
Rosemarie|| Speaking to Sierra and Sky. Rosemarie grumbled. " Everyone is going. No debate's. Any hunter or fighter avaible is coming. Half will go with beta to patrol, the other is coming with me. " She suppresed a snarl. " And I will not rest until everyone is fed and healthy. " She snarled then, and mumbled her apoligies. " A few more and were ready to go. " She sighed and layed down. Her eye's were open, but she was dozing off. She jerked up again, yawning. " Im fine, we should go. Now. " She said, standing and leeding them to the herd's last grazing patch. "Now there somewhere around here. " She said, suddenly unable to focus. Ash||Speaking to Storm. Ash smiles. He had caught on to the joke, and had actually enjoyed it. " You should go see them. Or at least you should've. they're gone now. " He smirked. " Wanna go for a walk? I mean, I gotta stretch this somehow. " He jerked his head at his paw. " It's better then being a tree flower. " He chuckled at his joke.

Sierra-7 years-Hunter - - Sierra was suddenly concerned. "Ok, I can help with the hunt if you want." She got kinda upset when Rose snarled at her for being concerned. She was only doing that because she wanted to hunt, and keep an eye on Rosemarie. She knew that wasn't her job, but Rosemarie seemed like she couldn't focus. I hope she's ok. ~ Storm-5 years-Fighter - - "Oh well they didn't ask me to do anything." Storm nibbled off a little more dirt. "Sure, we can go for a walk. It's better then just boredly being a lazy slug." He stood up. He actually enjoyed Ash's company. I gotta stop though. I should be defending the camp, not joking and going for walks. Edited at November 25, 2021 12:54 PM by Isa's Pack

Rosemarie|| M: Sky, Sierra, Kayleron ( Indirectly ) Rosemarie sighed. Why is Sierra stating the obvious? She shook her head, huffing at the cold wind, and her breath clouded in front of her. She looked around and sniffed the cold and crisp air. " Anyone smell them? " She asked, unable to pinpoint the smell. She shook her head and sat down, black spot's dancing across her vision. Maybe I should go see Kayleron later. She closed her eye's and took a deep breath. As she stood, the black spot's grew larger, and a sudden wave of dizziness spread across her. She collapsed, the black spot's taking over her vision. With a whimper, she closed her eye's and allowed the sleep to take over her. Not in the middle of a hunt... Please. Ash|| Speaking to Storm. M: Crystal ( Indirectly. ) Ash smiled and scratched his ear. " Let's go then. " He stood and padded off, avoiding Crystal's usual patrol path. He waited, looking back to see if Storm was following. Once he was sure Storm was coming, he padded off a little deeper, wincing as he stumbled on a root. He righted himself and shook his head.

Sierra-7 years-Hunter Talking to Rosemarie - Sierra padded after Rosemarie. "I think I might, but it's faint." She said when Rosemarie suddenly collapsed. "Rosemarie! Are you ok?" She said to her and crouched down. She noticed she fell asleep. I knew something was wrong. She's to heavy for my tiny self to carry.. I guess I let her rest here. She sat down next to Rosemarie suddenly hating being small. ~ Storm-5 years-Fighter Talking to Ash - Storm ran after Ash suddenly kinda happy. He kept padding after Ash but behind him and saw it get slightly darker but almost unnoticeable. He noticed Ash wince as he tripped on a root. "You ok?" He asked Ash looking at him. He turned his head to the sound of a snapping branch. "Probably a squirrel or something." He murmured to himself.

Ash||Speaking to Storm. Ash nodded. " Im fine. " He wouldn't share how much it hurt, nor what he feel's just yet. Ash stopped suddenly as he heard a branch snap. His ear's shot up and he heard more then just a branch. " Im going to check that out. " He padded over, his ear's swiveling slightly. As he got closer he heard whimper's. He followed the sound, carefully. He poked his head through some bushes. A little Black and White Pup was there. He walked out gently. " Hello little pup. Where is your mother? What's your name? " He asked, sniffing it gently. Stella||Speaking to Ash. Stella whimpered as she crawled around, searching hungrily for food. She found a branch that seemed edible enough. She snapped the branch and cringed at the noise. She gnawed at it carefully. Yuck! No way am I eating this! She left the stick behind, nipping at some grass. She sighed and sat down. I hate you mother! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! She yelped as she saw and heard the bushes ruffle in front of her. She sighed in relief when a nice looking male appeared. Her ear's cocked she listened respectfully. " H- Hi. I'm.... I'm..... " She whimpered and looked away. " I don't have a name. " She sighed. " And I don't have a mother either. Not anymore. "

Gehenna, Inferus | Interactions: Open Gehenna walked alongside the border, checking for scents and keeping an eye out for anything unusual. Patroling tending to be a pretty dull chore, but he supposed that was a good thing. His thoughts turned to his brother, Inferus. He had always looked up to his older brother. Inferus had cared for and protected him when they were both loners, and it had been a difficult choice to remain here with the pack. Now, though, he had both! He didn't know what had made his brother agree to stay, but he was glad that he had. Gehenna's ears perked up at the sound of someone approaching through the undergrowth, and he turned to find Inferus approaching. "Hey, what are you doing here?" he asked, giving his tail a wag. "Patrolling," Inferus replied simply. Gehenna grinned. "Alright then," he said. The two walked in silence for a while, then Gehenna asked, "So how have things been out there?" Inferus looked down at Gehenna. "The same," he said. "Just- Lonlier." Gehenna playfully bumped into Inferus' side, causing him to stumble a little. "How'd you get that scar on your face?" Gehenna asked. Inferus gave Gehenna a look, but answered. "A fight with a mountain lion over some prey." Gehenna's eyes widened. "Wow!" he exclaimed. "Did you win?" Inferus nodded. "So what about you?" Inferus asked. "How has the pack life been treating you?" Gehenna gave his tail another wag. "It's been great!" he said. "Adjusting from the life of a loner can be difficult, but it's worth it!" Gehenna's tail drooped a little. "I tdoes have it's dangers though." Inferus gave Gehenna a curious glance. "What happened to the Alpha's mate?" he asked. Gehenna sighed. "He was killed," he answered, "by a rogue." Inferus nodded slowly. No wonder everyone he talked to seemed so wary. It was a wonder he had been let into the pack at all! Gehenna soon started a brighter topic, and the two of them conversed as the patrolled along the border.

Night|Male|Fighter|M:Grissel Night lowered himself laying down"Im just here to be nice i have no bad intintions or a endgame to why i came over here"He watched everything that was happening around them.In all he just hoped to find someone to talk to he didnt have any endgame to why he approched her first she just seemed like she was the only other wolf alone.He keep his distance trying his hardest to show he was just there to talk tho he wouldnt admit it he liked being alone but it got to lonely at times.

Storm-5 years-Fighter Speaking to Ash and Stella - Storm looked over to Ash when he went to check out where the branch snapped. "I'll see too, in case it's are rogue." He followed him in case there was some wolf there that would hurt Ash. He started baring his fangs slightly when he saw something but stopped immediately. A pup! "Hi little pup." He said looking at her. She was actually quite a pretty pup, he examined her black and white pelt kinda edmiring it. Darn! I might scare her cause of how big I am. He noticed she was whimpering and was a little sad seeing her all alone. He heard she had no mother or name. If she was alone here the whole time she might be starving if she can't hunt.. "Ash, should I catch something for her to eat?" He said finally looking at Ash and he turned back to the lone pup.

Ash/Stella||Speaking to Storm, then Luna. Ash appreciated the company. Ash smiled at her and asked her. " Are you hungry? " She nodded eagerly. " I am! I haven't eaten in day's! " She cried. Ash turned to look at Storm. " I wouldn't mind you getting it. I'll bring her back to the camp for now, ask Alpha what we can do. " He smiled and licked his muzzle. " Ready little pup? " She nodded shyly. Ash picked her up. " Mhet meh af fhe camh" He said, trying to speak through her scruff. He turned and ran as fast as he could with his paw. He walked into the camp and headed toward's Luna. " Alfa " He said, his voice muffled by her scruff. He set her down gently, and she shook slightly. " Alpha. " he said with a respectful bow. " I found this one while I was walking, just outside the border. "

Storm-5 years-Fighter Sierra-7 years-Hunter - Storm nodded and ran off to go get prey and noticed a strange scent. He followed it and saw a large animal with horns and alot of others without horns. He noticed a small one far away from the others and it had speckles on it's back. He ran at it and pounced on it's back and killed it with a hard bite to the neck but suddenly got thrown off with a huge force and flung up in the air and hit the ground hard, getting winded. He looked up gasping and saw the horned thing there staring. It walked away and he swiftly stood up and grabbed the thing he killed and ran. Storm was walking back to camp when he noticed Sierra sitting next to a wolf on the ground. Rosemarie?! He thought and darted over. He snarled at Sierra. "What happened?!" He snarled dropping his kill. "Go get Luna to send out patrol now!" He shouted to Sierra and she calmly stood up and started running back to camp. He looked at Rosemarie laying there. Did Sierra do something to Rosemarie? Thoughts rushed through his head. Did she hit her head or trip and hurt herself? Did she get beat up by Sierra and pass out? Did Sky and Sierra plot something? Everything's gonna be ok. I need to calm down. Edited at November 26, 2021 02:23 PM by Isa's Pack