoyed helping the pack with their injuries ad illnesses, and she was extremely happy for her best friend. She slowed down and padded across the camp, instantly spotting Kaiser by the medic den, while Xola shared a quiet word with him. Then Xola padded off into the centre of camp to scan the members as the woke their tired limbs for the day ahead. Taking her chance, she bounded over to Kaiser. "Kaiser! How was your sleep?" She asked once she had skidded to a stop beside the male apprentice. She hadn't talked to him since last night, and even a night away from her best friend was moments too long. She nuzzled his shoulder with affection as she sat down beside him and then began to lick her chest free of the little bits of moss that had journeyed with her since she had been laying in her carefully crafted nest a few minutes earlier. Edited at May 11, 2023 04:49 PM by Astrolistic

Keefe | Male | Alpha Male | Lunar | M: Xola (D) Lunar Pack (ind) open~ Keefe had slept like a rock the night before, and had barely managed to rouse himself only a few moments before he knew he needed to be out. He'd stayed up late, trying to work through the many options that his pack had, and whose ultimate decision rested on his shoulders. Huffing a sigh, he stepped out of his den, into the sunlight, his eyes squinting at the brightness. He sat there for only a few moments, letting himself fully wake up. Keefe turned slightly, and saw Xola, one of his very good friends. He was about to make a snarky comment to her when he noticed that her gaze seemed to...almost linger for longer than usual. He cocked his head, waiting, and after a moment, she pulled her eyes away. It was probably nothing, he told himself. Probably just that he looked exhausted and ruffled from sleep. The pack assembled and he knew it was time to work out duties and such. "Good morning, everyone," he said, as cheerfully as he could muster. "You all know the drill. Hunters, go hunt, but be careful to stay clear of Nightlock pack. Warriors, find me later, and we'll work out patrols. Any questions?"
After answering any and all questions, he went to Xola, affectionately licking her ear. "Hello, you goose. How are you this morning?" He teased.

Malumbra | F | Warrior | Lunar | M: Xola (ind) Keefe (ind) open~
Malumbra turned, her heart quickening as she heard Keefe's deep voice ring out over the pack, greeting them and giving out duties. Although she knew it was impossible from her position, she had recently begun to feel a fluttering in her heart whenever she heard or saw him. Having been a fellow warrior with her they had grown close, but once he became Alpha it felt to her as though there was a chasm between them, always keeping her in her place and him in his. Nonetheless, when he finished speaking she padded forward through the pack, eager to at least greet him, until he turned to Xola. Her ears flattened, and she stopped where she was, watching with jealousy burning in her gaze as he embraced the healer.

Mishka | Nightlock | Alpha Female Mentions: Nashka(dir.), Sage(dir.), Aspen(dir.), Cronan(ind.) . As the Beta went to fulfill her order given by Mishka, the Delta appeared. Mishka watched as she respectfully bowed her head before speaking. The Alpha admired how everybody was on top of the missions today. It must've been because of the ceremony. Mishka flicked her tail before responding to the female. "Greetings Nashka. I would like for you to train our apprentice, Cronan. I will probably have Aspen help you. Cronan needs to be prepared for when he gets assigned an official rank." Mishka announed to Nashka. After giving the order, the Alpha had spotted her lead warrior, Sage. She figured she would let her know what the plan was for today also. Mishka nodded to the Delta before making her way towards Sage. . "Greetings, Sage. I just thought I would let you know that once Mairea gets back with the hunters, you, Morpheus, and Hymir are going to go on a little scout. I just want to make sure the borders are secure. I would send Aspen with you guys but I feel as though it would be best if one warrior stays in the territory while you guys are out." Mishka stated. She felt that it wouldn't have been smart to send out all of her warriors at once. She needed to be prepared at all times. The female nodded to the lead warrior before slowly making her way around the pack, informing everyone of their duties. . Her hues locked onto a specific wolf, Aspen. Mishka padded over to Aspen before giving him his order. "Greetings, Aspen. I am having the other warriors go on a scout and I am keeping you here. After all, it wouldn't be in our best interest to send all of the warriors out. I would like for you to help Nashka with training our apprentice, Cronan. If you two have any issues, please inform me immediately." Mishka stated to the male. The Alpha nodded to Aspen before sitting down to take a slight break. She was quite pleased with the pack and knew exactly what her speech was going to be for the full moon ceremony. Edited at May 11, 2023 09:10 PM by M I S E R Y

Solaris || Male || Nightlock Pack || Hunter || M: Mairea, Mishka (Ind), Nashka (Ind), Nightlock Pack (Ind), Open It was a tad later than usual when the sun-stricken male had finally awakened from his slumber to the intense humidity and warmth of the new spring day. A deep-throated rumble – so strong that it could have been mistaken for a growl – emits from his form, his body gently shifting to ease off some of the heat with cooler ground. The humidity and heat, paired with the moss of his nest, made it quite uncomfortable for the long furred male. He was not made for the hotter days, with his thick fur and notorious lack of shedding. If he were to describe how he currently felt, he would say that it was as though he were carrying the hide of an animal on his back in the middle of summer. What a miserable day, Solaris all but snarls. Taking a moment to soak in what was left of the cool ground – before it too turned to heat – he hoisted himself up from his patch of moss, giving his form a good shake to knock any loose strands of green out of his fur. After looking himself over to at least seem presentable, he slowly pads his way towards the rest of his pack. The clouds did nothing to ease his discomfort to his great annoyance. Baring his fangs to the slightest degree, the sunny male begins to drag his hefty body towards his fellow packmates – all the while looking for someone who was bound to give him a task. There. On the opposite side of camp from him were the alpha and beta. The two of them seemed to be conversing for a short period, before the multi-brown female padded off with her head held high. Solaris stared after her, debating whether or not he should bother her for directions. However, upon seeing the delta approach the head of the pack, he settled on asking the beta instead. He trusted her enough to follow her demands, anyway. Making his way over to the shining-silver female, he passes by a few of his fellow packmates – hunters and warriors alike. Many of which seemed to be trying to do just as he. Prepare for the day and help out as much as one could. Good, his stoic voice chided, they’re proving their worth… for the time being. Arriving at his destination, the sun-touched male takes a seat in front of Mairea and begins to silently stare with fiery eyes with any measure of patience he could grasp on to. To… “notify” the female of his current quest, he simply flicks her ear and tilts his head slightly – hoping that she’d understand the message.
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Mairea | Nightlock Pack | The Beta Female | Mentions: Lunar Pack [ind.], Mishka, Solaris, Muriel , Auera A Hunt? That sounded . . . thrilling . " As you wish, m'lady " she said respectfully, and watched the female wonder off to give orders to the others . She was quite delighted to be entrusted with such a honor as leading a hunt. She felt pride that she was given such a task - now where were those hunters? They should be up already , ready to seize the day. She was pleasantly surprised to see that one was up, Solaris ; he was quite handsome in her opinion, and she hummed to herself as he sat in front of her without a word. His eyes trying to burn into hers, but he was poorly mistaken if he thought that little trick would work. What an amusing fellow is he, she thought inwardly. Her response was only a mischievous glint in her eyes She sood back up and realized how much smaller she was than him, and she pouted inwardly at that. She flicked her tail up as if a signal to follow her, she didn't care to note if it delicately brushed against the face of her companion . And she turned to see if he was following before she spoke, " We are going on a hunt. We must find Auera and Muriel to complete this hunting party." She said in that low tone of voice yet it held power. She abruptly paused for a moment, not caring if the male bumped into her, " Should we bring Auera? No offense, she is rather . . . older and has a reoccurring injury, and I wouldn't want to put any unneeded stress on her. Maybe we could be the brunt of the hunt and make sure that she doesn't strain herself in this hunt. Yes, that'll do nicely," she said thinking outloud and then she realized she had spoken out loud and she gave Solaris an apologetic look, " silly me,thinking outloud . " She then began to move with a purpose around the pack. Her tail lightly swishing behind her as she moved, and her steps light and quiet as she moved. She wasn't that surprised to see Auera still hadn't gotten up yet, but she was a bit disappointed that Muriel wasn't up yet. She have a soft cleansing of her throat to announce her presence and waited for the two to acknowledge her, " Good morning ladies," she said respectfully, " it is file for the morning hunt. I say that we should try and track a herd of deer, but before that ; Auera, I need to know, honestly, are you up for this hunt today? I am not trying to be rude or suggest anything, I just want to mane sure your health is alright " she said with a genuine tone of voice . Not at all meaning to disrespect or belittle the female before her ; no, she wanted to do something great, just like his family did eventually, as the years grew by - it was time for change. Edited at May 12, 2023 08:23 PM by Spellbound

Cleo|M|Lunar|Keefe, Makoa, Xola, Kaiser. Open~ Cleo walked around, perhaps he should go hunting with the others? He would think about that later, for the meantime he needed to get orders from Keefe. He took the carcass rabbit and held it in his jaw as he went to find his alpha. “Where are you going?” Makoa stopped him right before going inside the medical den. “Just giving Keefe some food.” He made a little teasing face before going inside and seeing Xola and Kaiser along with the male alpha. The den was quite cozy and peaceful, He set the carcass down in front of everyone. “Hello.” He sat down and started licking his chest fur, “I’ve brought a carcass, Keefe, where do you want me to put it?” He was a little hesitant to ask the question but got over it. He figured that the alpha would say just give it to someone, at that point he didn’t even know why he asked the alpha who to give the carcass to. He shook the thoughts out of his head before looking up at the male alpha in front of him. He also did forget a little respect but soon lowered his head, letting Keefe know he’s the dominant one. He slightly cocked his head before raising it up again. He also asked, “And what do I need to do today? I’m an open book.” His face was unsure for a second, he didn’t know what the alpha was going to order him to do.