
Holly | F | Junior - Holly relaxed and sat down. "I'm Holly!" she said eagerly. Clearly, Tony had it all under control. She had faith in the older tom cat. Holly felt surprised by how much she trusted Spire, Tony and Rock even though she had only known them since yesterday night. "No offence and all but I really need another girl to talk to. I don't think I'll survive being the only she-cat around here!" she mewed teasingly. Still, a small part of her did want Ivory to join their small group of united strays. Holly's eyes brightened at the thought of having a new friend, she'd already gotten used to being with other cats.

Okra/ F/ Kitten Okra wandered towards the construction site. Her eyes where wide open as she took in all the new things. Boxes, human dens, other things she didn't know the names of! She had only glimpsed these things when Dapple decided it was time to move dens. Everything was so exciting! As she passed by a tall barrier of sticks ( a fence?) a high pitched yapping sound came and Okra's fur puffed up. She hurried away from the creature that made the sound. Soon after many twists and turns she wanted to head back to the den. Okra had never walked so far before. She couldn't remember what way the den was though.
She looked around. Maybe she could climb something to see better? Okra's little claw's unsheathed and she started climbing a nearby tree. She hopped up to a branch to look around.

Spire • Male • He/Him • Adult "Holly's right, being stuck with boys is probably annoying" he chuckled. His gaze rested on Holly as she introduced herself. Maybe this cat will be a good addition to our- hey, wait a minute- is that kitten? Spire rose to his paws, squinting his eyes in an attempt to see the little figure climbing up a tree. "Is that a kitten? Or maybe I'm just blind..." Spire pushed past the new she-cat, trotting up to the base of the tree. Now that he had confirmed it was a kitten, he called up to it. "Little one, what are you doing up there?" Edited at December 30, 2023 03:16 PM by Essence of the Wolf

Holly | F | Junior - Holly frowned at what Spire said. "A kitten?" She followed his gaze to a nearby tree, where a small kitten was clinging to a tree branch. "Do you need help?" Holly called up, staring at the tiny kitten, ready to jump into action if she fell. Seeing the little cat reminded her of when she had been a young kit like that, not that it had been long ago. Holly was probably only a few months older than the kitten? Ha, that kitten is pretty daring to go up a tree. I bet her mother - Holly looked around in confusion. Where was her mother? It seemed she had wondered away from home, hopefully not too far.

Okra/ F/ Kitten "uh, Hi" Okra called down. " I'm lost. And um, I think I'm stuck." When she had climbed the tree is was easy enough she could she were to put her paws. When she tried to climb down after a few steps she almost fell and had climbed back up again. She hadn't realized she was this close to a group of cats.

Holly | F | Junior - "It's okay! I've got this. I used to climb trees all the time!" Holly gripped the tree bark, her back paws scratching the trunk, as she pulled herself up onto the lowest branch. By the time she reached the little kitten, she was panting a bit. It was pretty high up. "Come here." Holly crouched low to the branch, waiting for the kitten to reach her. Slowly creeping forward, Holly asked, "What's your name?"

Spire • Male • He/Him • Adult Spire watched the two cats from the ground, anxiously tapping his paws. "Be careful you two, we don't need anyone falling" I wonder where this kittens mother is, I don't think a mother would let her kitten wander so far unattended. So she must be nearby, or this kitten wandered off.... Spire grew more anxious as Holly creeped toward the kitten. "Make sure the branch is stable before stepping too far out! Tell me if you need help"

Okra/ F/ kitten Okra took a small, hesitant step towards the other cat. " I'm Okra" She said. She took another step forward with two cats on it the branch trembled and Okra gave a small whisper quite squeak.

Spire • Male • He/Him • Adult "Careful! The branch can't support too much weight" Spire flicked his tail anxiously, watching the little kitten climbing towards Holly. "Don't worry, if you fall I will catch you!" he called up in an attempt to calm both the kitten and Holly. Edited at December 30, 2023 04:05 PM by Essence of the Wolf

Holly | F | Junior - Holly looked back down at Spire. "Don't worry. I used to do this kind of stuff all the time before..." Holly paused. "The point is, I know what I'm doing!" Holly may have been young but she didn't want to be treated like a kit all the time. Holly turned back to the kitten. Deep breath...One step at a time...Left...Right... Holly inches closer and closer to the kitten. "Don't move," she whispered. Carefully, she picked up the kitten by her scruff and slowly made her way back towards the tree trunk. As Holly was about to get ready to climb down, she heard a crack! from beneath her paws. Oh no. Holly jumped to the nearest branch, barely holding on with her front paws. She struggled to get on top. Holly stopped and then used her back legs to scrabble onto the branch. "I'm fine! So is Okra! I'll be down in...a bit?" She said, sounding a little uncertain. Edited at December 30, 2023 04:12 PM by Moonlight wolf