
Sparrowhawk/M/Pack Member/Gold Pack His jaw fell open as the world spun around him. The herb was fake? The quest was fake? It was all a lie? He would never see Persephone again! His mate had lied to him, lied to his whole pack! To everyone! And now... the wolves who had gone were going to die! Sweet, gentle Misty, angry, kind, brave Persephone... they were gone! "Why?" He asked, crumbling down and sinking to the coarse dirt of the den floor. "Why did you do this? I-I..." He knew that she was right, halfway. The forest never could have provided for all of them. But he had never dreamed that Night would do something like this! His face twisted into a snarl as he remembered telling Persephone how nice Night was, how she would never lie. He had been a fool to ever think so. But... he watched Night, how distraught she seemed, how she was crying. She obviously hadn't wanted to send them. And it must have been a hard decision. But still, he couldn't fathom ever doing this, how this had even happened...

Skylark|Silver|Alpha|M:Everyone in Silver pack "I-I." I try saying words but tears start streaming down my face." I'm sorry we don't know exactly what it is you'll be leaving tomorrow morning we'll meet up with Gold pack by the river and discuss further." I walk to then end of the den." Wander. Can you come with me?" I ask her my voice breaking

Nighingale/Alpha/Gold/ F - I continue to cry. "Spar... Sparrow, I do not want to send them. If there was another way. I... If it was real, I would go alone. To not put the pack in this predicament. But... Aren't all legends started by the truth. Sparrowhawk, there is some hope. Do you think I would send them if there way no hope at all. Maybe they will find something." I glance up at my mate. I sink in to a puddle of wolf and I can feel myself dehydrating. "Help Sparrow, I can't. I can't do this. But I need to. Spring is approaching like lightning. That is when blackcough is worst. And spring brings pups. What if the pack has pups. What if (insert NPC) decides she wants pups? You know we can not support them now." I stop crying, but I still sniffle. I look up and my loving mate. Someday Sparrowhawk, I want pups. I think. Edited at May 20, 2024 04:49 PM by Bobcat

Sparrowhawk/M/Pack Member/Gold Pack He hesitated, then padded towards her, placing a paw on her snout. "I-I know. It's hard, and it hurts me too. So bad. But... maybe they will be happier, better out there where they will not have to hunt with us anymore? There may be the herb, too. Maybe. Maybe. Pups... maybe even ours..." He had wanted pups for a while now, and so had she. Now though, he felt such pain. Even though she had done the right thing, it hurt so much, especially knowing that he may never see those wolves again. His friends, the wolves he'd grown up with, were almost all gone now. He curled himself around her, his ears flat, tears rolling slowly down his cheeks.

Nighingale/Alpha/Gold/ F - I wimper as I lay down. Softly, so even Sparrow can not hear, I whisper a prayer for the wolves I have sent on this whid goose chase. Tears come and I do not stop them. I fall asleep with a weight on my concence like the pack is sitting on my heart.

(Sorry I didn't respond earlier Nightingale) "Are you sure the herb is real? Should we really risk sending our wolves, our pack chasing after something that might just be a lost cause?"

Wander | F | Sent Away | Silver Pack | M: Miria, Skylark, Oriole - Wander bowed her head and followed Skylark, flicking her tail towards Miria and Oriole, a signal to leave them be. "What is it? I know this was a hard decision, but its to find something to cure our packmates. And since I'm going, I'll make sure to get this herb. I promise."

Mirai/F/Sent Away/Silver Pack/M: Oriole (directly), Wander and Skylark (indirectly) "Ok big bro, let's leave the lovebirds to their things" Mirai says, giggling, believing that the other two had heard her and starting to trot towards the exit of the den with her characteristic gait.

Oriole/M/Sent Away/Silver Pack He smirked, and followed. "Good one, Mirai!" His tail wagged and he turned towards her, his tawny eyebrows raising. "I didn't know you still had that smart little mouth, love! Nice to see that you can still hold your own." He nuzzled his sister happily, glad that she was gonna come with him. She was one of the few wolves he truly trusted, and he loved her a lot. That didn't mean that he would spare her from his teasing though; he had to tease everyone. He wondered why Skylark had chosen him for such a big job though. He wasn't normally the most trusted wolf.

Misty|Female|Sent away|Gold|M: Open Misty walked over to her secret stash of herbs. She knew all about them and what they did. "Chamomile to calm, comfrey for stiff joints, cobwebs for bleeding, and some nettle for infections. I think thats all. I don't suppose silver pack will bring their own herbs."
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