
Crystal - F - Fox - M: I've lost track - I turn back. "Osna, you were supposed to follow me. I was giving up my life for Wander's. Your no fun." I complain.

Osna | 4y/F | Omega(Healer) | M: Pack(ind), SparrowHawk, Crystal, Wanderer, Daisy ... Osna shifted uncomfortable with the amount of dogs looking at her, "SparrowHawk seemed to have something important bothering him, I came to help....packmates are supposed to help each other..right?" Her hesitant gaze shifted from Daisy to the others. "I won't tell Mara, but you shouldn't lie to her either. She just wants to make sure everyone is safe and taken care of, I'm sure she'd understand the situation" Osna voiced softly, her head lowered as a sign of submission.

Wander/F/Loner/M: Onsa, Crystal, Sparrowhawk Wander shivered as the wind ruffled her fur. "Well? What's the plan? we can't exactly trot into your camp like we're the alphas or something." She stood up straight and gazed at Sparrowhawk, unsure what to do.