
Ryu||Male||Water dragon||150||M:Theo, Hartley, Micheal, Mircea, Roxanne, Valine Ryu looked at Theo and said with a smug expression "what this." Ryu stood up and turned facing Micheal before soaking him too. Ryu laid back down again whistling. He said "Do what is the story?" He didnt want anything to happen to Theo so he stood up putting theo in between his legs before sitting. ♧ Ryu saw that Micheal was drenched in hot water and he said "Oops sorry for the hot water." He looked down at Theo and said "don't move or you will have death not from me but other dragons." He looked around chuckling at a wet Hartley and Micheal. Once again Ryu turn his sight on Mircea and shot water drenching that kid too. This time making sure it was super cold. Well Mircea only got partly wet but two others got drenched as well. Edited at June 2, 2022 10:39 PM by Icewing

Theo Black // Male // 17 // Rider // Mentions: Ryu, Micheal . +Trying to but failing to hide his laughter once again a soft and sweet laugh slowly escapes from behind the male's hand, at once again the male dragon soaks someone else not too far from them, a male looked kinda close to his roommate, maybe a relative or something, but then when the dragon shots his roommate he shakes his head still slightly laughing when he talks+ . "You really should stop before we get in trouble, plus I can take care of myself...I think" . +He says slowly removing his hand from his mouth a large smile plastered on his lips, before he gasps as he is moved in between the dragon's legs, glaring up at the dragon he huffs trying to stand up opening his mouth to speak but closes it soon after trying to find the words to say, moving his light brown hair from his face+ . "If you do that again I swear ill make your nickname mean and not cute at all...that guy you just drenched is my roommate you know, I actually wanted to make friends with him Edited at June 2, 2022 10:43 PM by Free-Claw12

Aeolus | Air Dragon | 250 | Male | Mentions: Hartley, Brontes, Nicodemus, Ryu , Other Dragons (ind.) , Other Riders (ind.) The Air Dragon was quite excited to be with his Rider. He was learning so much about him, apparently he did have family here. He looked in the direction the little boy had pointed, and spotted a wild tangle of curls in a rather neat braided bund. Well it looks like curls runs in the family , Aeolus chuckled to himself at the thought. His spikes fanned a bit in surprise at the mention of an older cousin who was an established rider. Now that was interesting - no wonder Hart and Mircea were bonded with dragons and here. It was literally their calling, and that made his heart warm even more at the thought. His rider was here not by force, not unhappy but genuinely here because it was something he enjoyed. As he got to know his little curlytop even more - the more his adoration and love grew. Yeah, this little guy was definitely worth more than the stars in the skies and all the precious jewelry he could own. This little human was a treasure that no one could replace. He could hear the sounds of excitement rather than dread as he had put his rider safely on his back. His rider was just vibrating with positive energy and he could feel it vibrating and humming through their link as his rider sat on him when they walked. He wondered what he was thinking, he could practically see him thinking even if he wasn't looking, he then felt the small hands of his rider wash over him. The hands felt warm and gentle, ones that would cherish and love him rather than do him any harm. He hoped his scars didn't frighten his Rider. What amused him even more was watching the pure bliss on his face when he let him slide down his wing. Oh? So he liked that, he would have to let him do it more - maybe even make it their signature move. He watched in curiosity as the young boy began gathering his things and he looked as if he had a question and then he began speaking to him about the books, and Aeolus eyes lit up with joy. He definitely was keeping this little boy forever if he could. Why yes, I enjoy reading curlytop. It is a very relaxing and fun hobby to do- I particularly enjoy reading old legends of my home and the myths that humans have come up with. Especially what they think of us dragons. He gave a soft chuckle before listening to his human, as the guy showed him the books he lowered his neck to show that the boy had his undivided attention, I think science and astrology are wonderful topics. Especially when I get to see the stars every night in their full glory. I'll have to show you the stars one day. They're very beautiful. Not to mention it's very true what humans say of the signs of people. And he looked at full interest at the mystery book, Ooo, you like mysteries too? I would love to lend you some of mine. But wait, you probably couldn't read it considering it's in my native language and I'm rather versed in other dragon languages. Hmm, maybe you'll like it. The last part was more like a question to himself. He chucked at hearing his human mourn the loss of his muffins. Pity, they looked delicious and homemade as well. I'd definitely like some mo- he began but he was interrupted when his human began panicking on whether he could eat muffins or not. And the dragon had to suppress a laugh at his small antics. No worries kid, I can eat them. I would love some more. His attention was divided when a dragon and rider came flying in. Ah, so the bosses had arrived. He drew his human closer a bit just in case others started getting rowdy. He listened closely and quietly as the young man before them talked about the first ride. So he was the older cousin, he looked rather awesome in his opinion and so did his dragon. He watched in pride as his rider boldly strode forth and asked a question and came back. It seems other riders had questions as well, but they would have to wait. In a split second all hell broke loose. Harley's cousin was hiding behind his dragon who was being protective (as she should) over the boy, a water dragon had been rude to the Leaders, a girl refused to ride her dragon and then proceeded to go to Mircea's aid. Gods, so much was happening and in such little time. He didn't need to lose Hartley in all of this. Curlytop, stay by me- he was interrupted when he felt the splash of cold water. What the hell? He slowly looked down to see his rider drenched in cold water. Oh no. Oh no. Oh, H E L L NO. His head slowly turned to see the smug expression on the face of the same rude water dragon from earlier. He then watched as the creature foolishly sprayed water at a boy who looked like he was having the worst day of his life and then attempt to spray Mircea who was thankfully hidden by his dragon with his friend. Had this creature lost its mind? Had all of them lost their mind. He looked down softly at Hart and nuzzled him, You okay kid? Let me take care of this little one. He then gently picked Hart up - he was careful not to drop his items or the young boy. He was taking him to his friends - where the Earth Dragon was. He rather gently sent him down near Roxanne and Mircea. He looked at the Earth Dragon saying, "Excuse me, can you please watch my rider for a moment, I need to deal with someone." And he peeped to Roxanne saying, "I see you have a fire dragon, could you please get Hart some warmth. I don't need him getting sick." He then took a deep breath before walking over to Brontes and Nicodemus saying, "Excuse me sirs, I would like to say I take full responsibility for my actions and any repercussions they may bring - however, I feel my feelings are justified and I will not apologize for what it to come to a certain dragon. Also, please do not place the blame on my Rider what what I am about to say and do." He gave a bow of respect. His jewelry probably making a small tinkling noise as he did so. He then began making his way over to the water dragon that was the source of his rage, his fury. He was about to make this dragon pay hell for what he just did. "You foolish, insolent. dense, jellyfish for brains imbecile." He hissed out rather calmly - it was a deadly calm like one before a shift of wind comes in before a hurricane, " how dare you. You disrespect your superior by not paying attention and then you make a fool of yourself with your disgraceful, amateurish games of spraying water on other dragon's Riders!" He opened his maw and released a breath, a cool steady stream of his ice breath. It was centered perfectly on the dragon - not the rider. He wasn't bringing the water dragons rider into this mess. His dragon was the problem. He didn't care if he was exhausted after this, even if it wasn't that much used. He was about to make a point to this dragon, skies so help him. "How does that feel." He hissed with malice as he took a step closer. His figure predatory, and his gaze furious - one could see the whisps of icy smoke coming from his nostrils, " surely, it feels horrible, uncomfortable. It's sending a chill up your spine and causing shivers to rack through your body. Doesn't it suck to feel that uncomfortable?" He paused for a minute to let it sink in, "Imagine that type of power being used on a human. Don't you think it's much worse? I didn't see you attempting to regulate your water temperature - no you didn't even thing before dousing my human with your frigid water!" His voice was picking up in rage now - the protectiveness really shining through, he was an older brother so he knew very well how to act like one. "You had the motherfucking audacity to pull such a move." He put emphasis on his swearing to show how angry he was, " not only did you do it to my rider but another rider - who has a fire dragon. Did you not think that said dragon would not like you dousing her rider with hot water - you could've boiled her rider with your carelessness! Not to mention he's already having a bad day and you just made it even worse - what type of creature are that you would take advantage of someone's weakness. Not to mention you should be lucky that the Earth Dragon isn't spewing acid at you for attempting to drench her Rider and getting her wet." " I would like to kindly say - no, disrespectfuly say: STOP DOUSING OTHERS WITH WATER OR SO HELP ME I WILL IMPALE YOU." He shouted that last part with full force in his face and stepped back, "you have made a complete and utter fool of yourself in front of your superior who is a Water Dragon. Imagine how he must feel about you now. Also, would you mind shutting the fuck up, some of us here are excited for the First Ride and actually want to hear the Squadron Leader and His Dragon speak. " he scoffed before giving him an up and down look, "Pathetic." He said hissing a final insult. "Good talk bud. Hope you take my words to heart. Because I do as I say - and another thing, keep your immature ass clear from my Rider, Mircea, and Micheal. They have dealt with you enough already, and if you so much as breath near them or get a single drop of water on them and I hear about it - I will freeze your balls, asshat." He gave a grinning smile before elegantly walking over to Valine and sitting next to her with an angelic expression on his face. Edited at June 3, 2022 07:54 AM by Spellbound

Ryu||Male||Water dragon||150||M: EVERYONE ×××× Ryu was now utterly passed. He moved shooting scalding hot water at Aeolus and said "Bastard!" He glared at Aelous and then picked Theo up slinging him onto his back. Not recklessly though but keeping him there was good. Ryu said "Theo don't you move or so help me." He was unnaturally calm at the moment and shot another blast of scalding water at Aelous. After that Ryu ran over to a rock standing on it frills standing straight up. Ryu said "Say that again you damn air dragon!" Ryu was practically about to ponuce on the dragon main reason why he distanced himself. Ryu snarled at the air dragon not at all happy. He looked at Everyone before saying "Air dragon your a damm coward if you gonna threaten me actually do it!" Ryu was upset to say the least to say the most rageful. Ryu said "Oh I hope that funding hurt you dumbass air dragon!" Ryu shot a glare at Aelous amd then at Micheal who had tried to appooarch his rider. Ryu wasn't gonna let any of this go not one bit. He thought I will make this damn air dragon pay. Ryu had a terribly evil look on his face at the moment. Not going to deal with any of this any more he ran towards the hill and sat on top of it right outside the fallen giving Aelous the death glare. He stood there watching every movement toward everyone at all times. Edited at June 3, 2022 12:35 AM by Icewing

Michael Evans - Rider - 18 - Male - Mentions: Theo, Ryu, Roxanne, Hartly, Aeolus, Valine
Oh shit.
The thought flashed through the young man's mind as he noticed the taller young woman approaching him with a purposeful stride. A sort of dread mixed with fear rose out of the tumult of emotions, and he suddenly had the urge to take a step back. But he forced it back down, determined to keep his ground. His line of sight was kept level, head held up, hands behind his back, trying desperately not to show what he was feeling. Although he had to tilt his head up slightly to meet her dark eyes, a sneer gracing her expression and malice in her gaze. During those few seconds, he felt like shrinking away from her, nervousness growing within him. During the interaction, he did not speak a word, nor did retaliate; merely watched her from eyes that were now blurry from the tears. After what felt like an eternity to him, Roxanne hissed at him to get out of Mircea's sight, and then released him a shove. He stumbled, and felt some of the building tension release from his body after it became apparent that she would do no more to him at the moment.
He deserved that.
He deserved more than that.
Closing his eyes, he made an attempt to calm down. To try and stop the tears leaking from his eyes, at least he hadn't burst into tears. The most was a shuddered breath escaping him with slowly increasing frequency. To try and subdue the storm of emotions, building and trying to dominate his self-control. God, he felt terrible. And for good reason.
However this was interrupted.
The sensation of something hitting him registered first.
Then the shocking heat and pain came barely a second after. A sharp yelp of mingled startlement and pain tore from his throat. His body jerking in a primal response to try and move away from the direction of the sudden pain. The heat of his made his breathing deepen and quicken in pants, in an attempt to cool off his body.
Head snapping in the direction of the dousing blast, his gaze setting upon a water dragon and who was most likely the human companion. Fiery anger, hot and sudden, ignited in his chest. His self-control had been tenuous beforehand, trying to keep himself from bursting out into tears, and that blast was the last straw for him. He turned sharply towards the pair, taking a few steps towards them, careful not to get too close even in his fury.
"What the absolute hell was that?" He nearly snarled, the words being uttered almost without his will, anger and high emotions loosening his tongue, unsure whether his words were directed to the dragon or rider or both. His gray eyes were sparking with anger, seemingly darkening them to a shade more befitting of a storm cloud heavy with moisture; still watery eyes narrowed into a fierce glare. Lips curled back, exposing the dull set of teeth humans have, yet the sharper canines were on display also. The sudden anger coursing through his system like molten fire. He'd always had a bit of a temper on him. The small part of him that remained rational knew that this was a bad move, acting like this to a dragon and its human, especially if the dragon thought he was acting aggressive to the human partner. But he couldn't bring himself to care at the very moment.
He wasn't even aware of the air dragon until it stalked up to the water dragon.
The opening words were lost to him, but he definitely heard everything else that was being said in an increased volume. Wondering what prompted the dragon to confront the other in the first place, he glanced over to the direction he had come in; a drenched Hartley met his sight, and he suddenly knew why. Turning his gaze back to the confrontation, he was honestly astonished; not only had the air dragon addressed the fact that he was not happy with the other's actions by dousing Hartley, but he had also included himself and Mircea in that. The three that the water dragon had drenched. Well, the last name on that short list was safer by being under his dragon, but the earth dragon was probably not pleased with getting wet. He didn't even know what to think of the whole thing. Then after the outburst, which was more like a scolding, the air dragon went off to sit next to the earth dragon.
The distraction served to calm him down, his anger decreased and his temper less volatile, he felt a bit better. Not too much though, with the anger burning a low flame, the previous emotions that had been shoved aside from the burst of fury now returned. Stepping back toward his dragon, his back to her, a shuddering breath escaped before he could regulate it. Damn it, now he was back to being upset again. The anger flickered slightly, this time directed at himself. Edited at June 3, 2022 12:35 AM by the Wayne pack

Kavik Forger || Rider || M: Cern, Others "Oh, uh, I actually really like potatoes. You can boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew,... They're versatile. And I like cooking," he said in response to his dragon's offer. Perhaps gift giving was less common than it currently appeared to be. He slightly relaxed at that thought, but as Cern offered him a tooth, Kavik had to double check to make sure that it was not a prank and that it would not hurt his new companion. "It doesn't hurt... at all?" He sensed that it would not cause much discomfort and, afraid to offend Cernunnos Capakan, Kavik firmly grabbed a hold of one of his fangs, set his jaw, steeled himself, and pulled. A small crack announced the release of the tooth, which took up much of Kavik's palm. Under his breath, the young man muttered, "Remind me to never ever get on your bad side." His gaze was drawn to the man and his water dragon demanding everyone's undivided attention. Kavik listened, brows furrowed as he wondered how exactly a rider would... fly... on an earth dragon. Turning to Cern, he checked, "So... Do we just... burrow?" The sounds of water smashing into rocks, yelps, yelling, and then violent, threatening snarls from dragons snatched his attention away once again. Kavik's eyes landed on one of the larger groups, or just a combination of dragons and riders that were near enough to each other for him to dub them a group. The water dragon of the man in charge had fired a warning shot. That much, he could tell. Now, a tall girl was storming away from a boy who looked attacked towards another who was obviously upset. The dragons got involved. An outside water dragon began beaming people down with sprays of water, further riling up the pairs -- an air dragon was obviously livid -- squabbles between the dragons and the people were escalating in volume -- "They're going to kill each other." It was a plain observation. There was no worry or excitement behind his voice; it was said as a statement. Kavik crossed his arms and grimaced, shaking his head. This is why I stay far away from my own kind.

Lira Wild-heart||Female||Rider||16||M:Terra, Aelous,Hartley, Micrea,Ryu,Theo, Micheal Lira had been walking over to her sister when she dodge a blast of water directed at the air dragon next to a Earth and fire dragon. She sighed and said "Great more drama!" She walked over to the group and up to Hartley. She had brought a spare towel incase it was need. She walked up to him throwing the towel over Hartley. Lira said "What happened?" She wasn't asking anyone in particular. Lira hated it when someone got sick or anything she had a second towel. She walked over to Micheal and said "Here is a towel." She extended it out with a hand. She pondered on what had happened and not knowing. She sighed and said "Ask your dragon to warm you up too since it is a fire dragon. Lira turned her gaze towards the water dragon who had caused the whole mess. She looked as it threw a boy onto its back. She sighed turning her attention back to Micheal and said "I'm Lira and the girl over there is my sister Terra." She gazed at the boy for a moment as she still held the towel out. Edited at June 3, 2022 12:55 AM by Icewing

Deirdre || Fire Dragon || M: Pretty Much Everyone The female grimaced slightly as her rider began prodding at his friend, though she made no move to stop him, as she had no clue what was going on. Was this a ritual of some kind in the human world? Was it normal? It didn't strike her as such, but she would rather not interfere with... whatever that was. Unfortunately for Michael, it appeared to be something that was not welcome. Mircea turned on the boy and let loose -- something Michael probably deserved -- and Brontes' warning shot seemed to calm things down for a moment. Roxanne entered, then, and began unleashing the female fury Deirdre knew too well, though the dragon did release a small warning growl at the girl when she grabbed at Michael. "You did probably deserve that, but don't let it get to you," she offered, though it seemed that her bond words got lost in the emotional damage radiating off of the young boy. How was a dragon supposed to comfort their rider? Did she just pat him awkwardly? Was she supposed to fight them all? Eat someone? No, none of those felt right. Instead, Deirdre gave him a gentle nudge in an attempt to calm his feelings. The situation was escalating quickly, and the fire dragon had no intentions of being a part of the outside curfuffles. That was, until Michael was hit by a blast of water that was steamier than a hot spring. It would have been fine, had it not been for Michael's exclamation of pain. She would have just sent a very irritated glance at the water dragon responsible and comforted her rider and left it at that. But no. He'd been scalded. An overwhelming burst of furious motherly instinct welled up and erupted from her in a matter of seconds. Her eyes gleamed with a "Thou Shalt Intervene Before I Killeth Someone" sort of look as she bored holes into both Nichodemus and Brontes. To save herself and her rider from reprimands, Deirdre took a breath and decided on her plan of action. Step One: comfort Michael. As an air dragon ripped into Ryu, and after Michael had finished his outburst and turned his back to her once again, Deirdre curled herself around him and began searching for any signs of burns. Her thoughts invaded his with words filled with protective malice: "Are you alright?" which was followed by "I am going to kill him." And she very well meant it, too. Just... maybe not in the literal sense. Yet. Deirdre snorted smoke out of her nostrils in an attempt to help the now-drenched Michael dry off a little quicker. Her body was warm, yes, but it was not quite hot enough to speed up the drying process much faster than he would dry anyways. A deep, rumbling sort of purr vibrated her chest as she closed her eyes and gently squeezed herself around her rider. Her father had always done the same to her when she was upset; it had helped -- why, or what the logistics were behind it, she could not say. As a girl approached with a towel, Deirdre stood and let her handle Michael's wet situation. A towel would do more good than she, right now. Step Two: unleash Hell. Hell emptied, and all the demons fused with Deirdre. She would not throw fire at the water dragon; not only would it do little to harm him at the moment, since she was hungry, it would also potentially harm his human, who, as far as she was aware, had nothing to do with it. So, with all the regal and dangerous composure of a fourteen-foot-tall flying beast, Deirdre unwound herself from Michael's quaking frame and made her way towards Ryu with steady, deliberate steps. She knew full well that Brontes and Nichodemus would get involved, and so she decided to destroy this dragon tactfully: rather than getting herself in trouble for retaliating, she would simply speak. Her mother's words resonated in her mind: If you cannot scar them for life with tasteful words, you are not using your words right. Deirdre stopped a few feet away from the fuming water dragon, looking down at him with barely bridled rage. Her face contained her emotions in a calm, collected way, but her eyes gave away the trembling fury that lay just beneath the surface. "Excuse me," she began, "but why did you see fit to scald my rider? Did you think it was your place to do so? Did you feel like your boy was in danger? Did it not cross your mind that there is a fully-fledged water dragon who happens to be in charge here, staring you down?" She leered down at the slightly smaller dragon, eyes narrowing. "It doesn't matter to me that you already apologized for hot water. You shouldn't have gotten involved in the first place. You will not get involved with my rider, ever again, unless it is for training or serious matters. Your life had better depend on it -- because when you approach him, when you think about pulling something like that again, your life will be in danger." Her golden eyes were fastened on Ryu's, though one ear was in the direction of Michael, Brontes, and Nich, while the other was back towards the air dragon. If the latter decided to retaliate again, she would get out of the way. If not, though, she would remain standing -- hovering -- between this water dragon and her baby boy until the adults arrived to handle it.

Ryu||Male||Water dragon||150||M: EVERYONE ×××× Ryu looked at the fire dragon approaching him. He honestly wasn't going anywhere at this point. He walked up to meet her face to face and said "I did not mean to scald your rider I only meant for it to be warm enough not to make it freezing like my blast at the other kid." He turned and then said "Honestly I didn't think it would cause this much damage. I have no issues with you since you have done anything to me unlike the air dragon." Ryu then said "I understand please go back to your rider and comfort him i think he needs you the most not some stranger." Ryu laid down carefully knowing that Theo was on his back. He scanned the coward which he noticed many were breaking up to see what had happened. Ryu said one last thing as he was facing the female laying down "Please tell your rider I truly im sorry for scalding him and I know what punishment awaits so please go back to the kid."

Michael Evans - Rider - 18 - Male - Mentions: Everyone involved
"Are you alright?"
"I am going to kill him."
Deirdre's voice came through over the bond, breaking Michael out of the rapidly spiraling thoughts and emotions. Her voice carried malice within, although there was another element to it that he could not place. There was a little flicker of startled surprise upon finding that the large fire dragon had curled herself around him yet again, and seemed to be checking to see if he was alright. Now that it had been a few moments after the blast of scalding hot water he had been given, he noted that his skin felt more tender, sensitive all over. And he was cold, his body had already started to shiver. If he was surprised by that, he was even more so when she began exhaling smoke out of her nostrils, making breathing a bit harder to do without coughing.
Then a deep rumbling sound came from her chest, what was that? It didn't sound like a growl, or a simple rumble. It took a few seconds for it to occur to him. Purring. She was purring. Then the great dragon was squeezing herself around him gently. He found himself relaxing, the warmth of her body and the deep rumbling serving to warm and comfort him.
Once Deirdre stood up, Michael noticed a girl approaching with a towel. Oh, yeah, he was still wet. As his dragon moved toward the water dragon with a bearing that was both regal and dangerous, he turned more toward the girl. Same height, long red hair, somewhat brownish skin color, emerald green eyes. He knew he had not seen her before. Silently reaching out a shaking hand, he took the towel from the girl- he should start using peoples' names shouldn't he? From Lira.
"Thanks, name's Michael." He said laconically, his tone not rude nor welcoming, neutral, but laced with a tinge of gratitude, hopefully she'd pick up on that tone.
He turned his attention after that to Deirdre, who seemed to be having a...talk, with the water dragon. She seemed to remain standing there, as if blocking the other dragon from him. Protective. The blue dragon seemed to be replying to her, although he could not make out what was being said, then the other dragon laid down. At least it wasn't going to be a fight. Maybe. He didn't know for sure.