
Sparrowhawk/M/Pack Member/Gold Pack He gasped. A herb... that could cure Blackcough? That would be life changing! So many wolves would live, when before Blackcough had taken them, and it would be amazing! It would be terrible to have wolves leave, but at least then there would be plenty of prey to go around. "What herb is this? And who will lead the patrol?" He hoped that he could lead. He wanted to be a hero who had brought this herb back.

Skylark|Silver|Alpha|M:Everyone in Silver pack I yawn and walk back to the dens sitting on a rock and calling amegting with a howl. "As you all know, we do not have much prey. And there is a sickness going around. Please, don't be puppet with me or anything. But I need a few of you to leave. I know it will be hard to leave your loved ones especially for me. But I think I can trust a few of you. I need you to find an herb. One that can cure blackcough."

Oriole/M/Sent Away/Silver Pack/M: Wander, Skylark, Open He spun around, completely shocked. So shocked, in fact, that he completely lost his smirk. A cure for black cough, the sickness that had taken his father? That would be so valuable for the pack! And so wonderful just for everyone! He wagged his tail, panting. Would he be picked to go on this quest? He didn't want to leave his mother and sister, but if he could fetch this herb... well, how long would it take? "Skylark. Who is going?"

Luna growled suspiciously. "How do we know this herb can cure Blackcough? Has it ever been tested?" They looked around the crowd, daring to challenge. "Is it worth it to risk a wolf's lives?" She should probably stop talking. She realized. The whole crowd was regarding her, some in horror, some in doubt. Sandstorm was shaking his head disappointed. Luna shouldn't back down. She would never back down! And yet.... for her own survival. She growled and averted.

Nighingale/Gold/Alpha/ F - "No, it has not been tested. It is and legend my grandmother told me and her grandmother told her. I have been a fool to not send wolves out before this day. I am sending three wolves. Silver pack is sending two wolves." I say. I run through the pack one more time. I desperately need to send wolves away, but this is actively breaking my heart. (Let me just go see who signed up to go.) Edited at May 19, 2024 06:20 PM by Bobcat

Misty/F/Sent away/Gold Pack/M: Open Misty padded out of the woods. She had spent the night out there because her and Nighingale had fought the day before. She had brought back a rabbit and some birds as a peace offering. She walked into the camp to see they were having a pack meeting.
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Edited at May 19, 2024 06:36 PM by Graywing
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Skylark|Silver|Alpha|M:Everyone in Silver pack "I'll be sending three wolves and I believe Gold pack will be sending two. I'll be sending Wander, Oriole, and Mirai. Say your goodbyes before you go. The three of you come see me as soon as possible." I whine and get off the rock walking to my den to see if any of the wolves I called would follow but at the moment it didn't matter to me I was to sad to do anything

Nighingale/Gold/Alpha/ F - "If there was any other cure, I would find it. I am sending Misty and Persephone. Please say your good byes and meet me in my den." I turn so they can not see the tears in my eyes.

During the day in the clearing (I know it's supposed to be night but I wouldn't want to leave Mirai and Wander's dialogue halfway) Mirai/F/Sent Away/Silver Pack/M: Wander "Mmmm... No, I haven't noticed, but you still know that I've had very little interaction with the alpha lately because of what happened with the moose" answers the brown wolf, a little embarrased while remembering the event. Some time ago, Mirai accidentally attracted an angry moose to her pack's camp, needless to say, it resulted in a disaster. Luckily, the Alpha and other members of the pack were able to take down the moose before the damage was done. Skylark scolded her for that and since then Mirai has not wanted to collaborate in the hunts or territorial patrols, which was not to the liking of the pack either. At night: After spending a long time watching the birds and playing a little, they both return to camp just before the meeting that the alpha was going to give. Upon arriving they run into Kayla, who is not very happy with Mirai, since she was supposed to return earlier, but seeing that she is fine Keyla decides to let it go this time. They go where the meeting was about to take place. Edited at May 19, 2024 07:09 PM by Northwest Wind Pack