
Tony ◇ Male ◇ He/him ◇ Adult Tony padded up to where Spire sat, gazing curiously at the small cat. He didn't have much experience with kittens considering they normally weren't roaming around the streets. This kitten, though, Tony thought as rather adorable. He'd affectionately nuzzle her forehead with his nose. "Yes, small one, where is your mother?" Tony asked the kit, sitting down beside Spire and tilting his head. "It's pretty dangerous for a young cat for you to be all alone, y'know. The world, especially this city, is full of many scary things that a kitten like you wouldn't be able to defend themself from."

Spire • Male • He/Him • Adult Spire looked up to gaze at Tony, his eyes catching Tony's light amber ones. Spire smiled to himself as he watched Tony interact with the little kitten. He pushed himself into a sitting position as he watched the kitten and awaited her reply.


[oh my gosh hes adorable ^^]

Okra/ F/ Kitten "I don't know where she is" Okra said "I decided to explore when she went out of the den, I never get to see anything." Okra complained " I'm stuck in the den all day with nothing to do."

Holly | F | Junior - Holly looked at the adorable little kitten. "Well, Okra, do you know which way you came from? Maybe we can go and look?" She was very tempted to nuzzle the kitten's soft, fluffy fur but finding her mother was more important right now. Holly thought of something. "Okra, if we go around the area, do you think you can remember your mother's scent? " - (Wolf pride, he looks so cute!)

Okra/ f/ Kitten Okra thought for a moment " I don't remember the way I came.." She paused for a moment tilting her head " I know her scent though!"

Spire • Male • He/Him • Adult "Perfect! Holly, will you come with me to help try and find Okra's mother?" Spire looked up to meet Holly's gaze. He wanted Okra to get home safe and get the chance to learn more about the kitten. But Holly also deserves the chance to go, I just want to make sure she's safe. He thought. Edited at January 1, 2024 12:36 PM by Essence of the Wolf

Holly | F | Junior - Holly nodded eagerly. "Of course I'll come!" She was excited for an adventure with her new friends. Holly investigated the base of the tree trunk. "I'm thinking that Okra might have come from over there," she said, pointing her tail to somewhere beyond the tree. "Or else we would have seen her, or even noticed her scent, if she'd come from that way." Holly pointed to where they had been talking with Ivory earlier. She looked back at Spire. "So where do you think we should go?"

Spire • Male • He/Him • Adult "You're right, the wind would have carried her scent to us if she had come from over there." He nodded in approval. "I say you lead the way, you clearly know where we should go. Okra, if you scent your mother or see your home let us know". Spire pushed himself to his paws, stretched and turned to Holly, awaiting her to lead them.