
Hondo l 3 l Male l Hunter l M: Hunting Patrol (Pistol, Jiro etc) . (Hondo was just silently tagging along) Hondo followed the patrol, Pistol at the lead, but tagged along towards the back of the group. An uneasy feeling was churning in his gut, like something weird was going to happen. Towards sunhigh, still following the group, weird things started happening. The prey seemed to disappear and the forest became quiet. He looked around cocking his ears trying to locate prey. Even the birds stopped singing. He was about to go up to Pistol whenba crack if lightning crossed the sky. The whole Patrol stoped and looked up into the sky, to see a violet streak cross the sky, turning gold at the end before disappearing. A weird feeling coursed through Hondo's body. His pelt became uncomfortable, like something was tightening around him. He turned his head to see vines curling around him where his brindle was, tightening but not hurting him. A soft green halo glowed around his body. A puddle was on the ground nearby, and hus eyes glowed radish orange, and looked like fire. He was about to say something to his packmates when he realized they looked different to. A shock of fear rolled through his body, and his fur stood on end. Then a burning sensation went through his body, he looked down and around himself, his while body coursed with flames. He let out a painful yelp and fell to the ground. As he hit the ground hard, the flames went out, leaving Hondo's pelt scorched, with patches of skin gone, and him breathing heavy. Yet the vines and green halo remained. He let out another groan of pain before losing conciousness.
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Feather || Female || 6y || Queen || M: Night(ind), Kaido & Aspen(dir) ... A soft chuckle escaped her at Kaido's rather brief comment before he padded back to the dens, shaking her head as she moved to grab something for herself. However a crack of thunder causes her to jump, fur standing on end as her gaze shoots to the sky. Hesitated at the violet flash waving overhead, then just as it appeared it's gone with a gold streak. Her ears pin back at she fells her coat tingling, something's changed. It feels similar to last time, but also distinctly different. . Glancing down at her paws she freezes at the faint pink hue to her coat, spinning awkwardly in place as she looks herself over. Her pelt seems to have changes a little, Feather finds herself unsure how to feel about this sudden change. Glancing about she spots the few wolves who remain in camp, noticing many seem to have changed. Her thoughts a whirlewind as she tries to process what has happened, pausing briefly when she feels a soft tremble pass through the ground from where Aspen stood. Then suddenly he's gone from sight. . Worry claws at her stomach as her head wipes around to locate the older hunter, moments pass and he reappears where he stood. Looking just as shocked and uneasy as she felt, Feather freezes in place as her mind goes to Night. What has changed with him? Will he be alright out there? Then as her thoughts spiral Feather worries what effect this will have on her pups, turning to nose her belly with worry. Unsure if this change will impact them, having no expirence with such a responsibility. Her vision blurrs and she feels herself sway in place, lowering herself to the ground fighting her own breathing a panic fills her body. .~. .~[][][]~.|.~[][][]~. .~. Aspen || Male || 8y || Hunter || M: Kaido, Feather, Aria(ind) ... At the approach of the former hunter now Queen he dipps his head in greeting, pausing briefly as Kaido moves off towards the dens. Flicking an ear he turns away to scan the treeline, yet before he can speak the roar of thunder fills his ears. Golden gaze shooting to the sky, watching nervously as a flash of violet waves before disappearing in a steak of gold. Unease fills him as a sudden surge of strength and weigh fills him, feeling the earth beneath him tremble faintly. . Frowning as his fur stands on end, glancing at the queen nearby noticing she seems to not see him anymore. Aspen hesitated before shaking his head, forcing himself to calm his nerves. Watching as the female's now darker eyes lock onto him, easily picking up on her unease and growing panic. Narrowed gaze shifts from Feather to scan the camp, glancing briefly at the forest. Aspen worries how Aria is handling herself, this is much different from last time and she was still very young at that time. . Hesitating on his urge to track his younger sister down, Aspen roots himself to the spot. Despite his concern for the apprentice, he knew the queen was having her own struggle with the change. Flicking an ear back as he heard Feather's breathing pick up, shifting faintly so he stands a touch closer. Doing his best to offer silent support to Feather, while his narrow gaze searched the forest for movement. Worry claws at his gut with the absense of his sister, yet he waits. Hoping that she returns soon, least she get herself into trouble without him there.

Mithra || Female || 4y || Sentinal || M: Shika, Raven ... As the beta was speaking a crack of thunder sounded overhead, her ears flattened with unease. But before she could react she felt Shika push her to the ground, grunting softly as she hit the ground. Pausing as her gaze landed on the violet flash waving above, pausing as it disappeared in a streak of gold. Last year had been different yet similar, what would this change? . Mithra stiffened as her felt tingled, shivering from some unknown cause. Hearing a soft crunch below her she paused noticing frost building on the ground where she lay, jumping to her paws with a soft yelp. She watched the frost follow her, almost seeming to fall from her coat with each movement. Her breath coming out in soft puffs of white, was she cold? When did it get cold? Breathing heavily she fought to keep calm with this sudden oddity. . Raven's voice sounding from the side pulled her from her own mind, it sounded..deeper? Mithra's gaze rose to locate the male, hesitating at the deep black of his pelt now, almost seeming to be a living shadow. She felt uneasy as she understood the whole pack was being affected, which meant there could be some unforeseen shanges. Turning her gaze to the lead sentinal, Mithra paused. Did she had antlers? She blinked flicking an ear as she gave a brief nod to the beat, "I'll be fine, we need to make sure the others are okay". .~. .~[][][]~.|.~[][][]~. .~. Aria || Female || 1 year 3 months || Apprentice || M: Pack(dir) ... Padding softly through the undergrowth Aria felt unease prickle her pelt, it was too quiet. Where was the birds, the rabbits? Her golden gaze searched the area with growing unease. A sudden crack of thunder caused her to jump with a yelp, pinning her ears against the sound. Glancing up she paused at the violet flash waving before disappearing with gold, frowning her gaze searched around her. Aria's coat starts to warm, uncomfortably so as the sounds of the forest return. . Breathing heavily she fights the nerves that flip her stomach, forcing herself to slowly make her way back to camp. Ears pinned to her head as she almost crawls across the ground, her tail stiff and fur standing on end. Yet none seem to notice her, almost like she's..invisable. However she doesn't notice this change, her breathing strained as she tries to adjust to the strange feeling of her pelt. Like her own skin is shifting over her body. Just as the entrance comes into view she feels herself fall, her vision going black as she collapses in exhuasted. (Aria's pelt stops tingling sometime after, while after collapsing she is now visable again)

Shika | F | 6 | Lead Sentinel | M: Raven // Mirtha Shika huffed as she pinned her audits back her optics a unique shade of blue.. and the chimeria on her pelt making her look like bloodied snow. Moving she pushed forwards to check over Raven her nose passing through his raven black coat his change leaving her unphased as she avoided poking him with her new found rack. Physically she felt fine, externally she was cold to the touch. A renewed vigor filled her with an excess sense of strength which was refreshing to say the least. Once satisfied Raven was ok she turned the Mirtha and repeated the process before stepping back with a huff of approval though the breath came out frosty much like her sentinels. "Yes, lets try to Gather everyone back to camp. We need to ensure everyones ok, and able to overcome these... changes." Shika stated calmly, and while thats how she seemed the tell tail flicker of her banner however subtle gave hints that she was very much struggling with these strange new additions to her body. Turning she nudged Ravens shoulder before lashing her banner for Mirtha to follow. Her pace set at a very brisk run her audits perked as she forcused on all the sounds around her.. specifically for those of her pack. A howl would be to much.. could alert anything else subjected to the change which they didnt need if the pack was vulnuable.

Jiro | Male | 4 | Sentinel | Mentions: Pistol, Hondo, Patrol As they traveled, Jiro felt a fiery presence behind him, the skin of his back burning a little underneath a thick mask of unbothered fur. Although he sensed the Lead Hunter's agitation, it was too late to backtrack, and if he knew anything about Pistol, he'd probably hate being confronted about it. Instead, Jiro focused on his task of connecting the Hunters to their quarry, taking the patrol closer towards the southern river. The sound of their prey—a respectable herd of deer—grew until it was unmistakable, even for those not granted the powerful hearing he was. His job complete, he fell back, letting the Lead Hunter overtake him. He kept his eyes and ears alert, though the former was not enhanced the previous year. He did not possess the same supernatural strength and speed many of the Hunters now had and could not afford to be as reckless as some of them tended to be. Jiro flicked his ear, silently acknowledging Pistol's command and hanging left. As he got into position, he analyzed the herd, picking out a few potential targets while keeping an eye on the Lead Hunter. The corners of his mouth twitched a bit as the other male head right, completely in his element. He knew it was coming, yet his ears still pricked up against his will as Pistol barked and initiated the hunt. Jiro did not have the speed to outpace a healthy deer, and although he had the patience to outlast one, the pack did not need to waste time running down single deer, so he made the one that drew nearest to his hiding spot his target. Darting out of cover, he intercepted it at a favorable angle and aimed for the throat. Only his sensitive ears locked onto a howl, misaligning his jaws enough from their intended target that they snapped around open air. Keeping his head in the present, Jiro landed on his feet, momentarily debating whether he'd even be able to chase after the deer. Feeling a presence closing in on him, he turned in time to duck out of the way of Pistol's buck. A disgruntled frown crept onto his face and his yellow eyes hardened as they sought out another target before all the stragglers made it out of reach. He found one quickly, giving chase as it fled. Unable to approach from the front like before, Jiro settled for a strong bit to a hindleg. While he did not nearly break bone, his fangs tore into the flesh, giving the creature a heavy limp once he released its leg, wary of potential kicks. He had meant to follow up by overtaking the injured deer, grabbing at its neck and bringing it down for the killing blow. He had meant to at least follow his quarry and bring something worthwhile back to the camp. But that is not what happened. His ears pricked up again, but this time he heard nothing but the sound of his footsteps, his quarry's footsteps, his packmates and their hunts, and his own heavy breathing. And then a sound like thunder cracked through the sky, except there wasn't a single storm cloud. Jiro would not have seen it anyways. The sound split through his skull, ears immediately folding back against his skull yet uselessly as the damage had already been done. Abandoning the hunt, he shut his eyes, his ears ringing painfully. Then it started hitting him. The world around him began buzzing with an energy he had never felt before, lighting up with every movement though his eyes were still closed. Though the ringing in his ears dulled to a muffled static, the ache in his head only amplified as it was overloaded with new information it did not quite know how to process and yet knew exactly what it was at the same time. He felt four general... things around him, about his size, maybe smaller. He saw light through his blurry vision: a flash of violet, a streak of gold, a fiery red, and a earthy green. He couldn't tell if it was real or if he was just hallucinating. Jiro forced himself to take a deep breath in and out. "Fire!" Someone called. Fire? Fire. Fire! He opened his eyes—or maybe they were already open—and the foul scent of burnt fur registered in his brain. The first thing he saw was a mass of brown next to a mass of blue, which he identified as the ground and the sky as his vision slowly cleared. When had he fallen? His gaze then fell onto his packmates. Though they did not look like themselves anymore, his nose told him it was them and his nose did not lie the way his eyes did. "Wha- Jiro? Your pelt," he heard Pistol call and he twisted his head to look at himself, flicking water from his fur with the motion. Water? Since when had he gotten wet? He saw his own gray pelt now lined with streaks of silver, creating on him the patterns the sunlight drew on ocean waves. One thing at a time, he told himself. Jiro looked back at the Lead Hunter, a slight chill going down his spine as he saw nothing but whiteness. He suppressed any fear he had, giving the rest of the patrol a quick glance. He spotted Hondo on the ground, fur patchy, wrapped in vines, and surrounded by a green halo. Hardening his resolve, he picked himself up off the ground—or at least he tried to. Pain shot through his right shoulder, sending him back down into the mud. It felt as though a buck had kicked it, breaking something with its powerful hindlegs—and maybe it had; he had no idea. His ears were finally clear now and he could hear the creatures of the forest returning to their usual chatter. Gritting his teeth and with determination in his eyes, he pulled himself up onto his three good legs, the fourth lamely hanging at an odd angle.

Sylvie || Female || 4 || Herbalist || M: Flame, Zenda, Shia (Ind), Aero (Ind), Sadie (Ind) The medic watches the elder’s expression carefully, studying her every motion and change in demeanor. The dipping of her head, grinning face, tilt of the head, all of it was noted by the prickly female – who did not find them at all pleasant. But she would, at least, get some gossip to tide her over. Possibly some juicy drama or even some knowledge about the persistent female before her. Either way, it was better than holding an actual conversation. Releasing a huff, the blanche white herbalist turns back to her prior task – ears angled backwards to pick up the interesting portions of the elder’s hearsay. Which, apparently, there was not a lot of much to her dismay. The bland disappearance was all that really stood out to the elder, something that Sylvie could genuinely careless about. Though, she… did feel a twinge of guilt at the moment of a pup. It was quickly shoved down to the depths of her soul the second it sparked. It was likely the mother’s fault, anyway, she tells herself, going anywhere outside of the camp with a pup is a disaster waiting to happen. Besides, that just two less mouths for us to feed. For some reason, the latter half of the statement didn’t sit right with her. She ignored the nagging feeling and tuned back into the gossip. Disobedience was the next subject of “discussion,” one that the winter herb-specialist wasn’t too entirely interested in, but useful to her nonetheless. The disobedience of a higher up was a particular interest of hers, however. It was not every day that the head of a group went against the orders of a beta. The mishap of the apprentice and general member, on the other hand, was not that unique. Just what she considered a common-everyday occurrence. The small pile of basil is the next to be placed back on the shelves, in need of replenishing. A job for her apprentice, she assumed, since she had already made one trip this morning. Her tail gently swishes at the familiar motion, lavender bobbing as she once more settles back on her paws. Not many piles left now. Soon, it’d just be bugging that little “sidekick” of hers to gather more herbs while she awaited patients. Speaking of Zenda, she had just sauntered into the den, granting the two her usual “good mornings” and “how are yous” to the conversing elder. The medic, however, lets out a little huff in greeting – unhappy with the insignificant interruption. Ignoring her apologetic nod, she glances towards the younger female with an apathetic and annoyed gaze – murmuring a simple “basil” and “ground ivy” as her only indicators for her assignment. She knew she’d understand, after all. Considering where her gaze seemed to have landed just moments ago, it was likely that she had already planned to gather at least one of those. Basil specifically. But ground ivy was a good excuse to chase her from the den for a tad longer than usual. With the flick of her tail, she dismisses her apprentice and reaches down for another pile of assorted plants. The sudden advice granted by the elder surprised her, giving her pause in her attempt to gather the last bunch of sorted herbs – the bundle of newly-collected yarrow. “I would watch your nest as well. It seems Shia is up to something, per normal. It would be nice if she would leave the camp alone for a day, but I doubt that would happen,” she advised with distaste, as though it wasn’t obvious that that local vixen was already up to something. Yes, because I don’t watch my nest already, she bites her tongue to hold back such a remark. Though, she did find that disdain of hers to be of particular note. While it wasn’t any secrent that Shia wasn’t exactly the most popular wolf around, most did not react this strongly to her seemingly “natural” behaviors. Much less that annoying little brat she called a pup. Perhaps Flame had been a common target for the two’s antics? Silence followed the harsh remark, one that she could read quite well, even without looking right at her. The question as to how that she-wolf still remained within the confines of the pack was a common topic of ponder for the winter herbalist back in her earlier days. But she’s grown to understand why, to some extent. Sylvie scoffs – rich brown eyes rolling in her sockets – before leaning down to grab another stash of sorted herbs. “Likely because, try as the alpha and others might, that mate of hers wouldn’t allow such disciplinary action,” her distaste, like Flame’s, was evident, “That strength of his is difficult to rival by most within the pack. Not to mention his agility. Those who attempt any sort of harm onto her are bound to get a face full of teeth and a difficult-to-pin target. I can only name one wolf who’d have the chance at contending against him, and that is a hunter. Meaning that abilities can prove to be rather vital for the pack in case of emergencies or conflicts.” Stashing away the supply on a lower shelf, she glances over her shoulder. “But at least their entire family isn’t full of misfits. That-” A loud and thunderous crash cuts through her words, so loud that it all but vibrates her very world with its mighty roar. Startled, Sylvie spins around mid air, ears up and motionless. Slowly, she creeps towards the entrance – paw steps as light as those of a mouse. Yet they were still noticeable, with forest having grown deathly silent after the booming sound. Angling her head sideways, she cautiously angles her head sideways and looks towards the sky. A flash of purple rushed across it, akin to the flare of green all those months ago. Although remarkably beautiful, a sinking feeling settled upon the light pelted she-wolf, the past having left a sort of knowing in her mind. Was a similar thing about to occur? Or did this hint as something a bit more… sinister? The purple dissolves rather quickly into gold, fizzling out as life once more returns to the quaint little forest. All the while, the herbalist continues to look to the sky – baffled by what had just occurred. “Odd,” she remarks, “I would have thought-” Pain. It fills her senses and every fiber, muscle, and cell of her body – starting from the middle of her spine and growing in both directions. The world grows dark and silent, her mind too focused on the sensation to take note of anything else. Not even her own sharp, howling cry breaks through the blinding touch of what she could only assume to be an attacker. Even if there was no added weight on her back. Her persistent howl soon becomes a distorted, choked sort of noise – as though she had breathed poorly and was now choking on air – effectively cutting off whatever cry for help she was trying to formulate from it. Rearing back, she attempts to shake off this would-be assailant. Her hind paws awkwardly match this motion, stumbling backwards a step or two. Her tail swishes at the motion, but still oddly stiffened in pain. Her front paws, however, clawing blindly at the air in a desperate attempt to fend off the “attacker.” Her vision – although not actually in use due to her frantic state – steadily grows blurry, faster than it had over her previous issues with this exact proliferating problem. But she pays it no mind. Eventually, Sylvie takes notice of her backwards momentum and swiftly lurches forward to prevent herself from falling square on her back. Her quick change of direction, much to her dismay, does not shake off the perceived foe. The pain persists, coupled with a new strange feeling. It was almost like something was crawling underneath her own skin. Was that what the light signified? A new, dangerous enemy? If so, it was highly probable that she would be its very first victim. Releasing a rashy sound, the female begins to run wildly around the den in an attempt to shake whatever this was off. Occasionally, she would run into a wall – always with her side but never hard enough to truly damage her. The freshly tidied herbs jumbled from an impact to the shelves, becoming a disorganized mess the usual Sylvie would never settle for. Going unnoticed by her was the change in her coloration. Her once starch white pelt was slowly but surely being overtaken by various greens and near-blacks, and the pretty little accessories she once wore now laid trampled on the ground from her frantic running. Plants sprout from various areas of her body – wherever the crawling has reached. A mass of flowering leaves at the base of her tail. Vines replacing the flesh of old scars. Ivy along her midsection, tail, front paws, and, eventually, neck. Falling to her side in pain and exhaustion, the poor female lays there helplessly as the crawling sensation finally reaches her head. Gasps of air leave her as she desperately clings to the crisp element. Whispers fill her ears, void of any meaning, consistency, or actual words. The blurriness of eyes soon fades to back as the fuzziness reaches them, the soft brush of… something coming out in their steed. Her body vibrated with fear as raspy attempts to push out words left her. What had happened? Was she alright? Why couldn’t she see? The incoherent whispers soon rise up to form strange lines and gleeful states, akin to those that she would usually receive from her packmates. “She’s awake!” “She’s awake!” “Don’t you see, she’s here!” “Greetings.” Hello, hi!” “Salutations.” “Open your eyes.” But they are, she whines in confusion, making no move to get up in fear of sparking more pain. Overwhelmed, all she does is stare blankly ahead into the pink and lavender tinted darkness – leaving nothing for her packmates but an eerie grin.
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Kaido | M | 5 | Hunter | Mentions: Aspen, Feather, Sylvie Kaido paused just short of the Hunter's den. Although the hairs on the back of his neck did not rise, he felt something was about to happen. At the crack of thunder, his ears flicked back against his head. His eyes narrowed and shot to the sky in time to see a purple streak flash across the sky before turning gold and disappearing. A peculiar sight reminiscent of a similar event one year prior. The first Flash had granted them great powers, enhancing their physical capabilities beyond that which could be considered normal. Would this do the same? Would it turn them into even stronger monsters than before? Or would it twist their powers and turn the abilities they had adjusted to against them? He did not need to wait long for an answer. His gaze fell onto Feather and Aspen, the ones he had just been talking to before deciding his quiet bed would be more enjoyable than chatting around camp. He watched as the Queen spun in circles, noting the soft pink hue covering her otherwise grey coat. But it was Aspen that caught his attention, or rather the lack of the Senior Hunter's presence. Kaido did not have enhanced hearing or smell, but he was sure the older male had not moved in the time it took him to cross camp to the dens. One of Aspen's gifts had been that of incredible stealth, but even this seemed out of his league. A frown overtook his muzzle as he watched the spot where the Senior Hunter had been intently, as if he would simply reappear. And he did. Kaido raised his brow slightly, the concept neither unordinarily nor completely foreign as to truly surprise him. As he watched, the older Hunter looked as though he had never left, and maybe he didn't. Not from his perspective at least. He might have to ask later. A sharp cry caught his attention, slicing through the silent shock of the camp. Just one after another, Kaido thought, shifting his attention towards the Herbalist's den. From across camp and with the ears of a normal wolf, he could still hear the commotion happening inside, see the outer walls of the den rustle every now and then as something strong inside hit them, like a caged animal trying to escape. Whatever or whoever it was gave it up, the camp falling almost as eerily silent as it had been before, only the usual sounds of the forest began easing their way back in. While he watched his packmates go through various stages of shock and unease—and pain—he himself did not feel much different. If anything, he felt stronger. Heavier. His pelt buzzed with an unknown energy that served to empower him, wrapping around him like an invisible aura. The weight of his head felt unbalanced, and if he looked down his snout, he could see two shadowy figures protruding from his muzzle, curving inwards like a boar's tusks. Fascinating. He took another glance around camp, noticing the visual differences of various packmates, offhandedly wondering what other abilities they were paired with. Well, he'd find out soon enough. Beta Raven would probably call a meeting, have them all compare notes to find out what the Flash did this time. Kaido's eyes shot towards the Herbalist's den. The cries had stopped a while ago along with the commotion. He was pretty sure the Herbalist herself had been inside and either she'd be really busy the next few hours or anyone unlucky enough to get injured would have to settle for the apprentice. Either way, it wasn't really his problem. Kaido turned back to the entrance of the den before him. He stepped inside and lied down but did not sleep, keeping one ear pointed out towards camp.

Feather || Female || 6y || Queen || M: Night, Sylvie(ind), Aspen(dir) ... She bearly registered Aspen's attempt at comforting her, Feather's mind too caught up with the panic racing through her body. A cry sounded from the medic den snapping her attention from the dirt in front of her to the den's entrance. Blue gaze wide with concern as she tried to assess the noises from within, the medic didn't seem to be taking this new change very well. . Yet as she pushed herself to her paws a sharp pain filled her, whimpering softly Feather froze in place. Glancing at the hunter beside her told her all she needed to know, he was watching the trees with worry. Likely for his younger sister, she frowned in understanding. Shaking her head she grit her teeth, dipping her head to him she slowly made her way to where she and Night often cuddled. . Carefully circling Feather curled around herself on the mossy bed, her tail placed protecively over her swollen belly. Her breath coming in heavy pants, as she fought her own worry and panic through the pain radiating through her. She screwed her eyes shut as she whimpered softly, one ear flicked towards the camp as she listened for voices and movement. .~. .~[][][]~.|.~[][][]~. .~. Aspen || Male || 8y || Hunter || M: (ind)Kaido, Feather, Aria, Sylvie(dir) ...
A harsh sound from the medic's den drew his attention from the treeline, glancing at the den he frowned wondering what exactly was happening to warrent such sounds. Pausing he glanced back at Kaido who seemed to be mostly unaffected, aside from the..tusks.. now growing from his maw. Curious. Looking down revealed the queen he'd been standing beside had relented to move somewhere else, she seemed to be in some sort of pain. . A deep frown etched it's self on Aspen's maw, glancing about the camp as he considered what to do. While he still felt the urge to track down his sister, he felt obligated to check on the medic. From the sounds that had come from within she likely wasn't doing well with this change. The ground trembled faintly with each step as he padded across the camp, cautiously peaking his head into the den Aspen tried to locate the medic. . His gaze landed on the strange form collapsed further within, hesitating at the mass of plants that appeared to protrude from the back. His mind told his that was Sylvie, but his eyes told him otherwise. Sighing roughly he called out to the female, "Sylvie..that you back there" his voice gruff yet gentle. His body felt tense as he observed the new form of the medic, something felt off as he stood there. Yet he remained, unsure if her should approach further to ensure she was alright. While his mind still flicked back to his sister who could be alone and afraid within the forest. Edited at November 29, 2023 06:24 PM by East MountainClan

Flame | 13 | F | Elder | M: Sylvie, Aspen(ind), Zenda Flame flicked an ear with a smile at Zenda as the apprentice came in before refocusing on Sylvie. Apparently, her silence didn't go unnoticed but it was nice to hear the female's voice rather than the silence. At her words, Flame frowned ever so slightly before flicking an ear. She listened to the next sentence, curious to hear where Sylvie was going with it. A thunderous crash came from outside, much like thunder but so much stronger. Flame's ears flattened before tilting herself to look outside as Sylvie crept to her side.
The purple and gold streak highlighted the sky, reminding Flame of the year before when they had recieved their increased abilities. However, the ones in the sky now were different than last year. So what-- The colors were gone quickly and the forest came back to life. Flame narrowed her eyes, about to say something to the medic when the female cried out. Flame whirled around to see Sylvie jumping around, seemingly in pain but there was nothing there. Nothing at all. Flame ducked out of the den as the medic started flailing, unsure how to help her.
Unbeknownst to Flame, her coat was slowly changing. While she couldn't feel any pain, her pelt was slowly becoming more of a blizzard than her normal browns. Flame waited a few moments as it went quiet before poking her head back in on the female to see if she was alright. She couldn't really believe her eyes at the moment but. . .was that Sylvie under the pile of vines?
Flame reared back as the sunlight came through the trees, almost as if she got burnt. Practically dancing into the shade of the trees, she found herself panting from the heat. It wasn't that hot, right? Her paws were cold so it couldn't be---her paws were cold. Flame looked down to find that there was a trail of ice over to her. She walked in a full circle, finding that the ice was indeed coming from her paws. Okay, now was not the time to panick. Flame was definitely freaked out now and it could be told on her pelt. Her pelt was now, not just white but also glossy, as if someone had painted her for the rain. A slight shimmer could be seen around her as she tried to sort out her feelings.
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Shia | 5 | F | Queen | M: The pack(ind), Aero, Sadie(ind) Shia tilted her head as her darling mate came out, finally up. She gave him a genuine smile before reaching out to meet his gentle headbutt. At his question, she sat down beside him before answering, "Oh it is fine and lovely this morning. I'm sure once our packmates return, I will be very content." Her tone was sly yet sweet, a sure expectation that she had been up to no good again. Someone had to keep the pack on their toes though right?
She was about to ask Aero if he wanted to take a walk with her when she froze, her ears swiveling to the forest around them. Everything had gone quiet...and still. Never a good sign. She twisted to look towards the entrance before scooping up Sadie quickly as a thunderous crash sounded above them. Safety. Sadie. Safety. Had to get her pup to safety. She gently scooted her pup into the corner of the den and turned back towards the entrance in time to see the violet flash. It ended in gold but Shia refused to move from her spot in front of her pup even after it disappeared.
The forest had come back to life, like everything was fine and dandy. But she did not feel fine and dandy. No. . .she felt--odd. Her pelt felt like it was humming with energy that wasn't her own. She couldn't see her pelt turning though. Only a tickle on her pelt, like an itch she couldn't scratch. Her pelt was slowly turning orange, however, slight discrepancies emerged with her anxiety. Shia's breath caught in her throat as she scratched an ear, only to find that her once white paws were now a light gray. Her anxiety only continued as she scanned the rest of her coat to find it changing from various oranges and light pinks to yellows and golds.
Where was her white coat?! She turned in a hurried circle before mumbling a "stay here, don't move" to Sadie. She dashed out of the den, her legs flying as she raced to the river. Thankfully, her speed got her there quickly which resulted in her lunging in at top speed. She sank slightly towards the bottom before coming to the surface, wreathing for several minutes before pulling herself to the shore. "My coat. . .my beautiful coat." Shia whined to herself, taking in her reflection in the water. A gray shine took to her coat, further showing her sadness. Her paws were glistening red now which pretty much screamed her anger but she proceeded to check out every single inch of her body to see what other damage might have happened.
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