
Royal Pack said: Moon | F | Healer | M: Open WIP Moon awoke on an old mattress. For a moment, she didn't know where she was. Why was she outside? Why was she in a junkyard? Then all her memories came rushing back to her. The Wave of Chaos. She sighed. She wished it had never happened. It had completely ruined her peaceful life on the farm. Every day she would go out and run in the fields, chase the birds and squirrels, and protect her owner from the bears that lived nearby. Then the Wave had come, destroying everything. For a while, Moon had lingered at her home, trying to forget what happened. Then the Pack came along and told her of their plans. She went along willingly. She stood, the springs of the mattress squealing hideously, and gave her thick pelt a shake. The hot, humid weather was making her warm up to an uncomfortable temperature. Sometimes she wished she was short-haired, like the other dogs. She looked to where her Alpha, Greta, was sitting. She looked like a statue, gaurding the remnants of her old home. Moon trotted over to her, her belly fur swinging side to side. "Good morning," she said to her Alpha.
Is this an okay length? It's a little over 200

Monty | M | Sub-ordinate | M: Open Monty had woken up in a worn out trash can with a blanket. Oh he missed his dog bed. The fire station was his home and now he is in this nasty trash can that this smell was rotting and decaying of rust. He admired Greta for living this for two years and not getting fazed. Maybe she finds it comforting since she was thrown out of her home. He shrugged and he slowly got wincing and dragging his back legs until he found the strength to lift his rear. The dogs around him are slowly awakening. Then it dawned on him of the trials are coming up.
His ears pinned against his head with anticipation. Alpha will have her training with the dogs. That's all he thought will happen. But he knew it will be different from the first new moon. Greta in his eyes was cold and frozen on her steps. His eyes looked at Riot slowly going up to Greta. His tongue was now hanging out of his mouth panting of the heath. It reminded him of fire and going through buildings on fire. He found the comfort of heat even though many dogs hate it. But his body was made to maintain and work in heat. His short fur made it so much easier to maintain this. Monty sat on his haunches waiting with anticipation for Greta's voice to penetrate the orders and celebration of the new moon.

Breeze / 6 / Female / Scout (fixed) Breeze awoke with a start, her head spinning slightly as she sat up. Immediately the familiar smell of the junkyard filled her nostrils, penetrating them, not a feeling that was unfamilar. She saw Monty heaving himself out of the trash can he had slept in. He is so new, she thought... I hope he survives the trials... Knowing that he was a former fire dog, she knew that he would hopefully be okay. Turning her head to where Monty's eyes were trained, she spotted Riot padding slowly up to Greta. However, she didn't focus on them and instead let her mind wander as she began grooming herself. She anticipated feeling more nervous for the events of the trials, anyone in the pack could chanllenge her for the role of Scout. But, seemingly, she felt far more confident than she had been before previous trials. Holding her position had become second nature to her, outsmarting her packmates at every turn with her experience from scouting for well over a year now. Her ears pricked as she yawned and finished licking her fur. She padded passed Monty, awknowledging him a nod and a small flick of her tail before heading over to the small prey pile and picking herself and baby rabbit. Edited at March 10, 2022 08:06 PM by Spiritus Lunae

(Nervana_Sky Moon said good morning to Greta and she is dead or something)

Riot | M | Sub-ordinate | M: Open Riot let out another huff during the same time that he tilted his head one side, his hind paw lifting to scratch behind his ear. He heard some rustling around the camp, thinking that everybody was now beginning to finally wake up. He then greeted Greta and Moon with a dip of his head after the latter said her 'Good morning,' to the Alpha. He slowly let the trials slip from his mind for a few minutes, the heat making his tongue roll out his mouth in a pant, lolling. He blinked slowly before his eyes searched the camp, seeing Breeze at the prey pile and spotting Monty heave himself out of the trash pile he slept in. Riot rolled his eyes. He then saw Niko sitting on the top of a car's hood, overlooking everyone else. He gave a small shake of his head at the other dog, how can a canine act so confident but yet is awkward at the same time? The Dutch Shepherd swallowed quickly before panting again, eyes narrowing at a small flock of birds flying overhead, tail curling around himself, slightly covering his paws. His ears swivelled, keeping track of every sound around camp.

Niko • Male • Sub • M: Open - Niko watched as the others began to gather around Greta. He decided to stay perched on the hood of the car, since he would probably make a fool out of himself. With his ears pricked, he began to asses his fellow subordinates. Riot could easily overpower Niko any day, although he could try to take advantage of the blindness. There was no logical way he could beat Texas, with his gigantic size. Shep would be incredibly difficult to beat, so probably not. Possibly he could take advantage of Monty's bad hips, but that would require dodging an awful lot. Niko sighed and stood, jumping off the car. He reluctantly wandered over to the small gathering surrounding Greta. He sat a little ways away from everyone else, next to Riot. "Good morning," He murmured, trying to sound not too awkward. His eyes flickered around camp, searching for possibly escape routes if needed with his muscles tensed. He may trust most of The Pack, but he couldn't be too sure of some of them. He enjoyed sitting on the car hood, because he could see everyone and see what they were doing. Here on the ground, it was unsettling. Especially around those larger than him. He glanced at a few birds fluttering upward, then shook his head and forced his thoughts to focus on the trials.

Greta | F | Sub-Prdinate | M: Pack Greta watched the dogs gather around her slowly waking up. The beta hasn't woke up and she lashed her tail thoughtfully. She barked,"Good morning everyone. I hope everyone had a good rest. Today is the day we have been waiting for...The new Pecking order.. Now we will separate. Now four of you will be divided. Riot and Niko will be with me and beta training moves. Breeze will take Texas and Shep for scouting.. Then we will switch at noon. Understand.. And Monty you will stay with Moon. Moon is gonna evaluate you. And if I hear anyone making fun of Monty. I will absolutely have consequences. It's for his safety." Greta barked,"Nodita get your fluffy rump out here. It's the trials." She stared them down. She barked,"Dismissed. Riot and Niko. You choose who you want as your sparing opponent. Understood. Good. We will meet in the center of the junkyard. Got it? Breeze you can take them where you please." Greta pushed past them to fo to the center of the junkyard. Her head high with dominance and tail up. Her eyes striking cold and boredom. She thought I better be impressed today.

Texas/M/Sub-Ordinate/C:Shep Texas crawled out from under the bush and stretched again. He walked over to the junkyard. He walked inside and looked around. He didn't notice anything strange, just that it was hot and humid. He walked over to the river to see if it had gone up any. When he got to the river bank, he realized that it had gone up a bit. He walked over to it, and put his front two paws in the water. The river felt nice and cool on this hot day. He walked farther into it. The water felt amazing. He jumped in and started to paddle around. He followed the current as it led him down river, and farther into the junk yard. He got bored from swimming, and swimmed over to the bank and climbed up to an old car. When he was on dry ground, he shook all of the water off. He walked over to the old car and smelled to make sure no one had claimed it. No one had, so he jumped inside and layed down on on the back seats. The shde felt nice. He started to doze a bit, but soon woke up and looked around.

Shep|F|3.5|Sub-Ordinate|M: Texas, Breeze, Greta Shep awoke, in her cool "burrow". She slept in the hole which was covered by an old piece of lumber and there was a hole just big enough for Shep to slip in and out of. Shep crawled outside and was met by a wave of heat. She shook out her fur and looked around. She smiled a bit and looked around. It was a hot day and sleeping would be a nice start to the day. Although Shep didn't want to go back inside of her "burrow" for she'd just gotten out. Then, her Alpha, Greta, stated the pecking order and who will do what. Shep looked at her Alpha, her eyes shining. I'm starting with scouting, okay. I'll go to Breeze after I get a quick drink down at the river. Shep trotted down towards the river, her nose picking up another dog's scent. Texas. Shep thought. She kept heading towards the river. When she got there, she took a few quick drinks of water and trotted back up to the junkyard. As she got up to the junkyard, noticed the scout with a small rabbit. There's no time to eat. Shep told herself, padding toward Breeze. "I'm here but where's Texas?" Shep asked the scout. I caught his scent by the river but where did he go? Shep wondered, sitting in front of the Scout.

Riot | M | Sub-ordinate | M: Open He mumbled a quiet, "Good morning," back to Niko when the dog sat down next to him, ears still perked, gaze averting to the, now, speaking Alpha. He only registered the important parts of the whole speech, nodding occasionally. He watched as Greta pushed past them to walk away, Riot's eyes glimmering with nervousness and a little bit of confidence. His tail flicked, uncurling itself from around him to lay behind. The canine watched as Shep padded up to Breeze, asking the Scout a question. He sighed, turning his gaze upwards towards the sky, stretching. He sniffed the air out of boredom before resting his eyes on the dog next to him, "You choose who to spar first, I'm not picky," he said, dipping his head slightly, a habit he had recently got from nowhere in particular, it was probably out of respect or he was just being friendly, he didn't really know. Riot squinted at Niko, the sun getting in the way of his healthy eye, making him nearly fully blind for a moment, ears twitching in anticipation, waiting for an answer from, what he considered, his almost friend, tongue lolling out of his mouth again. Edited at March 11, 2022 03:44 PM by Thunder Struck