
Fergus Kellan McConnally Gealach Pack || M || Beta || Mentions: Tori, Clarissa He had nightmares that night. They happened like clockwork. It was always before or during travel. The impact of the van hitting their car happened on the passenger side of the vehicle. Fergus' silver car was immediately thrown to the side like a plaything, and crumpled like a piece of paper. The van had been in his blind spot; he hadn't seen them speeding towards them, and it was their turn at the stop light to turn anyway. There was no way he could have anticipated the drunk driver speeding through the light. The light. It was all he could see for several moments. Then, red. + "Tori!" Fergus had tried to scream, but nothing came out. There she was in the seat next to him, bleeding from her head where it had made impact with the dash. His nose stung as blood poured over his mouth and chin. He kept trying to lunge forward, but he was entirely restrained by a nightmarish force. He was left to simply watch her as she took her last breaths; a bystander. His whole body surged when her eyes had flitted over to him one last time, and he could feel the tears burning down his face as her head limply fell forward.
+ Fergus lunged awake and heaved in air desperately. His eyes flitted around from side to side, but saw the rows of sleeping and miserable frames around them. She was there, to his right, sleeping away with her face pressed onto the glass window. The Beta exhaled forcefully and sunk down in his seat. They were still aboard the plane, and his hips were fastened down by a seatbelt. His eyes closed and head rested back on the headrest for a moment then, trying to calm down. + "Drink?" Fergus had heard after a few moments and opened his eyes abruptly. A stewardess stood in the aisle with the snack and drink cart in front of her waist. She was nauseatingly spry for it being...whatever horribly early time this was. The man had rubbed at his face as he nodded.
+ "Coffee, if you have it," Fergus said after he cleared his throat to rid it of morning congestion. She nodded and poured him out a styrofoam cup's worth and handed it to him before continuing on down the aisle. The coffee was piping hot and tasted a little like canned green beans, but it would make due and the warmth was soothing. He needed whatever would help keep him awake. Today was going to be a long day, and he was already a little sleep deprived. He had spent much of the flight watching movies on the small screen in front of his face on the backside of the seat before him. He had been supplied with chintzy ear buds, and he had to pinch the cord together a certain way to get sound to run through them. Star Wars was his free-to-watch movie series of choice. He had gotten through two of them before they had landed. + The drive was short and quiet between the airport and the hotel, but he didn't mind. He had known in advance that Tori was not going to be overly happy this morning, for early rising was definitely not her speed if she could avoid it. Clarissa was much the same. He had placed an order for some food to be delivered to their hotel in advance. They were long overdue for some good food. Apps are a wonderful thing. "I guess we'll have to find out," Fergus remembered saying to Tori as they stood in the elevator. He had his suitcase handle in one hand, and had reached to carry some of her luggage as well. Tucked away under his arm was two bags worth of takeout he had ordered them. + After they had gotten out of the elevator, their afternoon had been a complete blur. If not for the measely swigs of coffee that he had this morning, he was sure he would have fallen asleep by now. He had eaten his food that he had delivered to the hotel and had drank a large coffee he had ordered for his drink. If he was going to make it through the night, caffeine was in order. Everything was telling him to not get out of his bed and get ready, but the clock was ticking away. He hadn't really given thought to what they were actually here for until now. Meeting with other packs; putting on a happy face to keep up with appearances. The whole thing felt so stuffy and insincere that it made him eyeroll and grumble out a few curses to himself as he sorted through his suitcase. He had tugged out his navy suit, crisp white undershirt, black tie, and spiced brown dress shoes to wear for the big event. + After getting cleaned up and dressed, he had sat to the side on a swively desk chair and swiped around on his phone. The damn hotel was the only one in the area that didn't have a Poke stop at it on Pokemon Go, so he shoved his device back into his pocket with an aggitated sigh. Well, there went his evening plans. Moments following, Tori had stepped into view, and for a second, felt like his heart had stopped. + A blush had spread across Fergus' cheeks and he cleared his throat a little. She was stunning; the most beautiful woman that he had ever had the privledge of seeing. When she stepped in front of him, the light from the window had hit her like a spotlight. The golden accents she wore shimmered like an angelic veil around her frame. "You look horrible, disgusting," Fergus teased as he stood up and chuckled. One of his hands had reached for one of hers to spin her around in a circle. The flowy fabric near the floor of her dress thwacked around his shins. "You look gorgeous, it's not too much at all," he reassured. It took everything in him to not hold onto her hand a second longer, and had stuffed both of his into his pockets. "Hell Tori, you're going to be homecoming queen at this party at this rate," he joked wryly and nodded his head a little. A bit of his touseled brown hair dusted against his forehead. He had taken a few paces back to flop dramatically down onto the small pull-out sofa in the corner of the room. He exhaled loudly and adjusted his tie so to not choke himself. "Are you sure we have to go?" He asked with a little laugh at the end. "The coffee is not working," he added with a little smirk on his lips.
Edited at December 8, 2022 11:56 AM by Nox
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Stellan Bates Lunar Falls Pack || M || Gamma || Ball Room Bar || Caelan & Quincy, open He had found his room after a few moments of confusion and entered with a blend of fatigue and excitement. Small but perfect for just him, he had tossed his baggage onto the bed and fell down with it. The mattress was dense but soft, and he sighed as it immediately formed to fit his hulking frame. His tatted hand had reached one of the pillows to nest beneath his ginger crown and had resisted the urge to nap then and there. + Or well, he thought he resisted. He had been dozing in and out of sleep for about an hour, and had jolted awake when his phone alarm had gone off. It was time to get ready, and he was relieved that he had set up the reminder to do so, or he very well may have slumbered the rest of the afternoon away. The Gamma had sat up and tugged his burgandy sweatshirt off of his muscular torso and tossed it onto the desk chair in front of his bed. Bet. It landed perfectly. + "Okay, let's do this," Stellan had murmured quietly to himself as he strode to the bathroom. A quick shower had been enough to boost his moral a little and perk him up. Tonight would be long, but what could go wrong at a party? The brute had towel dried off and collected his thick mane of hair up into a tight bun on the top of his head, and he reached for his razor out of his duffle bag to scrape away the stubble on his chin. Stellan had smeared lotion onto his pale, flawless skin and had finished with a few spritzes of alluring cologne with deep notes of tobacco and sandalwood. + He had walked back to his bed to collect his clothing with his towel wrapped around his lower half, and had pulled free a crisp white button-down, a red tie, and a clean pair of black pants with matte black shoes to follow. He thought that wearing a jacket made him look too cartoonish, like Kingpin in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse because of his large and brawny physique, and had decided that a form-fitted dress shirt on its own would suffice. + The Gamma swapped out his everyday glasses frames for a pair of thin titanium ones that better suited his outfit and grabbed his wallet to cram into his pocket on the way out the door. Time to hit the ballroom. ... He had stepped into the lavish, grand room and marveled for several moments at the sight. Beautiful, perfect for the festivities. There were a few strangers around, but he wasn't quite ready to do much mingling. It felt a little odd without much of his pack in attendance yet, so he had resorted to the bar, where he had ordered some gin to sip at. If he was nervous, this would settle him, and lighten up the mood a little. He knew better than to get wasted, and because of his titanous build, he was quite capable of holding his drinks, so a small glass or two wouldn't hurt. He had sipped and leaned against the bar, savoring the bubbly, antiseptic flavor as it pooled over his tongue. + It was then that he had actually realized who was near him. Caelan and Quincy, whose backs had been turned to him as he had first approached the bar. They were in the middle of a conversation, so he stayed out of it, but his eyes had lingered a little. They were both stunners in their own ways, but his stomach twisted into knots when his pupils settled on Caelan. They were looking gorgeous there, perched nearly on their seat, ranting about whatever it was. He could see the passion in their eyes as they spoke, and the gamma had gotten a sense that they were quite comfortable with the man that they chatted with. He loved how their white hair pooled over their shoulders like a snow dune. + It'd be rude to butt in, so for now, Stellan got settled in place on the sidelines and worked on his drink. Edited at December 8, 2022 12:55 PM by Nox
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Rose "Quinn" Addams Blood Moon Pack || F || Omega || Ballroom Bar || Stellan, Quincy & Caelan (ind.) open If the pack didn't have to attend, she probably would have shown up to this hotel to crash someone else's party. She loved festivities, and the omega hoped that tonight would be fun, flirty, and lively. Flirty though, mostly; flirting was her very favorite thing to do. + Her room was perfectly clean and she had showered as soon as she had gotten in. Her little black mohawk tuft air dried as she had worked on her makeup. Black lipstick, long false eyelashes, and heavy blush over her nose finished off her face, and Quinn had slipped in an elaborate golden septum ring into place. She had taken out her silver brow piercing and exchanged it for a golden stud in its place, then added nine golden ear piercings into place on her ears. Some had little chains that connected two piercings together, and some had ruby red accents in the centers of them, but none really dangled at all. If she were to get in a fight, she didn't want to be wearing hoops. A chunky golden choker, eight rings, and three bracelets were added then, and Quinn hummed quietly in approval. Yes. Gold was pretty. + She wasn't feeling a dress, so instead she wore a long black romper and black flats with it. The plunging neckline stopped just above her belly button, and the entire back had a cutout that stopped just above the small of her back. The torso was skin tight and accentuated what little curves she had. The sleeves were transparent and flowy, like a cape almost that flowed around her, and the legs were opaque and flowy as well. It wasn't often that she flaunted, but hey, if she could catch a woman's attention tonight, so be it. Hell, if she had it her way, there'd be more than just one wedding after the ball. + Because she was an omega, she was still quite new, and didn't have a deep bond with anyone in her pack yet. It felt a little silly to approach anyone now, so she had taken the safe bet and approached the bar, where a hulking sort of man sat on one end of it and a couple sat chatting near him. The lone ginger way too beefy for her liking - well - as far as men go. He was definitely a gym junkie, and she had quickly assumed that he probably had an IQ of about five. He had kind eyes though, and his naturally rosy cheeks gave him a boyish sort of charm. Maybe they could be platonic flirts here tonight, he had that sort of vibe to him to the longer she watched. + "Yeah, ah, whatever you got is fine," Quinn said as she claimed the seat on the opposite end of the bar. She met Stellan's glance and wrinkled her nose as she smiled at him. "Actually, just give me whatever he has," the omega said, and was handed a gin for herself. She rocked her glass in her hand once it was given to her and raised her hand up to silently cheers with the stranger. He had chuckled and obliged, though his drink was halfway gone. + She couldn't help but try to tune in to what the chatting duo was discussing, but it was a little hard to hear them from her seat. She had looked around them room again, like she was waiting for something, but even she didn't know what. Edited at December 8, 2022 12:58 PM by Nox
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Roxanne Cardona The Blood Moon Pack || F || Delta || Mentions: Open Indirectly Mentions: Sadoc, Klotho, Elowen A figure sat ensconced in a chair, one leg draped over the other in a sluggish manner as a vacant look cascaded upon her facial features. From the way she leaned against the bar, slouched posture and all, it was evident that the woman had no intention on initially attending. Her specialty rested in all but socializing, but much to her constant verbal refusal, Roxanne had caved, believing that if she would not go for herself, then she should go to support her pack and its members. Representation was important in events such as these, or so she would continue telling herself throughout the night. "Another?" She heard amidst the announcements and music (god, the music), causing her eyes to tear away and focus upon another. The bartender motioned to her hand, which was drumming against the empty old fashioned glass she had completed within her few minutes of arrival. "Please," she responded, lowering her hand so that her empty glass may be cleared. Within moments, a second boulevardier was slid her way, to which she gratefully accepted, immediately raising it to her lips. Behind the glass, her eyes scanned the crowd, taking in the continuous waves of people entering. Roxanne had nearly been late, something not common of her nature. Despite knowing of the tradition for weeks, she had not been prepared for the date. Rather, it seemed as if she had procrastinated the event, putting it in the back of her mind behind all else. It was only the evening she arrived at the hotel did she manage to purchase her current gown, a sleeveless silk black dress that provided nothing special besides including a slit upon her left leg. Given her observations, it seemed as if she had chosen a popular item. Different versions of her own dress twirled around her, as if mocking her pathetic taste of style. Of course, that didn't provide an explanation for her tardiness. No, the reason for her nearly late arrival was due to the time spent dressing up the outfit she wore. Minutes to hours were spent in an attempt to accessorize herself to the point where she had snapped, removing all of her jewelry in a fit of rage and departing with the piercings she wore on the daily. She didn't bother to wear a necklace, bracelet, or any other trinkets of the sort. Was she underdressed? Most likely, but the woman remained unbothered, continuing to sip on her already empty boulevardier. "Could I have- Thank you," she said as the bartender slid her a third, and good timing, too. By the time her fingers met the glass, the final set of announcements had begun. The heirs were to arrive, something that she had been patiently waiting for. It had not only meant that the ball was closer to ending, but Sadoc would emerge. It would give her an individual to speak to at least. So, she sat, her posture straightening slightly as her eyes fixated on the entrance, only to deflate when it was, indeed, not Sadoc. Elowen Evenfall from the Cassiopeia Pack was one of the first heirs to arrive. Of course, she wasn't sure that she had that title anymore given her newly implemented Shaman one. Regardless, she was not who Roxanne was waiting for. Her mind was set upon Sadoc.. and, well, perhaps another. She was awaiting the arrival of the Lunar Falls Pack's greatest disappointment, Klotho. The mere thought of that pitchy, she-devil woman had caused Roxanne to brood, her knuckles turning white from clutching her glass. That.. that girl was not only betrothed to her dear Sadoc, but also the one who scarred her eye. Deep down, she found it ironic in a twisted, torturing way that the woman she despised most was set to marry one of her dearest friends. As if that wasn't difficult enough, the entire set of events were dedicated to them. The only hope that fulfilled Roxanne was imagining Klotho miserable for them all.

Arrietty Fern Wild Mountain Pack - F - Beta - Mentions: Rowan The women sighed and looked at herself in the mirror in front of her. Arrietty's hair was curled slightly only so it was waved, her green eyes aggravated. She had been trying on clothes for the ball, she knew it was there just to have fun but...Arriety really cared upon how she appeared around other Werewolves, especially her alpha, Rowan... Shaking her thoughts away Arrietty stood up and went to her dresser, looking inside she saw one of her more favorite outfits, for if she was planning on being fancy. A red velvet mini dress, perfect. Arrietty dressed and looked at herself again through the mirror, not bad! Arrietty got to the ballroom and smiled, this was going to be fun. She couldn't remember the last time she had thought something was to be fun, the ball just had a less tense than normal day pack life. Arrietty went down the stairs and walked to the bar. She nodded to the bartender who brought her a drink, "Thank you sir.". Arrietty stared into the crowd of Were's trying to pick out where Rowan was... maybe he hadn't arrived yet? After a few more drinks and no sign of her alpha Arrietty stood up. She groaned annoyed, where was Rowan?! Sighing Arrietty went into the crowd and smiled. Some of these wolves were in her pack and some were not, they all seemed relaxed to be here. She thought it was just herself who was waiting on someone...

Kobeni Bennio —------------- Beta Guardians ⧭ Man ⧭ Acting Alpha ⧭ Mentions: Trisha, Tori, Open The day Zitkala and Vohkinne met was once in a lifetime, where the summer breeze was at its finest; where their pelts would touch as they gazed down at the pack. But this wasn’t a love story, this story started with Vohkinne and his duty to protect the young and curious Zitkala. They were both tender age of 17 years old, Vohkinne was training with Baran; Kobeni’s grandfather, and Vohkinne’s father. Baran watched as Vohkinne's hits were carefully thrown, the way he carried himself; Vohkinne and Kobeni's style of fighting was consistently distinguishable, Vohkinne style was henced at his proficiency to strike anyone down while Kobeni's technique acclimated more of Baran’s lethargic punches and Vohkinne’s determination to make sure their enemy doesn’t want to get up again. Kobeni style mixed between the two, but right now Vohkinne did a perfect roll-shift-roll-shift transformation. Something people in the Beta pack couldn’t normally do just out of the blue, it would put a strain on their ability to hold in their wolf. After doing it, Vohkinne looked toward Baran for validation, but all the man gave was a raised brow,” Father how was that?,” Vohkinne asked, forming a smile before it quickly vanished at his father's words,” Do better Vohkinne.” Better? Vohkinne spent weeks training to just shift mid-roll. Watching Baran stalk away with a disappointed mumble, Vohkinne noticed Zitkala watching him. Snapping his neck toward her, he sneered,” What are you looking at princess?”, His voice raised with hostility. Zitkala sat above the pack, whispering to Eric–the pack Shaman, before looking at Vohkinne fully, her attention now stuck on him. “ You’re doing it wrong..” “ Excuse me, princess? What would a female know about fighting?”, Vohkinne snapped, cursing as she jumped gracefully from her perch and walked closer to him, standing before him- their eyes met and instantly, Vohkinne hated this spoiled brat. Yet Zitkala offered a childish smile,” You are just shifting and rolling, what are you doing..playing in the ground?”, Zitkala’s insult did not go unnoticed, Vohkinne growled allowing his eyes to watch her circle him,” Again, what would a spoiled princess know about fighting, it takes a lot out of me to go from defense to offense..you fucking prick,” “ It’s easy actually “ Vohkinne’s eyes dilated, this dame was lying. She had to be, she had no fighting skills–she was a spoiled brat. He raised a brow and lowered his head submissively,” Show me”, Finally smiling fully, Zitkala charged at him, not realizing she was making a distance between her and him, Vohkinne was caught off–” What the hell! “, He moved out the dame's way, all she did was run at him. She didn’t take on the clearly open offense,” Why didn’t you attack me?”, Vohkinne asked, stumbling a bit to regain his militant stance. Zitkala just tilted her head,” I’m going to come after you every day until you learn how to switch defense to offense”, This bitch was crazy! Vohkinne wanted to say, he wanted to tell Baran to put this bitch on meds,” You’re crazy”, “ No….you’re going to need to learn this when you have a son”, “ A son…wait a child! Children are gross! I’ll never become a father!”, “ Eric says otherwise, your son is going to be our savior”, “ Like hell, he is, because that fatherless bastard doesn’t exist!”, Vohkinne took a step back. “ We’ll see”, Zitkala charged at Vohkinne again, this time taking a swing at him. —--- Decades later —-- Weaving perfectly out of the way of Trisha’s head kick, Kobeni watched as the dame went from defense to offense in a matter of seconds. His eyes dull with such laziness–yet they were watching to see an opening; the pack was tuned in to their sparring, most of them were old heads, others were new and the rest were children. Kobeni weaved again, leaning back from Trisha's dangerous right hook,” Aren’t you a bit serious today?”, Kobeni pointed out. His body language was sluggish, bored, and thoughtless; yet the style reminded everyone of Baran–the brute grandfather. Still, no one knew what was happening in Kobeni's headspace; and while the pack was watching and Trisha’s attacks were quick and clean, Kobeni couldn’t help but play defense until Trisha stopped coming for him,” Kobeni! Pay attention you idiot”, Snapping back to reality, Kobeni lifted his head to see Trisha rage. Rubbing the back of his neck, the man yawned,” We have to leave soon Trisha, can’t we fight another day; you’re rather slow today”, The way his voice henced at his sluggishness, made Trisha’s eyes burn even more,” Of course “, And with that, Kobeni watched the dame stalk off between the disappearing crowd. Kobeni had to finish getting ready for the ball, even though their Alpha was missing and Kobeni was taking care of everyone; it was affecting his mental health. He was tired and worn out. If he could change the way they saw him, sure he was the spawn of Vohkinne but that doesn’t mean he was going to become just like him. Shaking the thoughts that were heading straight to his head, Kobeni went to change and get ready to leave. The weather was nice enough to wear a black, red, and golden handcuff suit. Kobeni finally went to change. His red tie matched the golden handcuffs he was fixing, his hair was pulled back and his face expressed great value for himself. He looked decent enough, but when Trisha showed herself in a slim down, short cut, red slit between the legs tight fitting dress–his mouth watered. “ Pick up your mouth Beta, you’re an Alpha until we find her..”, Trisha fixed her two afro puffs and stared at Kobeni, his eyes matched hers and as they stood there gazing into each other eyes–the limo arrived. “ Shall we?”, Kobeni offered his hand. “ Don’t get cocky..you’re only acting Alpha til she returns for us”, Trisha didn’t grab his hand, and with that action of rejected, Kobeni grabbed her forearm and pulled her closer to his chest,” We keep this quiet, even though the Lake didn’t claim my first born. We must not fear these other packs because of it”, Trisha growled at the sudden grabbing, lifting her harsh gaze,” The lake requires a firstborn before you can even claim the Alpha rank! We are disobeying every rule known to your pa-”, “ Our pack “, He corrected. “ No, you fatherless bastard. Your pack! This is your pack, I am just a guest remember….a prisoner in your home”, And with that final statement, Trisha snatched herself from Kobeni's grasp. Walking to the limo with her suitcase and while Kobeni followed behind her, he placed both their suitcases in the back. Now they await the long car ride. —-3 hours later — That ride was brutal. Not only did Trisha badger his training, and the way he carried himself; not to include the fact he’ll never be as amazing as his father–Vohkinne. Kobeni nearly had enough and as the limo stopped, he couldn’t help but snap,” It sounds to me you are in love with someone who didn’t save you from that fire, you ungrateful spoiled little prick! My father is dead, I killed that motherless bastard! ", Kobeni quickly got out the limo and gather his and Trish's suitcases, quickly heading to settle Trisha into her quarters. " Are you not staying?", She asked. " You know we can't...." Trisha's gaze hardened, her expression darkened," Oh...I see, you think I'm in love with your father because of what? Because you lack the man balls to do what's needed!? What a way to go Kobeni, jealous of someone you killed! Jealous of the fact you'll never be as strong, dependable, or what a true woman needs in your whole life", Yes. Kobeni stood there as she rambled on, snatching her suitcase from his grasp and slamming the door against his face. Kobeni stood there, staring at a wooden door before leaning against it; his hand made a fist and softly brushed against the door. No words could possibly be said to explain what Kobeni felt, the number of times he's heard and witnessed Trisha's outburst, it was nothing new. But each time oppugned his morals. Removing himself from the door, he strolled down the hall. And as he explored a little bit, he finally found his room. Settling down was easy, but getting comfortable in an unknown place was the hardest part, he kept waiting on a surprise attack from another pack. “ I wonder who’s here?”, Echoing his recent comment about which packs would arrive, he faintly remembers Tori, a dame he used to play with before she vanished from his story. He always wondered where she was, if would she ever return again. The pack was different for sure. Maybe Kobeni was being selfish, maybe he required everyone he’s ever met to stay with him, to never leave, and to live knowing they’ll always be together. He hated that feeling, he didn’t want the dame to feel trapped, he just wanted her to feel safe with him and only him. What if something happened to her?! What if she was killed, or maybe kidnapped?! God, what has Kobeni done? He allowed a friend to leave his sights, now with these toxic thoughts- he believes he murdered a friend by not keeping them within arms reach. Clenching his chest, Kobeni could feel the panic rise in him; the last time he saw her, she was different, not the same dame he used to know. Why were the walls closing in, why did the ceiling just laugh at him? Kobeni’s face was sweating, and he could barely breath; the thought of someone touching Tori was enough to make Kobeni wake up in a dark pool of water, his wet hair dripping made an echoing sound; and a spirited wolf appeared before him,” Why have you come to me again? I have given you nothing but sorrow? “, The spirit spoke in a concerned tone. Kobeni assumed they thought he was greedy, greedy for their strength; their endless power. “ I’m…not…sure?”, “ A friend is in trouble…right? Do you wish to borrow some of my strength to protect her?” “ Yes!! Wait…no…she can’t be danger…she’s strong “, Kobeni lifted up his gaze, allowing the spirit to gaze back, in truth Kobeni was scared. So scared he tried to scream, yet his whole body felt like it was underwater. Instead, Kobeni just stared aimlessly into the spirit ghost-like eyes,” As long as I’m here, no one will hurt you..”, “ I don’t care about myself. “, Admitting that, shocked Kobeni back to the actuality of standing frozen in the middle of his room. With his final breath, Kobeni stumbled to the exit of his room and stared down the hall,” I need to know if she’s here! They must have a list somewhere? A list of names”, Kobeni shook the remaining sweat that dropped from his tapered jawline onto the floor. And with that, he went looking for someone. Edited at December 9, 2022 03:07 PM by Kobeni

Vivienne Vaux Valentine Lunar falls pack | F | pack member | Mention: Elowen, open ... A few moments had passed since the lady in white had arrived, her mind coming up with a breif label, an heir but also a shaman. Vivienne wondered what kind of arrangment had been made within their pack, as Shamans didn't normally inherit any birthrights of the alphas, but alas it wasn't her place to be nosy. ... The ballroom was livley as a few more guests made their way in, joining others and adding to the chatter and yet Vivienne's gaze kept floating back to The forementioned woman. ... A breif puff of breath left Viv's mouth as she pushed her chair out and stood up. She had made up her mind to go and introduce herself, refusing to remain a simple hermit during this monumental event. ... With a last sip of her drink, she smoothes the skirt of her dress and began her way across the ballroom. Her steps were light and her mood was sunny, and as she got closer to Elowen She noticed that the woman was searching for something, ever so descretely, confident in her movements. ... As Vivienne finally approached Elowen She called out with a gentle "Hello", stopping a few feet away, offering up a nimble wave with a gloved hand. Her natural charisma exuding, although she wasn't sure how Elowen would perceive her.

Nicanor Arete Carvalho Crescent Moon Pack | M | Beta | Mentions: Lucienne, Others Ind [He's just studying everyone as he walks through, really] Nicanor worked his jaw slowly, feeling muscle and bone press against the leather wrapped around his throat, sitting a little higher than it normally would to allow space for his turtleneck to sit comfortably. The black choker was studded with silver spikes, with a buckle on the back that sat beneath his hair, and a ring on the front that sat at the center of his throat. He had a couple excuses for wearing it, all that Lucienne had heard before and likely didn't believe. They both knew what the choker meant. That's all that mattered. Black turtleneck, a black blazer, black dress pants, and black boots. All complimented by silver. Silver necklaces and chains, silver bracelets, silver rings, his personal outfit, with a touch of Lucienne's opinion of it. He'd heard more than his share of what Lucienne thought of his outfit when they were getting ready. Speaking of Lucienne, he was separated from his currently. Nicanor tried, desperately tried, to stay aware of his position, tried to keep an eye on him even as he went down a different hallway with instructions that they meet at the bar after scoping out the area. It was his job. His job was to protect Lucienne, to be by his side, to guard him and keep others away from him, listen to orders. He wasn't making anything sound at all better. He found the large doors to the ballroom, doing a quick scan of those around him. Many people shorter than him, but that wasn't surprising. He knew he stood taller than most, and, even still, he craned his head to peer further into the crowd, to spot a head of blond hair atop a dark body. It briefly popped into his vision at one point, but his attention was grabbed by others in the room, studying them while he all but stalked towards the bar. A woman with hair so blonde it was white, in a white dress, on the tall end for women, and someone that could definitely grab attention, by the looks of it. A shorter woman, ginger, in a pink dress, a member of the Lunar Falls Pack, if he remembered correctly. One of the two main packs that were holding this ball, to marry their heirs. He huffed, closing his shoulders in on himself a little more. He'd hate to be them. Another man, with a similar of blond hair but not quite as pale as the first woman, with another person next to him, although with hair just as pale as the first woman. Was pale hair a theme tonight, perhaps? The two by the bar seemed close, related, perhaps. The paler haired one reminded him of someone he'd heard of from the Lunar Falls Pack, but the blond one wasn't quite familiar. Another man walked up, ginger hair, absolutely fucking jacked, and watching the pale-haired person. He walked a little past him, settling with his back to the bar, leaning on it while he scanned the growing crowd, once again looking for the head of blond hair on dark shoulders. A little further down the bar, there was a darker skinned woman, a scar over her eye. He passed his gaze over her, as if he wasn't scanning everyone around, leaning a little further away as a blonde woman came, ordered a drink, and left again. Was she from the Wild Mountain Pack? Gods, there were so many people. So many people, so many packs, and this was all being held to commemorate a peace treaty between Lunar Falls Pack and Blood Moon Pack by marrying their heirs? What a mess. They were here to strengthen their ties with other visiting packs, strengthen alliances, and similar things. Whatever their reasons, he was suddenly very seriously considering simply walking out, saying 'Fuck this' and going home. He leaned back further, as if completely at ease, even as he scanned the crowd again and again, looking, searching, waiting. Gods, he'd turned into the dog Lucienne, and others, joked about him to be, just waiting for his master to come and collect him. Knowing Lucienne though, he'd want to stay at the bar and drink before getting involved in whatever mess this place was going to be.

Rowan Lamontagne Wild Mountain Pack | M | Alpha | Mentions: Several People [Ind.], Open
Eyes an almost unnaturally light shade of grey stared back at him as he stood in front of the mirror. Anyone could tell just by how he stood that the mountain of a man was uncomfortable and incredibly so. His hulking form while not the tallest seemed like it was barly contain in the black tie tux he wore, though the reality was the tux had been specifically fitted to him, so he knew it wouldn't rip with his movements.
Sighing profusely the man ran a hand through his hair, which had been brushed back in it's normal way. His hair wasn't long, but it wasn't shorrt either, but he took good care of it so it caused him to look a little rugged but not completely bush man status. Shaking his head he ran a hand over his beard, wondering if he should have shaved for the event too, but he immediately dismissed that thought. He hadn't been beardless in.. well.. years and it wasn't about to happen for some snazzy event like this. No sir.
Shaking his head, Rowan turned and exited his room, long strides carrying him to the stairs with ease and moving down them quickly. He selected the stairs over the elevator, figuring it would let him stretch his legs while also being faster because it didn't need to stop all the time since he was on the top floor.
Several flights of stairs later and Rowan entered the hall that lead to the ballroom and the lobby. Tugging at the sleeves of his tux he entered the ball room and about groaned at the sight of the sheer amount of people. Why had he agreed to this again? He couldn't remember.
Quickly he descended into the mass of people, trying to allow himself get swallowed up so that any eyes on him would quickly get lost. He wasn't a fan of crowds or attention, and hated when eyes were on him, so once he slipped through the crowd he made his way over to an empty share and sunk into it, leaning back into as he observed the group.
There were packs from all over in the ballroom, he recognized some of the Alphas, and well as could put faces to the stories he had heard. However, he let his eyes linger briefly on the figures he didn't immediately recognize, like he was trying to commit their appearance to memory. It was a habit of trying to remember faces in case anything happened.
Near him were two women, one was easily about half a foot taller than the other with long, wavy hair that seemed to resemble ivory. Her back was too him, but he could tell just by the way she held herself that she had to be of higher rank. The woman who had approached her was on the shorter side, easily considered petite. Unlike the other, he could see her face from here, and he made a mental note of adding 'pretty' to his mental description of her. She had long red hair which was in a half up and half down kind of style that seemed to fit her. From here he couldn't quite tell what color her eyes were exactly but, if he had to guess, he'd say blue or green. She was cute, and the pink dress she wore seem to only accentuate the softness that seemed to exude from her.
Tearing his gaze away from the women, not wanting to be confused for a lech when he was merely studying people, he let it travel around the room again. There were too many people her for him to commit to memory. He tried to relax, wishing he had a beer for himself, but there was a cluster of folks by the bar, and he hadn't felt like swimming through them just to get a drink. He'd wait a bit until there was some space, and then head over and see what the bar had stocked. For now, though, he remained seated, content to be ignored and unseen even if he felt, and likely looked, kind of like a bear sitting on the flimsy chair beneath him.

Elowen Lilavati Evenfall Cassiopeia Pack | F | Shaman's Apprentice | Mentions: Vivienne
Graceful hips swayed too and fro and she maneuvered through the sea of chairs and people as they mingled. She murmured polite greetings and dipped her head in response as she moved, but never lingered long enough to engage in conversation. Her parents had obviously planned for them to get separated so she couldn't use them as a social shield, clearly this was a thought out plan of theirs. Could Elowen socialize and converse with the best of them? Of course, but she always felt a certain pressure at social events when the standards and expectations for others were higher for her. She could not fool around and act inappropriately with someone she found attractive, or engage in flirty banter for it could go no further, she just couldn't risk any of it. Still, though.. the temptation was always there, and it seemed that, at least for tonight, her parents wanted her to humor that temptation.
Hair like red-orange flame caught her eye as someone moved to approach her, their slim and delicate physique several inches shorter than her own. Elowen wasn't necessarily unnatural tall, but with heels she was easily oversix foot, and she imagined this woman was about average height without them. Her pale eyes focused in on the cherub like woman, a soft smile pulling up her lips as she was greeted by the young woman.
"Good Evening," Elowen spoke, her voice low and silky like it always was, a hair away from being considered husky. Once she had greeted the other woman she studied her, letting her eyes fall from her face as she took in her dress which was beautiful and unique, almost handmade if Elowen had to guess but she couldn't be sure. It was ornate and delicate which fit with the one who wore who had a soft presence that felt more like a comfort, like a child's favorite blanket, than anything intrusive. Unlike Elowen's floor length gown, the pink dress she wore stopped at her calf to reveal the white pumps she had paired with it.
As her gaze retraced it's path back up as she raized her gaze back to the woman's face. Overall the dress was beautiful and seemed to fit the girl perfectly as it was a mix between cute, almost like a fairy, and elegant.
"Your dress is beautiful," she commented, her smile finally widening fully, softening the stoicism of her face and allowing joy to take it's place. "I'm Elowen, and you are?" She introduced herself, extending her manicured hand out gently, inviting the woman to shake it, but not requiring it. Edited at December 10, 2022 01:54 AM by Imperial Sands