
Irma Tail/Teen/Chomper "I got to go to the village also, I got to meet Abel there." she said honestly with a shrug. She would've liked to go to some water but had things to do, but maybe she would go later? Abel Tail/Teen;Hunter/Mickey Mouse He continued on his way to the village, going over what all he needed to get. So far all he could think off was money from the meat, vegetables, and a new ax. "Well more things for us." he muttered. "What did you say?" Mickey asked. "I was just saying that we'll have some more money for extra things." he replied.

Aislinn McGowan//Beau "Show off!" called out Aislinn, grinning, as she swung backwards over the branch and hung from her legs, sticking out her tounge jokingly

Irma Tail/Teen/chomper She continued her way to the village. Chomper followed easily behind her. "Want to go swimming later?" Chomper asked Irma. "Sure, after we leave the village." she agreed. Abel Tail/Teen;hunter/Mickey Mouse He skinned the animals, and started back to going to town with Mickey following him.

Lucas / 14 / Teen / Spirit Animal: Juno / Mare Lucas grinned, shaking his head and laughing. He saw Ash hanging from her legs on the branch and chuckled. "So much for me being a show off!" He blushed slightly, but quickly concentrated again on Juno. Picking up the pace he cantered her around, doing quick figure of eights and making sure she was picking up her feet. He shifted his weight back and she slowed down, performing a neat extended trot before he halted her and dismounted. Then, he asked her to move away and with a quick whistle she came pounding across the field towards him. Lucas jogged in front of her and then as she came up beside him he jumped once on the ground and grabbed her mane before swinging up onto her back and slowing her after a few strides at a gallop. He repeated this a few more times until he was satisfied with his training and then he dismounted and let Juno go and relax and graze. He strode over to the tree, heaving himself up towards Ash.

Aislinn|| Fox|| 14 She watched Lucas and Juno upside down, he had obviously been working on this for a while. She let out a small whoop when he was finished and smiled as he came over. Smiling, mischeviously as he began to climb up. "Like you could keep up!" Ash teased, swinging the right way around and begining to scurry up the tree, Beau still sitting on the branch. Looking down she flashed a taunting grin at Lucas before swinging herself up onto another branch, then another, racing ahead of Lucas Edited at February 17, 2022 04:38 PM by ⁕Lupus⁕

Lucas / 14 / Teen Lucas grinned and scampered up the tree, climbing higher and higher but never quite catching Ash. "Jeepers! You're a damn good climber Ash!" He called up the tree, following her spirit animal and clambering up. Eventually he sat down, he legs dangling from the branch as he looked up to Ash and smiled. "i am thinking of going to the coast for a few days tonight. Wanna come with? I was gonna ask Carlos and maybe some of the others and we could make a trip of it?"

Aislinn|| Fox|| 14 Aislinn smiled, clambering down, "Thanks" she said, blushing in reply to the compliment. Hair, blowing in front of her eyes (she hadn't bothered tying it up this morning), she sat beside Lucas and listened to his offer. "Sure!" she agreed, "It's not like I'd have anything better to do" she laughed, watching the landscape spread out beyond her.

Lucas / 14 / Teen Lucas looked at Ash for second, his insides bubbling with happiness when she accepted. "Well then! I am gonna head back and pack if you want to come back with me, or just meet me and the others here at sunset, we can travel when it's cooler." His cheeks coloured up slightly and he turned away quickly, swinging down from the branch and whistling sharply. Juno came hirtling round the corner, skidding to a halt beside him and whinnying happily. Lucas swung onto her back and saluted, before winking and circling Juno as he waited for her to join him.

Irma/teen/chomper After walking a while, she finally made it to the village. "Lucas is near by." Chomper chided as they walked into the village. She seen her brother walking with Mickey, trying to sell some meat.

Aislinn|| Fox|| 14 Faye nodded, smiling at Lucas's words, "I'll come with, not like I need to pack anything much" She said as she lowered herself down the tree. As she reached Beau, Ash held out her hand expectantly and the fox dissapeared, reappearing on Ash's wrist, a small tattoo. "She's started letting me do that more" Ash said happily to Lucas as she leapt off the tree, landing catlike on the ground in front of him.