
Everett~Alpha Everett had just come back from a successful hunt, and was feeling very pleased. All the hunters had done well, and they had brought back a pretty good haul. Sniffing, he padded around the camp, socializing with the other wolves. He particularly enjoyed the visit to the pups den, as he loved pups. He desperately wanted some of his own.

Spot~Alpha Female she ran to Everett ` ` all the other packs are missing! ` ` she said in disbelif. Edited at November 25, 2022 04:43 PM by Lightmoon150

Spot~Alpha female ` ` I-I took a walk near the borders a-and I saw n morning patrols out s-so I went into their territores and was worried so I went into where the packs usaly reside if they don't patrol a-and they were all gone!! ` ` [!] she said in a worried tone [!] Edited at November 25, 2022 04:27 PM by Lightmoon150

Everett~Alpha Everett turned to his mate. "Don't be ridiculous," he said in a calming voice. "Maybe they just weren't there at the same time as you today. On a lighter note, look at these pups! Wouldn't you like some?"

` ` I mean they are adorable but come with me! ` ` [!] she said in a hurry marching to the camp exitright as he followed she went into the other packjs territories for a start she went into the raven pack territory she walked to their den they dissapeared then she walked to the rose pack territory she walked him to the den nothing [!] ` ` they both had just had new pups and! the Rose Pack was about to win the war I mean the Raven pack did start it.... ` ` Edited at November 25, 2022 06:39 PM by Lightmoon150

Lost l Loner Lost spotted a rabbit, with it there was the strong scent of wolves. It was a pack territory though she didn't know what pack. Lost looked around, it didn't seem like there were any wolves around. Food was food if there wasn't any other wolves around to take it. She silently crept closer to the rabbit, just as she was getting ready to leap a bird's loud danger call alerted a the rabbit of predators. Lost growled but stepped back. It wouldn't be worth it to be caught on a packs territory no matter how friendly they might be.

[!] she walked to her borders with Everett and saw lost then growled [!]