Wolf Play : Burning Embers | RP Thread
04:34:14 Ash H:H!!
-WP Click-
-WP Click-

What should I name these 2 boys-
04:30:20 Will
New dye new dye yeahhhh
 LaPearl Park
04:14:47 Mystery Machine
Hi is it worth keeping enchanted water or not?
04:14:22 The Minor Nuisance
Welp, It's 9 pm and I'm going to bed.

G'night, Y'all!
 Pink Tears
04:09:12 Tears, Pink, Pinkie
i dont know-

part of me wants to do a river but i think thats a little dark considering le lore
04:07:38 The Minor Nuisance
...is octopus something to make it on?
04:07:16 The Minor Nuisance
Oh, cool, an OC!



...Nup. My brain isn't braining. All I can think of right now is octopus. I don't know why. Just is.
 Pink Tears
04:04:05 Tears, Pink, Pinkie

maybe? im trying to get ideas and also think of possible oc refreces since im basically making a phone wallpaper of my oc where the center is his eye

literally the only thing ive thought of on my own is his dog but i dont wanna draw a dog lol
03:59:52 The Minor Nuisance

A storm/cyclone, perhaps?

might fit the colours better.

But I'm no artist (profile pic is proof), so my suggestions probably aren't that good.
 Pink Tears
03:56:44 Tears, Pink, Pinkie

hm- i think it would look a little off since the eye is a clouded (blind) albino eye
 Ghost Queen
03:56:43 Ghost, Queen, Hades
Hmm I need 700 bones to get everything I want Xad
03:54:24 The Minor Nuisance

A forest, perhaps?

Or a tree or some tree bark
 Pink Tears
03:51:02 Tears, Pink, Pinkie
can someone give me some background ideas for my drawing of an eye?
03:43:41 01
maybe she's immortal and will survive another year
03:42:50 01
dun dun dun hopefully she survives TvT
 Pink Tears
03:42:45 Tears, Pink, Pinkie
thats very unfortunate-
03:42:16 Fei the writer
happens every Monday
03:41:13 01
I didn't even know there was a death script
03:40:41 01
I just breed my 18 year old Gaelic blood by accident hopefully she survive she just turned 18
03:39:58 01


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Burning Embers | RP ThreadJune 29, 2024 11:15 PM

Imperial Sands

Posts: 10672
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New Dragon | Male | Fire Dragon | Mentions: Kayne, Thalassia

The Fire drake was busy examining his new found toy, err, rider, when the words thrown at him caused his eyes to narrow a degree and smoke blew from his nostrils. His lip curled for a brief second to expose stained teeth, and a low, rattling hiss vibrated his throat. "I Do NOT play with my food. If I were going to eat you, you would already be in the pits of my stomach," he growled out harshly, and ground his teeth together for a second to make a horrible gnashing sound.

However, despite his attitude and gruff tone, the baseline irritation the male seemed to hold didn't falter, instead remaining where it was. There was always a bit of a temper simmering beneath the surface of his scales, but Adramelech wasn't some mannerless beast... Usually.

Adra's head cocked to the side when the boy, Kayne, introduced himself, and he nodded gently, committing it to memory. It was a fine name, one that the male dragon found fitting for a rider of his own.

"My name is Adramelech. I know it's harsh on the human tongue, so feel free to shorten it to a more comfortable fit," truthfully Adramelech was used to the variety of nicknames he had been given over the year. Adrame, Adra, Fire Bastard, even the rare Mel, Lech, and Addy. Though, very few every called him any of the ladder, and fewer still got away with it.

Movement in the valley around him wasn't odd, but specific movement, and the distant sound of an all too familiar voice caused him to lift his head and look away from the rider dangling from his talons. It took him a few moments to identify the source, and when he did a wicked smirk played over his features and he parted his jaws to let out the most odd sound possible for the male to make. It was an annoying, chuffing like barking sound that was some how a cross of reptilian and sea lion. It sounded down right wrong coming from the large dragon, but he knew the dragoness his sights were on would recognize the sound immediately.

His eyes dipped back to Kayne, blinking before he snorted loudly and turned his body so the male dangled over fresh grass and unapologetically dropped him to the earth. "Very well, but do not stray. Especially near that Water Leech, it is undignified to be around such baseless beasts," he chided, a sinister look simmering his eyes.

The male was sitting there, half twisted when a twinge in his left side caused him to wince and his left front gave out for a second. Grunting he restabilized himself, and lefted his right talons to run along the thick scar running down the armpit area of his left front leg. The cales there were rough and bumpy, pulled tight by thick scar tissue that hindered his mobility. If one looked closer, it was evident that the scar tissue, which reached up to his left wing, kept him from pressing said wing against him as closely as his right.

Swearing under his breath, the fire dragon flexed his left talons, and shook the limb for a second before setting it back down. Apparently the twisiting motion and the sight of a familiar face allowed the pesky scar on his left side to bite at him with vague pain. It had been an awful wound, and he was lucky it healed as well as it had, but it was not without it's long term effects. Had it been worth it? Absolutely. Would he do it again? Probably.

"I have a friend here," he finally spoke, his eyes shifting from the dark dragoness near by to his new found rider, "I wish to go bid her hello. Come along." He stated and rose to his feet in one fluid motion, albeit a bit stiff in the left front leg. It would fade soon, and he didn't let it bother him otherwise. "Stay close. She's odd, I'm not sure how she will react to either of us," he informed the young man, and began to head in the direction of Thalassia, an unabashed smirk twisting his features. Any chance to annoy his friend was one he had to take.

Edited at June 29, 2024 11:15 PM by Imperial Sands
Burning Embers | RP ThreadJune 30, 2024 08:43 PM


Posts: 22502
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Shikoba Dilwyn-Rima Anschutz

New Rider | Seventeen | Mentions : Caelestis

Shikoba took a deep breath ; eyes roving about as they took in the sights of the others. Many had bonded with a dragon ; it was so interesting to see the creatures up close. They were even more impressive when standing in front of you - and it made you realize just how small one was compared to the beasts. It seemed most were brimming with excitement with the possibilities of the newfound relationship between dragon and man. But it seemed that a lot of the dragons were a bit territorial when it came to their riders and a bit demanding of them - some coming in with displays of power or dominance against their human. They felt sorry for some because what they were enduring were plain scary - but it seemed that most were subjected to that for a few minutes before getting to talk to their dragons normally and without the chance of dying. They then felt the odd sensation that they were being watched, and it sent a shiver down their spine, and that's when they felt a sort of tug within them . . . something telling them that they shouldn't run away, instead run towards the anomaly. And their heart's pace quickened, anxious as they help their hand to their chest and they could sense something creeping up behind them - and that's when they finally turned around.

They were met with a creature that seemed to have crawled from some abysmal hole from the depths of the earth. The dragon didn't even have eyes ! It felt downright odd to be gazing upon , had it lost its eyes in a fight or something? They put their hands to their mouth and look at the creature with a mixture of shock and confusion, but there was slight excitement as they were excited to be bonded with a dragon - no matter how creepy they looked. The pitch black scales glittered within the sunlight - giving them an almost ethereal sheen to them. And then the dragon appeared to have fur as well, beautiful and dense fur going down from the base of its neck to its tail. It had a sparse amount of horse. They were so enwrapped with chilling out the dragon that they groaned as their mental link pulled and tugged, before snapping into place - leaving them with a splitting headache and ringing ears. They gave a slight hiss of annoyance, and then realized - was this the Bond that they heard so much about. They heard about how riders could speak to their dragons with their mind - was that real? Or all just word of mouth?

Hello ? Came their echoey voice - they were speaking using their mind. You're the dragon to be bonded with me. I must apologize, I was taken aback by your appearance - you're different than most dragons I've seen. They explained sheepishly, as they began walking towards the dragon. They were ready to embrace this future, and they remembered that they had a satchel - and they had a beautiful pearl with an iridescent hue. I offer you a pearl as a gift to symbolize our future partnership and connection together. I hope we have a wonderful future together. They spoke their words earnest and true to the dragon. They truly were excited to begin a new chapter in their life - the chapter, of Dragon Riding.

Burning Embers | RP ThreadJuly 1, 2024 01:03 AM

High Hills Pack

Posts: 3153
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Aziza Sterling || Female || 18 || New Rider || M: Tatsuo, Amuluk (Ind)

The parted jaw of her newfound companion caused some unease to stir within the pit Azzy’s stomach, the beast’s teeth glimmering like jewels in the light of the bubble surrounding them. Intimidating would be an understatement concerning these pearly whites, each one as sharp and pristine as a royal dagger. A promise, not a warning, was what they held – a certainty that those who tested their luck would be harmed. The more she stared at the wondrous but deadly sight, the more anxious she became. Her eyes shifted constantly, looking to the sharpened display every so often as though she were drawn to it. Her thumbs twiddled all the while, unsure about her next move let alone the dragon’s.

Should she say something or nothing at all? Wait for the dragon to react? Only address her further when addressed once more? Too many options, too little certainty.

A harsh and clearly noticeable flinch resonated through the girl following the series of clicks and grunts flows from the dragon’s open maw – eyes of pale gold now watching her twitching head and neck closely. Inwardly she scolds herself for this, disgusted to show such distrust so early on. Her hand balls up in a fist at her frustration as she glances away momentarily, bringing it down slightly in the air as though attempting to strike it. She shouldn’t be scared of the large being before her no matter how unnerving she initially appeared and acted. They had seemingly bonded after all! Surely no harm originating the blanche being would befall onto her… right?

A loud splash sounded by the lake during the midst of this pondering followed swiftly by the roar of an enraged behemoth. A strum of worry crossed her heart at this, concerned for whoever was involved in… whatever had just occurred. Leaning to the side, she tries to see past her own dragon and the enchanting bubble surrounding them but to no avail. Then again, the back of her mind argued, such an outcome may just be for the better.

The dragoness’ following statement had the brown haired girl jumping once again, thankfully not as bad this time around. She swiftly settles into her general “proper” and “lady-like” posture rather than a leaning one – head angled straight ahead. It was just her eyes that moved to meet those of the looming dragon, a void of white that seemed to swallow her vision whole. It was nigh impossible to decipher where her vision lay, so the girl was only left to assume it was directed right at her.

Parting her lips to answer she stutters, “W-well… It is not every day that one converses with a dragon. Let alone one they’ve had the honor of bonding with,” she trails off and glances towards the ground as best she could.

At the proceeding affirmation, all Aziza could do was nod. Her orbs flicker back to the being before her afterwards, daring to (most likely) meet her unreadable gaze. Her mouth holds a thin line across her face, showing neither delight nor fear but the slightest case of uncertainty. Though she should feel elated to have bonded, having not ended up a disappointment to her family, she just couldn’t seem to think that way. The whole situation was just… immensely overwhelming.

A third and hopefully final jolt strikes the girl’s senses at the winding of the female’s tail around her form. It was much, much larger than herself – more so than one would expect thanks to her shorter stature. Watching as the mass of blindingly white scales wraps around her ankles, then legs, then torso, she finally comes back from whatever daze she had entered at the touch. She lifts her arms up before they become entangled within the coil, wishing to have some “free reign” in this situation. A look of infinitesimal worry rises onto her face, mending into the uncertainty from before. Once the dragon seemed content with her containment, she began to lift the small human upwards – something which caused said human to place her hands on top of the female’s scales to secure her upright position. Her eyes watch the ground grow distant with unease, not used to being so high up in the air without her feet touching anything. It honestly wasn’t until she felt her companion’s breath that she came to realize her new position and how close she was to her face. She meets the dragon’s unwavering gaze again.

A name. Finally a name to the face before her. Tatsuo. It was quite the pretty name the girl thought, one she had not heard before. Like her class, it was rather exotic… She tries her best not to flinch at the tightening of the dragon’s grip as her words hang in the air, choosing to focus on the name given instead of the action.

After a tick or so of silence, she answers her question; “Aziza. Aziza Sterling. It is… a pleasure to meet your acquaintance Tatsuo,” she goes to bow, just as she was taught, but stops herself at the remembrance of her present… predicament.

The ringing of another unnatural voice sounds with her mind, one she believed was meant to be present no matter how much she felt otherwise. Azzy shudders – not used to the whole ordeal. Was this Tatsuo speaking through the bond? She had heard her brothers mentioning something akin to this before based on their own experiences, but…

Taking a small breath, she tries to test this theory – reaching out for… something. Something present yet not, unseeable but all too real. Like a distant memory.

“I suppose,” she tries to relay, “that is a possibility,” a small smile graces her features for the dragon to gaze upon for the first time.

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