
Theo Black // Male // 17 // Rider // Mentions: Everyone . +Slowly looking around at the chaos his dragon caused and the angry faces of both dragon and rider all looking at them he slowly drops his head, attention and angry glares from others sent a chill down his spine, before he tightens his hold on the water spotted dragon and tries to climb down the beast+ . "I-Iam sorry miss, Ryu how about we go get you some food and calm you down" . +Apologizeing to the female fire dragon he then slowly turns to his own water dragon, his voice soft but a hint of fear is now evident in his voice, he needed to get away from this crowd and stop the attaention that was drawers to him by the commotion. Slowly sliding of the dragon he hides his face into the dragons scales trying to ignore all the stares+ . "C-Come on Ryu...please, let's go somewhere else...I'll take the blame for you ok?"" . +He says still hiding behind the dragon his eyes closed tight, if his dragon was to get into trouble he will take the blame for him after all this dragon protects and makes him feel safe from others and the dragons+

Hartley Russel Barn| Rider | 15 | Male | M: Mircea (ind), Michael (ind), Roxanne (ind), Aeolus, Valine (ind), Ryu (ind), Lira, Hart was shocked to find out that Aeolus actually believed in all of the astrology nonsense. He’d have to dig in a bit deeper on that subject, but only when he had more books and notes for proof. Then again, Aeolus was older than himself, but Hart still was skeptical about it all. He was glad that they shared the same hobby of books. He couldn’t help but have his curiosity perked when the air dragon mentioned the dragon tongues. It sparked something new and (probably) feasible for him to do when they got back home. Maybe he could teach himself the many languages of the dragons. That would be quite the accomplishment and he doubted that even the great Aristotle learned that. But of course, why would he teach himself when he had a perfectly good dragon, who said he was well-versed in multiple dragon dialects, to learn from? Could you teach me your native language? He had asked. A little after, it seemed that everything was falling apart. A pleasant, fluid motion of introduction to the first ride was ruined by…several different things and aspects. Something is happening, Hart realized. He knew it first off because Michael was an idiot and decided to touch Cea’s hair. However, Hart didn’t think that such a ruckus would commence from that. Nor did he realize that Cea would start to cry. He was too far to actually hear him, especially with everything going on, but he could see him clinging to his dragon in a scared, passive way. A way that Hart rarely saw him in. Something was not all right. Michael. Hart usually was always attentive when being given instructions of any kind of manner, even if it was just to dump the garbage. However, this was not one of those times. This was different. His cousin, his brother was hurting because some imbecile couldn’t keep his hands to himself. He prepared himself to storm at Michael and shout and scream all bloody hells worth at him. He noticed Roxanne was doing exactly just that. Good ole, Rocky, he thought as he rolled up his sleeves. He didn’t think that it would lead down to a physical fight, but he didn’t want to ruin his clothes. That would pain Cea and right now Hart wouldn’t want to put anymore suffering on his cousin. As he did, he noticed what few muscle he had. He didn’t realize that he was about to become a victim himself. Then the world turned cold and sharp. The water dragon’s mouth spewed a jetstream of icy water down on him, mimicking a leather belt cutting into a body. Except it was harsh and freezing. Hart’s nerves were numbed by the touch of the water and throbbed, trying their best to feel something. Meanwhile, Hart’s mind was slow in shock and only two questions pounded in his head. What happened? Why do I hurt? He didn’t realize that his entire body was shivering violently as water dripped down his chin. His teeth chattered against each other and he began to sweat terribly. His usually lively eyes were stuck in a frozen stare. The world was blurred and they tried to comprehend the white dragon looking at them. However, his thoughts were stuck in a loop of the same two questions. The rider was mute to the world and to his dragon. He didn’t feel himself being picked up by Aeolus nor brought over to where Roxanne and Mircea were. His thoughts were becoming more active, though. That was from a dragon. Which dragon? His eyesight was also clearing up, but his shivering and clattering continued. His wet clothes were not helping the situation as they clung on his body. While his body wasn’t faring as well, his mind returned to him as the shock wore off. He could feel the grass underneath him and he understood words being spoken. One was from a girl he hadn’t talked to before. Apparently her name was Lira and she handed him a dry, unused towel. What happened to you? “I don’t really know.” He answered honestly, his teeth rattled together as he did. He closed his eyes tightly, trying to remember. It was just cold and then Aeolus talked to him. Where was Aeolus? His eyes scanned his surroundings. It looked like the air dragon was giving a piece of his mind to a water dragon. Water. “I think that water dragon up there hit me.” He watched the dragon turned around and smugly descended down towards him. As he did, Hart could get a clear view of the dragon. It was a fairly large one for the breed and was spotted. Like most water dragons, his coat theme was blue. The spots reminded Hart of one of his dragon books, but he couldn’t quite place the name. Maybe he could later when he was thinking more clearly. “Who is that? What did you say?” Hartley asked his dragon. This time he had the towel wrapped around his shoulders and it vibrated with him. “And what exactly happened?” Edited at June 3, 2022 12:27 PM by Argos

Edited at June 3, 2022 05:31 PM by Icewing

Nicodemus Brooks Squad Leader | Male | Dragon Rider | Mentions: Basically Everyone
It all happened at once, the scene within the valley unfolding in a way that was far too slow, but far too fast at the same time. In one aspect, it moved slow enough for him to watch it all happen, but too fast for him to do anything about it to try and prevent it from going any further. It was all terribly maddening.
Cold anger simmered beneath the surface of his ivory skin, his eye brows furrowing a tick, though it was barely discernible, and his jaw clenching a bit making the contours of his face sharper. The corners of his lips pulled down slightly in a frown and he looked at Brontes knowingly: they were all acting like absolute children at this point. Even the dragons.
"Very well," Nicodemus murmured to himself, before surveying the chaotic group before him. He needed a way to tame the mess that had been made, and he wasn't terribly thrilled about that. It never should have gone beyond him correcting the boy who had felt it fitting to disrespect him by goofing off and not paying attention. However, a dragon thought it reasonable, and apparently rational, to send water flying about, hitting multiple riders in the process on purpose. It had been a foolish move, and had enraged multiple dragons, and rightly so. Still, he needed a way to momentarily force everyone's attention from the squabble and then refocus it on him.
Flat eyes locked on the figure of a light dragon who seemed to be sharing words with a dark dragon, and nodded gently to himself as a plan formulated in his own mind. It may not have been the best plan, but it was the best he could thinking of with what he was given.
"You, Light Dragon," he called calmly as he motioned for her to come over to him, which she did after a moment of hesitation. Once she was within range he motioned to where the water dragon, Ryu, had seemed to be resting, trying to ward off the onslaught of pissed of dragons. "I need you to create a distraction," he simply stated, his eyes falling her to petite frame as she observed the scene. Without a word she nodded, plodding over to stand close to where the attention of everyone focused, placing herself directly in their view.
Within seconds the dragoness went from semi-transparent scales to a beam of bright, white light that forced others to look away with it's intensity. With the momentary distraction in play, Nicodemus strode forward confidently, keeping a hand up between his eyes and the dragon as he did. This, plus his preparation beforehand, allowed him to walk passed her to where Ryu and his rider, Theo were.
With no warning, no words, nothing, Nicodemus tore the young boy from the dragon, grabbing him by his upper arm, just below his shoulder, and proceeded to drag him away from him, before turning to toss him at Brontes, simultaneously drawing his sword from it's scabbard. "Brontes, hold him." His words were command, the message behind them clear. The two were to be kept separate.
Wheeling around gracefully, the full motion from start to finish, from grabbing Theo to throwing him took mere seconds Now he stood in a ready stance, sword blade pointing towards the water dragon who had seemingly angered everyone.
"Do you know what it feels like to kill a dragon?" He inquired, his eyes dropping from the dragon to his blade before popping back up. He shifted his grip a bit, tilting the sword so that it gleamed brightly in the sunlight. "I do," he began, voice even and disturbingly uninterested, as if he spoke about nothing other than the weather.
"I know exactly what it feels like when you pierce the muscular lining of their chest, penetrating their own heart. It's a surreal feeling, honestly, you can feel their heart beating around the blade, pushing them closer and closer to death with each beat. Yet, there is this struggle, this internal struggle their body seems to go through as it tries to figure out how to deal with such a wound. And obviously it can't, because it's heart has been impaled, but their own bodies don't want to accept death," he calmly explained, a bored expression taken upon his features as he gently drove the tip of his sword into the ground. The sound of the earth ripping around the sharp blade sliced open the air like a hot knife through butter. It sounded odd, and out of place, like it didn't belong coming from someone who seemed so unbothered by the whole thing.
"But then you remember that dragons, as great as they are, can die too. They make mistakes, and they pay for it with their lives," he flicked his sword in a sudden, jerking movement, sending the up-earthed dirt flying into the water dragon.
"You are no different, dragon. You are no invincible creature with an impenetrable hide. You've demonstrated that you are not of superior intelligence, or even maturity for that matter. I wouldn't be surprise if you even lacked basic or average skill in anything," the tall man flicked his sword in a downward direction once more, freeing it of any dirt, but keeping it between himself and the foolish dragon.
"I would suggest you listen to what I'm about to say, dragon, and listen well, fore I will never say it again. You are nothing You aren't special. You don't do anything that anyone else here cannot do. You're a sad, pathetic excuse for a dragon, who is likely to be viewed as nothing greater than a frivolous serpent from here on out. You've lost any respect you might have had among your peers, and likely your rider's peers as well. You've proven that you are nothing more than a pathetic, tiresome hatchling," Nicodemus growled by the end, his words ice cold and edged, if they were blades they'd cut through anything.
"I will not tolerate being disrespected. Not anymore, and this goes for everyone," he glanced at the entire group, "anyone who disrespects me will suffer the same fate, or worse, that is witnessed here today." He sheathed his sword at this point and straightened to his full height, leveling the dragon with a cold gaze of pure disgust. "You will not get to participate in the first ride today. You will sit and watch as your brethren bond with their riders. You will watch as your rider is taken on their first ride by an actual water dragon," he motioned towards Brontes with a momentarily look of pride, though his features quickly smoothed to icy indifference. "And you will NOT interfere. You will be kept separate from your rider indefinitely unless given permission from either myself or my dragon. If you are found breaking this, it will not just be you who suffers the consequences, but your rider too. While I understand that it seems Theo was not involved in your actions, he could have stopped them," he shot the young boy a look of daggers over his shoulder before centering back on the dragon.
"You do not get a choice in this matter. If you think I won't carve out your heart simply because it amuses me, you'll find that you're very wrong," he let out a soft snort, and turned away from Ryu, walking back over to Brontes. "You will take the boy on his first ever ride. If his dragon should try to intervene, kill him if you must," he stated, patting the dragon gently.
At this point his gaze locked onto Theo, features remaining cold and sharp. "It would be wise for you to heed my words and do as I say from here on out. Set an example for your dragon so he may learn from you, and you might just save him yet," it was all he said to the boy before he returned his focus to the crowd.
"By now I'm sure you all have realized that I do not tolerate disrespect. I may have let some of this little act play out to an extent, but it will never happen again. You will go on your first rides, you will be respectful to me and each other. Do any of you have a problem with that?"
He waited for a moment, before he spoke again, this time his tone softening a hair.
"Now, I know several of you had questions, I would like to answer them now, but if they can wait, I can answer them afterwards," he motioned his hand to show that it was okay for them to speak now. While his voice had softened, his eyes remained narrowed with a cold look of apathy, practically daring anyone to speak out again him or show any form of disrespect again. Edited at June 5, 2022 10:00 AM by Imperial Sands

Mircea Crylor | 17 | Male | Mentions: Valine, Roxanne, Everyone It had happened so quickly. That Mircea had to process what exactly the fuck had happened. His dragon had been worried about him, then Micheal crossed the line, and he was in the middle of a panic attack. Easy Rider. Deep breaths Mircea. It's alright. Nothing will harm you as I am here. The words of his dragon attempted to calm him down came through his brain. He felt the kindness and empathy from her voice - she truly meant what she said. He felt himself trying to calm down. His hands had now clung to the earth - and he could feel his nails digging into the earth. This wasn't working, he was still too much into his head. He was pathetic - pathetic to get upset over such a trivial manner. He probably would face worse things as a rider. Mircea couldn't let his own emotions get the best of him. "Mircea. You are no such thing. I do not know why as to why you consider yourself unworthy of my presence, but you shouldn't." "Boy. I have never met a dragon, let a lone a human whom admits to being a fool. Especailly admitting to being such a thing when you obviously are not." He could feel the protectiveness of his dragon. And her change in demeanor - she was doing everything to keep him calm and safe. Mircea wanted to cry even more - where had this dragon been when his father was around? His mother didn't know of her husband's deeds - after all he made sure to do it when she wasn't around and he made sure that Mircea's scars were healed and made sure he wouldn't rat him out. After all who would want to face the fury of an angry mother? He wanted to protest with his dragon, why the hell was she being so kind? So understanding and warm? Why are you being nice to me? He said dumbfounded through the link, don't you think it pathetic of me to be so emotional over something so little. I shouldn't have let my emotions get the best of me - it'll only get me hurt. I am supposed to be composed and levelheaded - not getting upset over a petty trifle. He felt his breathing worsen at his words. Gods, it felt like his lungs were constricting and he could barely get a breath out. He didn't like this one bit - he forgotten how much he hated when he was like this. He was so weak and vulnerable in this state. He could feel his hands shaking and his own body trembling as well. Why did he care so much? He was perfectly fine to not care - so this was what his father meant when he said friends would bring him nothing but strife and agony. He then felt himself convering his ears at the sounds around him. "Too loud", he mumbled to himself. He knew he hated loud sounds, but especially when in this state - it seemed his ears were more sensitive and annoyed by loud sounds. He couldn't even hear his dragon speaking anymore. He could hear his dragon saying something - he could feel the anger and annoyance in her voice. Who was she talking to - it seemed a stranger had tried to come to him , and he felt himself scowl. He was going through this and some stranger felt it wise to approach. He could feel himself shiver at the thought - he didn't do well with people , particularly new faces and so this made him even more anxious. What would his peers think of him? Would they think him as lowly and incompetent. He was overthinking, and he knew it - but he couldn't help it. Showing weakness would make him a target. He then heard some more boots and then a face appeared . She just stood there and blew on his face - he could feel himself start to calm down. He heard her instructions- and he took some breaths with her, but what caught him off guard was when she began questioning him. "U-Uh, probably get her some food and settle into the dorms." And he scrunched his face at the thought, "I don't know what she likes to eat though..." "Oh, her name is Valine! I think it's rather pretty for her. I gave her the jewelry on her horns!" He said the last sentence rather proudly and pointed to them. And he showed her the spike that Valine gave him, "and she gave me this, I'm thinking I'll make a dagger of some sorts out of it." And he smiled at the mention of all them lucking out with the dragons, "Yeah, we did! I am so happy I get to share this experience with you all." He said sincerely - an edge still in his tone but he was beginning to calm down more. "Uh, I don't know whe-" he began but was interrupted when a very pissed Air Dragon put a soaking wet Hartley near them. Immediately, Mircea's mind was clear. His focus turned to his little cousin who was soaking wet and looked as if he was in pain from the water. Oh, someone was about to die. He then found himself with a murderous look in his eyes - and then he caught the sight and sound of a hurt Micheal. What the fuck? He then saw the dragon responsible for the chaos - however it was being chewed out by Hartley's Dragon and Micheal's Dragon. "I like your dragon Hart." He then watched as Nicodemous took control of the situation. Separating the unruly dragon from his rider and threatening death to said dragon. Mircea kept his face rather neutral but he was excited to see Nico in action and how swiftly and smoothly he moved. It was so goddamn badass. His brother then began saying he wouldn't be disrespected again and then asked if anyone had questions. He stepped forward saying, "I was wondering - how would the ride for those with Earth Dragons go? Would burrowing and gliding be the best way to achieve the First Ride? " his voice was more confident and like himself, yet his expression was neutral - he was in control now and he wouldn't make the mistake of losing control of himself again. He then spared one sympathetic glance toward Micheal. More or less saying without saying it to his face, I am not mad, just disappointed Edited at June 5, 2022 10:59 AM by Spellbound

Deirdre || Fire Dragon || M: Drama Group The water dragon was backing down, which helped to calm Deirdre's simmering insides. With a final warning growl, the fire dragon sidestepped away, in such a manner that her eyes were still on him while she retreated to Michael's side. However, she did not quite make it back to her rider in time to avoid a brilliant flash of light -- ancestors, how those light and dark types got on her nerves -- that dwindled to reveal Nicodemus himself, with Brontes at his side. Her eyes refocused in time to see Theo being snatched up and held back by Brontes. So, fecal matter was about to get real. It began too calmly for the situation. Nico had drawn a sword, yes, but his voice was eerily... soft? No, not quite, but he had a quiet, silky air about him in that moment. It was wrong. Unnerving. Deirdre listened to his monologue with something akin to wonder. She didn't like this man, but the more he spoke, the more he took control and obliterated any potential uprisings,... she could respect that. Deirdre was not a fearful dragon. She did not flinch from death. Her body did not shake at the thought of anything. She was not afraid of Nicodemus. Yet, at the same time, a part of her wanted to tread lightly. He was, in a sense, the embodiment of "putting the fear of God" into someone. Yes... This was a human, one of the few, whom she would have a begrudging respect for. But she didn't trust him. She turned her back to him and moved the rest of the distance back to where Michael stood with the girl who had offered a towel. Deirdre lowered herself to the ground and folded her wings tightly, watching the violent words end with an invitation to come forward with questions. Deirdre had to hold back a laugh; she doubted many people or dragons would be willing to open their maws for the next few days or so around the self-professed dragon slayer. Alas, the Mircea did so. He either had an in with Nicodemus or was very bold. Well, his question had merit, at least.

Brontes Water | 250 | M | M: Basically everyone Once he had sprayed the two riders, the situation turned chaotic. Nico’s brother, of the riders in which he had tried to dowse, seemed to panic and run to the aid of his dragon where he hid below its frills. While his friend also did the same, moving at the last second to stand beneath one of the fire dragons. Meanwhile, the girl standing in front of him and Nicodemus began to ask questions about the ride, before she had moved in the line of his fire to become drenched. He grumbled unceremoniously as she sulked about being wet, while the two that he had targeted managed to flee to the safety of their dragons. When one of the other girls slipped through the crowd to grab the other girl, something else caught his attention. Besides the tension between the light and dark dragons and their riders, one of the other water dragons had stepped forward, aggression coming out of nowhere. The creature grew suddenly hostile, possessively wrapping his tail around his rider and puffing water from his nostrils. The older water dragon rolled his eyes at the act. He had seemingly calmed down. and Brontes had turned away from the duo since they had been a little ways from the group when heard a “watch this” from their direction. The other water dragon shot a blast of hot water straight at Micheal, and one of the younger boys, Hartley, only adding to the chaos of the situation, and all his rider could do was threaten him with a nickname? Disgust flooded through the dragon's features, as the other water dragon proceeded to drench Mircea with cold water as well. The first boy, however, seemed to have been burned or something of the sort as he released a yelp of pain that came from his direction. The water must have been boiling, while his second blast left the other two riders freezing. That was enough. Brontes let out a loud rumbling noise, similar to a growl in the direction of Ryu as he stepped in his direction, determined to put an end to this nonsense. He had intentions to blast him in an attempt to stop the situation when a familiar figure stepped onto the scene. Aeolus. He cracked an amused smile as he approached to ask for permission to do so, before heading over to Ryu and unleashing a steady stream of ice directed at the dragon. Brontes figured he should intervene, yes the water dragon should be dealt with, but the last thing they needed was his rider accidentally being harmed in the process. However, curiosity overcame him and he allowed his old friend to do his thing, followed by Micheal's fire dragon addressing him in a similar manner. He would have to go find Aeolus and catch up after the situation was dealt with, it pleased him to see the air dragon again. It was too late for apologies on Ryu’s behalf, though listening to their conversation his temper began to rise as Ryu ordered Deirdre to go back to her rider AND apologize for him. Something the water dragon should be doing himself. Luckily, Nico, had the light dragon help take control of the situation, and he raised a wing to cover his head as a blinding bright light was unleashed. Brontes quickly lowered his wing to catch Ryu’s rider as Nico tossed the kid to him. “Of course, I’ll keep an eye on him in case his dragon decides to try something.” The water dragon's tail wrapped around the young boy, tight enough to keep him in place, but not so that it would be terribly uncomfortable. He lifted the boy slightly off the ground so that the water dragon wouldn't be temped to try anything, should he do so, harm would come to his rider. With the bond already in place, the water dragon shouldn't want to put his rider in harm's way. Seeing Nico deal with Ryu he slowly lowered his rider to the ground, releasing his hold on him, though curling his tail in front of the boy so he couldn't try and run. The water dragon let a sly grin appear on his face at the mention of taking this boy on his first ride. Satisfied with the punishment dealt to the other water dragon, Brontes relaxed his facial expressions to one more calm, looking down at the rider around his tail. Edited at June 5, 2022 02:40 PM by Ciao

TW: Panic Attack Ryu||Male||150||Water Dragon||M: Nico, Theo, Brontes, Everyone Ryu had noticed the female fire dragon was leaving but then there was a flash of light. He wasn’t sure what it could have been until he saw the Light dragoness. He moved his tail covering his eyes due to the light. Ryu hadn’t noticed Nico took Theo once he did, he said through their bond “I'm sorry Theo I can’t help on this.” Ryu looked at Nico and kept eye contact though it didn’t last for long when he took out his sword. He had to suppress a growl many times when Nico had approached but this was hard and a soft rumble kind of like a growl came out. Ryu didn’t like the idea of being kept separate from his rider, but he didn’t really have a choice. He thought, Well now I know not to piss him off. Ryu watched Nico who had complete respect with him because of many reasons. Ryu hadn’t always been like a troublemaker, but he grew up with no family after the accident with hunters. He had just tried to survive but when the sword came up, he began to have flashbacks. Ryu was trying to keep calm but as Nico left, he remembered many things from when he was only 10 years old. He was living in the lake around the south part of the island with his family. Normally they would be in the valley, but his mom had laid eggs on the south side. He was swimming with his older siblings who were about 160 years old. Ryu had been told to hide and he did, but the hunters had followed him. He didn’t want anything to happen to his parents, but he had to keep running for the valley. Ryu had been shot with an arrow in his left leg which had left a scar when he healed. A hunter had caught up with Ryu though and slashed him with their sword on his chest where he also has a scar. Once he reached the valley someone saved him. Ryu had always kicked himself for not remembering who it was. The water dragons that came through the valley taught Ryu most of what he knows. As the flash backs ended Ryu began to have somewhat of a panic attack. Ryu being Ryu he curled up and began shaking from the memories. He thought I was hoping to forget the whole damn thing! He growled slightly and was also breathing really fast

⸻「 Rinecess 」⸻ Female || Rider || 18 Years || Mentions: Calemira, Vasuki, Everyone { ind. } Rin couldn't help but chuckle quietly inside. She didn't know if she found this dragon comedic, stupid, or simply envious. But whether she did or didn't.. this was something she simply couldn't avoid chuckling to. "If I may ask, are you and this dark dragon.. friends of some sort? I don't mean to intrude of course." She couldn't help but to be somewhat curious in what their relationship was. If they were old friends, new friends, lovers, exes... ooo~ drama was simply destined to brew between those two at some point, right? Especially with the two of them having riders.. which they other dragon either despised or disapproved of. But who knew.. if their bond would grow stronger with the future events or if they'd become more distanced? Ooo.. the outcomes.. there was far too many, but they all sounded oh' so juicy ! It didn't take long to notice that the dark dragon began to stare her down.. at eye level. It was much more horrifying then she planned it to be, and couldn't help but to stumble back an inch or two. Her gaze shifting back and forth between the earth and it's eyes. His eyes were so powerful.. so menacing- it shook her to her very core. But at the same time.. she had a slight urge to either chuck his nose, or to simply squish it. She decided it wasn't worth the risking losing half of her arm, so she didn't. Obviously. When it took notice to her lil Bird, she died laughing inside. She hid her feelings on the outside, but deep within her wrenched mind, she was laughing her ass off, and it felt as if she couldn't breathe. She half - smiled, hoping no one could peak at it. Until it whispered to her, sending her chills down her spine. "Next time I see that," it whispered, "I'll chomp that finger right off. No, no, I'll chomp it off, then spit it in your face." Oh really? "If you dare to threaten my lovely finger again, I'll make sure to smack that look right off you-" no. No. She stopped herself, wincing inside. It was probably best not to piss off this dragon, whether or not it would have pissed it off.. she didn't feel like risking her whole hand. Would she tell Mira? Ahah.. of course. "Is your friend usually this.. violent when it comes to humans? I don't see what I did wrong, but whatever I did, I am truly sorry. I'll do my best to correct myself in the future." As if. ~ She knew exactly what she did. Was it wrong? Some may take it the wrong way.. but in her defense, the dragon started it. "Riders!" A loud masculine voice boomed. His voice was like a blade to a lump of butter... slicing through every juicy conversation, cuttting it all right off, like it never existed. The silence grew loud, and it was somewhat peaceful. Shortly, Rin learned of her new Group Leader and his dragon. She lifted her hand up to her forehead, rubbing it. I simply just.. adore entitled authority. Rephrase: She ahores all authority. As he spoke on, speaking of the First Ride, no tack, no guidance. Nada. Well shit. Rin didn't know the first thing about riding horses tackless rather than a dragon.. she glanced at Calemira for a moment, sighing quietly to herself before looking back to the Group Leader. "Any questions before you begin?" Hm.. did she have any questions? Not real- no, no. She did. A lot. But asking questions immediately makes everyone around you think you are a complete moron.. does it not? She refused to become popular through stupidity. However... someone thought it was rather funny to be stupid- and.. so did their dragon? Really? Rin expected better of a dragon. From what she heard, all dragons had a sense of maturity and intelligence the first moment they stepped out from their shells. From this Water Dragon's actions~ it was clear he never made it past the stage of both intelligence and maturity. The fool doused a few riders in water, and just happened to soak a Earth Dragon in the progress, who seemed rightfully pissed. Thats when the Leader became involved, calling for Mira. She wished he didn't take Mira from their current group, as she was now alone with a nasty Dark Dragon and its rider. But maybe Mira would rush back.. right? It didn't take long for the leader to intervene verbally, and send dagger - like words into the Water Dragon, banning him from the first ride. Pity. She had slightly wished the leader impaled the dragon right through its cowardly flesh, but no matter. Maybe someone would do that eventually.. Rin glanced to the dark dragon, and blinked a few times before leaning against the rock, seeming to look patient.. "Come back. Come back. Come back. Please, please. This dragon looks as if it wants to devour me. Whole."

Michael Evans - Rider - 18 - Male - Mentions: Basically Everyone
With the dry towel wrapped around his shoulders, still shivering from the chill he was feeling from the state of being wet, Michael snuck a look up at Nicodemus. He did not look happy, it was subtle but noticable if one knew how much could be expressing within the furrowing of a brow or a twitch at the corners of a mouth, the slight narrowing of eyes or the gleam in them that more often than not lets an indicator of the mood of the person or animal leak out. His gaze slipped back to Deirdre, who had been coming back to where he stood. But before she could, a brilliant flash of light flashed; blinding in its intensity. His eyelids slammed shut as the light hit his eyes. Not fast enough, as the white splotches danced behind his closed eyes, the kind one gets when they look at something too bright.
He opened his eyes when he heard the man who was the human half of the leaders who had to deal with all of them speak. His voice was quiet, but had a deadly air to it, silky, that reminded him of the bearing that predatory animals most usually carried. With a glance to Brontes, he saw the boy who was the rider of the water dragon who had blasted him and several others with water, he was being lifted a bit off the ground by the other dragon's tail while Nicodemus went on with what seemed like a mingled threat and announcement, it felt like he was establishing dominance. And he was. At least it felt like that to Michael.
And he knew right off the bat that he was probably never going to trust the man. While he could respect how he ruthlessly shut down what felt like a oncoming riot, and established himself as the leader quickly, he definitely did not trust him. Now was not the time for his dislike of anyone in a position of authory over him to rise, yet he felt it at that moment. The man would not tolerate disrespect. His actions and words proved it. Whether he liked it or not, he would listen to Nicodemus' commands, and he knew that; he was more experienced as a Rider, and he was their leader. But he would not trust him unless something changed, and he sure as hell did not like or care for him. But nobody said that anyone had to like their leader, only had to obey and respect them. The anger returned, simmering low in his stomach; but he made sure not to give any indication of his feelings. Without realizing it, a low growl thrummed in the back of his throat, giving quiet voice to the fact that he did not like this. He never liked other people having power over him, and he knew that the power that leaders most often had could be abused. Nicodemus was already fed up with the lot of them, and if he made an example out of Michael, then he would most likely do or say something that he would come to regret. Lord, he also had to think of his dragon as well now.
His gaze switched to Deirdre, who had closed the rest of the distance to where he and Lira stood. As the monologue ended, with an invitation to voice any questions, his eyes flicked to Mircea as he stepped forward with a question. About the earth dragons and how that works into the First Ride. He did have a point. He did not miss the glance thrown his way, it spoke of disappointment, and he saw no anger in it; he wasn't sure whether he liked that or not. At least he was used to others being mad, even furious at him, and he was used to anger. Oh, was he used to it. Back when he was younger, it had permeated the air of his home. But disappointment? It felt worse. He was not used to others being disappointed in him; he did not have many friends, most didn't like that calculating edge to the seemingly ordinary nature; his parents, he could barely think of a time when he actually wanted to please them, that phase ended early in life. Despite the fact there was seemingly no anger directed to him, he would still keep away from Mircea, and his dragon as well.