
Luna cocked her head as Akkeiaros left in a hurry. She probably shouldn't have done that. It had just now occurred to her how ridiculous she sounded. He seemed shell shocked. Luna decided she'd better get a drink of water. Luna wished Persephone wasn't chosen. She lapped up water, and eventually just tumbled in.

Mirai/F/Sent Away/Silver Pack/M: Wander, Oriole While heading to Kayla's den with her brother, Mirai hears Wander approaching them, and upon hearing what she tells them, she nods. "Don't worry Wander, we'll make sure we're ready as early as possible, good night" she tells her and then she continues on her way. The next morning: Mirai wakes up early and yawns, she stretches and notices that Kayla is not in her nest. Mirai decides to leave the den and see if the others are awake yet. She wonders what awaits her and the team during their trip, and already wants to meet the chosen ones of the Gold pack. Edited at June 4, 2024 06:18 AM by Northwest Wind Pack

Persephone | Female | Sent away | M: Misty, Sparrowhawk "Hey mittens." I say to her, and take the herbs. "Thanks...." I look up as a hear someone approached. I jump to my feet, ready to attack. I relaxed when I realised it was sparrow hawk. "Sparrow...?" I look around suspiciously "You're not supposed to be here!" I hissed at him, but I was glad he came. I followed him out of earshot from mittens, and waited for what he had to say.

Wander | F | Sent Away | Silver Pack | M: Miria, Skylark, Oriole - "Great, see you in the morning." Wander called over her shoulder as Miria trotted to her den, Wander walking over to hers. Skykark wasn't insight, but she curled up at the mouth of the cave anyway, feeling the cool, night air ruffle her fur, eventually making her fall asleep.

Luna felt empty and hollow. She wished Persephone were here. It was just so lonely without her. Was she making... friends. She shrugged. Just because she liked someone in the pack didn't mean they had to be a pack wolf.

Mirai/F/Sent Away/Silver Pack/M: [Open] Coming out of the den, Mirai takes a quick look around for other wolves. There doesn't seem to be anyone around, everything is quiet. Perhaps she woke up too early, although the sun's rays were already beginning to peek over the horizon, bathing the landscape in a faint light. She and Oriole had spent most of the night with Kayla, they had a nice family dinner, but they went to sleep a little later than planned. Still, she managed to wake up early. She wonders where Kayla could be. Maybe she's with Oriole if he's awake. She heads to her brother's den but halfway there she hears someone calling her in the distance. Edited at June 9, 2024 09:08 AM by Northwest Wind Pack

Persephone | Female | Sent away | M: Sparrowhawk, Misty "You really shouldn't have come this early in the morning." I say to him. "Whatever you're going to say isn't worth it. Nighttingale made her decision. We're leaving with silverpack later this morning. it's best you go back and don't get into trouble." I say coldly. I didn't want to push him away, but it's for the best. He's better off without me. Poor Luna... I head back to where Mittens was waiting. "We're awefully early, aren't we?" I say to her, "Silver pack won't be here for a while" Why did we decide to come here this early again? UGH. Now we have to wait here until those petty excuse for wolves show up. I grumble to myself.

Wander | F | Sent Away | Silver Pack | M: Miria, Skylark, Oriole (Skipping to morning I guess...) - Wander stretched and padded out of her den. Miria was already outside in the clearing. "Morning Miria. Have you seen Oriole? I want to get going as soon as possible." She looked around. Fluffing up her fur, she trotted to Miria and sat next to her.

(Swiftfire, you are spelling the name wrong) Mirai/F/Sent Away/Silver Pack/M: Wander, [open] Mirai smiles when she sees Wander and answers, "Good morning, I was just going to check if he was awake. What about the Alpha?" She asks her back, and adds "Do you remember that yesterday while we were watching birds you asked me if I noticed anything strange about him and I told you that I didn't? Well, last night I did notice him a little down while we were at the meeting. Do you think something is wrong with him?

Luna pawed the ground and shook her black coat free of the river water. It glossemed and gleamed in the morning sun. She growled and shook the last few droplets free, then la down.