
Spire • Male • He/Him • Adult "HOLLY!" He screeched and pinned his ears. Spire runs under Holly and the kitten, readying himself to catch them if they fall. "Please be careful! Im here to catch you if you need me!" Edited at December 30, 2023 04:10 PM by Essence of the Wolf

Tony ◇ Male ◇ He/Him ◇ Adult Tony had watched as Holly and Spire sped off to investigate a kitten in a nearby tree. He turned to Ivory and Rock, feeling a bit awkward being left behind. "Well Ivory, it seems like we have a bit of a situation going on, so I'll leave you here with Rock. Just talk to eachother, maybe get to know eachother a bit!" He said, dashing in the direction the two felines had gone. Within a minute, he stood beside Spire, watching anxiously as Holly navigated a tree with the kitten in her mouth. Tony turned to Spire, his warm amber eyes in a worried gaze. "Is everything okay?"

Spire • Male • He/Him • Adult "I hope so..." Spire hissed through his teeth, keeping his eyes on the two cats above. "The branch Holly's on is too frail to support their weight, it just cracked a little. I warned her, and she did her best, but I just- I don't need anyone falling" Spire growled, more at himself for rambling then anyone else.

Rock l Male l He/Him l Adult . Rock still eyed the she-cat warily. One eye on Spire. Sure being resonable was okay, but one day he and the rest of the cats wont be able to talk it out, and they'll have to fight. He sighed and still watcjed the cat, as the others wandered away. He could hear the kitten, but he knew his friends could handke it, it suprised him how close and comfortable he felt with Tony and Spire, and he hoped Holly too, in the days they'd known each other. Maybe this cat could join too? He stood there still threatened, but the fur on his back settled a little. He awaited the she-cat's explanation for being here, continuing to eye her suspiciously. Edited at December 30, 2023 07:31 PM by Wolf Pride
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Spire • Male • He/Him • Adult As Holly continued to make her way across the branch with the kitten, Spire turned to face Tony. "Does that new cat creep you out at all? I mean she looks like a house cat, but she's huge! I guess it could be her breed, but I feel like she'd be a great addition to our group. Not just for her size, of course, but that definitely helps." Spire eyed the she from afar, thinking to himself.

Holly | F | Junior - Holly carefully made her way down the tree and set Okra onto the ground. "Hey guys. Told you everything is gonna be okay!" Holly turned to Spire and the others. "So, is Ivory joining us?" She glanced at the big she-cat. "She could be a good addition to the group. And, hey, did you find the kitten's mother? She shouldn't be too far, right?" She crouched down so she was eye level with Okra. "Do you remember where your den is?"

Spire • Male • He/Him • Adult "Good work Holly! That was amazing" Spire purred, feeling proud of Holly. "I'm not sure what Ivory has decided, she's still speaking with Rock. While they talk, I'd like to focus on finding this kitten's mother..." Spire raises his nose to the sky, taking a deep breath as he searched for any scents. "I can't smell anything, can you?" Spire turns to face Holly and sits down. "Hey little one, what's your name?" he crouches down to the kittens level with a small smile.

Holly | F | Junior - Holly raised her muzzle, trying to find any scents similar to Okra's. "No, I don't think her mother is anywhere near. She must have gotten lost." Holly couldn't help but smile about how gentle Spire was. The older tom didn't seem like that, considering how aggressive he had been a few minutes earlier. She looked back and walked up to Rock, wondering how it was going.

Okra/ F/ Kitten Okra stared at the other cat with big eyes. "Hi." She said quietly " I'm Okra!" (sorry it's so short it's all I could think to post)

Spire • Male • He/Him • Adult "Hello Okra! It's wonderful to meet you. My name is Spire, the cat that saved you is named Holly and the three other cats over there are Ivory, Tony, and Rock. How did you get here? Did you wander away from your mother or is she here with you?" Spire tucks his paws under his torso, his soft gaze resting on the small kitten.