
Persephone | Female | Sent away | M: Pack members I wait a few mintes to take in everything. Sent away? To find a... herb? With some wolves I don't even know? I lean over to sparrow "Am I hearing this right?" I ask him. Is the herb even real...? What could even cure blackcough? I don't know anything about herbs! Why would she send me? I freeze as a sudden thought hits me. What if... she's sending away those who disobey her and don't help the pack... no she wouldn't do that? Would she? I shook those thoughts away. Sparrow says she's amazing and nice. He wouldn't lie to me. "How long will I be gone...?" I can feel the anger fueling up inside me, but I try my best to ignore it. Keep it in. Keep it in! Sparrow is going to hate me if I yell at his mate again. KEEP IT IN. I take a few deep breathes. "I have to go..." I whisper and slink off into the shadows of the forest. I need some time to think. Me and Misty going with three other wolves from SILVER PACK that I don't even know... Who even is misty? Why would night choose US? We're nothing special. Sparrowhawk is way better at herbs. Why not him? I pause. Because he's her mate and she wouldn't want anything to happen to him. I think, bitterly. You're going to regret this decsion nighttingale. I sharpen my claws on a rock, and go back to sparrowhawk. "I guess this is goodbye" I say, averting his eyes.

Wander | F | Sent Away | Silver Pack | M: Miria, Skylark, Oriole - Wander shook her head. clearing her thoughts as she followed Oriole and Miria into Skylarks den. When she stepped in, all she could do was look at him in utter surprise and curiousity. "So, where is this herb that can save our packmates from blackcough?"

Sparrowhawk/M/Pack Member/Gold Pack "Yeah," he woofed quietly. "I'm-I'm gonna miss you. Come back soon, alright? Come back soon." He looked at his paws sadly, realizing that he was gonna miss Persephone. Would she ever be back? He whined. "Here. Look. I'll give you this..." he pulled a small brownish feather from behind his ear. "It's a Sparrowhawk's feather. I wear it all the time. Keep it, and remember me. Return it, okay? When you get back."

Skylark|Silver|Alpha|M:Everyone in Silver pack "Well I don't know where it is." I whine and stand up walking over to Wander and nuzzling her neck." I'm sorry I never wanted you guys to leave but we needed the most adventurous and brave wolves." I say before backing away and sitting down

-New character wanders in also known as mushroomprowl-

Wander | F | Sent Away | Silver Pack | M: Miria, Skylark, Oriole - Wander nuzzled Skylark lightly back as she listened. "When will we leave? It's near night." She sat and looked at Oriole and Miria. She knew that they were proud to be chosen. She was too, and she was excited to be out and about on a journey again.

Mirai/F/Sent Away/Silver Pack/M: Skylark, Oriole, Wander Mirai is a little surprised. Skylark himself doesn't know where the herb he was sending them to get is, which means that it's surely quite far from the territory, perhaps it will be very difficult to find, but she doesn't think much of it. The alpha knows what's best for the pack, right? Anyway, he said that the Gold Pack was going to send two wolves, maybe they have more information about it, which makes her wonder: Are they and the chosen wolves of the Gold Pack going to have to make team? Or are they going to look for the herb separately? She doesn't really care, the team she has now is great in her opinion. (Edit: I modified it a little but it wasn't a drastic change, I made sure it didn't affect the posts below) Edited at May 20, 2024 04:47 PM by Northwest Wind Pack

Nighingale/Alpha/Gold/ F - I adress the pack. "The two I am sending will stay here tonight and you will meet Silver by the river. Rest well." I walk into my den, sivering. Tears run down my face. "Sparrow" I whisper under my breath.

Sparrowhawk/M/Pack Member/Gold Pack He followed his mate, wondering why she was crying. The wolves had already left, so all he could do was go in with her. "What is it, love? Why are you crying?" He nuzzled her helplessly, wondering if she was okay. Unsure what to do, he placed a small white paw on her paw and asked again, "Why are you so sad, my love? You discovered a cure for black cough! Why aren't you happy? We will always be able to heal our wolves now, and always be able to help! No wolf will die of blackcough ever again!" He smiled at her comfortingly.

Nighingale/Alpha/Gold/ F - I sink down. I try to stop crying and manage to coke out a few words. "You can't tell anyone. You can't. The cure. It is just a legend." I know he will not tell. He's good like that. "Sparrow, the herb is fake. I wanted to tell you earlier, but the other would have over heard. I sent them away because the forest could not provide for them. They will have a better life away from here." I cry and I know it looks better than it feels. I sob and mutter, "It is fake, it's all fake." I lay down even lower and hide my face. Sparrow will be so disappointed in me. Edited at May 20, 2024 04:22 PM by Bobcat